My Little Omega Mate

By Bunnysuprise2002

879K 24K 6.2K

Baba- This is soon to be Alpha in the Blue Moon Star's. After he finds and claims his mate that is. Baba is s... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11: Part One
Chapter 11: Part two
Chapter 12
Chapter 13: Part One
Chapter 13: Part two
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18: Part One
Chapter 18: Part two
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27: Part One
Chapter 27: Part two
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30: Part One
Chapter 30: Part Two
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34: Part one
Chapter 34: Part Two
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 43
Chapter 44- FINAL
Things that I think need to be said

Chapter 42

7.5K 226 53
By Bunnysuprise2002

AN- Just want everyone to know that Imma try my hardest to make this chapter make sense. If it doesn't then sorryyyyy.

*Andrew's a week into being 8 months pregnant*

I was big.

I was chunky.

I was heavy.

I was obese.

I was whale like.

I.. Was fat.

I can not tell you how fucking HUGE I was.. My stomach was so big that I had to go get different shirts to fit over my belly. Mary did have some to let me have. Much to my disappointment.. My belly still showed a little. I'm so fucking fat! Grrr.. I love my puppy and all.. BUT WHY IT GOTTA MAKE ME LOOK LIKE A FAT ASS GRAPE?! It legit looks like I'm about to have 8 kids at onces, thats how big my belly is.

My feet were swollen too. I didn't really move around to much after I hit my eight month mark. I would just hurt my feet and legs a lot. Baba wouldn't let me other wise. He wanted me to rest and not be so mobile especially when it hurts to walk.

" BAAAAAABBBBBEEE!" I whined out for Baba, him in the bathroom brushing his teeth.

" Hmmm!" I heard him hum from behind the toothbrush.

I rubbed my stomach softly, " Can you help me up? I gotta pee."

I heard him spit and rinse his mouth out as he walked out the bathroom, " Of course my love." He said taking both my hands in his and gently pulling my up.

" Thank you-" I started to say but let out a squeak as he pulled me to him by my butt.

I blushed super red, looking up at him to see him looking down at me. He gave my ass a squeeze and gently placed his other hand on my cheek, " Your so beautiful, walking around here carrying our puppy. Damn you sexy thang." He told me softly running his thumb over my lips softly, then pulling me into a loving kiss.

I smiled against his lips kissing him back before pulling back in protest, " Actually, you don't let me move around a lot anymore so.. Walking would be the wrong word." I giggled as I saw him roll his eyes.

" Ok smart ass, you know what I meant." Baba grabbed my butt again in his grip but a little hard causing me to yelp.

" Owwie! Easy on my non-existent ass there."

" Oh hush up, you have a very plumped ass babe." Baba protested with me.

I was going to protest back but the baby kicked me so hard that I almost pissed myself, " M-move! I gotta peeee!" I pushed Baba out the way and quickly waddled to the bathroom hearing Baba laugh at me.

Pfff meanie ass.. Is he trying to get me to pee myself? Gosh I bet he planned to distract me so I did..... Nawwwwww, that's just the hormones talking.

I did my business then went to go wash my hands. I looked in the mirror to see Baba leaning against the door frame, " Can I help you?" I snapped to him.

" Woah! Rude much?" Baba said in a teasing tone, walking behind me to wrap his arms around my waist.

I scoffed at him, " Yeah, especially since I almost peed myself and it would of been your fault for distracting me!"

" Ok moody, you know I didn't mean to 'distract' you." He told me softly, kissing at my neck.

" You totally did!" I said, giggling as he started to blow air into my neck, " B-Baba! Stooooppp! That tickles!"

" Oh yeah?" He said in a deep voice, picking up in his arms then walking over towards the bed and gently tossed me onto it, " Then get ready for more!" He then got on top of me, as best he could, and started to tickle my side.

I was busting up with laughter and was trying to push him off, " B-BAAAABBBAA!! NO NO! THAT TIICKLESSSS! PLEASSSE NO MORE!" I yelled at him.

He chuckled at me then suddenly stopped, " Woah, you got a full bladder again? I was just tickling you." He told me.

I was confused and propped myself on my elbows catching my breath, " What do you-" I then felt the wetness trickle down my leg and a very strong kick to my stomach, much stronger than any other ones I have experienced before.

I whimpered and held onto my stomach in pain, " Baby! Are you ok!?" Baba asked me as he got off the bed to the side of me.

I was going to answer but it felt like 30 more intense kicks were being kicked left and right, up and down. I clenched on tightly to my stomach and didn't even notice I started to cry. I was in so much pain. What is this? Why does it hurt so much? I felt the puppy moving around and stretching itself out. It was kicking so hard that you saw it stretch my stomach completely out. What is happening!

Then it clicked. I looked up at Baba, tears streaming down my face in pain, holding onto my stomach, " B-baba it's coming!" I told him with all my strength, then slowly felt myself passing out.

" Andrew! ANDREW!?!?" I heard Baba yell before I was out.

Baba's P.O.V.

"Andrew! ANDREW!?!?" I screamed at my mate as he seem to pass out.

The puppy's coming! Shit shit shit! I took my mate in my arms, carrying him bride style rushing out the room. I could see the baby kicking out his stomach in all directions. I quickly and safely got down the stairs out the door. I can call everyone once I get to the hospital.

I ran out to the pack doctor as fast as I could, trying to get Andrew to wake up.

" Baby baby! Come on! Wake up for me!" I yelled to him, getting no response once so ever.

I busted into the hospital, scaring everyone that was here, " PLEASE PLEASE! THE LUNA IS GOING INTO LABOR!" I yelled out.

One of the nurse's quickly walked over with a wheelchair, " Here, set him here." She told me calmly.

I did as told and as soon as I did, Andrew had seemed to have woken up, " H-huh? Where am I-" He started to say, being cut off but him whimpering in pain, " O-ooowww! Fuck! Get this thing out of me!" Andrew said in pain, panting hard.

I ran by the nurse's side as she wheeled him into a room. I then took the time to mind link everyone. Everyone being, Andrew's family, My family, Nick, Jake, Robinson, Angel, Blake and Theo. Telling them that today was the day and he was going into labor.

" Alpha sir, can you please set the Luna gently down on the bed?" She asked me politely, as she and another nurse seem to quickly get everything ready.

" Yes yes of course." I picked up a panting, whimpering, looking in lots of pain Andrew in me arms and gently set him on the bed, " Shhh shh Andrew breathe, I'm right." I told him quietly and calmly, even though on the inside I was freaking out.

I gave him a small peck on the nose as I took his hand in mine, " B-baba I'm scared.." He said whimpering, seeming like his pain has calmed down a little.

I gently took my free hand and moved some of his hair out of his face, " Your doing great my love. Just breathe for me."

He nodded then screamed out in pain clutching onto my hand so hard, I thought he broke it, " OOOOOWWWWW! FUCCCKKK!!!!" He yelled out, crying lots.

He panted after and whimpered as he calmed down slightly, " Hello Luna, I'm gonna be one of the nurse that will be with you today. My names Ella. How are you doing?" Ella asked him, putting on her gloves and walked over to Andrew.

Andrew laughed in a sarcastic tone, " O-oh I don't know! Just have a f-fucking demon trying to leave my body and it hurts like hell! But o-oh no! I'm totally fine!" He growled out to her.

She only smiled softly at him, " Pain, scale 1-10, 10 being the worst. Where are you?" She gently placed her hands on his stomach, seeming like she was feeling around for the baby.

He scoffed at her, " A million!? 10 can't describe any of my pain!"

" Ok ok, in very much pain." She told the nurse next to her, who seemed to be taking notes, " Now, from home to here, how far are your contractions?"

" I don't fucking know!!! I'm in pain! I don't fucking count!" He growled but then quickly stopped whimpering, " Sorry I don't mean to be rude. It just hurts so so so bad." He got out right as another hit him, " FUCK! OWWWW!"

She then gently felt around for the baby again, " Hmmm, Alpha you have any idea?"

Andrew panted hard again, as I gently ran my thumb over his knuckles, " Umm.. They seem to last 45 seconds or more.. But when he was past out they didn't seem to come often if that makes since."

" Ok, I would say 45 to 60 seconds lasting, and would seem to occur every three to four minutes apart.. But the baby does seem to be dialating.." She continued to press on his belly and lifted the sheets.

" CAN YOU STOP TOUCHING MY FUCKING BELLY!!" Andrew yelled to her causing both the nurse's to jump, then Andrew whined., " S-sorry sorry.."

" No worries Luna. We understand. I was just checking to see where the baby is." Ella turned to the nurse next to her, " The baby seems to be ready position, but is not dilating. Contractions are frequent. And Luna seems very uncomfortable."

Andrew whimpered arching his back, " OOOOWWWW!"

" Don't worry Luna. I will get the doctor here very soon." Ella and the nurse then left.

" Finally.. She's so annoying!" He growled out.

I chuckled, " Love she's just helping. Stop being so moody."

He gasped and hit my arm quite hard, " EXCUSE ME!? ARE YOU THE ONE GIVING BIRTH HERE?! NO YOUR NOT!! SO SHUT IT!" He yelled at me but then whimpered, " No no sorry baby I didn't mean it. It's just your saying stupid shit thats not nice is all."

I smiled leaning up to kiss him softly, " Your fine love."

He smiled back onto my lips kissing back, " I love you"

" I love you too."

~~~ Andrew has been in labor for 4 hours.~~~

Andrew's P.O.V.

I was in so much pain.. I was in a bed of sweat it felt like.. But I didn't care or felt embarrassed. The baby has been giving me very hard contractions for the past four hours. The nurse, Ella, told me it's the 4-1-1 rule. Meaning, I have contractions every 4 minutes, that last for a minute, for the past hour. Well more like 4 hours but you get the idea.

Baba told me that everyone was in the waiting room. Good to know I have to support. I told him he could go see them if he liked. So I'm just chillin by myself, having hard ass contractions, having a heart monitor hooked to me and my stomach where I'm assuming the babies heart beat is, also having tubs in my arm. I think they give me water or something? I don't really know and at the moment I don't really care.

I was panting hard as I just calmed down from another contraction as someone knocked on the door, I weakly called out, " C-come in.."

The nurse's, Ella and Opal (the two nurses from ealiar), walked through with a soft smiles, " Hello Luna." Ella greeted me kindly.

I've been kinda a dick to everyone and I feel bad, but it's not my fault! I'm in so much pain! I just want my puppy out..

" Hi." I said breathing calmly.

Ella then gently lifted the blanket that was covering my legs with a small frown looking at Opal, " No dilations.. How far are your contraction now Luna?"

Opal took some notes down as I spoke, " The same.."

Ella nodded and smiled softly, " Well.. We should wait another couple hours, to see if the baby will dilate before were ready."

" Woah woah woah, how many more hours?"

" Well.. typically we have to wait 8-18 hours for the baby to dilate-"

" NO NO! I can not deal with this fucking pain for another 4 or potentially 12 hours!? Are you fucking crazy!?" I snapped at the nurse's.

" I understand Luna.. But you will not be able to start the process unless you're dilated 3 cm. When your at the "Active labor" stage, you should be 7 cm. When it's fully dilated at 10 cm is when you can start pushing. But Luna sir, you haven't dilated at all these pass hours.. Which only means we have to wait. I'm truly sorry.." Ella explained to me.

I groaned loudly and whined. This is bullshit! Why am I not dilating yet!? I've been basically in labor for 4 almost 5 hours! Come on baby! Just get out of me!

" When the time is to give birth, who would you want in here. Your maximum 3 or 4 people."

I groaned, " I don't know.. Ummm.. Baba, Kelly, my Dad and Baba's Mom if they would like." I shrugged as I whimpered in pain as another contractions hit me. I've had so many you think I'd get use to it. NOPE! It's like new pain every one.

She then nodded, bidding me a goodbye. Her and Opal had left me alone again. Can't believe I have to sit here for hella long.. Great..

~~~ 12 hours into labor~~~

" BAAABBBAAAA! MAKE IT STTOOPPPP!" I cried loudly as the contractions keep hitting me, like a massive ass truck running over my body a million times.

I have been in labor for 12 hours and the baby hasn't dilated at all! The pain is so unbearable it's not even funny..

" Oh baby shh shhh you're ok. I'm here." He whispered calmly to me as he took a paper towel and whipped the sweat off my forehead.

I whimpered and panted loudly in pain. Gosh this could not be over sooner...

Just then the nurse Ella came through the door again, " Hello Alpha and Luna.." She said coming over to me, " Same as last time?"

" If your meaning the contractions, then yes." Baba answered for me.

She then nodded and washed her hands and put some gloves on walking over to me, " Luna, do you mind if I feel for the baby again?" I nodded weakly to her to go ahead.

She then did so. She gently pressed on my stomach, " I don't understand.. It's in the right place.." She check under the blanket, " But no dilations.. Hmmm hold on. I will be right back with the doctor in the next hour. Your very strong Luna. Keep it up, yeah?" She smiled softly at me then quickly took her gloves off and speed walk out the room.

" Baba I can't do this.." I whimpered to him.

He gently took my hand into his and gave it gently kisses, " Yes you can my love. Your doing so good. The puppy is just taking it's time with coming out. Don't worry my love. I'm right here with you." He then leaned over and planted my whole face with kisses.

I giggled and tried to push his face away, " Baabbba my face is covered in sweat."

" I don't care. I wanna show my lovely mate some love." I giggled at his words, blushing red.

Just then the pack doctor Matt came through, with the nurse Ella, " Hello Alpha, Luna. Today's the day huh?" He gave of a small laugh.

Baba nodded holding my hand in his, " Yes sir it is."

" Awesome awesome. Luna, how long you been labor for?" He said, putting some gloves on having, Ella help him so they were air tight.

" Umm.. Like forever?" I honestly lost track.

He put a mask on and hummed lifting the blanket up checking, " Hmmm... Ella told me around 12 hours and no dilations?" He looked up at me.

I went to answer but then whined in pain as I was hit with yet another contraction. You have no idea how much this hurts..

" Oh my.. Hurts?" He asked me as he took his gloves off.

" NO SHIT IT HURTS!" I growled at him.

He only smiled after he took his mask off, " Well, the baby is definitely comfortable.. Ella what's it's heart right look at?"

She went to check and after a minute answered, " Looking around 158 beats per minute."

" Is that good?" I asked them.

" Yes Luna, usually for newborns they should be anywhere between 70-190 beats per minute." The doctor answer, " We will still have to wait.. If the next 2 hours no dilations, then we'll discuss what we will do."

I nodded watching them walk out.

~~~ 18 hours into labor~~~

I was tried but couldn't sleep.. Yeah the whole '2 more hours' was a lie. Gosh.. Baba had went to bed on the couch that was in here about 30 minutes ago. I was mad at first, but I let it go. He stayed up long with me. The contraction hurt but I could handle them a little more. Crazy huh? It literally felt like someone was stabbing my stomach, but in a spot that was killing me slowly. That make sense? Probably not.

Both Matt and Ella walked through the door once again, " Hello Luna." They both greeted me.

I waved at them, not really having the energy to speak.

Ella walked over and peeked under the blanket sighing, " No dilation.."

" Oh please don't make me wait more hours." I pleaded the them.

" No no. If there's no dilations once so ever at the 18th hour, that means the baby is too comfortable." The doctor said.

" Which means?"

He looked at me, " You have to do a c-section."

My eyes widen. Oh no.. I was thinking of doing a natural birth.. Gosh.. My luck right.

" Either that or you could wait till the 24 hour mark to see if it's ready. The heartbeat is normal still, so it is your choice. The pup could decide to leave any time now, he or she is in that position. But as of right now, it's looking like there super comfortable." The doctor had explained to me.

I looked over at a sleeping Baba. I don't wanna make a decision without him. I looked to them, " Can you come here in like 10 minutes while I talk with the Alpha?" They both nodded and headed out.

I turned towards Baba, " Pssstttt babe! Get up!" I whispered towards him.




Nothing. So I tried again louder, " Psssssstttttttt Baba! Get up!"




" BABA GET YOUR FUCKING ASS UP!" I yelled at him causing him to jolt awake and fell to the floor. I looked over the bed, " Well good morning there sleepy head."

He groaned and got up rubbing the sleep out his eyes, " Waking me up like that, the fuck wrong with you?" He yawned out.

I rolled my eyes, " Lucky I even let you sleep. So be grateful."

He put his hands up, " Alright alright, you right. What's up love?" He asked as he pulled a chair beside the bed grabbing my hand in his.

" The doctor said I might need a c-section because there is no dilation or some shit. The puppy is comfortable so that's why he or she is not dilating. He said it's not that risky to wait tell the 24 hour mark and I wanted to discuss with you inside of making me own decisions." I explained to a half sleep Baba.

He shrugged squeezing my hand gently, " Well, how do you feel about it love? I appreciate you wanted to talk about it but it's your body. If you can handle 6 more hours then you can. If you can't then you can. I'll stand by your decision whatever it is." He told me softly.

I fucking love this man so much I can't even, I nodded to him, " I think it's better to wait. I know the puppy is ready anytime now."

He smiled and leaned his forehead to mine, " I love you."

" I love you."

~~~20 hours into labor~~~

Baba fell back to sleep in my bed next to me. The doctor hasn't came to me yet. But one of the nurse's did check on me saying he was delivering another pup.

The contractions hurt but again are manageable now. Which did give me 30 minutes of sleep. Thank the moon goddess! I was so tired.

Ella again came through and I smiled. She's been very faithful of a nurse. Been here since the first hour till now, " Hello again Luna." She giggled softly, " Let's see now." She lifted the sheets up and smiled, " Oh yay! The puppy is now dilated 5 cm Luna sir. Which means we should be ready soon. I will inform the doctor and we will be checking on you every 30 minutes. Have the contractions changed?"

I nodded, " They hurt but they seem a little more frequent."

She nodded to me and smiled, " Ok Luna. Once you are 8 cm we will start. Hopefully it goes 10 cm so it's less painful, but were shooting for 8, if thats ok?"

" Yes yes! That's fine."

Almost there.. Almost there..

~~~22 hours into labor ~~~

" COMING THROUGH!" Ella had yelled out, as her and a couple of nurse's were pushing my bed toward the delivery room.

I was a panting mess, just like how when I first got here. But now it's actually happen. I was in so much pain, much more than I was in before.

I was pushed into a room, about 3 or 4 nurse's were rushing around as the doctor came through, " Ready Luna? It's the real deal now."

I nodded fast groaning in pain, " Y-yes! Get them out pleaaasseee!"

Ella had came through the door having, Baba, Andy, Kelly and Mary came through. I guess they all did want to came in.

" Would you like the Stadol to help with the pain Luna sir?" Ella had asked me as she was putting a mask on.

I nodded fast, " PLEASE! OOWWW! ANYTHING!" I screamed out, getting a round of 'yes luna' around the room.

Baba and Andy had got on my right side, Baba grabbing my hand and Andy taking a towel to whip my forehead. Mary got on my left grabbing that hand as Kelly got a camera to record it. Baba wanted to have the first born record or some shit. I don't care at this moment, all I could focus on is how much pain I'm in.

The nurse gave me a good amount of the medicine as the doctor was ready speaking behind his mask, " 9:27pm, February 26, 2019. Start of birth. Ok Andrew push!"

-Imma skip this part cause I can and no one cares about hearing all that sooooooo yeah-

" -Come on Luna! One more push! A big one! All you got!" The pack doctor had told me.

Everyone was giving me encouraging words.

" Hun you got this! The puppy's right there dream. Push for us, push!" Mary told me.

Andy had wiped my forehead again, " You got this Andrew love. You're almost done."

I had no energy, " I-I can't.." I whimpered and cried out.

" Come on love, one more push for me. One more. Your doing so good. Our baby's almost here." He held my hand kissing my cheek.

I got all the last bit of strength I had and pushed, squeezing the hell out of Baba's and Mary's hand. Probably hard enough it could snap their bones.

Next thing I knew there was cries that filled my ears, knowing my puppy had left my body.

" It's a- (AN- Last call! Boy or girl!)


















" It's a girl!" The pack doctor yelled out in joy, " 9:56pm. February 26, 2019. End of birth, girl." The doctor told a nurse who wrote it down.

My eyes pricked with tears. I had a little girl? Oh my puppy. I looked over to see them quickly cleaned her up and handed her to Baba. Baba came to sit next to me with a crying baby.

I looked up and him and he looked down at me, " We did it babe.." I said exhausted.

He leaned down and kissed my nose gently handing me our little girl, " Yes we did."

I looked at my little pup as she stopped her crying and was looking up at us with her dark eyes, " Hey little girl. I'm your Daddy."

" And I'm your Papa." Baba said right after.

She kinda just started at us, blinking a couple of times. She was truly precious. She had slight monkey ears. Definitely gonna have Baba's ears. Has a cute little button nose. She was so perfect. She was our little bundle of joy.

" What are we naming her Luna and Alpha?" A nurse said having a birth certificate in her hands.

" Alexis. We both picked it out." Baba said smiling big.

" Welcome to the world Alexis." I told her softly as she fell asleep soundly in my arms.

HELLO BUNNIES! This story is like.. Almost done. There's this chapter and only like 2 more than its over.. I'm so sad!

How was this chapter thought? Anyone happy it's a girl? Anyone happy I actually updated?

Like, comment, share, all that good stuff. I LOVE YOU BUNNIES!!!

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