The Prophecy of the Lost

By BLUEEEpancakes

9.7K 291 2.8K

What would happen if a certain someone decided to appear? What if someone else, from the past, too? What woul... More

I wish I hadn't been born
There we go, the gods hate me
Juliet in the end
Another Prophecy?!
This is getting unhealthy
The Prophecy of the Lost begun
Just keep falling, just keep falling
Whom else?!
Aaaannnd... Another one
I feel so loved right now
Bye, Pipes!
Unwanted thoughts
Wanna sing a bit?
The blond guy
The hero

Everything goes down again

783 27 47
By BLUEEEpancakes

After hours of partying, we all went to our cabins. It was nice to be back. I walked around my cabin; the trident was still standing against the column, the fluffy bed was made, all of my clothes were neatly put in the dark wooden closet. I grabbed the metallic trident and ran my hands on the smooth surface. Near the three spikes was an inscription, which said Περσεύς. I smiled and left it where it was. 

I plopped down on my bed, and soon closed my eyes.

---------------------------Sometime later that night---------------------------

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! NOOO!!! PLEASE! STOP! NOOO!!!" I was instantly woken up by a high pitch screaming, followed by a loud begging. It was a voice I knew all too well. In a flash, I dashed out of bed and out of my cabin. I panted as I ran to the Athena cabin. The dark grass whooshed and the moon shone bright at me, lighting my way. There I found nearly the whole camp milling around. I pushed my way in, and found Frank, Piper, Jason and Hazel standing around Annabeth's bed. I made my way there quickly, and found a pale figure flailing around.

Annabeth was trembling badly, whispering under her breath, which was too low to make it out. Starting to tear up, I walked softly towards her and touched her forearm. I wrapped an arm around her, and held her hand. Then I plopped my head on hers, and squeezed her hand tight. Her breathing got shallower, but shaking badly still. 

"It's me, Wise Girl." I hushed her comfortingly. She opened her bloodshot eyes and looked at me, then clung to my shirt. 

"Shhh. Demigod dreams?" I tried consoling her. She sniffed a bit. 

"I-I h-had a-a n-n-nightmare a-about w-when y-y-y-you w-were k-killing N-Nyx. I-I-" she stuttered in fear and pain.

"Shh, it's alright, okay? We're here, not there. Don't worry." 

I laid beside her until I could hear a soft snoring. I loved her blonde hair. I loved her grey eyes. I loved her, so much. I glanced around and noticed that the on-lookers had already gone to sleep. I found myself slowly spiralling towards Hypnos's realm.

-----------------------Time skip to next morning--------------------

I woke up and first thing I saw was Annabeth hugging me on her bed. I smiled at her. The morning sun hit her figure gently, creating a soft, warm tone, hitting smoothly on her golden locks.

"Hey, Wise Girl. Get up."

She moaned into my shirt and gripped me harder.

"No..." she murmured. I chuckled at that. 

"Then I'll have to!" I said and held her bride style to take her to breakfast. She tried to get rid pf me, to no success. Soon we were at the Poseidon table, where the rest of the seven- except Leo- were already seated and starting out the morning. I plopped my girlfriend down on the bench and grinned. 

"You're going to pay for that, Percy." She glared at me with her arms crossed whilst pouting.

"I think I won't." I replied. Then I sat down next to Jason.

"So," Piper started, "What do you guys want to do this afternoon? We're free." Her multicoloured eyes shimmered, looking around the table at her friends.

"We should make an awesome prank on the Apollo cabin!" Hazel exclaimed.

"Nah. We should try and shoot an apple with a bow at 8 yards at least from it with it resting on some random camper in the canoe lake with smashed tomatoes on their whole body and then try to send the canoe as high as we can!" I said. It was such a cool idea!

"NO." Everyone immediately turned to me with unbelievable faces.

"We could chill around." Frank shyly suggested. He was definitely not into awesome kick-ass stuff. 

"Yeah, I think that's good... How about at the beach?" Annabeth proposed. Everyone agreed, but I was absolutely NOT into the plan. 

--------------------Time Skip-------------------

It was already in the afternoon, and we were going down to the beach. It was blue-ish and the undulating waves were mesmerising. Trees dotted around and the gentle sand was really white. Jason wore turquoise trunks; Piper a simple pink bikini; Frank wore them purple; Hazel wore a golden suit and Annabeth wore a grey bikini. I hadn't put any swimming trunks, as I wasn't going to get wet and instead wore a camp's shirt and trousers. 

As soon as we reached it, Jason dived in, with help of the winds to go higher in into the air to make a flip. The girls slowly walked into the freezing water, and Frank turned into some kind of fish in the banks. I stood there watching. However much I wanted to, I was scared. I was terrified. The drowning... Gaea... The feeling of choking helplessly... The scars. I bit my lip and rubbed on a white marking on my tanned skin. 

"-ercy!" Jason shouted my name. I came back to reality. 

"W-what?" I stuttered.

"Get in!" He replied in an impatient tone.

"U-uh, okay." I paced towards the ripples. My feet hit the water, and I immediately felt better. I continued walking in, but when it reached my waist, my panic came flustering in. The rising mud... The sinking... I shut my eyes and continued on. Nothing would happen. I felt good with myself that I managed to do it. 

"Let's play hide-and-seek!" Annabeth bayed. 

So we played for a great part of the evening. Piper charmspeaked us out of knowing we found her, Frank turned into small sea animals, Jason went as far in with a wind to breathe and I just went deep in. Meanwhile, Hazel and Annabeth were helpless. 

Later on, we were resting on our towels on the most sandy part of the beach. 

"Percy, you're wet. You should put on a dry one." Annabeth told me. 

"Um, well, this one." I answered. 

"Yeah, no. Take it off and let it dry, I'm not letting my boyfriend around the camp with no shirt on with those Aphrodite campers around- no offence, Pipes." She told me. 

"But, Annabeth! It's fine!" I pouted.

"No, it's not. Take it off. And wash your clothes. Not even the Gods know how long you've been wearing them." She ordered me, with her starring eyes fixed onto mine.

I sighed and slid my hands down to the hem. It's true that I should probably wash it. I smell like a pig, not going to lie. 
My fingers curled on around the edge and started pulling up, when I suddenly jerked down. I had a feeling of forbidding. I didn't want to worry them. No. 

"I should go." I mumbled. I heaved myself off the sand and dried my wet clothes, walking away.

My feet prodded at the ground as I went to my cabin, my eyes lingering on the ground. I stepped inside, closed the door and held my breath. My eyes started to swell and my face burned, I bit my lip hard and my hands gripped at my hair.
I slid to the ground and held my head in my hands, choking out raked sobs and painful tears.

Re-editing here. I did crap first time. And, everything's in Percy's POV. Just so that you know.

The best food in the world,


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