Den of the snake -

By RavenUchiha512

59.8K 3.1K 1.2K

"I am the sole survivor of the once feared Uchiha clan, and I am burdened with great purpose. I have brought... More

1: Revolution
4:Prying Eyes
5:Slithering Snakes
6:Majestic Flame Jutsu
13:A Crazy Little Thing
16:Accepting The Darkness
18:Mending Old Wounds
19:A Bargain To Be Made
20:Beyond The Thunder
21:Happy Days
22:A Day In The Life
24:Broken Bonds
25:United We Stand
26:Destroying The Lie
2 7 : Burying Ashes
2 8 : A New Dawn
2 9 : To Forever And Beyond

17:Embracing The Darkness

1.8K 118 61
By RavenUchiha512

"If any of you try to take my happiness away from me this time.................I WILL kill you".

The sight of seeing Hinata so enraged sent shivers down their spines. It felt unreal. It felt unreal to believe that this was the same timid and innocent girl that they all knew in the past. It was impossible that this was the same girl who used to faint over Naruto Uzumaki, the same girl who couldn't say a single sentence without stuttering, the same girl who was once called a disgrace to her esteemed clan.

"Hinata, have you lost your goddamn mind? Listen to what you're saying. You're really going to fight us over that fucking traitor" Kiba was snarling and growling as he and Akamaru got into a fighting stance. Same with all the others, they put on their guards and prepared themselves for anything. Hinata looked over at Kiba with her byakugan and stared down into his eyes, and it made Kiba feel strange and frightened.

"Think carefully before you speak, dog. The next time I hear you say something like that about him, I'll personally rip your tongue out" her tone was calm and soft but her words were far from those things. The rage and anger behind them was heart shaking. Shikamaru at that point realized that Hinata had changed, that she wasn't the same anymore. But that didn't mean they were going to stop.

"If that's how you want it Hinata, then you leave us with no choice........We're here to take you back, and we are going to take you back whether you like it or not. And if it means fighting you then so be it" Shikamaru says as he let's out a sigh and closes his eyes. The rise in the chakra levels of different individuals was felt by everyone and nobody could walk away from this fight. Hinata stayed focused and used her rage to her advantage. She wasn't going to go back under any circumstances. But she knew she had to attack carefully, because the odds weren't in her favor.

Add to the equation, all of her enemies were elite jonin-level shinobis, she had to make her moves carefully. Hinata narrowed her eyes and she looked at all of them. Waiting for anyone to attack first. And surprisingly it was Sai who initiated the attack.

"Super beast scroll : Lion Bullet".

In the blink of an eye Hinata saw the multiple lions all jumping out of his scroll and raging towards her. But she also noticed that this attack wasn't to damage her but to distract her from the real attack. She saw how Sakura flinched a little and was about to attack as well. Hinata smirked a little as she saw through the attack, immediately dispelling the lions on her hands, she tried out a new technique that she had been working on after Sasuke told her of her chakra nature's.

"Fire Release : Flame rotation".

Their faces are left shocked when they see Hinata using a fire technique that they had never seen before. They saw how she used the normal Byakugan gentle step rotation technique but induced it fire, creating an impenetrable wall of fire around herself. The lions collided with the fire wall but immediately dispersed into nothing and as for Sakura, by this time she was also in the air and headed straight for the Hinata. Realizing she had no way out of this, she closed her eyes and embraced herself. But luckily Choji managed to expand his hand and caught her at the last second. Safely bringing her back to their side. Sakura panted to catch her breath and watched as Hinata slowly stopped and the fire dispersed in the air.

Suddenly, a small grin formed on Hinata's face as she looked at all of them. This immediately alerted the opposing ninjas as they took a step back. Shikamaru was shocked to see Hinata using a fire style jutsu, but he was even more shocked when he saw her making hand signs for a lightning technique.

"EVERYBODY GET BACK" Shikamaru immediately shouts at all of them but by that time Hinata had already unleashed her jutsu.

"Lightning style : Thunderclap arrow".

They watched as Hinata molded her lightning based chakra and then shaped it into a form of arrow. Not wasting a single second, she threw the arrow as a projectile at her target, which in this case was Kiba.

Kiba couldn't anticipate the coming jutsu and only realized at the last moment that he was about to be hit.

"Earth style : Mud wall".

Suddenly the ground underneath them shifted and a wall raised from underneath them that successfully deflected the jutsu, saving Kiba's life.
Hinata grew angered at this and immediately she sensed who it was. Looking behind them all, she saw Kakashi standing on the wall behind them, looking unfazed and calm as usual.

"Kakashi sensei, what are you doing here" Sakura immediately asks as she turns to her teacher. Kakashi calmly jumps down and lands next to Shikamaru.

"I was here to have a talk with Sasuke. And I was just on my way back when I heard all the commotion. Letting my curiosity get the best of me and I find myself in the Hyuga household and what do I see? Hinata Hyuga unleashing jutsus at her old friends with the intent to kill" Kakashi says in an annoyed tone as he eyes the heiress. He was already aware of what was happening because Pakkun had disappeared when the action started but he did relay the information before disappearing. And needless to say Kakashi was not expecting such words from the princess.

"Hinata, I heard what you said before. But I want to ask you again, what is the meaning of this?" Kakashi became quiet after saying his words. He was genuinely curious as to how his student managed to manipulate the Hyuga princess to become this way. Hinata slowly turned to Kakashi, staring deep into his eyes. And finally after some time, she speaks up.

"Whatever meaning there is behind my actions is none of your concern, sensei. I am no longer your student, nor am I a teammate of any of you all. So I don't need to answer to anything you ask me. Now........If you want to fight. Then come at me otherwise don't waste my time and leave before my Abductor finds you all here. And trust me, when he does he won't show any mercy" The heiress says looking down at all of them with eyes filled with hatred. But this time the response from her former teammates was different.

"That's it. I don't care what the hell you say Hinata. We're taking you whether you like it or not. Everyone, attack together" It was strange to see Shikamaru lose his cool. But nobody objected his order and immediately pounced on the Byakugan princess, except Kakashi immediately tried to stop the attack.

It was Sai and Choji who jumped in first and targeted Hinata  who also readied herself for the incoming attack.

But as Sai used his sword to attack Hinata, the attack was stopped when somebody else jumped in the middle, effectively stopping them all in their tracks. Kakashi immediately analyzed the new person, he was wearing glasses and was also dressed in the standard samurai uniform. But something about his aura felt different and oddly unsettling.

"S-Shinpachi-kun" Hinata says with widened eyes as she looks at the back of the man Sasuke assigned to defend her. Shinpachi slowly turns around and gives a small curt bow at the heiress.

"Forgive me, M'Lady, for not coming sooner" His words surprise them all. Seeing Hinata get treated like royalty at the hands of someone like Sasuke was strange. But before anything else happens, Kagura also appears next to Shinpachi. Staring down at all of them with rage and anger.

"What the hell do you bastards think you're doing to Lady Hinata" Kagura says in a loud voice raising her fist in the air. Hinata's eyes soften a little at the sight of these two protecting her. Over these past months that she had spent here, she had gotten closer to all of the people working under Sasuke, especially those who ranked higher in the hierarchy. They became her new friends.

Shikamaru clicked his teeth in annoyance when he saw how the number of enemies around them was growing. And judging by their chakra levels, they weren't normal sbinobi. Shikamaru was still trying to think of a plan to attack when he felt another massive chakra in the area.

"Now now, Kagura-chan. Please calm down. No need to get angered" Their heads turn towards a dark corner of the garden at hearing this voice and they immediately take a few steps back at the sight of this new enemy. But Kakashi immediately recognized him.

"You again. I'm surprised you're still walking after that attack" Kakashi says directing his question at Gintoki. To which Gintoki just let's out a childish chuckle.

"It's sounds like you are a little disappointed, Kakashi-san. But don't worry about it, I'm sure we'll have our rematch soon enough and you can try harder then" Gintoki says in a playful tone, before shifting his eyes over to the younger ninjas. Still keeping his smile on his face, that does nothing but creep them all out.

"And as for all the intruders. I'm not one for violence, however, if any of you lays as much as a finger on our princess's hair, then trust me, our response will be very.............let's just say, aggressive" Gintoki's words were enough to intimidate them all.

"And who the fuck are you to tell us what to do? Do you actually think you can scare us with that pathetic acting of yours" Kiba says as he glares at Gintoki. But at this Gintoki becomes quiet as his smile turns into a creepy chilling grin as he stares at them all.

"Oh no, it's not me you should be scared of..." slowly he raises his finger and points behind them all, at the other end of the garden. "It's him".

Their gazes follow where his finger is pointing and they immediately freeze on their spots when they see the last Uchiha leaning with his back against the wall with his arms crossed, staring at all of them intently with his sharingan and rinnegan already activated. Hinata's eyes soften at the sight of Sasuke and a small smile forms on her face after seeing him.

"S-Sasuke-kun" Sakura is the first one to speak as she is again faced with her old teammate. The same one who had tried to kill her many times. But needless to say, just the sight of the avenger was enough to make them rethink their decisions. At this point Shikamaru realized that it was impossible to follow on with their mission. Sasuke slowly let's out a sigh as he pushes himself off the wall and starts slowly walking towards them all with his eyes closed.

"Enough. I'm tired of this childish nonsense. You trespassed my village, snuck around and then infiltrated this house and to top it all off. You threatened the Uchiha Matriarch" Sasuke deep and calm voice is filled with underlying anger and rage, and they can all feel it. With each step he takes, their fear grows. He finally stops when he is a few feet away from them and stares dead at them.

"So I'll give you one last chance to get out my village" Sasuke says and they all notice as his sharingan changes into the eternal mangekyo. This warning was enough to scare the wits out of all of them. Among all of them, Sakura was the one who was the most shaken, even after seeing her former love cause her harm so many times, it was still strange to her when she realized that this was the same man who was once in the same squad as her and the blond knucklehead. Those times now felt like lifetimes ago.

"Shikamaru. Let's go. We don't need to have any casualties" Kakashi says as he walks to Shikamaru and places his hand on his shoulder. The genius stands firm for a few minutes before his shoulders slump in defeat as his eyes fall on the ground. Taking this as his cue Kakashi addresses his juniors.

"Everyone we are heading back immediately. Let's go" Kakashi says to them all and they all sadly nod. But at hearing this, something deep from inside Hinata's core compels her to speak. And just as they are all about to leave, she suddenly steps in.

"Stop" their eyes immediately widen as they hear her soft yet firm voice calling them. Even Sasuke becomes amused as his eyes travel over to his future wife. He sees Hinata wearing an unreadable expression. He couldn't analyze what she was saying and waited for her to speak.

"Hinata" Sasuke slowly says her name, but she doesn't turn to him even after hearing her name, her eyes are fixed on all the other ones. And the only thing resting in her eyes was hate.

"I'm not done with them yet. They can't walk inside this village and threaten us and then be allowed to freely walk away......." Hinata says as she glares at all of them with ferocity that was never seen in her eyes before. And even Sasuke was becoming oddly pleased by seeing this new side of her. He had been used to seeing her soft and gentle side, this angered and hate-filled Hinata was a new change, one that he liked alot. Whereas Hinata slowly turns to Gintoki.

"Gintoki" She calls on him.

"Yes, m'lady" He responds within a second. Whereas Kakashi and his group watches in silence at what she was about to say.

"Arrest all of them and throw them all in prison. They will be punished for their crimes" Hinata says in a calm and soft tone without batting an eye.

"What!" Shikamaru says as they eyes widen upon hearing her order. But they weren't the only one, even Sasuke was surprised to hear this. But Kakashi immediately turns to his former student and addresses him.

"Sasuke, there is no need for that. We have already discussed the agreement, so allow us to leave" Kakashi turns back to Sasuke with a relaxed expression on his face. Whereas Kiba and the others suddenly chuckled, gaining Hinata's attention.

"Do you really think you can arrest us, Hinata-Chan. Don't get too far ahead of yourself just because the traitor wants to use you as an incubator" Hinata's body flared up in rage at hearing Kiba's words laced with anger and rage. But then the heiress remembered something she learned from the Uchiha. Easing her burning rage, she put on a small smile on her face and calmly addressed her.

"Choose your words very carefully, Kiba. I don't want Akamaru to see his owner killed in front of him" Hinata speaks in a low and menacing yet oddly sweet voice, sending chills through the enemies. Even Kiba because disturbed and felt uneasy because of Hinata's new personality. Gintoki, the one who was given the order stands quietly pondering over his thoughts.

"Uchiha-Sama" Gintoki speaks making eye contact with Sasuke, who was still the same. Not a single expression on his face. Sasuke breaks his gaze away from him and he turns to Hinata, who was also watching him intently.

He knew what she wanted. But he didn't feel like it was necessary. Imprisoning them would gain them nothing. But he also felt that it was normal because of how much she had suffered at their hands, she also wanted to return a little of that suffering. Sasuke noted the change in his hime. She was adapting, and adapting wonderfully. She was cutting off her ties and becoming hateful and vengeful.

"Sasuke-kun" That was it. That was the moment he realized that this fragile woman held his life in her palm. Just when he was about to cancel her order, her voice broke his resolve. Her eyes, her face, her expression. It was at that moment that Sasuke realized, he had gotten trapped in something he didn't expect. All the conversations, the training sessions, the kisses, they were all leading upto this.

Breaking his gaze away from Hinata, Sasuke turned to Gintoki again. His eyes sharp and focused.

"You heard her. Arrest them all. Except for Kakashi. Kakashi you have sixty seconds to disappear from my village" Sasuke says surprising them all, except for Hinata. She felt warm and at ease. She felt like she was in utopia, when she saw how Sasuke supported her.

"Sasuke, you can't expect me to just leave them all here at your mercy" Kakashi says with an irritated tone as he takes a step towards Sasuke. But Sasuke puts a hand up and stops him from talking any further.

"They won't be at my mercy. This is Hinata's order. Whatever she decides, I will follow along. She holds just as much authority in this village as me. So again, leave before I have to break my agreement" Sasuke says, slowly walking upto Hinata, standing next to her. While the young ninjas look at them all in dread. Their fear consumed them to such an extent that they didn't even realize that Gintoki along with Shinpachi were putting cuffs on them that were built with chakra dampeners.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS? HINATA, WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU? ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR GODDAMN MIND? YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO US" as expected, Kiba lashed out but when he tried to use his chakra, he felt completely empty and drained. Kakashi took Kiba's outburst to quickly, whisper something in Shikamaru's ear.

"Comply with them. I'll be back" Shikamaru remains calm and slowly nods as he closes his eyes.

"Kiba, stop it. There is nothing we can do right now. Your exhausting your energy, she won't change her decision" the laid back genius speaks in solemn tune as he places his hand on Kiba's shoulder, trying to calm him down.

Meanwhile Sakura watches hopelessly as her friends are taken against their wills. Kiba's shoulders slump as he stares down hopelessly at the ground. This was not what they expected. This was not what they had in mind when they came back to the Leaf.

"S-Sensei" Sakura slowly whispers to Kakashi as tears slowly form in her eyes. Kakashi turns to her and smiles gently at her.

"Don't worry Sakura. I won't abandon my comrades this time" Kakashi says to his dear student before turning to Sasuke for the last time.

"Sasuke..............We'll be seeing each other soon" Kakashi speaks in a deep and authoritative voice before jumping off into the night. But Sasuke remains stoic and unfazed

"Gintoki. Send some of your men to follow him, until he's out of the village boundaries. As for the rest of them. Escort them all to their cells" Sasuke says in a cold and cruel tone.

"Hai. Move along, all of you" Gintoki says as he signals some of his men to follow Kakashi, while he, himself gestures all the captured ninjas toward the prison.

Sakura slowly watches with teary eyes as she eyes Hinata. This wasn't the gentle Hinata Hyuga that she remembered. This was a complete new person. Her face still was the same but something about her had changed. The scars and her expressions, everything about her seemed cold and cruel. Hinata slowly turns around and heads back inside her room. Sakura's gaze turns to the person next to her, immediately she freezes when she looks into those unwavering Onyx eyes.

Sakura's feet were stuck or maybe she didn't want to move. Sasuke's eyes locked with hers. And for the longest time the two stared into each other's eyes. Sakura's tears fell down her face as she looked at the man that was responsible for all her misery and pain.

"S-Sasuke-kun" She mouths but her voice doesn't come out. But then Sakura sees something very strange.

A small smirk makes its way onto Sasuke's lips as he stares deep into her eyes. Sasuke watches as a couple of his men suddenly push Sakura making her stumble forward, but she manages to remain on her feet. The smirk disappears and the usual glare comes back.

"Don't put your hands on her or any of them again. Gintoki. Make sure they are comfortable with their sleeping conditions" Sasuke says as his sharingan twirls, scaring the wits out of his men. As they all immediately nod and accept his order before bowing in front of him. Sasuke slowly closes his eyes and turns around, going inside the same room as Hinata.

Sakura's eyes widen at his words. As a small hope lights up in her heart. This small gesture was enough for Sakura to realize that maybe, just maybe, there still was some good left in Sasuke Uchiha.


Okay then ❤️ first of all. Thank you all, my lovely and beautiful readers and commenters and voters ❤️❤️❤️❤️ I feel good and satisfied to read your comments and I'm ecstatic my first story is so loved by you guys.

Now moving on, I just want to make something known that we won't be seeing Sasuke and Hinata's kid in this story. This story will end probably by chapter 25 or 27 or something between those lines. So we will see the wedding but no kids. Although we will see glimpses of the future or their kid.

Now the reason for that is because I am thinking of either doing a sequel for this story where their kid will make his/her appearance and will be set after all this shit is figured out.

Now the thing I want to ask really is ::: How Would you guys feel about a more mature Sasuhina story? Because I might have something in works that has a lot of citrus 🙄🙄 and alot of ~~ Wink~Wink~Nudge~Nudge~~😏😏😏 Lots of skinship, adult themes, serious drama and even some messed up humor?

Tell me what you think. I'll be waiting to see your opinion in the comments 😘😘😘😘😘Later my loves.

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