Sweet Revenge

By rxvulets

41K 1K 145

When they were three, he chopped off her ponytails. When they were eight, he destroyed her dolls. When they... More

•Plot + Characters•
•Sweet Revenge: Prologue•
•Chapter 1: Sweet Returns•
•Chapter 2: Sweet Memories•
•Chapter 3: Sweet Irritation•
•Chapter 4: Sweet Hair•
•Chapter 5: Sweet Best Friends•
•Chapter 6: Sweet Plans•
•Chapter 7: Sweet Drinks and Dances•
•Chapter 8: Sweet Curiousity•
•Chapter 9: Sweet Introductions•
•Chapter 10: Sweet Sensations•
•Chapter 11: Sweet Drives•
•Chapter 12: Sweet Dreams•
•Chapter 13: Sweet Laughter•
•Chapter 14: Sweet Ride•
•Chapter 15: Sweet Dinner•

•Chapter 16: Sweet Coffee•

1.2K 47 64
By rxvulets

| C h a p t e r  1 6 |

Thanksgiving break is officially in full swing. I've just gotten off of school and have come back home to take a long, well deserved nap— I couldn't be more excited for it. Luckily for me, school only ran for a half day today. When I wake up, it's 2:45 p.m. and I decide that I want to get coffee from an adorable nearby coffee shop called Carla's. They always put little hearts next to my name on the cup which makes me happy. I leave the house and lock the door behind me.

I'm extremely excited for tomorrow for several reasons:

Firstly, just the fact that it's Thanksgiving and that I get to shove my face with food. I feel as though that one is self-explanatory.

Next is the fact that this Thanksgiving is going to be 100% Wyatt-free, since his whole family is driving up to San Francisco to visit Camilla's parents. Wyatt hasn't really talked to me at school for a while now. I sometimes go to the Silverstone's house to play with Warren while our parents talk and catch up. Every time I'm over, Wyatt either locks himself in his room or is out with his friends. Talk about déjà vu.

However, all of that is overshadowed by the fact that tomorrow evening, I'm going to see Peter face-to-face for the first time in months. My heart swells with excitement at the simple thought of it.

I walk into the coffee shop with a small smile on my face. Apart from Kelsey, I don't really talk to many people my age. Having Peter here is going to make me feel so much happier.

The line at the coffee shop is extremely long. I use it as an opportunity to think about what I want. As I take a peek at the menu, I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around to face Lincoln and a very annoyed looking Wyatt.

"Um... Can I help you?" I ask Lincoln curiously. I'm still a bit weary about the gym situation.

He visibly brightens. "Yes. I know we don't really talk but I figured, might as well chat up a familiar face because damn, you are a pretty one."

"I don't know. Can you apologize for catcalling me and like... not do that to someone again?".

He scratches his head and his face tinges pink in embarassment. "Yeah. I'm fresh out of a relationship and tried the douche thing for the week after we broke up. It was really shitty and I feel bad."

I raise my eyebrows, pointing a gaze at Wyatt.

"And aren't you already here with someone?"

"He's being boring right now," he whines.

"Shut the fuck up Linc," Wyatt mumbles.

Lincoln walks up next to me. "As you can see, he is being a piece of shit."

This makes me crack a smile. "Point proven."

We spend the rest of the ten minute wait talking about school and our plans for Thanksgiving break. Lincoln is actually funnier than I thought.

"But for real," he interrupts the conversation, "are you still annoyed by me from how I was at the gym?".

"You are a tolerable person, I guess."

"Why thank you, my lady. Accept my apology. I promise thee that I shall never call thy cat again," he curtseys in front of me.

I giggle. Like actually giggle like a little girl. What the hell is it about the way Lincoln talks that makes the guy so charming?

This seems to catch Wyatt's attention. "What's so funny?"

"Oh look! The grump has a voice!" Lincoln snorts.

Wyatt opens his mouth to retort, but Lincoln stops him."You know what? Screw you. You're buying all of us coffee. Come on Ashley."

"Why for her though?"

I look at Wyatt. "Yeah, I really don't feel like paying anymore. Have fun! And also, I'll drink my coffee black with one sugar" I wink, walking off with Lincoln.

We sit down at a booth and five minutes later, Wyatt comes back with a tray of beverages. Lincoln gets a call and excuses himself. I wordlessly grab the drink that says Ashley on it and blow on it before taking a sip. He does the same with his drink.

The sweet liquid coats my taste buds and the back of my throat making me gag. This drink sure as hell is not coffee. Its sickeningly sweet and disgusting.

I turn the cup over and read the order.

Non-fat soy hazelnut mocha latte with two pumps of caramel sweetener and extra foam.

What. The. Fuck.

"Jesus Ashley, your coffee is so strong, it's disgusting," he frowns.

"Um, hello! Your coffee is so uncoffee-like that it's disgusting. I mean, what the hell is a non fat soy haz-"

He snatches the cup out of my hand, scooting my coffee towards me.

"Be quiet," he grumbles defensively. 

This makes me laugh.

"It's okay Wyatt! Just because that old lady making the coffee thought that you were the girl, doesn't mean the world is going to end! It just means that I'm going to get a hell of a laugh of it. At the end of the day, everyone has their own preferences."

"Preferences? Awww is Wy-bear coming out of the closet?" Lincoln coos, walking up behind us.

"Screw off," Wyatt grumbles.

"Lucky for you, I have to. Got called to go to the twins' place," he sighs.

Without me even asking, he explains, "My neighbours have these really cute six year old twins who I tutor in the evenings. I have to go teach them a bit early today because their parents called and said they won't be able to make their session at our normal time."

"Awwww," I say.

"I can practically see the heart eyes," Wyatt mocks me. Lincoln and I choose to not pay attention to his comment.

"Better get going now. Sorry to leave you with him!" Lincoln calls out walking away.

Deciding to finish my coffee before leaving because I don't want to walk home with it, I stay seated.

"So why are you still here?" I ask him, "My mom said you guys are supposed to be at Camilla's parent's house right now."

"We're leaving tomorrow afternoon," he informs, shrugging.

We sit in silence for a few moments. He takes huge sip from his nasty latte, and I swear I can see his eyes rolling to the back of his head, making me unattractively snort at how ridiculous he looks.

"What's so funny?" he asks.

"You look like you're having an orgasm," I tell him with my eyebrows raised.

All of a sudden, he begins to laugh.

Like, straight up chuckle.

When he notices me looking at him weirdly, his eyes soften as he explains, "You keep catching me off guard, Hollister."

We stare at each other for a few more seconds before he asks, "Want to go somewhere?"

"I can't," I tell him, "My mom is getting off early today." I also don't want to hang out with you.

"That's cool, maybe we can walk home since Linc was my ride?"


As we're walking back to our street wordlessly —I'm walking a few steps ahead on him— a woman who appears to be in her thirties comes up from behind and walks up to us.

"Excuse me. This may sound a bit crazy, but I'm actually a photographer with a modelling company and couldn't help but notice you two walking and I think you two should swing by my studio."

She hands us each a card which I scan. I notice Wyatt's eyebrows scrunching in amusement. The card has a very busty lady wearing nothing but her birthday suit and covering her tits with her hands.

Rhonda's Exotic Photos

Erotic Fetish & Kink Photo/ Video

Call 555-555-SEXX

"I'm sorry, but we're not interested. Thanks for the offer though!" I tell her.

The lady glares at me. "Speak for yourself honey. This hottie here still hasn't said no. Mmmmm I can just imagine this young thing making the big bucks," her husky voice informs us.

Wyatt and I look to each other, disturbed. Before I even realize it, he grabs my hand and makes a beeline for it.

When we run up to our street, we breathlessly start laughing.

"That was interesting," he manages to squeeze out. 

He pauses for a second before asking, "you wanna go to the coffee shop with Linc and I tomorrow again?"

I think about it for a few seconds and realize I've actually had a good time. I'm about to answer affirmatively, when the sound of a car door slamming takes my attention.

My heart starts beating with excitement.

Even though I haven't seen the boy standing a few metres away from me for a few months, nothing stops me from squealing and charging at him, jumping on him.

"Peter!" I scream.

He picks me up and spins me while I grab onto him koala-style.

"What up baby girl?" he shouts.

We stay like that for a few moments. I take in his smell and smile at the familiar comfort of it.

"You're here a day early," I mumble into his shirt.

"I was always going to come today," he talks into my hair, "I just wanted to see the look on your face if I came earlier than you thought. I love surprising you."

This boy always manages to put a grin on my face. We pull apart and begin to walk inside with his luggage.

I realize that Wyatt's not there anymore.


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