Ash Thinking About Serena

By Tony32122

27.6K 504 114

Professor Kukui assigns a assignment to the class to write to one person. Well Things get really well Sad wit... More

I want your input into this story
Class Assignment
Ash Letter
Not a Chapter
Listening To your Heart
Ash True Feelings
Mysterious Green Light
The Return of Greninja
Things go to Normal or so it seems
Team Flare Assault Part 1
Team Flare Assault part 2
Not a Chapter(IM SO SORRY)
Ash vs Lysandre
Ash and his Thoughts
Doctor report
Ash is Released from the hospital
Ash Surprised Party
Ash going to the airport
Red Blur Revealed
Air Flight to Kanto
Walking through Viridian Forest
Serena Appearance
Ash and Serena Admit their Love for each other
The Announcement and walking to Professor Oak
Professor Oak Ranch part 1
Professor Oak Ranch part 2
Professor Oak Ranch part 3
the Straw Hat
Pallet Town Rivalry Renewed part 1
Pallet Tow Rivalry Renewed part 2
Black eyed Appearance
Sinnoh vs Kanto Part 1
Sinnoh vs Kanto Part 2
Sinnoh vs Kanto part 3
Sinnoh vs Kanto part 4
Sinnoh vs Kanto part 5
A King Challenge
A Team Rocket Attack
Ash Greninja Rematch
Going to a Early Dinner
Ash wakes up for Dinner
The Reactions
Ash Nightmare
A Nightmare explained
Arceus Appearance part 1
Arceus appearance part 2
Zygarde Returns and Story
Poke Base and the Call to Grace
Grace Response
The Goodbyes
Lunch and the Grassy Surprise
Report from Sinnoh
All Happy Things have to Come to a End
Back in Alola and the Adventures in Kanto I
Back To Alola and the Adventures in Kanto II
Hiatus till further Notice

Ash nightmare talked over Breakfast

208 7 4
By Tony32122

Nintendo owns Pokemon I do not

Ash was walking down the stairs when flashes of the nightmare hit him

"Never and even I did know where Mewtwo was I would never tell you"

Ash immediately fell down the stairs in shock and everyone around

Meanwhile outside the House we see two tall Pokemon one is pale pink with a purplish tail while the other Pokemon is a shadow figure with black body red mouth and a white mo hawkish figure

Is this really necessary the pal pink one says

Yes he must be ready as those he has faced prior to his new journey in Alola prepare to Join forces to defeat him in order to make their ambitions come true the other says.

Before the pale pink one could replied

You must settle your difference with your counterpart in other for all pokemon and humanity the shadowy one says

Never the pale pink one says

Don't you care for pokemon and hu but was cut off

I care about Pokemon but not for humans

But you care for the boy though

I the pink one stuttering

So you do care that stuttering about ash don't you he set you on a better path.

Yes he did but that doesn't mean but was cut off again

It means everything if you wish to save all the pokemon and Ash you have to settle your difference with your counterpart is that understood.

Yes i understand as the pale pink one flys off not too far away though is where his counterpart is at.

Meanwhile everyone was helping Ash to the table for Breakfast after he collapsed

Delia started saying Breakfast is served then saw something was wrong with Ash

What happened?!

Reggie replied We don't Know he just collapsed

A moment later Serena and Latias was seen coming down the stairs and coming into the kitchen asking

What happened both Latias and Serena say

Misty replied with We don't know he just suddenly collapsed

Ash then said I was having rewatching part of a dream.

Rewatching the dream!?! As everyone thought it was crazy as most dreams you hardly ever remember them unless it was really good or really bad.

What exactly was your dream Brock asked

It was a dream that I not sure I should speak out loud To Bonnie as the contents might scarred her for life.

Everyone was very shocked that means this dream was Extremely Bad.

Bonnie then said Ash I want to Know I can't stand you in pain or any of my Friends or Family Please tell us I take the Risk.

Ash then replied Bonnie I can't Clemont would never forgive me and I would hurt you so ba but before he could finish

I don't care I worry that this nightmare will keep hurting you and in turn will hurt us more and more

Clemont sighed realizing Bonnie has a Point

Before Ash could argue against that logic Clemont spoke

Ash I think She might have a point to the point where I agree.

Everyone was very shocked by Clemont statement.

Since it seems like you don't mind but I still must warn that this was very dark nightmare

Ash then said I was walking down a path I barely dodged a hyper beam from a Gyarados

Then 6 shadow appeared behind Gyarados revealing to be the leaders of from left to right in my Dream Magma, Galactic, Flare, Rocket, Plasma, Aqua

Then what Serena asked

Ash replies that Team Rocket Boss who name is Giovanni shot a Tranquilizer Dart at me but I couldn't dodge due to the blast from Hyper beam and they captured me.

Then before I fell asleep Lysandre the Leader of Team Flare electrocuted me before i passed out due to the dart

Serena,Delia and Bonnie were getting watery tears at this.

Everyone else was mad even though they know it a dream.

I woke up in a lab according to a person 225 feet below ground and then got electrocuted for getting that answer after I asked where am I.

It stopped after a few seconds

Then they person controlling the electricity that I was tied up on purposely then asked

"Now tell us Where we can find Where the Legendary Pokemon Mewtwo is and it can end".

Bonnie wanted to ask what is Mewtwo but before she could ash continued

I answered his question with "Never and even If I did know Mewtwo Location I never tell you".

Ash then said it resulted with me in getting electrocuted again.

As everyone in Shock even Latias was Shocked

Ash then said it stopped after a little bit then the mysterious man controlling whether I get electrocuted or not said

"Since torture of physical doesn't work maybe this will".

Paul then asked what was it

Ash then Replied your about to find out as Ash continued the Story

A Team Plasma and a Team Rocket Guard came in in Tow with Serena....

Everyone is shocked

As Ash continues his Nightmare dream at this point no one could eat breakfast not even Ash who Loves To Eat

"Tell us Where the Legendary Pokemon Mewtwo is or she dies"

Serena had managed to shout "don't tell them even if" as her mouth was then covered by Team Plasma guard hand

The mysterious man asked yet again

"Tell us Where the Legendary Pokemon Mewtwo is or She dies"

Everyone was Shocked

Then i replied

"I will never tell like Serena said even if i knew where Mewtwo was".

Then mysterious one said the darkest thing I ever heard

"Execute her"

Before anyone could say anything Ash continued with

The team rocket guard went behind her back and shot her twice

Everyone Jaws were literally dropped to the floor with ash saying the last thing I remembered is screaming


Im Sorry you went through that nightmare Ash Bonnie Replied

That is a very detailed Story if I say so very realistic Clemont replied

*it possible someone could sent that dream to Ash but for what reasons and why I would not know unless it a type of warning

Paul then said your saying that maybe a person or a Pokemon could of sent it to Ash

*that exactly what I saying" but before Latias could finish

I SENT IT and the shadowy figure appeared in front of everyone

As the Journey Continues

if you exclude the bold stuff in this story this is still the 1st chapter where i had over 1k words with 1002 words.

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