My Light in the Dark

By ShadowDancer16

22.9K 952 72

Danielle Scott has bounced between foster homes since she was 10. On her 16th birthday she is adopted by Nath... More

Grey Manor
First Immpressions
Does it Get Better From Here?
Vanilla Rose
Unexpected Encounters
Date Night
Werewolf Advice
Big Bad Wolf
Full Moon Festival
Skeletons in the Closet
Mating Season
Broken Hearts
Forgive and Forget
Strike One
Strike Two
Strike Three
Midnight Runners
Good News, Bad News
I Need a Hero Part I
I Need a Hero Part II
Remember the Fallen


896 38 2
By ShadowDancer16

It's not everyday you find out your boyfriend is a werewolf. It's also not the norm to be adopted by a werewolf. I'm a human living in a house of werewolves.

"They're Omegas," Damon explained on the ride to school.

"So like slaves?" I asked.

"Not quite. Packs function on a hierarchy. The order goes Alpha, Beta, Elders, Warriors, Scouts, Subordinates, and Omegas. The Omegas usually act as servants, and the respect they receive differs per pack. Some don't have the rank of Omegas, others work their way up the ladder, and others are scapegoats and punching bags for the rest of the pack."

"Why do they stay at Mr. Grey's home?"

"Not all of them live there. Some live in the pack house. Others board with pack members nearby."

"How do your friends rank?"

"James is my Beta. Once his father retires, Luke will be the General, and Issac will be his second in command. Matthew and Alyx are both scouts and are fighting for who will lead, and who will follow."

We pulled into the school's parking lot, and I ducked my head as I noticed people staring. Maybe it wasn't smart to ride with the most popular guy in school. Damon and I've been dating secretly for a month. Rumors were flying around that we were a couple, but it no one could prove it.

"Everyone's staring," I hissed pulling my hair in front of my face.

"Oh yeah, I've never noticed."


"Relax, Little Fish. Everyone is going to find out eventually."

"You won't be embarrassed by me?"

He took my hand, lacing his fingers through mine. "I'll prove it." He got out of the car, and after a deep breath, I followed. Immediately, I could feel the intense stares and glares of my peers. At the trunk of the car, Damon suddenly leaned in and kissed me.

"Now it's official," he chuckled in my ear.

I stood there, red faced. Of all the places, he chooses a parking lot full of people.

"You're adorable when you blush," he whispered.

"Idiot," I snapped and slapped his arm. "Why would you do that?"

"I said I would prove myself, didn't I? I was also proving a point to someone."

I raised an eyebrow in confusion. Prove a point to who?

"Werewolves are very territorial," he explained. "Any male I deemed a threat now knows that you are taken."

My eyes narrowed. "Are you picking who I can hang out with?"

He laughed. "Simmer down, Little Fish. I'm just warning you that by nature, I'm possessive."

"Well, you're just going to have to deal with it," I said crossing my arms.

Suddenly my back was against the lockers. I flinched as Damon's hands crashed down on either side of my face.

"Are you challenging me, Little Fish?" His eyes were dark, but there was a hint of amusement. "I like this feisty side of you."

"Let's keep the PDA to a PG level people."

Damon sighed and pulled away. Alyx stood a few feet away smirking with her hands on her hips.

"Can we keep our hormones in check, you two?"

"You're one to talk," Damon muttered. "I heard you and Luke from the basement."

"No one asked you to listen. Besides, once Dani moves in, I'll finally have something to do instead of plot ways to annoy you."

"Wait," I said raising my eyebrows. "Who said I was moving in?"

"You want to stay with Old Man Grey?" Alyx asked with a slight tilt of her head. "It's pretty boring over there. I would know." She glared at Damon. "I had to live there till this idiot let me stay at the pack house."

"Entrance into the pack house is to the Alpha's discretion," Damon growled. "You're only there because Luke begged like a love sick puppy."

"But you're happy I'm there, Damon," Alyx replied. "I make your life interesting."

"You make my life a living hell."

"Then I'm doing my job." She smiled at him before turning her attention to me. "Please come stay at the pack house, Dani. Do you really want to keep torturing Damon? Poor little Alpha stays outside your house all night just so he can see you."

I glanced at Damon who was stuck between embarrassment and rage. His face was slightly tinged pink while his eyes were a murderous shade of black. He looks cute when he blushes. It shows that under his badass persona, he's still a love stricken high school boy.

"I mean if it's not an inconvenience to anyone, I don't see why I can't move in. I'll have to clear it with Mr. Grey."

Suddenly the bell rang, and Damon took the opportunity to pull me away.

"I wish you wouldn't encourage her," Damon sighed. "You realize she won't leave you alone now."

I shrugged. "Alyx is a handful, but she seems nice."

"We'll see how you feel after a week of living with her."

Class seemed to drag into eternity as I waited for the lunch bell. I completely zoned out in English, but when will I ever need to know the author's tone and mood in everyday life.

After class, I met up with Daniel---well more like he found me at my locker. He seemed a bit frazzled than usual.

"Something wrong?" I asked.

"I just failed my Math test and midterms are coming up. I'm looking at failing the quarter.

"Why don't you get a tutor?"

"Too expensive."

I rolled my eyes. You drive a BMW, and attend an exclusive private school. A tutor isn't going to make a dent in whatever fortune you have. "I'll tutor you. We can go work in the library."

"And work through lunch?"

"Do you want to pass or not?"

"Fine, but can we work out in the courtyard. It's outside the cafeteria so I don't at least starve."

Overdramatic much? "Sure, I'll meet you outside."

When Daniel told me he was failing Math, I assumed I would have to start from the beginning.

"Are you sure you need my help?" I asked looking over his shoulder. He completed the practice problems with ease. "Maybe it was just a bad day or something."

"Maybe you're just a good teacher," he said smiling.

"Alright, so do the next one."

He tapped his pencil in thought. "Do you like Damon?"

My eyes widened at the sudden question. "I don't think we need to discuss that."

"Just tell me! Do you really like him, or is it just for popularity?"

My eyes narrowed. "Why do you care?"

"Because I like you. You deserve someone who isn't going to cast you to the side once he gets what he wants. He's a man-whore, Dani!"

"And you're an ass." I rose, but a hand closed around my wrist and pulled me back into my seat. "What? Do you want to criticize me some more?"

I didn't get an answer. He leaned in suddenly, crashing his lips to mine. I froze at the action. His kiss was gentle, but the passion wasn't there. It reminded me of the kisses middle scholars share. It was to show off status, but it really means nothing.

Suddenly he was yanked away, and an angry fist slammed into his face.

"You just don't know when to stop, do you, King?" Damon growled.His eyes were pitch black, and his hands were clenched into fists.

Daniel shakily rose to his feet. "Fuck off, Masen."

A right hook caught him off guard. Before he could get up, a foot connected to his side.

A crowd began to form. I tried to push through the unyielding formation to go find one of Damon's pack mates. Maybe they could calm him down, or at least restrain him so he doesn't kill Daniel.

"Dani!" Alyx pushed through the crowd followed by Luke, James, and Issac. "What's going on?"

"I....I.....just," I was lost for words from the shock. A groan followed by a series of "oh's" from the onlookers snapped me back into reality. "You need to stop him."

His pack mates looked at him wearily. Where they afraid of him?

"Please," I pleaded. "Help him."

When they refused to move, I charged forward and stood between Damon and Daniel. A fist raced forward, and I prepared myself for impact. It never came. Cautiously, I opened my eyes. Hurt flashed in his eyes but was quickly replaced with anger. He glared at Daniel before turning on his heel and breaking through the crowd.

I kneeled beside Daniel and helped him to his feet. For a lanky guy, he sure was heavy.

"What did I tell you Masen?" Daniel called to his retreating form. "You're not the only one."

It happened so fast. Damon lunged, but Luke caught him in a headlock. Daniel tried to take advantage of the situation, but James held him back. Issac glanced my way and smirked.

"Way to go Luna."


"Danielle, darling, dinner is ready," Harriet called while knocking at the door. "Hurry or it will get cold."

I curled myself into a tighter ball beneath the comforter. Maybe if I could make myself tiny, my bed would eventually swallow me. It would save me the embarrassment of showing my face back at school. Damon is avoiding me, and being around Daniel is too awkward. As if it couldn't get any worse, Olivia took the opportunity to spread rumors that I was a slut and cheating on Damon with Daniel. I've come to the conclusion that high school sucks.

The door opened, and Harriet's heels clicked across the floor. "Danielle, please come and eat. I made your favorite."

"I'm not hungry," I mumbled.

"Would you like Elizabeth to bring you up something?"

"No, thanks."

"Honey, you shouldn't let a boy ruin your appetite."

"I appreciate your words of comfort, Harriet, but I just want I be left alone."

"Alright. Let me know if you need anything." She exited, and I remained under my comforter. My phone buzzed, but I ignored it. I'm not in the mood to be bothered.

Clink. Clink.

I flung off the comforter and raced to the French doors in time to see a pebble tap against it. I ripped open the doors and leaned over the balcony to see Damon standing below. My heart fluttered with excitement to see him, but my mind chastised me and flashed images of his behavior earlier today.

"I just got my windows replaced, asshole," I snapped.

He placed a hand over his chest feigning pain. "You hurt me, Danielle."

My heart skipped as my name rolled off his tongue. He was toying with me, but I wasn't about to let him off that easy.

"Why are you here?"

"Let me come up."

"Tch, not until you apologize for what you did today."

"Then I'll just climb up."

I rolled my eyes and walked back inside. There was no way a bunch of dead vines could support him.

A soft thud caused me to turn around. How did he----?

I crossed my arms and plopped down on my bed. "Unless you're here to apologize, go away."

"I believe it is you who should be apologizing, Little Fish. You were the one that provoked me."

"Me!" I shrieked in outrage. "I did no such thing. He kissed me."

"But did you pull away?"

", but you didn't need to hit him."

Suddenly I was on my back with Damon hovering over me. His hands locked onto my wrist holding them above my head. His green eyes were ringed in black that slowly edged towards the iris. He leaned forward till the ends of his hair brushed against my forehead.

"I told you werewolves were possessive. I won't allow another man to take what is mine. Do you understand?"

"Damon," I whimpered as his hands tightened. "You're hurting me."

"Think about how I felt when I saw you kissing King. Imagine a knife being plunged into your heart."


His eyes were midnight black, swirling with anger, but hidden behind it all was indescribable pain. In a flash, it was gone.

"I'm sorry,"he said. He back away and covered his face in shame. "You probably think I'm a monster, right?"

I sat up. "No. I just think you're human with some animal like tendencies." I moved his hands away and rested my forehead against his. "Just promise me that you won't maim anyone I don't deem a threat.

He chuckled and gave me a quick kiss. "No promises."

Note to self: Don't piss off a werewolf.

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