
By 22onedirection04

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[This is a one direction fanfic.] This story is about a little five year old girl who's name is Penelope. She... More

before you read!
โœฐFacts About Penelopeโœฐ
Thank you.โค๏ธ


5.5K 101 62
By 22onedirection04


I walked out of the car with Penelope in my arms. My idea had worked, she did fall asleep.

I took of my shoes very carefully. Walking up the stairs and into Penelope's room.

I took off her jacket and laid her down gently, making sure she was comfortable enough. I gave her a little kiss on the cheek, saying goodnight, then I walked to my room again and laid down, shortly feeling my eyes drop. Then I let sleep take me.


I woke up, except this time the clock was about nine in the morning. 


It hurt in my throat when I sneezed, it felt like someone ripped away my skin.

I walked downstairs with Elliot in my hand, I heard the boys talking in the kitchen so I walked my way over there.

I entered the kitchen witch made all of them look at me with smiles. 

"Good morning sweetie" Liam cooed. 

"Good morning" I smiled as my voice cracked. 

"I heard you had a fever last night" Niall chimed in. 

"Yeah" I almost whispered because my throat was so soar. 

"You don't sound that good either, now do you?" Harry said as he picked me up by my armpits and sat me at the counter. I just shook my head. 

"Do you feel like you have a fever?" Harry asked me after he had sat me down. I just shrugged. 

"I'll get the thermostat then so we can check" Louis said as he walked away. 

"Harry my throat hurts" I sighed as I looked up at him. 

"I know baby, but it will get better I promise" He responded.

"Here we go" Louis said as he had the thermostat in his hand. 

"Open" He said, and I did as he said and opened my mouth. 

"39.9(103.82 F)" He gasped with a shocked expression. 

"Then I guess the fever has gotten higher" He sighed.


I looked at Penelope who sat on the counter. She had flushed cheeks and tired eyes. Her nose was stuffed, she had her pink pajamas on and Elliot held tight in her hand. She still had her hair cut in the way she cut it, we were going to take her to a hairdresser today but now I guess not. 

"Do you want some breakfast?" I asked. 

"No" She stated simply. 

"But you gotta eat hun" Zayn explained. 

"But my throat hurts" She said as she held her right hand on to her neck. 

"How about if I make you a smoothie, would you like that?" I asked. 

"Yeah" She nodded. 

"I can make you some hot tea that you can drink before you drink your smoothie, so it doesn't hurt that much" Louis suggested. 

"And I promise you that I make the best cup of tea" He smirked. 

"Okay" She chuckled, she's so cute, like she's just so innocent. 

"Okay then Penelope you can come with me Liam and Niall to the living room and we can watch a movie or something" Zayn said as he lifted Penelope off the counter, he then sat out his hand for her to take witch she did. Then they walked away.


We walked into the living room and I logged into Netflix. 

"What do you want to watch?" I asked her, but she just shrugged with a sad face. 

"Come on, I know you know something" I smiled as I pinched her cheek.

"Maybe the other lion king movie" She whispered 

"Yeah! The lion king!" I shouted witch gave her a little smile on her face.

I sat on the movie and sat myself between Liam and Penelope, Zayn sat on the other side of Penelope.

I looked over at Penelope and saw her glued to the tv, she looked so into it, witch she probably was.

After about five minutes Harry and Louis came in and gave Penelope her smoothie and tea. Witch she actually drank up pretty good.

"My throat is feeling a lot better now" She smiled as she took the last sip of her tea. "

That's great to hear" Liam said.



We had sat and watched the lion king for about an hour now, but there was only me and Niall left since the other ones didn't want to watch any more.

I saw a bag of sour candy laying on the coffee table.

"Niall.." I cheekily asked with a smile.  

"Yeah..?" He asked as he imitated me.

"Can I please pretty please have candy?" I asked with my puppy dog eyes I knew he couldn't resist.

"Didn't you have a sore throat?" He asked. 

"Yeah I did, but not now, it's better because of the tea" I smiled with still puppy dog eyes glued on to my face. 

"Okay. But only if I can have some" He chuckled while he handed the bag of candy over to me.

"Yeah of course, thanky Niall!" I exclaimed as I happily took the bag. 

"Your welcome, now give me some of that candy!" He teased as he let out his hand so I could give him some candy, witch I did.

Me and Niall sat there eating our candy peacefully when all of the boys came into the living room.

"Penelope what are you eating?" Liam asked. 

"Candy" I chuckled, mouth full of candy. 

"On a Monday?" Zayn questioned with his eyebrows high up.

 "Yup" I smiled.

They hadn't notice Niall yet who also had candy stuffed in his mouth. 

"Niall was it you that gave her....are you also eating candy?!" Liam asked as he looked over at Niall. 

"Maybe.." He guiltily said trying to swallow the candy as fast as he could. 

"Oh, Niall" Louis sighed as he shook his head.

"What? She gave me her puppy dog eyes" Niall said sounding innocent. 

"Okay but anyway, I think it's enough candy for you missy" Harry said trying to take the bag out of my hands but I held it tight and ran off. I suddenly I had so much energy. 

Sugar rush.

"Penelope stop!" Harry shouted, but I didn't stop I just ran while laughing. 

"You need to take it easy since your sick!" Liam shouted. 

I looked back and saw all of the boys running after me. I ran to the back door and opened it running out on the porch. I looked back once again and saw all of the boys running not far behind me. 

I looked forward again and I suddenly fell. I fell to the ground on the hard wooden porch. I had tripped on the chair. The candy flew everywhere. It went by so fast so I couldn't catch myself so what first landed on the floor was my knee and my chin. I felt the pain come I and I started to cry, probably because it hurt and cause it was kinda scary.

The boys came by quickly.

"Oh, whoopsie daisy" Zayn smiled as he lifted me a little just so I sat up instead of laying down, I just cried mean while. 

"Let dr styles see sweetheart" Harry cooed. I showed him my chin by tilting my head a little bit forward. 

"I can go and get some band aids" Liam said as he walked away. 

"Is it bleeding?" I sobbed. 

"Yeah a little bit, but not too much though" Harry said as he looked at my chin. 

"Does it hurt any where else sweetie?" Louis asked as he bent down. 

"My knee" I said as I pointed at my knee. 

My pajama pants were a little bit bloody and ripped. 

"Oh I can see that" Louis cooed as he pulled up my pants to where my knee was. 

"Here we go I got some band aids!" Liam yelled as he came back outside with a little blue box. 

"Good" Harry smiled as he took the box from Liam's hands. 

"I'm guessing you want the lion king one" Harry chuckled as he picked up a lion king band aid. 

"Yeah" I giggled. 

He took off the plastic from it and sat it on my chin, then he took another one and sat it on my knee. 

"There we go all better" Harry chirped as he lifted me up so I was on my feet again. 

"And you young lady should be resting. Your sick and when your sick you rest your body" Liam scolded as he picked me up. 

He took me to the living room again and placed me on the sofa. He sat beside me, turning on the movie again witch was paused. I took Elliot and hugged him tight and I soon felt my eyes drop, falling into a comfy sleep on the couch.


I looked at my phone since I didn't want to watch the movie, but I wanted to keep an eye on Penelope since Niall clearly couldn't say no to her.

"Do you feel any better honey?" I asked her mean while I still looked at my phone. But I didn't get any answer so I looked over to Penelope and saw her laying on her side in a comfy looking sleep, with Elliot in her arms. Her cheeks were flushed, probably because of the fever. Her little arm was hanging over the couch edge.

I walked off the couch and opened up my camera on my phone and took a photo.

I walked away from the living room and into the kitchen where all of the boys were. 

"Do you guys want to see something really cute?" I asked as they all looked curious. 


I took up my phone and showed them the picture. 

"Aww" They cooed. 

"Does she still have a fever?" Louis asked. 

"Yeah, but I thing it has gone down a little" I smiled as I sat my phone in the back pocket of my jeans. 

"That's great to hear" Harry said, I just nodded.



I walked to the couch. Penelope was still sleeping. The other boys had gone out to some coffee shop, but I just didn't feel like going, plus if Penelope wakes up someone needs to be here.

I scrolled through Instagram when I heard something.

"No, no" It was Penelope, she was talking in her sleep. 

I turned off my phone and walked to the edge of the couch where she laid. I was about to wake her up when she yelled 

"No, no dad don't do it!" I got shocked at what I heard and tried to wake her up. 

"Penelope sweetie" I worried as I shook her shoulder a little.

She started to turn around and then she shot up crying. 

"Oh honey" I cooed as I lifted her up, carrying her to the place where I sat earlier. I sat myself down so I was facing her, she was still crying. 

"Honey I need you to calm down, okay?" I said as I stroke her hair of her face. 

"I had a bad dream" She explained when she had calmed down a little. 

"Yeah I could tell" I said as I gave her a warm smile. "You were talking in your sleep" I continued.

"I were?" She asked with a surprised expression. 

"Yeah, and you were saying something about a dad" I said. I saw how her eyes widened and it looked like tears were going to fall from her eyes any second. 

"Oh don't cry love" I panicked, I didn't want to see her cry anymore. 

"You know what? You and me can cook dinner for the boys!" I bursted as I tried to sound exited. I picked her up and sat her on my hip. 

"Yeah!" She chuckled with a big smile. 

"Where are they?" She asked. "

The boys? They are out just taking a coffee" I explained as we entered the kitchen. 


I sat her down on the kitchen counter. 

"Okay Penelope now your going to learn how to cook the best pie in the whole world with 'chef Malik'" I explained. 

"I thought Harry was the one that cooked the most" She bleated. 

"Yeah, but I am the best at making pies" I smiled as I gave her a small grey apron. 

"Okay Penelope when you cook food or bake you need to put your hair up so it doesn't come anything in the food" I explained as I sat her hair up in a little bun. 

"Then shouldn't you also but your hair in a ponytail?" She asked while holding up a hair tie. 

"Um, yeah I guess so" I agreed as I took the tie and sat up a low ponytail. 

"And another thing that's very important when you work with food is to wash your hands" She just nodded. I helped her wash her hands and then I washed my own.

"Okay the first thing we are going to do is the dough" I explained while putting all of the ingredients on the counter along with a bowl. 

"Now here is a great remainder when you are making pies. You will only need flour, butter, cold water and a itsy bitsy amount of salt to make the dough" She looked like she was thinking, almost like she was trying to remember what I just said. 

"Okay" She said after a while. 

"Okay so you can start of by putting some flour into the bowl and then we will add water in between, okay?"

I gave her the flour and a little measurement kit. She sat her hand in the bag of flour and took it up with a lot of flour in the little cup. 

"Pour it slowly into the bowl." I smiled as she poured it, it came a little bit over the bowl, but that's okay.

"I did it!" She screamed in excitement.

We finished doing the dough and I started to do the meat sauce that was going to be inside the pie, since we were going to do a meat pie. But Penelope was kind of tired so I led her to the sofa and sat on a kids show. Then I walked to the kitchen again to continue with the meat.

After about an half an hour later it was ready and seasoned so I sat the pie in the oven before putting the clock on fifteen minutes.

I walked over to the couch where I saw an awake Penelope who sat with Elliot in her hands with a concentrated stare at the TV.

"Hi honey, how are you feeling?" I asked as I sat next to her on the sofa. 

"I'm okay" She smiled. 

"That's good. Can I take your temperature? Just to see if the fever has gone down" I asked before she nodded her head. 

She opened her mouth and after about a minute I took it out 

"38.3 (100.94 F)" I said as I looked at the thermostat. "That's good, your fever has gone down quite much" I smiled as I rubbed her head making her smile a little. 

"Yeah, and soon I will be able to climb and run around again" She exclaimed sounding tired but still excited. 

"Yeah you will" I chuckled. 

I know I was going to post more this week since I'm on spring break but my dumb teachers have giving us homework over the break, Great isn't it?
Plus I have a really big test coming on Monday when we come back, and I haven't studied anything yet so yeah....🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️😅

But anyways I really hope you liked this chapter and if you did make sure to vote and please comment if you like it so I know.❣️

Treat people with kindness and have an amazing day

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