Hiccup the Nightfury (combine...

By Ahveren

1.4K 78 5

The full moon floated over the Berk cove, illuminating two figures; a female Viking holding a double-bladed a... More

Home Panic x2, Hide its Mildew, A Dawn to Pile Coves for the Sunset of I
Sunrise To Arcaniss, Hicstrid Talk, Shifter Visit, Change Realize Confortation
A Story To Day, Numbers be Hidden, Riders be Cursed, Strategy of a Show
After Dreams of Fate, the Arena Of Execution, Deny Revenge of Hunted Cove
Astrid Toothless, Life Time, Kill an Island, Arrive in Time Hiccstrid Excitement
Part 7

A Sneaky Morning to Train Rude Human Hiccup to Talk to Dragons, Literally

564 16 2
By Ahveren

Sneak Peak
   The full moon floated in the sky above the Berk cove illuminating two figures; a confused looking female Viking with a double bladed axe and a sad and lonely looking Nightfury.

   Kill me Astrid. Please. Said the Nightfury. "Why Hiccup, why?" asked Astrid fighting tears. It will end my suffering, and I would rather have the one whom I have always loved kill me than a mob of angry Vikings encouraged by a crazy old man kill me. Said Hiccup shedding tears down his scaly face. "I can't kill you." confessed Astrid. Why not? Asked Hiccup. "I have always admired you and I recently fell in love with you," admitted Astrid tears now flowing freely. "Please don't make me kill you."

Hiccup was lying peacefully in bed asleep when there came an awful Smash, Smash, Smash, Smash from the roof. He tried to sleep but it didn't work for the awful Smash came again. When Toothless wants to go flying in the morning there is no avoiding it. Thought Hiccup. Grabbing the flying gear from next to his bed he walked out the door into the fresh air.

"Good morning bossy,"said Hiccup "I'm surprised you didn't wake up my Dad." Toothless jumped down from the roof and ran over to where Hiccup was standing. "Ok, let's get this gear on you." He said. It was done in 15 minutes due to the fact that someone was way to excited (Toothless).

"Let's go bud!" Shouted Hiccup as they did all kinds of air tricks. After a while they saw Astrid and Stormfly coming towards them. "Hiccup, your dad wants to see you, it sounded important ." She said. "I'll be right there." Hiccup responded and they flew to the Great Hall where Stoick was standing with Gobber.

Train the Dragons
   "Hiccup, I know that Berk is so much better now that there is peace with dragons and a dragon training arena. However..." Stoick was saying. "However what?" Asked Hiccup. "Mildew." Stoick responded. "He's been complaining about the wild dragons in the Berk woods and saying that they're going to kill us all." Gobber said. "And we need you to go and train them." said Stoick. "Ok, I will gather the riders and go and train them." said Hiccup. "Be safe son." encouraged Stoick.

"Ok gang you know the drill, go to the wild dragons and tame them in your quadrant, and if they try to kill you get away as fast as possible. This may be a two day mission. So gather supplies." Hiccup lectured.

A few minutes later they each split off into their groups. Hiccup and Toothless went to their area and started training any dragons they saw. After a few hours Hiccup decided to call it a night and Toothless agreed. They want to sleep.

Around midnight a visitor came to the camp with a staff. He pointed it at Hiccup and said in a old rotten voice; "Si rechan vi tija shafaer wux ekess qe vi munthrek ini kear vur vi darastrix di wer wiivai ini thurkear." After that he walked away knowing that the boy would wake shortly as a Night Fury.

A Rude Awakening
Hiccup woke up a hour later with a huge ache across his tail and wings and everything else. Wait...tail and wings!!! Hiccup then did the Night Fury equivalent of his very manly scream which woke up Toothless. He then screamed at Hiccup and Hiccup screamed back and so on.

After ten minutes they decided to talk. "Who are you?" Asked Toothless. "You can talk?" Asked Hiccup.
"Of course I can. What's wrong with you?"
"A lot of things."
"Like what?"
"For one, I am a Night Fury for some strange reason."
"I lost my human."
"I'm right here, I'm just a Night Fury for some reason."
"That is very funny, scrawny humans don't turn into regular looking Night Furies."
"I can prove to you that I am Hiccup."
"How can you be a hiccup?"
"*groan*" I am your human. I was somehow turned into a dragon and if you don't believe me then to bad, I'm going back to bed."

Human Again
   Hiccup woke up to the sound of birds chirping in the trees. "That was some crazy dream." He said. For indeed it did seem like a dream for he was now a human. He decided to go and look for breakfast and Toothless due to the fact that he was hungry and that his dragon must have run off sometime during the night.

   A few minutes later, he found Toothless sleeping by a tree. "Hey bud, wake up." I don't want to. "Did you just talk!?" Of course I can...I can understand you?!" "I can understand you!?" Then they talked about all sorts of things. Stoick and how loud he was, Mildew and how he should go away, the dragons and riders, etc.

After around fifteen minutes, "Hey Toothless, why am I able to understand you?" I don't know Hiccup, it might have something to do with the dream I had last night. He then told Hiccup about the 'dream'. "I don't think that was a dream. For if it is then I had the same dream." This is strange. Very strange. "Yes indeed it is. Unless, it was actually happened." That's impossible. People don't turn into Night Furies or and other dragon. "I guess we just killed reality."

"How do you think I turned into a Night Fury?" I don't know, but it would explain how we are able to communicate. "Yes it would. Another question, how did I turn back into a human." Again, I have no idea. "Let's think about it. I don't know about you but I'm hungry." Me too, let's get some breakfast. And so they did. A lot of fish.

Hiccup Likes Raw Fish
   After Toothless had caught close to 60 fish, they ate. Hiccup was eating fish without cooking them first. This action confused Toothless for he thought that human liked to cook their food before eating it.

   Hiccup, you do realize that you are eating raw fish. This caused hiccup to spit out the bite of fish he had and then wail in fear of being sick. "WHY DID YOU LET ME EAT SO MANY RAW FISH!?" I didn't notice it until now. Why didn't you notice. That was a question that caused Hiccup to think for a few minutes. "I think it is because I was a dragon last night and I am slowly turning into a dragon." That would make sense. Still, the question remains; How?

Return to the Vikings
One day later
   Hiccup, don't you think we should go back? Your Dad is probably worried about you. "What are we going to tell him? How will the people react to us talking with each other?" I don't know, we should still go back. "Is it because you want my Dad to stop worrying or because you want to see Stormfly." If dragons could blush, that's what Toothless would be doing. "I knew it." Well, you want to see Astrid again don't you. "Yes I do. Anyways, let's go."

A hour later, when they returned to the village of Berk, they found Gothi waiting for them with Stoick and Gobber. "Hey son, Gothi wants to talk to you, in private." Said Stoick. "Ok." Responded Hiccup.

A Talk with Gothi
What happened? Gothi wrote. "Nothing, I was only training dragons." Hiccup responded. Don't play dumb with me, I want to know what happened during the night. "Nothing, nothing at all." Do you take me for a fool? "No, not at all." Then tell me. "What do you think I'm going to tell you?" The reason why your aura is shifting to that of a Night Fury/human hybrid. "How do you know all this?! I don't know why, I just know that I woke up in the middle of the night as a Night Fury. Then when I woke up in the morning, I was human again. Also, I can talk to Toothless." Very interesting, you may go now.

"Hey Dad, I can talk to dragons"
Hiccup walked out of Gothi's hut and joined Toothless in looking at the view from the top of the mountain. "Why do you think she has her hut on Berk's highest mountain?" I don't know...maybe even the ancient need some exercise. "I don't think walking up and down a tall mountain daily is considered exercise. It's more like torture." Well, I guess it is going to be a mystery. "Yes it is."

"Who are you talking to son?" Stoick asked. "How long have you been there?" Asked Hiccup as he turned around to see his father standing a few feet in front of him. "Long enough to hear the whole conversation. Who are you talking to?" "Myself." "Really?" "Yes, just having a mental conversation about Gothi's hut." "And your Night Fury didn't have anything to do with it." "Nope." Stoick then gave Hiccup his 'I want answers' stare. "Oh fine, you asked for it. Dad, apparently I can talk to dragons." Stoick then promptly laughed. This gave Hiccup and Toothless the opportunity to get out and go home.

Flying into Astrid (literally)
   Hiccup and Toothless were flying home for a minute until they heard a nadder squak and a scream. They looked up and saw that they were about to run into Stormfly and Astrid. And it was too late to avoid collision. All four of them fell into the sacks of flour that was conveniently placed where they crashed.

   "Watch where you are going Hiccup!" Yelled Astrid. "Sorry Astrid." Apologized Hiccup.  "At least there were sacks of flour here." Said Astrid. "Yeah." Agreed Hiccup. "So, WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN HICCUP HORRENDOUS HADDOK III!?!?!?? DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW WORIED I WAS er HOW WORIED WE WERE?!?!" Screamed an Astrid that looked like she was about to blow up. "Sorry, it was a pleasure hearing you scream but I must be going now." Said Hiccup as he got onto Toothless and flew away.

   My ears hurt. Why is your future mate so loud? "What!?!? She is not my future wife. She would rather kill me than marry me." Said Hiccup. You can deny it all you want, but you can not avoid it.

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