The Thief

By Prickly_Thorns

835K 34.7K 5.8K

"Tell me little thief," he breathed silently against my ear causing all my hair on the back of my neck to ris... More

The Thief
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Q & A
Covers 1
Covers 2
Covers 3

Chapter 17

15.4K 706 126
By Prickly_Thorns


If it is him I will be truly grateful. Ivor has already done a lot for me and maybe he can help me get out of this mad camp.

I watched the soldier run off towards the Commanders tent I knew that the General would probably meet up there with the Commander. I wanted to follow the soldier but I first needed to finnsh up delivering this water before I could go snoop around. I walked quickly between the tents towards the soldiers who were sparing.

Upon closer inspection I noticed that these were not your average beginner soldiers but rather full blown knights. I could see that some had squires who were busy polishing their amour or sharpening their swords.

It was not uncommon to see knights in the army but recently there have been so few as not many get knighted anymore mainly due to all the fighting and that not many are deemed worthy enough.

Most knights however tend to be more popular in the rankings so I know that these guys are not ones to mess with. I also know that they tend to be cocky and full of themselves especially if they are in the army.

I quickly drop off the water next to some of the squires making sure not to look at the knights to long as to not catch their attention. With a slight nod towards the one squire as an indication to the water I turned to leave.

"Hey look what we have here, a newbie." I heard someone say behind me.

I held my breath. Don't be a knight. Please don't be a knight.

I turned around and saw three knights approaching me. The were probably watching some of the others practicing as they weren't sweating or anything. They all had their helmets off and dare I say weren't to bad looking. What is with all these good looking men?!

"Oh and would you look at that, this one has a girly face." The one spoke causing the other two to chuckle slightly.

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. Childish ass holes.

"What's your name boy or do you even deserve to be called that?" the others snickered again.

"My name is not important Sir, now may I please leave to attend the rest of my duties?" I bowed my head slightly trying my hardest not to seem rude like I have been to most people recently like the Commander...

"May I please leave to attend my duties?" The one of the left mocked me with a terrible impression of a high pitched voice and blinked his eyes ridiculously at the others in a mock imitation of a flirting lady. Dammit I forgot to make my voice deeper. I am a stupid idiot...

"You even sound like a lady. Let me guess you probably fight like one to?" Lefty bent down a little to spit that right in my face. Keep your cool Skyler. They are not worth it.

I turned around and began walking away. Who cares if I am rude anymore? They are just looking for trouble. Simple minded people seek amusement in simple silly things.

That's when I felt it. A hard bare hand on my bottom. One of these pricks had the audacity to slap my butt and the son of a bitch won't let go. He seems to be having a feel. Keep your cool. Keep your cool. Don't beat him to a pulp and make him wish he was never born.

"It even feels like a woman's fine bottom boys." He squeezed it slightly.

I saw red. I turned around faster than the speed of light and threw a punch right into the pompous bastards face. I heard the sickening crack as his nose broke. He was taken back and moved a few steps away.

"You bastard! You will fucking pay for this!" He ran forward while the other two grabbed a hold of my arms as I was to in shock about what I had just done.

His fist collided with my stomach knocking my breath right out of me and forcing me to hunch over. Man that hurt like a bitch. Fuck.

That is sure going to bruise but at least it is not as bad as his bleeding face. By now we had managed to attract a crowd of spectators. The other knights who had been sparring earlier had stopped and came to watch the whole ordeal and cheer on.

He threw another punch into my jaw while I was hunched over. The pain was unimaginable. Another bruise.

Just as he was about to throw another punch he was stopped by a hand. All the cheering stopped. Everyone was silent.

I looked up to see the Commander looking at the knight disapprovingly and next to him stood Ivor. My heart raced slightly. I was so happy to see him but he wasn't looking at me. He was watching the Commander and the night along with everyone else.

"What is the meaning of this?" He seethed slightly.

"That son of a bitch started it." The knight accused.

"I didn't ask who started it. I asked why but I don't think I want to know. Go get yourself cleaned up and run forty laps. Just because you are a knight doesn't mean you can get away with this. You know I don't tolerate fighting in the camp."

"But Comma-"

"Go now. That's an order. As for you," he turned to look at me hunched over on my knees as the other two knights had let me go and stood back. "Stay here while I see off the General. The rest of you get back to your duties."

Ivor paid little attention to me. Not bothered about this little fight that happened. It was camp politics and he was uninterested. He seemed distracted and unnerved, over stressed if not and I so desperately wanted to call out to him but I couldn't.

The Commander turned and walked off with him towards a bay horse that was waiting for him ready to go. They discussed something silently before Ivor mounted and bolted off followed by four other soldiers with him.

I missed my chance. Fuck.

Turning around. He walked back to me. Everyone else had left to go back to what they were doing before.

Shit. I am in deep shit.

"Come with me." His command was quiet but stern. I was a little scared of what would happen to me.

He held up a hand for me to take. I wearily took it and once I was up followed after him as he already started walking.

He too seemed a little stressed. His expression similar to that of the Generals. We walked in a deafening silence until we reached his tent.

He walked in expecting me to follow. I did so hesitantly.

Once in he closed it and plonked himself down on a chair by a desk. He looked up at me watching me curiously almost eyeing me up and down. A sort of déjà vu washed over me. He did the same last night.

"What might a woman be doing here may I ask?" He finally broke the silence.

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