Avengers Wattsapp

By Ironstrange101

7.1K 325 418

Right so this is it... The book that i swear to update every week! Set a year after endgame. Have you ever wo... More



945 36 26
By Ironstrange101

The Party.


this part is long so if you really want to skip you can but you'll miss important information -

Bucky held Steve's hand tightly and stared into the two deep blue pools either side of his face. He could tell Steve was nervous, he never really liked parties and he hated dancing, Bucky was just trying to calm him down.

"Steve It's going to be fine." Bucky rubbed his hand gently, resting his head on his shoulder.

"I know but this is a big event, it's the anniversary of beating Thanos and all the Superheroes are coming." He glanced at the hall full of tables, lights and drinks. "I just hope they enjoy it."

Finally, the doorbell rung from the outside of the Avengers mansion. The couple opened the door to Thor, Bruce, Loki, Valkrie, Sam, Scott and Hope all standing with huge grins spread across their faces.

"Hello Captain of the Americas and Soldier of Winter, How are you?" Thor's voice boomed.

"We're great, thanks for asking!" Steve smiled and hugged each of the guests. They made their way inside to the Party room and settled, ordering drinks and food from the bar. The DJ, known as Starlord, was getting his music fixed ready for the night.

A little while later, more and more guests started turning up. The guardians had arrived. T'challa, Shuri, Natasha, Clint, Wanda, Vision, Carol, Nick, Wong and Rhodey were all dressed up nicely in suits and extravagant dresses.

"Tony's running late I guess..." Steve sighed, his eyes trailed to the ground.

Bucky wrapped his arm around Steve. "Dont worry, he'll be here any moment-" Suddenly the doorbell rung again. "Speak of the devil, here he is now." They both chuckled.

They let the door creak open and standing there was Tony, Stephen and Peter dressed in matching black suits.

"So after this where do you want me to drop you off?" Stephen was fiddling with the cuff of his sleeve, he didn't even notice the two men standing in front of him. He looked up and groaned. "Oh great... Hi Rogers."

"Hello Strange." Steve mumbled in a spiteful tone, glaring at the Doctor.

"Hiya Steve." Tony interrupted, he could sense the tension between the two, he really didnt want a fight to break out. He had Peter's hand firmly in his grasp.

Bucky sighed and carefully pulled Steve backwards making the way for the two to enter the hall. Peter was put upstairs to play games with Shuri while the truth or dare was taking place.

People cheered and clapped as Tony walked in, for now the truth or dare could start. Before that, there was a toast made by Bruce.

The music from the DJ booth became almost silent and Bruce held his drink up in the air. "We all should be celebrating the fact that we beat Thanos. It took team work to save this planet so everyone, congratulate yourself on the great work and efforts that you put in!"

The superheroes cheered with delight, all of them holding their drinks up in the air. Thor patted Bruce's back and the music turned back to a quiet level.

"Now for the truth or dare!" Bucky yelled, everyone roaring with excitement.

The heroes started to sit on chairs, lining them up in a circle. Steve dragged Natasha outside the room for a few seconds just to talk to her in private.

"I think Tony's dating the wizard." He whispered quietly, hoping there was no one around.

"Yeah, I was thinking that too but we don't know that for sure..." She mumbled.

"Lets dare Tony to kiss him, then we'll see." He chuckled to himself.

"Are you jealous Steve?" Natasha asked, a deep frown pasted across her face.

"What? No! Besides, I have Buck." He smiled but it looked fake. The truth was he felt like Tony and him were no longer friends and he blamed Stephen for it. If Stephen was dating Tony, he'd have a reason to hate him.

The pair strolled back into the large room where the Avengers were patiently waiting. Steve scanned the room to see Stephen sitting far away from Tony instead he was placed next to bucky. Steve charged over to the seat he was sitting on, trying his best not to look mad.

"Can you sit somewhere else?" He leaned closer to Stephen and whispered in his ear in an attempt to intimidate him. "That's my boyfriend."

"Oh I'm sorry." Stephen muttered sarcastically, moving over into the empty chair next to him. He was now sitting next to Loki, who was already playing with his hair.

"I know your a kinky bitch. How about I ride you tomorrow?" Loki whispered to Stephen whilst trying to sit on his lap. He just shook his head and continued to push Loki off his legs.

The whole group was confused as to what happened between Steve, Stephen and Loki but they just ignored it and started to play.

It was Bruce's turn first. He looked around and chose Natasha. "Nat, truth or dare?" She was very quick to choose dare. "I dare you to kiss Clint."

At first Natasha turned her nose up at kissing Clint but she did it eventually, practically holding her breath. The group clapped and laughed at Clint's surprised reaction.

"You didn't deserve that Clint, it's the last one your getting!" She grabbed her vodka and took a huge sip.

It had only been half an hour but it seemed like the whole room was already drunk.

It was Wanda's turn next, she chose Loki and of course he chose dare. "I dare you to lick your brothers foot."

Loki groaned but he proceeded to take off Thor's shoe and sock. He closed his eyes and his tongue hit the disgusting texture of his foot. Loki quickly licked the base and frowned with disgust. Everyone laughed and clapped as Loki slumped into his chair, embarrassment crawling over his face.

"That foot is pure Asgardian. You have had the opportunity to taste greatness!" Thor slurred with a glass of beer in his hand as Loki rolled his eyes.

The third person to go was Sam. He chose Rhodey who picked dare. "I dare you to slap Bruce in the face really hard."

They got ready in position and Rhodey looked straight at Bruce. "I dont think I can do this man, I feel really mean."

"Its ok, I can take it!" Rhodey slapped Bruce so hard he fell backwards but he still had a massive grin on his face. "Wow, that felt great!"

The truth or dare session went on for around an hour and now it was on to the last person - Steve. Steve chose Tony, which was no surprise and Tony picked dare.

"I dare you to make out with Stephen for 10 seconds, I have a timer." Everyone stared in amazement - Steve seemed like he had prepared for the moment.

Tony didn't seem to mind the attention or the fact that he was forced to make out with Stephen, he just seemed to brush it off.

They stumbled in position, both drunk and Stephen whispered in his ear. "I've wanted to kiss you since we got here. Just ignore that everyone's watching us."

Stephen held the back of Tony's head with one hand, the other holding Tony's waist, and their lips met. Tony's eyes shut as Stephen kissed him. It was slow and sexy, Tony tightened his grip on the wizard, which in turn, made Stephen deepen the kiss. Their tongues intertwined and the kiss lasted for a few more seconds, before Tony pulled himself away, Stephen's hands still on his waist. They both gasped for breath.

The whole room was dead silent and the heroes were exchanging looks. After a few seconds they all started cheering and clapping.

"Look's like someone has had a bit of practice." Steve held up the timer that was displaying 50 seconds in bold. "40 seconds over, it's no big deal, I just didn't want to ruin the moment." He laughed and glanced over to Bucky and Natasha who were both surprised at the current situation.

"Shit." Stephen said, loud enough for Tony to hear.

Everyone started clapping again as the two embarrassed men went back to their seats.

Tonys face went as red as a tomato. Rhodey put a hand on his shoulder and smiled. "I didn't know you were gay Tony."

"I'm not." He muttered, his eyes locked firmly onto the floor.

"Well you seemed to really enjoy him." He pointed to Stephen who was practically hiding away in the corner of the circle now. He mouthed the words 'sorry' to Tony who just rolled his eyes.

"Well that was a great game of truth and dare guys, now we can get this party started!" Bruce shouted and gestured to Peter Quill to turn the music back on.

A few people got out of their chairs and rushed to speak to Tony but he was meandering through the crowd to go upstairs. It was if he didn't want to speak to anyone. Once he had travelled upstairs, he went through to the room where Peter was playing PS4 with Shuri.

"Peter, Shuri, you can come down now." He gave a slight smile as the two ran to the party room. Tony went through a doorway only to see Steve standing in front of him.

"You really wanted to expose me didn't you. You just can't keep out of people's business." Tony yelled pushing Steve backwards against the wall.

"Look I'm sorry, I guess I was just angry that Stephen is classed as better friend then I am. I regret doing it now." To Tony's suprise, Steve didn't try and push back.

"I fucking hate you Steve!" Tony was boiling with rage. All of a sudden, he grabbed Steve's neck and tried to choke him but they were interrupted by Stephen himself.

"Tony!" He shouted tearing Tony off of Steve. "Look, It's my fault, I was the one who kissed you, I'm drunk. If I had toned down our relationship would still be a secret." His words were slurred.

"So you are dating?" Steve asked.

Stephen's eyes darted to Tony who just nodded and sighed. "Yes, yes we are."

They both stared at the ground and Stephen put an arm around Tony to comfort him.

"I thought, if you guys found out I was going out with him, you'd all be annoyed." Tony felt like crying, he didn't want the group to hate him. He was drunk, which made him a bit more emotional.

"How long?"

"Just under a year." Tony mumbled.

"So you've been fucking him for about a year and didn't tell us." Steve seemed angry now. Stephen kept shooting Tony looks to see what he was feeling. "Tony, I told you about me and Bucky."

"I know but that's different." He slurred.

"How is that different? I thought we were friends!" He spat. "Go downstairs before I punch you."

Tony grabbed Stephen's scarred hand and pulled him outside the door. Before he went back to the party room, he gave Steve the middle finger and shouted. "You were never my fucking friend!"

At this point Tony was so drunk that he launched forward and punched Steve. Steve pushed the smaller man off him and punched him repeatedly in the stomach. Stark had no protective armour to hold back the force from his hits, so he stumbled backwards onto the floor.

"SHIT! TONY?" Stephen yelled rushing towards Tony who had blood drooling out of his mouth. Tears sprung to his eyes, rage flowing through his veins.

Quickly, he made a weapon out of his magic and strangled Steve with it. He tried to punch Stephen but he was quick enough to dodge. The grip of the magic loosened on Steve and he backflipped out of the wizard's grasp. He did a fast slide and knocked Stephen off his feet. The cloak of levitation appeared out of no where and picked him up. Regaining his stance, he tried to hit Rogers, leaving him with a deep cut on his face. Stephen decided to make a portal to the hall downstairs. Then he pushed Steve inside it. He fell on top of Thor and the portal closed again.

"Tony, are you ok?" He unbuttoned his shirt, revealing the punctures in his skin. His hand lightly brushed against Tony's bare chest as he examined the damage.

"I'm ok Stephen, lets go to the dance." Tony coughed.

Stephen put a finger to his lips. "You are not going to the dance in this state." He chuckled, leaning over to kiss his forehead.

"I love you Stephen." Tony could hear the avengers clambering up the stairs - he just wanted to go home right now.

"Oh my..." Bruce's jaw dropped as he saw Tony lying on the floor covered in blood. Thor, Bucky, Natasha and Peter were all behind him.

"Peter, I'm ok, its fine." Tony cried. Stark turned to face the avengers. "Just don't tell the others, please."

"I think Steve has already told them." Natasha sighed.

Bruce got a phone out of his pocket and called an ambulance but Strange stopped him. "I'm a doctor, just get me a medical kit and I'll take him home with me."

Wow that eventful. Sorry for the language again. I suck at story plots so sorry if this flopped. Dont worry, the next chapter will go back to texting. Also it was a bit gory wasn't it...

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