I'm the sad abused emo freak...

By musicwolf19

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Willow Tears is the emo girl everyone picks on. Her parents abuse her, she gets beat on at school, everyone h... More

CHAPTER 1: A New Place
CHAPTER 2: Getting Close
CHAPTER 3: Seeing Someone

CHAPTER 4: Their Back

17.5K 810 389
By musicwolf19

Author's Note: Some of you think it's Aria, one person thought it was her ex-boyfriend, I bet you won't expect this!!! hehez >:D

Chapter 4: Their Back

Willow's P.O.V

After I heard someone shout my name, I was tackled in a hug by someone I thought i'd never see again. My twin brother Kody. HOLY SHIT! KODY'S HERE! I blinked to make sure it was actually him I was seeing and then I screamed,"KODY!" Before hugging him as hard as I could. He did the same and said,"I promised you I would come back and here I am!" He got up and helped me up. Missy and Jason looked confused and Zane, well he looked confused and furious. He looked like he was trying to calm himself. Missy said,"Kody, what are you doing here?" She asked it with fake friendlyness. He looked at all three of them with disgust. He said,"None of your business." Missy huffed and turned to me. I didn't meet her eyes as she asked,"Are you ready to go see the movie?" I nodded and asked,"Yeah, but can Kody join us?" She was about to answer when Zane did it for her."No." I turned and looked him straight in the eyes and said,"Why not?" He shrugged and said,"Because I don't like him." When he said that, it was like he lit up an old peice of who I use to be and wish to be. I got pissed and said,"Fine." All three of them looked relieved. Kody just smirked. He knew I wa sgoing with him. I looked Missy in the eyes and said,"I'll get you dress to you tomorrow. Come on Kody, we're leaving." It was then that he froze. He looked and glared at Zane. We sat there for about 5 minutes before he said,"Stay. Away. From. Her."

Zane's P.O.V

Willow looked at Missy and said,"I'll get you dress to you tomorrow. Come on Kody, we're leaving." We all froze. Kody sent me a message that only werewolves can do. *Stay away from my sister. I swear if any of your mutts hurt her, i'll kill YOU!* I sent back,*I wouldn't dare hurt her, she's my mate!* HE froze and turned to glare at me. *WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHE'S YOUR MATE? YOU FUCKING MUTT! STAY AWAY FROM HER!* I just glared at him and sent back,*YOU KNOW I CAN'T DO THAT! YOU HAVE A MATE, WHAT WOULD IT FEEL LIKE TO BE APART FROM HER? HUH? COULD YOU STAY AWAY FROM HER? NO YOU COULDN'T!* We sat there and glared at each other for a few minutes. He finally sent back,*Fine, but I will not amke it easy for you to get to her. But I swear if you hurt her, I'll kill you, and i'll make it slow and very very painful! And if she WANTS to date you, I won't stand in her way, but if it's really what SHE wants.* He said,"Stay. Away. From. Her." Then they walked out leaving us all hurt and shocked as she didn't even look back.

Willow's P.O.V

They all looked shocked and hurt as I walked out of there with Kody, but Zane looked like he was hurt the worst. Well duh, what did they think? I would pick Kody over anybody! He's my twin brother! I would stick by his side no matter what. He pulled me towards a black truck. He said,"Oh and I want you to meet my girlfriend Julia. She's waiting in the truck. She's so exicted to meet my twin sister. You'll love her I promise. Twins Honor!" I smiled. The way he talks about her, I know he loves her. She better not hurt him or i'll kill her with a slow painful death. When we got to the truck, a girl with a short black hair and about as tall as me bounced out. She squeled and said,"Oh! You must be Kody's twin! He talks about you so much! Wow, your so pretty! Oh, we can become like sisters and go shopping and-" Kody cut her off,"Julia, first we have her to get moved in with us and then let her rest before you try to smother her with a bunch of activities." She blushed and said,"Oh, right I forgot." I blinked and said,"You want be to move in with you?" He smiled and said,"Of course, I came back to get you and do you think i'm going to let you keep on staying with those things we used to call parents? Hell no. And I won't take no for an answer. We already got your stuff from the house and for now you can stay in the guest room untill we design your new room at our house." I smiled as tears welled up in my eyes. Now I know what i'm going to do, i'm going to change back into who I use to be. I'll need help though.

Zane's P.O.V

As Willow left with Kody, the Beta's daughter's mate of our enemy's pack, my heart broke. She chose him over us. Wait, who is he to her and her to him? I felt my mood plumment. Why did she choose him over us? I said,"I'm going to go home." Jason and Missy nodded. I went ourt and saw Willow talking to Kody and his mate. I wanted to tear him to shreds. But instead, I listened in to what they were saying. Willow said,"You want me to move in with you?" WHAT! She'll be on enemy's territory. Kody said,"Of course, I came back to get you and do you think i'm going to let you keep on staying with those things we used to call parents? Hell no. And I won't take no for an answer. We already got your stuff from the house and for now you can stay in the guest room untill we design your new room at our house." Wait, what's wrong with their parents? I coul see Willow smile as tears welled up in her eyes. She nodded and got in the truck with them. Then they left. I felt devastated. My mate is leaving me. But at least i'll still see her at school. Unless they decide to home school her. Dammit I need to stop thinking that way. She's my mate and I'll fight for her no matter what. She'll love me soon... I hope.

Willow's P.O.V

We left but before we did, I looked back at the theater and saw that Zane looked devastated. i turned back around. Seeing that hurt me. But why! It was then that my conscious, you know that little voice inside your head that tells you what your feeling even though you deny it? Yeah that.

She said,"Your hurting because you like Zane." I did a mental scoff. I said,"No, I don't! I can't, no I won't, I just can't trust people." She snorted and said,"Do you trust Missy? At all." I said back,"Well maybe a little bit." Then it said back smug,"Well that means you can trust people." I said,"Just go away." It said,"Fine, but i'll be back."

I soon came back to reality. I must be going crazy to argue with myself. Then Julia said,"So your brother enrolled us into your high school. We'll have a ton of fun! Oh, we can have a sleepover in your room tonight! We'll watch movies and get to know each other! We can skip school tomorrow and have a fun day! Do you wnat too?" She looked at me hopeful and I said,"Yeah, sure. That'd be so much fun." I looked at Kody as we stopped at a stop sign. He looked over and smiled at us. He frowned and grabbed my chin and looked at my cheek. He froze and the started shaking. He basically growled out,"Julia, take her home, i'm going for a run." He got out and ran into the woods. I blinked and scooted over to the driver's side. I said,"Just tell me where to go, i'll drive us there." I started driving as she told me where to go. I pulled up and I who I saw made me screech and jump out of the truck so fast I got dizzy. I raced over there and hugged my best friend who I consider a sister, Aria. This is officially my best day EVER!

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