Wings of Fire Adoptables!

بواسطة Onewhisker

126K 2K 3.8K

I'm just a person who likes to design characters, so I decided I'd give them away :D this book is no longer b... المزيد

Request for BetrayedDoppelganger
Adelie (adopted)
Bilby (adopted)
Cloudburst (adopted)
Darkling (adopted)
Eider (adopted)
Foxtail (adopted)
Grayscales (adopted)
Hippo (adopted)
Ivy (adopted)
Jewelwing (adopted)
Katipo (adopted)
Leeward (adopted)
Metalmark (adopted)
Nettle (adopted)
Oriole (adopted)
Pebble (adopted)
Quickwings (adopted)
Rotifer (adopted)
Sifaka (adopted)
Tadpole (adopted)
Underwing (adopted)
Vervain (adopted)
Welkin (adopted)
Xerocole (adopted)
Yellowhorn (adopted)
Zero (adopted)
Rule Update!
Ash (adopted)
Bearberry (adopted)
Chinook (adopted)
Dragonhunter (adopted)
Egret (adopted)
Fattail (adopted)
Goby (adopted)
Updates and stuff?
Hazel (adopted)
Ivory (adopted)
Junco (adopted)
Kapok (adopted)
Leafroller (adopted)
Milkweed (adopted)
Nighthawk (adopted)
Orbweaver (adopted)
Polynya (adopted)
Rockhopper (adopted)
Saltmarsh (adopted)
Thundersnow (adopted)
Unnamed (adopted)
Windchill (adopted)
Yucca (adopted)
Ahi (adopted)
Boghaunter (adopted)
Catkin (adopted)
Daydreamer (adopted)
Ecru (adopted)
Frenzy (adopted)
Grizzly (adopted)
Holly (adopted)
Irukandji (adopted)
Jackal (adopted)
Kudzu (adopted)
Lanternfly (adopted)
Mako (adopted)
Nameless (adopted)
Ocelot (adopted)
Pipit (adopted)
Quokka (adopted)
Reindeer (adopted)
Starling (adopted)
Tunnelweb (adopted)
Unnamed (adopted)
Victory (adopted)
Whirlabout (adopted)
Yarrow (adopted)
Zenith (adopted)
Acari (adopted)
Blackfly (adopted)
Cherry (adopted)
Dingo (adopted)
Ermine (adopted)
Fiercefang (adopted)
Ginger (adopted)
Hoki (adopted)
It's been a while!


820 15 10
بواسطة Onewhisker

Because I haven't named the winners for the last several adoptables, I thought I'd put them in their own part.

Junco - @Viggo_Ghost

Kapok - @Arainialebouef6

Leafroller - TFP_Smokey_Forever

Milkweed - SilverDreams82 (the number was 43)

Nighthawk - TFP_Smokey_Forever

Rockhopper - bxbaluna

Thundersnow - IAmTheStoryLover

Unnamed (Aurora) SilverDreams82

Windchill - ParadiseTheSeaRain

Yucca - Asteroid04

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