
By PaulKinsella

4.9K 430 272

A heroic eleven-year-old girl struggles to survive in a dying world plagued by a contagious form of agoraphob... More

Day 10 (eleven-year-old girl)
Before the Peak
Day 1 (The Peak)
Day 2 (The Visitor)
Day 3 (Loft 6E)
Days 4 - 9 (My Recovery)
Day 14 (Cat, Rain, Trashy Romance Novel)
Day 15 (Chained)
Day 16 (I Looked)
Day 17 (Lofts)
Day 21 (Is That You?)
Day 22 (The Unexpected)
Day 23 (Jimmy and Nichole)
Day 24 (Sixteen More)
Day 25 (The Kohn Family)
Day 26 (Imtroxous)
Day 27 - 34 (Life on Elwood's)
Day 35 - 39 (Bad Dad House)
Day 40 - 58 (Settling Into a Routine)
Day 59 (Rooster)
Day 60 (Extra! Extra! Read All About It!)
Day 68 (P.A.R.)
Day 93 (Kim Gets Sick)
Day 93 (Continued...)
Day 95 - 361 (Planting Seeds)
Day 362 (LOOK! LOOK! LOOK!)
Day 363 (The Trail)
Day 420 (Elevator Room)
Day 442 (Wallet)
Day 635 (Waste Not, Want Not)
Day 650 - 769 (Preparedness)
Day 770 (Battle Stations)
Day 771 (Bridge)
Day 774-775 (Houseboat)
Day 791 (Pencil Poke)
Day 800 (Caltrops)
Day 805 (Third Bacon Day)
Day 806 - 808 (Grandma Maud)
Day 812 (Bitch!)
Day 813 - 814 (Vacation)
Day 815 (Our First Law)
Day 822 (The Shortest Chapter in the Book with the Longest Chapter Title)
Day 824 (Sixteen Great Laws)
Day 825 (Nature)
Day 834 (Tin Foil Hat)
Day 835 (The Least I Could Do)
Day 848 (Tabitha Makes Her Move)
Day 855 (End Of An Era)
Day 1570 - 1600 (Garry)
Day 1810 (Eating Dirt)
Day 1840 (Jackie Moves)
Day 1841 - 1845 (You're On My Hair)
Day 1861 (Shocking Secret)
Day 1862 - 3758 (Boring Chapter)
Day 3759 - 3776 (Stitch Disease)
Day 3777 (Just Samber)
Day 3790 (Breech)
Day 4781 (Deeds Darker Than The Blackest Night)
Day 1 - 4779 (Diary)
My Reaction

Day 1220 (Maturity)

48 4 4
By PaulKinsella

It was four years after the peak, and I was fifteen. Yet, physically, I was still the same short, flat-chested girl I was at age eleven.

I was sitting on the living room couch between Dea (who was eight at the time) and Gina (who was four months pregnant). Gina informed me that her due date was September 17, the same as my birthday. Gina then got up and left. I didn't know it at the time, but I had just started menstruating.

Normally, with a little discretion, a young woman can keep her first period private. Unfortunately, I was not allowed that option. Mine left a large, bright red stain on the living room couch for everyone to see. Dea saw the blood before I did. She belted out a loud, hysterical scream. At least a dozen people came rushing in, and they all saw the blood on the couch and my pants.

"Samber is hurt!" squealed Dea. "Samber is bleeding!" I was mortified! People were staring at me for a long time before Nichole elbowed her way past the gawkers. "Everything is going to be fine," she reassured. "Let's go get you cleaned up." Nichole led me to my room and brought me some washcloths.

A couple of minutes later, my mother came in, and she gave me some of her pads. I looked at them. They were so thick, I thought I'd have to walk like John Wayne. I put one on, and I was sure everyone would see what felt like a mattress between my legs.

I came back into the living room a short while later. That's when Donna's dog, Bender, walked into the room. He sniffed around, found my stain on the couch, and (in full view of ten people) licked it. Loudly, and in unison, the spectators blurted out various expressions of disgust. Thus, within minutes, EVERYONE knew I was menstruating.

Poor timing ruined what could've been a fun and exciting rite of passage for me. I was grumpy the rest of the day.

That night, my father gave me a goodnight kiss. He sat down next to me and was especially affectionate and attentive. I didn't give it much thought at the time, but I know now he must have realized his little girl was becoming a young woman. I suppose it was a rite of passage for him as well. 

[Please remember to vote for this chapter.]  :)

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