Ninjas (Naruto Fanfic)

By AngelicDemons9700

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Ayame has been put on team seven when she becomes a Genin. She has the Ten Tails inside of her and knows many... More

Chapter 1: Survival Test
Chapter 2: A Real Mission
Chapter 3: Chunin Exams?
Chapter 4: The Ten Rookies
Chapter 5: The Chunin Exams Part 1
Chapter 6: The Second Part of the Chunin Exams Part 1
Chapter 7: The Second Part of the Chunin Exams Part 2
Chapter 8: The Second Part of the Chunin Exams Part 3
Chapter 9: The Sound Ninja Attack
Chapter 10: The End of the Second Exam
Chapter 11: Preliminaries... Jiraiya is back!
Chapter 12: Training with Pervy Sage!
Chapter 13: Three Demons!
Chapter 14: The End of the Chunin Exams!
Chapter 15: The Battle with Gaara!
Chapter 16: Road Trip with Pervy Sage!
Chapter 17: Learning the Rasengan!
Chapter 18: The Fifth Hokage's arrival and Sasuke's Retrieval!
Chapter 19: Orochimaru's hideout!
Chapter 20: Prison Break!
Chapter 21: Taking out Raiga!
Chapter 23: Returning the Favor! Naruto and Ayame's Departure!

Chapter 22: Sea Monsters!

389 14 0
By AngelicDemons9700

After I finished training with Tsunade I sat in a tree not knowing what to do today. I wanna go on a mission! It's so boring staying in the village. I let out a sigh. Tsunade called Choji, Ino, and me into her office.

" I'm giving you all a mission." She said and I perked up.

" Why isn't Shikamaru here?" Choji questioned confused. Yea, why isn't he here? This is his team not mine, I thought to myself.

" Shikamaru is busy doing something. Anyways, your mission is to go catch a thief." She explained where we had to go. " Ayame will be team leader." Wait what? I've never been the leader. I let out a sigh as we took off. We reached our destination by sun down. We decided to camp out and go look in the morning. " Wood Style: Four-Pillar House Jutsu!" I said doing the hand signs and putting my hands against the ground. A wood house formed and I stood up. Choji and Ino looked at it in amazement. " Were you expecting us to sleep on the ground?"

" Kind of." Ino said in awe. I smirked and walked inside. I went into a room and laid down. I heard Ino and Choji go into rooms of their own and I drifted off into sleep. I woke up the next morning and met up with Choji and Ino outside. I summoned shadow clones and made them use the Rasengan to get rid of the house. We then took off into the village. We went to a couple of gang place, but none of them would talk. We started to head out of the village to wait out until the next day, but we were surrounded.

" What the-" I questioned looking around.

" What's going on?" Ino questioned as they tried to throw chains at us. I realized it was the gangs.

" Multi-Shadow Clone Jutsu!" I exclaimed doing the hand sign. Clones of me appeared all around us. I seen a couple of the gang members do hand signs.

" Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu!" He yelled breathing fire at most of my clones. I glared at him. It's pathetic what some ninja will do! I did hand signs.

" Expansion Jutsu!" I heard Choji yell before I could do my jutsu. I let out a sigh as he took down a fourth of the enemy. Ino did her mind destruction jutsu. I decided to stick with Taijutsu. I charged at them and easily took them out. All that was left were a couple of the men and I then realized the thief we were looking for was the leader. I realized that the last ones remaining were ninja. Ino and Choji took on the last four that were left, leaving the leader to me. We got into a Taijutsu battle. Finally, I got the upper hand and I formed the Rasengan. I was about to hit him with it when one of his goons spoke up.

" If you hit him with that, your friends will go bye bye." One of the guys said and I turned to look at them to see they had Choji and Ino with kunais at their necks. How?

" How did you-" I was cut off as I was punched in the face and thrown back The Rasengan dispersed. 

" Now, if you don't listen to everything we say we'll kill your friends." The leader said and I smirked an idea coming into my head. I looked at Ino and Choji and Choji knew right away what I was going to do.

" Go ahead. My actual team is still at the village. Here, I'll even give you my kunai to kill those two with." I said handing him two of my marked kunai. I heard Ino gasp.

" You little traitor!" She yelled at me and I faked a smirked. The leader handed his goons the kunai and the switched them and held my kunai at Choji and Ino's necks. 

" Peace!" I yelled transporting to my kunai at Ino's neck and knocking the guy out and grabbing Ino in a quick flash. I was behind the one holding Choji and I knocked him out and pushed Choji forward away from the guy.

" What the?" Ino questioned confused.

" Did you really think I was gonna let these low lives kill you? I gave them my kunai with my jutsu formula so I could use my dad's teleportation jutsu." I explained and Choji grinned. " You were the only one that didn't know." I let out a laugh as I teleported in front of the leader. I slipped a jutsu formula onto him when I handed him the kunai.

" What the hell?" He questioned as I spun around and kicked him in the stomach knocking him out. I grabbed the back of his shirt and lifted him up.

" Okay, lets go turn him in and go home." I said walking towards the village.

We turned in the leader and his goons and headed home. 

When we reached the Leaf Village, Gai and Lee were just reaching home too. I watched as they kicked guys that looked like them away. I let out a sigh and went to my house to get some sleep.


" Hey! Get up!" I heard Kakashi say and I opened my eyes. " Lady Hokage said you need to meet up with her for training." I groaned, but got up. Grandma Tsunade has been giving out missions non-stop. I've been sent so many places it's not funny! She hasn't sent me as much as Naruto because I've also been training with her and Sakura. I trained and trained. By the time training ended I felt exhausted and it was only four in the afternoon. Even though I was exhausted I went to train with Shikamaru. Shikamaru and I have been training together for a while. Shikamaru's been training to be able to get out of tough situations and practice the shadow strangle. Luckily enough he only uses it on my shadow clones. I've been practicing on my chakra mode. We do some hand-to-hand combat and sometimes uncle Asuma joins in. When Shikamaru is off on a mission I usually end up training with Asuma. If I'm on a mission he has to train with Asuma. When we finished up the sun began to set. I fell onto the ground in exhaustion.

" Ugh, Tsunade drained me earlier and of course I just ended up training more." I said looking up at the sky.

" You're not the only exhausted one here." Shikamaru said falling next to me. I turned over and looked at him.

" I had to train with a Legendary Sannin so I'm more exhausted." I said sticking my tongue out at him. I felt my eyes start to droop and I passed out.

I woke up in my own bed and looked around. Someone must have carried me home, I thought to myself standing up and stretching. I changed and put on my Chunin vest and headed out. I met up with Tsunade and began training. A little bit into training Tsunade called Shino, Ino, Naruto, and me into her office for a mission. Finally! I fist pumped the air. I followed Shino and them into her office. Anko was in the office and realization dawned on Naruto.

" What the? You're that psycho proctor from the Chunin Exams!" He exclaimed pointing at her and I sweat dropped and then remembered that day of the second exam. She grinned.

" Yea, good times. Feels like it was only yesterday, doesn't it?" She questioned and I grinned.

" Hell yea!" I exclaimed.

" Anko Mitarashi-sensei?" Ino asked and covered her mouth.

" So, what are you doing here?" Naruto questioned a little frightened.

" Listen up! Your mission is as follows. Shino Aburame, Ino Yamanaka, Naruto Uzumaki, Ayame Namikaze, you four will be working as a team under Anko for this assignment. What she says goes." Tsuande said giving Naruto and me a pointed look.

" You're putting the four of us together?" Naruto questioned bewildered.

" Seriously, it is kind of a weird match, isn't it?" Ino questioned.

" I don't wanna hear it. Now look, I thought this through. Each of your specific skill set will combine perfectly for this mission. I hand picked you all myself. Now put those abilities of yours to good use and get the job done!" Tsunade said and I sweat dropped. How does bugs, mind transferring, and the Rasengan go together? I questioned myself. From the look on Shizune's face tells me she probably just picked any available Genin. Tsunade laughed.

" Something here doesn't smell right." Naruto said crossing his arms.

" Let me guess, you just picked any available Genin and a Chunin didn't you?" I questioned.

" Okay, you got your marching orders, zip it!" Anko said pulling Naruto's ear and trying to pull mine. I grabbed her hand and bent it back.

" Don't even try it." I warned and let go of her hand. 

" Go pack your gear and meet me at the front gate." Anko ordered.

" Okay." I muttered as everyone else said " Roger!" We took off out the door, but Anko stayed behind. 

We met Anko at the gate with our own backpacks. Ino read out the mission before we left. After the little argument over the half creature half human thing, we took off. 

We made it to the Land of the Seas and it looked amazing. I seen a small thing light up on Anko's shoulder when Ino pointed out mother island. I realized it was Orochimaru's curse mark. Shino noticed Anko's distress as she took off. We followed Naruto and Ino to go get a boat.

We reached a store and I seen a girl with bandages all over her. Ino started griping out a guy for under paying her and then the girl ran off. I watched as she walked away. I zoned out everyone else. She seemed so lonely, I thought to myself as I watched her leave. Naruto and I took off after her. We came upon her in an alleyway and two guys were standing over her.

" Hey! What do you think you're doing?!" Naruto asked outraged.

" Get away from her!" I yelled at them. They jumped away and we ran to help her up. She looked at our headbands and quickly grabbed her stuff and declined our help. She quickly took off. Naruto and I found Ino and Shino at the dock when it was almost dark. They got onto us and I rolled my eyes.

" You can't lump me into the same category as her!" Naruto exclaimed meaning Anko.

" Yea, me either!" I exclaimed as a kunai was at Naruto's neck and I quickly took mine out pointing it at her neck.

" Who we talking about?" Anko questioned licking her lips. " Hey, good job securing us a boat by the way."

" Sensei, where in the world have you been?" Ino questioned. I zoned them out as we took off in the boat.

" Ugh, where do you get your energy from. Ayame and Sakura have their hands full, I feel bad for them." Ino said rubbing her temples as Anko laughed. There was big thud and the boat shook. A whirlpool was ahead of us and Anko told us to change course. A tongue shot out and grabbed Ino and me. I struggled against it. Finally, we broke free as Anko used her snakes. Ino was unconscious and Anko caught her before she fell. I landed on the water and looked around. The other two jumped off the boat and were next to us as the boat went into the whirlpool. Naruto used the summoning jutsu and I sweat dropped when I seen Gamakichi. I tried the summoning jutsu and all I got was Gamatatsu. I anime fell and banged my head on the water.

" Hey there, can I have a snack?" Gamatatsu questioned. 

" I tried summoning chief!" Naruto exclaimed.

" Are you crazy? You can't summon pops out here, it'd be a disaster!" Gamakichi exclaimed.

" I wasn't going for chief! I was going for a different toad not baby toads!" I exclaimed. I watched as the tongue shot out and grabbed Anko. Anko used a fire style jutsu leading it down the tongue. I looked over and seen Shino had Ino. A guy wrapped his arm around Anko's neck and laughed.

" You let your guard down." He said and Naruto and me kicked him.

" Oh yea!" I yelled.

" Well so did you!" Naruto finished. 

" Hurts don't it?" Gamakichi questioned as the guy went flying. I seen Naruto pulled under water and I went in after him. I activated chakra mode. kicked the guy down on his head. I deactivated it as he started to fly downwards. I quickly grabbed Naruto and took him above water. I gasped for air as we hit the surface. Two people stood over us and I glared as the toads started to kind of freak out. Naruto and I were pulled into a whirlpool. I grabbed him and kept him close to me. 

" Anko!" I yelled as the water started swirling. We went under and it got harder to breathe. We hit the bottom and the air was knocked out of us. I was laying on top of Naruto and my vision blurred. Soon enough I passed out. I felt air back in my lungs soon enough. I crack open my eyes a bit and seen the bandaged girl. We were still underwater as I lost consciousness again.

My eyes fluttered open and I seen the bandaged girl and we were in a dim lit room. My vision was still a little blurry. I seen her lay wet towels on mine and Naruto's foreheads. I seen that almost everything I wore here was hanging up and I watched as she walked out of the room and I fell back asleep.

I fully woke up to a bright room. I sat up and let the towel fall off my head and I seen Naruto do the same. I was only in my black tank-top and a pair of shorts. The door slid open and I turned to look at the girl.

" I see you two are awake." She said.

" Yea." I said looking at Naruto.

" You're that girl from yesterday! You saved us, thanks a million." Naruto said.

" Thanks." I mumbled and gave her a small smile.

" It was just a coincidence." She said looking down and I zoned out. I got up and got dressed into my usual clothes. I seen Naruto look away and I rolled my eyes. After Naruto and I got dressed we ate. " When you finish with your meal, please leave." We watched her as she walked out of the house and then we continued chowing down. We hurriedly finished and went after her. My eyes widened as I seen the outside of her house.

" Look, it's the monster!" I heard kids yell and I turned to see them throw rocks at Isaribi. She fell to the ground and two of the kids threw more rocks which Naruto and me caught.

" Knock it off, ya twerps!" Naruto exclaimed.

" You've taken your dumb pranks too far!" I yelled at them.

" Yea, and who are you?" One of the kids questioned. " A friend of the monster?"

" Actually, yes I am. You throw one more rock at me and you'll be on my bad side got it?" I questioned them

" Who gives a crap!" One of them exclaimed. One of them came up to Naruto and went to kick him. I grabbed the kids leg. 

" Like I said, don't try some stupid shit! You can't hurt us." I said barely lifting the kids leg more causing him to fall back, but not bad enough to get hurt. They all took off. She told us it wasn't any of our business and then took off.

We reached the dock and got news that we missed Ino, Shino, and Anko. I followed Naruto as we went to look for Anko and the others. We heard an explosion and headed towards it. We ran towards them when they came into view.

" Hey, everyone!" Naruto yelled. 

" Naruto! Ayame!" Ino exclaimed. My eyes spotted Isaribi in a half creature form. So she's the creature we've heard about. " We captured the demon." I heard Ino say.

" Wow, so that's the demon?" Naruto questioned and then after a minute realization dawned on him.

" Isaribi..." We said trailing off. I looked away.

" Huh?" Ino questioned confused.

" You really are Isaribi, aren't you?" Naruto questioned.

" Naruto, what the heck a-" Ino started, but I cut her off.

" Isaribi saved us after we were sucked into the whirlpool." I whispered to her. She broke out of the cords and swam away. A guy appeared above the water with Isaribi and I glared at him. We charged, but I stopped not wanting to get sucked into the whirlpool again. I grabbed the back of Naruto's collar and stopped him from going any further. I watched as they sank into the whirlpool. I looked away not wanting to watch anymore. I seen Anko fall to her knees in pain because of the curse mark. She passed out and I picked her up on my back. I looked at her and sighed. " Stupid Orochimaru and his stupid curse marks!" I muttered. I carried Anko to dry land as everyone stared at me like I was crazy as I mumbled curse words under my breath.

" We need to get to shore." Shino said.

" What about Isaribi?" Naruto questioned.

" Who cares, she's the demon of the ocean. What exactly happened between you three anyways?" Ino questioned and I stayed silent. I zoned out not wanting to listen. I seen Anko wake up and I leaned against the boulder deep in thought. I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Orochimaru's name. I listened in as she explained about the tests subjects. My blood was boiling from anger by the time she finished. We set off on a boat.

" Sensei how do you know so much?" Ino questioned.

" Orochimaru was the Jonin I trained under back in the day." Anko said and I stared up at the sky.

" I kind of figured. You kind of act like him and you have some of the same jutsus and the way both of you lick your lips gives me the creeps." I said adding a shiver for more effect. We reached the shore and followed Anko. We hid behind boulders and waited for Shino to tell us when it was clear to go.

" We're good." Shino said and we ran in. We went down a lot of steps. We went down a hallway and seen a door. We walked into the room and their were many pods and it looked like some science geeks play house. The floor from under us opened up and we fell in. I let out a small yelp. Ino screamed until we finally hit the bottom. We heard laughter and I looked around.

" Don't you people get tired from saving the day?" He questioned and I rolled my eyes.

" Don't you get tired of trying to be a smart ass, but fail at it miserably." I replied.

" You little brat!" He exclaimed and I smirked.

" What are you gonna do? Kill me? I don't think you can. You're nothing."  mocked.

" You're the guy from the Chunin exams." Shino said and I realized he was the one to fight Sasuke.

" You guys go on ahead, I think I'm better suited for this." Shino said. We nodded and took off. We soon spotted Anko. We ran up to her.

" Just a minute!" Naruto yelled.

" Anko!" I exclaimed as we reached her.

" Glad you could make it." She said.

" Well well, you brought Genin and one Chunin. Look at you, you're all grown up now Anko." The guy said.

" Who is this clown?" Naruto questioned. Anko explained who he was and I got into a fighting stance. After the guy finished rambling on Naruto and me charged. Isaribi stood in front of us causing Naruto to stop, but I kept going. I took out a marked kunai and threw it at the guy and teleported to it. I kneed the guy in the stomach, but Isaribi got in between us after I did it. I jumped back next to Naruto. She took the bandages off of her face and I seen a little bit of the creature part on her. She went on about being a monster and that we had no idea what it was like. I let out a sigh as she fell to her knees crying.

" Watch out!" Anko yelled as I put Naruto to the ground and she grabbed Ino taking her to the ground just as the wall was destroyed. Isaribi left with the first guy and the second guy crack his knuckles. He picked up Naruto and started to throw him around. My vision was sort of blurred from taking the hit of the rocks. I stood up and tackled the guy to the ground. He easily threw me off. The guy started to freak out.

" Mind Destruction Jutsu success!" Ino exclaimed. Rocks started to fall on us. We picked up Anko and followed Shino out. We came upon a two way lane. We took the one on the right and it was blocked off. Anko did the summoning jutsu and got us out by using a snake. We got into a boat and took off. When we reached shore all of the ships were gone. We reached the ships and seen one of the ships was knocked into another.

" Isaribi, keep acting like this and you will be a monster." Naruto said.

" Isaribi, get them." The guy said and she charged at us. She took us overboard and into the water. We came up for air.

" Isaribi!" We exclaimed and she grabbed our feet pulling us under without being able to hold our breaths. I seen Naruto do the shadow clone jutsu and then I hurriedly went up for air. I sucked in as much air as I could causing me to choke and cough on it. I crawled onto the rock where Naruto was just as Isaribi sprayed water at him sending him back. Before I could really do anything I was hit with it too.

" Do you think I care about anyone else? The only thing I care about is getting myself back to the way I was!" She exclaimed and I stood up along with Naruto.

" It's about you get woken up." I said and Naruto slapped her.

" Believe me, we know. We know how painful it can be." Naruto started. 

" But that doesn't give you a right to hurt others!" I finished.

" You saved our lives have you forgotten that?!" Naruto angrily questioned.

" You have a good heart Isaribi and you do care." I said looking up at her.

" You're useless! What the devil's taking so long?" I heard the scientist dude ask from behind us. We turned around to face him. " They're only kids, how hard could it be to finish them off?"

" I'm sorry, it's just-" He cut her off.

" Be quiet! I'll do it." He said.

" Fine, by me. It's time for this girl to start whooping an actual monsters ass!" I exclaimed pulling out a kunai, spinning it, and then gripping it in a fighting way.

" What did you say? A monster?" The guy questioned.

" No, I said a shoe." I said sarcastically. " Yes, I said a monster you deaf fool!" He glared at me, but then let out a laugh. " What's funny now, ya idiot?"

" You two see right through me, but no half monster like Isaribi I'm the complete package." He said. " You wanna see?" He started to transform. He went to hit Isaribi with a water blast but I jumped in front of her sliding back a little from the force.

" Leave her alone!" I shouted throwing my hands back. The guy started to ramble on and it made mine and Naruto's blood boil. Naruto charged and I seen how he easily took out his clones. He spit water at Naruto sending him backwards. Naruto went to kick him and spit more water at Naruto. I did hand signs. Water Style: Water Dragon Bullet Jutsu! I thought in my head and a big water dragon formed in front of me and it attacked the guy. He jumped out of the way as the dragon hit. Naruto took that chance to attack him. The guy knocked Naruto away.

" Come on, give up kids!" He shouted at us.

" No! I will not give up!" I shouted him.

" We will keep coming at you until you turn Isaribi back!" Naruto shouted as I charged. He went to punch me and I quickly moved my head to the side and he went to punch with his other hand. I quickly did hand signs as I ducked.

" Fire Style: Fire Dragon Flame Bullet Jutsu!" I exclaimed. A ball shaped like a dragon came out and hit him, but since I was so close I got hit a little too. He flew back. He got up and glared at me. He bit his thumb.

" Come, Sea Monster!" He exclaimed putting his palm against the ground to the summoning jutsu. I jumped back next to Naruto seeing my jutsu didn't have much of an effect. " Sea Monster, finish them off!" I grabbed Naruto right as the water hand picked us up.

" Let go of me you stupid blubber thing!" I shouted kicking out. The thing made of water out us in it's mouth cutting off our source of air. All that was around us was water. I seen Naruto didn't have any air in his lungs so I blew some of the air I had into his mouth. I gave him most of my air and I started to drown. Air bubbles appeared in front of my mouth. I pointed my hand at the things head. Wood Style! Wood came out of my hand and shot through the thing. I grabbed Naruto and I tried getting us out but the water covered the hole we had. I accidentally took a breath in and started coughing. My vision blurred and eyes drooped. When my eyes closed and then opened I was with Katsumi. Without a word, she coated her dark blue and silver chakra around me. I opened my eyes and I felt the chakra. My eyes turned a little animal like. I sensed the Nine Tails chakra too and I looked over and seen Naruto. We growled and enhanced the chakra. The water around us exploded off of us. We landed on the ground on our hands and feet kind of like an animal.

" We're not gonna let you take her there!" Naruto growled out.

" You got that?" I growled out too a little surprised.

" Naruto, Ayame." I heard Isaribi say.

" That's right, they're the same as you." Anko said.

" What do you mean?" Isaribi questioned.

" Yea, Naruto carries the Nine Tailed fox inside of him while Ayame carries the Ten Tails. Usually Ayame has better control, but her near drowning experience probably made the Ten Tails mad." I heard Anko say and the I zoned them out concentrating on the guy in front of us. We both let out loud growl.

" Naruto, Ayame, no!" Isaribi yelled but we ignored her. The guy let out a laugh.

" A bit of monster yourselves eh?" He questioned. " Maybe you shouldn't be pointing fingers. He started to spit water balls at us. They hit us, but it didn't hurt at all nor did it move us a centimeter from our spots. He spit more and we charged  going straight through them. We hit him into the air and then we were behind him in a quick flash kicking him. I got on top of him and kicked him down and then half way down Naruto kicked him down the rest of the way. We landed and stood up. The Nine Tails chakra wore off and Naruto began to fall. I caught him as the Ten Tails chakra wore off of me. Isaribi came and grabbed Naruto from me. I dropped down beside Isaribi to see if Naruto was okay as Anko went to get the guy we were fighting. We got onto a small piece of dry land. The ground started to rumble. The Sea Monster popped up out of the water and my eyes widened. Naruto hit him on the head as I bit my thumb and did hand signs. I jumped onto the water.

" Summoning Jutsu!" I exclaimed and chief toad poofed up underneath Naruto and me. 

" Come on chief toad!" Naruto exclaimed and chief toad started jumping around and then I remembered that they don't like saltwater. The scientist guy popped something off to Gamabunta.

" Did you just call me a slug? Alright Naruto you're in for a world of hurt when we're finished, but I'm gonna lend you a hand." Gamabunta said.

" I'm the one that summoned you though!" I exclaimed.

" Ayame? You haven't summoned me in a while. Of course I'll help and you won't be in trouble after this." I raised my eyebrow at that. Chief Toad grabbed out his sword and stabbed the monster but it didn't do anything. Naruto and I held on for dear life. The monster tried sucking us in and Gamabunta struggled to get out as water arms wrapped around him. I did hand signs.

" Fire Style: Phoenix Flower Jutsu!" I exclaimed sending balls of fire at each arm and the main body, helping Gamabunta get free. He cut some of the water off where it was holding his sword as we jumped back.

" I'm gonna have to re-think this." Gamabunta said moving his pipe.

" What the hell are we facing?" I questioned. 

" I'm not sure. A bunch of spirits in an elemental probably. That's what I'm thinking anyway." He said.

" Darn it, you got any ideas? I'm coming up blank!" Naruto exclaimed. Gamabunta explained to us that we had to damage the spirits. The monster started spitting water balls.

" You ready Ayame, Naruto?" Chief Toad yelled as he jumped.

" Ready for what?" Naruto questioned as I did hand signs for a fire style jutsu.

" Dang your slow, I'm gonna spew some oil!" He exclaimed. " I hope you know some fire style jutsu."

" I don't know any fire style jutsus!" Naruto exclaimed.

" Calm down Naruto, I do." I said finishing up the hand signs as he spewed oil.I put my hand to my mouth and aimed at the oil. Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu! my flames hit the oil making it bigger. It hit the monster and it caught into huge flames. " We gt him!"

" Yea, a walk in the park." Chief toad said. He poofed out after shooting Naruto into the air and I giggled. 

The sun was beginning to set and we had the guy tied to a pole. He popped shit off and Naruto and me went to punch him, but Anko stopped us. Then Anko decided to hit him.

" Hey! That's not fair!" I exclaimed.

" How come you got to sock him!" Naruto questioned.

" Alrighty then mission accomplished." Anko said.

Soon enough we set off to the Leaf Village. Isaribi came along with us and off to the Village we go!

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