His blind hero (Bakugo Katsuk...

By slowlydyingofnosleep

31K 605 129

(Katsuki Bakugo love story) Fires flashed and stretched around as a small blonde child sat at her knees in th... More

Charaecter introduction
❤︎A day in U.A❤︎
♣︎On the path to becoming a hero!♣︎
✖︎Stupid porcupine..✖︎
♤Holy s- ALL MIGHT!♤
☀︎To the beach!☀︎
✰The sports festival??✰
⚔︎Fighting ice with...ice??⚔︎
☄︎Fireworks will fly~☄︎
☁︎Internships and Nomu things☁︎(prt:1/2)
☁︎Internships and Nomu things☁︎(prt:2/2)

✞Ugly villains and Conflicted feelings✞

1.5K 36 2
By slowlydyingofnosleep

Lila's P.O.V

Stirring in her sleep slightly she woke up slowly as the beeping of her alarm clock could be heard clearly, annoyed by the loud noise it was making she smacked her hand onto the snooze button ignoring it. Slowly falling back asleep until a thought crossed her mind causing her to completely freeze up 'wait..don't we go to U.S.J today?' Realizing this the blonde girl jumped out of bed as she scrabbled around her room finally finding her school uniform,changing into it as she paused at the clock on her dresser reaching out taking it into her hands. Following to where the hands were she felt the grail as her face went blank in annoyance, making sure she felt right she groaned a little at the time..4:30am. guessing that her uncle was up to this she shook her head before walking off to the bathroom, taking her time to curl her hair adding a flower accessory as she sighed before deciding to put on baby pink lipstick and mascara. Deciding to do something different today she added a light pink shadow mixed with white to her eyes before finishing it off with a winged liner.

Finishing tying her tie and fixing it she checked the time as it read 5:16am causing her to pout a little seeing it only took her 46 minutes to get dressed and mess around. Walking downstairs she hummed softly as she headed into the kitchen grabbing a pop tart, slinging her back onto her shoulder as she walked to the front door sliding on her shoes. Seeing no sign of either adult in the house, guessing they headed off to work she left the house locking it as she started to head towards U.A high. Feeling many stares on her that morning she was a little confused as people usually didn't send her a second glance, ignoring it she made her way onto the school grounds as she could hear a few boys whispering 'Woah..who's that??' 'I..I think that is that blind girl?!' 'Ehhh?! You mean Ackerman??' 'Dude..I didn't know she was that pretty!'. Blushing softly at all the attention she put her head down slightly as she started to walk towards her class faster, finally coming on the 1-A class door she opened it quietly as she peeked in the see that only lida and izuku were in the class.

Smiling a little she walked in as she trotted up to midoriya waving a little "Hey Izu-kun!" Feeling him shift before looking up at her she tilted her head 'O-oh, hey lila—....' confused to why he went quiet she could see red surround his face as she blinked a few times, not realizing the green haired boy turned fifty shades of red from the sight of the girl's appearance. Catching the attention of lida he looked at them as his face lit up bright pink, staring at the blonde girl as they both thought the same thing..'S-So..cute!!'. Shaking her head at the two being weird she walked off to her desk as she took a seat, bringing her notebook out as she started to draw quietly to pass the time before class started. Plugging her earphones in she started to hum 'O.D.D' by Hey Violet singing along quietly.

"I was raised, by a mom, who told me I shouldn't ever listen to, another voice but my own~"

"Now I'm grown up, now I know that when I'm trying to be myself, it isn't so simple anymore~"

"Some days..I wake up and I just wanna hide under the covers~"

"Cause, no matter what I do I'll never be just like all the others~"

"I'm a little O.D.D, most people really don't get me~"

Feeling a sudden tap on her shoulder she came back to earth from her spaced out zone as she looked to see everyone in class staring, blushing a dark red in embarrassment in being caught singing again. Hearing someone 'tch!' Loudly she looked ahead to see the one person she didn't want to be around, looking away from katsuki ignoring him she went back to drawing in her notebook waiting for her uncle. Being peaceful one second it was ruined as a certain loud asshole slammed his hands on her table 'Why are you ignoring me? You seemed just fine talking to me a couple of days ago..' sighing softly she looked up at him as she spoke out loud and clear for him "Why am I ignoring you? Maybe because you act like my friend one second and the next you act like you want nothing to do with me. You're just a heartbreak and distraction walking.." hearing him stay silent she looked back to her notebook as she could feel everyone staring once again, the blonde boy taking his hands away before sitting at his own desk awiaza walking into the class short after telling everyone to be seated.

Explaining how they would be going to U.S.J today and that they would need to collect their costumes everyone but four people cheered out loudly, leaving the class one by one as they collected the cases that held their costumes heading to the changing rooms changing into them. Fixing the strap to her katana she felt a soft hand on her shoulder sensing it was Mina 'you look very pretty today! Like a goddess with your costume and makeup!' Smiling a little she bowed her head to her "thank you.." 'no problem! Also, what's wrong?..I can tell you're down..' sighing quietly she fiddled with her katana "just..conflicted feelings.." deciding to brush the conversation off both girls left the changing rooms as they headed out to the bus, hearing lida bark out the seating arrangements before Mina hopped on the bus poking her head back out to inform him that the bus wasn't seated like that.

Climbing in last she saw all the seats but the one next to Bakugo taken as she went to the back ready to just stand, but the great Mina had to go and point out the seat was open so she slowly sat next to him silent. Feeling him glance at her from time to time the bus was filled with all the students but three singing all the way there, Lila not helping but joining in as they all sang 'Party in the USA' by Miley laughing softly at lida trying to belt out the notes. Swaying slightly as she could feel two pairs of eyes watch her the entire time, finally arriving at the large building they all filed out of the bus listening to Aiwaza explain the rules and to be on best behavior. Entering the building they all saw a person standing there as the astronaut person thing explained who they were and what was to happen, glancing down at the plaza of the course she saw multiple purple swirls appear as different ugly looking auras walked out of it.

Tilting her head her body went still as she saw the familiar aura of someone she once saw as family but now as nothing but trash, growling softly catching the attention of everyone else she could hear her uncle yell at her before she leaped forwards. Spreading her wings out as she dived towards the villains at a fast speed slamming her feet into the ground, causing a ripple to race through the ground as it wiped many of the bad guys to their butts knocking them out. Narrowing her eyes at the pale blue and grey aura she straightened her back as she tried to keep her calm in front of him "you..why are YOU here?" Hearing him chuckle she could hear the others attempting to run before the swirly purple person disappeared from her sight, looking to where the others were she could see them trying to attack him before they vanished into the black hole.

Sucking in a breath she turned back to the pale blue man screaming at him causing the air around them to ripple as the yell echoed, causing multiple of the villains to cover their ears in pain "I'LL KILL YOU!" Pushing forwards she charged him before getting kicked back suddenly, biting back a cry she slammed into the ground roughly before standing once again spotting the ugly green aura'd monster. Hissing similar to a angry cat she sprung into the air as she started to fly over the two quickly avoiding the beasts hands, distracting it as she started continuously throwing long sharp slabs of ice trying to cause a little damage. Managing to take its arm and leg off only for it to grow back as she screamed at it in frustration, feeling it slam her into the wall she cried out in pain of the impact before slowly sitting up to see the aura of her uncle in its hands.

Standing up shakily she felt the creature start to slam his head into the ground as she cried out to him, pushing past the frost that covered her body she charged towards him again before stopping Hearing the voice of All Might. Crying out in joy she could hear footsteps running towards her as she shakily stood there. Blood running down she face as her body was covered in gashes and bruises from being thrown into the walls, watching the beast throw her uncle she flew forwards catching him in her wings as she skidded against the ground. Hissing in pain before sitting up slowly checking her uncle to make sure he was breathing as she sighed in relief, hear a short gasp as he was breathing but badly injured from the fight with the nomu and over using his quirk. Looking up she spotted midoriya,mineta and tsu as she called out to them feeling them run over to her "t..take him to the others.." 'you need to come with us! You're badly hurt!!' Standing up Lila looked at them as she smiled brightly flinching a little in pain "I..I'm fine, take him." Hearing two of them run off with him she could hear three sets of footsteps as she turned to see the aura of Kirishima,Shōto and Bakugo, looking back to all might fighting the nomu she saw he was getting badly beat.

Third person P.O.V

Watching the great All Might battle with the nomu they couldn't believe it as the creature had similar strength to the man, fear evident in a few of the students faces as they all started to cheer on the pro hero. Watching the portal guy trap All Might the five students waited as they tried to plan a way to help him from his trap, watching Todoroki freeze the beasts arms and legs Bakugo tackled the portal man as he held him down by his metal armor. Watching the nomu break free from the ice it charge Bakugo and midoriya aiming to kick them away, the small blonde girl flying from the sidelines in a heart beat as she shoved the two out of the way sending her slamming into a wall. Screaming out in pain as she felt shards of glass stab into her legs and back, the dust clearing as everyone was confused to what happened before spotting the petite female laid on the ground limp. Yelling out in worry the explosive blonde ran over to her checking over her body as he listened for breathing, a faint gasp of breath heard as he gently picked her up, turning to the others "Im taking her to the others! Don't f*ck this up you dumbasses!"

Running off with the small girl in his arms worry was etched across his features as he ran as fast as he could to the others, no caring what happened next he got her outside with the others as he laid her on the floor gently "she's seriously hurt.." Hearing cheers the great All Might had defeated the nomu as it went flying into the distance, the villains retreating as police and ambulance was called for the students seriously hurt.

Bakugo's P.O.V

Sitting there he gently held Lila's hand as he looked down at her face, taking the time to take in each feature as he noticed light freckles that covered her cheeks and nose. He sighed quietly as the ambulances could be heard in the distance, grazing the pad of his thumb across her knuckles he had a few people ask him if he was alright as he simply ignored them. All his attention on the girl in front of him, the girl he should've apologized to and protected..

Watching the medics pull up and jump out of their trucks two medics rushed to deku as two others rushed to where Lila was laying, bringing a stretcher out they gently lifted her up as they checked over her wounds. Stopping the bleeding on a few of them before strapping her onto the board, loading her into the car all the blonde boy could do was stay back and watch as they pulled away taking her to the hospital.

Time skip

Arriving at the hospital he immediately rushed in as he hunted down the blonde, being told that Lila was in critical condition from the damage she took after the nomu kicked her in the wall. Sighing he sat in the waiting room as he waited for recovery girl to heal the small girl worried, starting to slightly worry that she may have gotten after affects that could alter her way of walking or seeing. Feeling a hand land on his shoulder he looked up to see shitty hair and the others looking at him, brushing off the red haired boy's hand he stood up glaring at them "What the f*ck do you want?"

Looking at each other Kirishima stepped up once again sighing 'We can tell you're worried..so we wanted to come wait with you so we could cheer her on...we've already visited midoriya..' sneering at them he felt as if they were pitying him for caring about someone, sparks starting to ignite from his hands in anger. 'Bakugo! Calm-' walking up a older looking lady walked up as she wore a nurses outfit 'I'm going to guess you're here for miss Todoroki?' Immediately dying down they all nodded their heads as the lady led them to Lila's room.

Stepping inside he felt as if he couldn't breathe, his eyes falling on her body as both arms and from the neck to her calves was wrapped in bandages. Letting everyone step forwards he could hear her small voice speaking out as she thanked everyone for being there, everyone leaving the room as he was left alone with her continuing to stare at her body. 'B....Bakugo?' Zoning back in he blinked a few times before walking up to stand besides her bed, staring at his feet "w..what do you need nerd?"

Hearing her laugh softly a small smile came on his lips as he sighed a little, his voice coming out in a softly mumble "I'm..sorry...I should've paid more attention.." Feeling her soft hand take his he stared at her before he understood what Kirishima meant, why his heart felt the need to protect her and why he felt he would be sick when other boys would flirt with her. Leaning down he set his hand on her cheek as he tilted her head up, staring into her white eyes before bowing down their lips brushing against each other barely. Her hand squeezing his as he opened his eyes to see she had squeezed hers shut waiting for him to kiss her, chuckling her slowly pressed his lips to hers once again gently kissing her.

Lila's P.O.V

Waking up slowly from the blacked out space she was stuck in, the first thing she smelt was rubbing alcohol and medicine as she had guessed that All Might won and she was in a hospital. Hearing shuffling she looked over to the door as she could see multiple people enter into the room, smiling softly when she saw Kirishima's bright red aura step up she waved a little 'LILA!! THAT WAS SOME MANLY FIGHTING!' Blushing softly in embarrassment she rubbed at her neck "Haha, thank you.." Feeling someone tap her shoulder she could see her brother's white/red aura 'you did good. Reckless and stupid, but good.' Smiling once again she could tell it had built their relationship stronger as everyone continued to compliment her, telling her bye as they all left expect one.

Seeing the green and red aura her smile faltered a little as she could feel him staring into her soul, "B....Bakugo?" Confused he finally walked towards her as he now stood besides the bed quiet for a few moments. 'w..what do you need nerd?' Laughing softly at his sudden embarrassment she paused when he started to talk once again 'I'm..sorry...I should've paid more attention..', shocked by his words she stayed quiet before setting her hand on top of his as she tried to comfort him. Staying in silence for a few minutes before she felt her head being tipped up and a warm feeling on her cheek, staying still she felt the explosive blonde grow closer to her face causing her to blush brightly. Feeling his lips gently brush against hers as she could tell he was a bit unsure how she felt, squeezing his hand slightly she heard him chuckle a little causing her to pout.

Squeezing her eyes shut when he finally kissed her a small smile came on her lips as she kissed him back slowly, enjoying the gently kiss before he pulled away a light blush covering the boy's cheeks. A nurse walking in a second after they pulled away 'I'm sorry sir but visiting times are over.' Nodding his head a little he stared at the ground mumbling quietly 'see you tomorrow nerd..', rushing out of the room she giggled quietly as the nurse checked a few things before leaving the girl alone in her room, looking to the outside world as she wondered how midoriya was doing and how All Might was doing.

Closing her eyes she slowly dozed off as she could still feel butterflies in her chest after the kiss, not minding being in the hospital if it meant katsuki was to notice his mistakes easier and show her attention.

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