My Kind Of Hell! (Male!Reader...

By NiceGameEh

401K 4.3K 8.3K

Y/N is a young guy, only 17. He attends school in a small town on the edge of a large forest. As long as he's... More

Suicide Singer
Angel of Despair
Get To Know You
Big Mistake
New Feelings
Date In The Woods
Beginning Of A Harem
Powers And A Competition
Jill's Date
Killer's Name
Time For Killing
Clearing Things Up
Some Real Shit
New Faces
Who Are You?
Ready To Comply
The Reaper
Happy Halloween!
Harem Raid
Full Harem
Back Into Town
A Fine Addition To My Collection
Back To The Falls
Lemon? What Lemon?
Who Needs Eyes? I Have Knives!
Harem Problems
Fem!Creepypasta x Reader Pitch Meeting

Turning Tails

4.4K 61 100
By NiceGameEh

Nice: Hey guys! So, I've taken my break, I'm feeling good, let's get this shit going again! I was really happy with the positive response to my message about needing a break. Everyone who responded said I deserved it, needed it, or just thought it seemed fair. It's pretty tough, despite what you might think. This has only been my second or third big break.

Yami: What he means is writing doesn't just happen. Nice needs to be inspired to write, or else what comes out is sloppy and unenjoyable.

Nice: Right. I've been giving it my all to push past my old writing and get better and more refined. After all, I'm writing a light novel soon. I'll need to be better at writing character arcs and laying out the plot. My old writing is hard to revisit, so I want to make everything moving forward much better. And that comes with time. Anyways, I've held you long enough. Enjoy!


Y/n's POV

I tensed up as I heard a shout behind me. I signed as I turned around, seeing Tails glaring at me.

Y/n: Hey... Tails...

Tails just kept glaring at me.

Y/n: So... What did you want to talk about earlier?

Her expression of annoyance suddenly vanished, replaced by a shameful glance down.

Tails: I... I just wanted to apologize for what I said in the living room the other day.

Y/n: Oh... Right...

Tails: Slenda told me the details. I-I didn't know-

Y/n: It's fine. I've been letting out my frustration all day.

I glanced back at the gym, seeing the punching bags I broke. Tails also seemed to notice them, looking more nervous.

Y/n: So, is that it?

Tails: Well... I was hoping you'd hang out with me today and tell me about yourself...

Y/n: Like a date?

Tails: D-Don't get any ideas! It's just so I don't piss you off by accident again!

Y/n: Of course... Well, come on. Let's go.

Tails looked at me, confused as I walked out, heading for the theatre. She followed behind as we quickly got to the theatre room. I opened the door, stepping in and going up to the piano.

Tails: What are you doing?

Y/n: Helping you get to know me.

This song's about how sad I am and it's really sad and it's called sad. It's about all the sad stuff. Just picture a depressed onion cutting itself.

I met a homeless man named Rich... Isn't that terrible?
I saw a flyer for a lost dog and the dog didn't have any legs
I saw a diabetic kid trick or treating
I saw a giraffe who had a short neck
That was sad, or a deer
I saw an old man get hit by a train
He didn't see it in the pouring rain
He didn't hear me shout "Look out for the train"
'Cause I didn't say anything

I just thought to myself, "Oh this is gonna be sad"
And it was.
I'm a genius.

I saw a man with only one eye... in a 3D movie
I saw a little boy drop his ice cream cone directly on his mother's corpse
I saw a kitten stuck in a tree then the kitten jumped off and he hung itself
I saw a boy who had red hair

I paused there looking at Tails with a smirk. She tried giving me a glare, but couldn't because of her laughing, as I continued singing.

I went to a store looking for something to buy
But they only sold paintings of the same sad guy
No, wait! This store sells mirrors!
See what I did there?
Let's rock!

The world's so sad bros...
Pain, war, genocide, racism, sexism
But I gotta remember there are good things about it too
Like the fact that none of that's happening to me, score!
Still though, it's hard not to be sad about it
How do y'all do it?
I've been telling you terribly sad things this whole song, you haven't been sad at all
You've been happy. No, you’ve been laughing
That’s it, laughter, it’s the key to everything
It’s the way to solve all the sadness in the world!
I mean, not for people who are actually sad, but for the people like us who’ve gotta fucking deal with ‘em all the time
Being a comedian isn’t being an insensitive prick capitalizing on the most animalistic impulses of the public, it’s being a hero!
The world isn’t sad. The world’s funny! I'm a sociopath!

I saw an old man slip and fall, hey what a fucking idiot
I saw a woman at her daughter’s funeral
Hahaha! Classic comedy!
Everything that once was sad is somehow funny now
The Holocaust and 9/11?
That shit’s funny 24/7
'Cause tragedy will be exclusively joked about
Because my empathy is bumming me out
Goodbye sadness
Hello jokes

After I finished the song, Tails wiped her eyes as she laughed. She had a pretty high pitched laugh considering her voice. As her laughing stopped, she managed to speak.

Tails: What... What was that?

Y/n: Just showing you that not much gets to me. But...

She looked at me curiously.

Y/n: You said you wanted to learn more about me. But haven't you been stalking me for Zalga for a while?

Her entire face went blood red as she started yelling incoherently.

Y/n: So that would mean you just wanted to hang out with me. But you also didn't want me reading into it. Which means...

I went up to her, leaning closer to her face with a smirk as I pointed at her.

Y/n: You're a tsundere~


I chuckled as Tails kept panicking. I put my hand on her head making her shut her mouth and blush. She looked at me softly before her eyes went sharp and she glared at me, pouting. I laughed as I pat her head, walking out of the room. I was about to head to Ann's room but stopped as I realized I was still in my workout clothes.

Y/n: I need a shower.

I headed back to my room, grabbing a towel and a change of clothes as I walked into my bathroom. I turned on the water as I stripped, getting in as the hot water poured down on me. As I was leaning back, relaxing, I heard the door click. I raised my brow as I turned off the water quickly. I got out, wrapping a towel around my waist as I peeked through the door into my room. My eye widened as I saw Masky walk in. She looked around the room like she was trying to find something.

I quickly dried off, not making any noise as I got into my jeans and t-shirt, stepping out if the bathroom. Masky looked over, seeing me exit as she tensed up.

Y/n: What are you doing?

Masky: I-I... Uh...

Y/n: It's not polite to snoop.

I crossed my arms, glaring lightly at her.

Masky: I-I was just... H-Hoodie and I were...

I raised my brow, wondering what she was trying to say.

Y/n: Spit it o-


The room went silent as I realized, disturbingly quickly, what she and Hoodie were doing. She had her mask on, but I could still tell she was blushing.

Y/n: So... You and Hoodie... Need ropes?

Masky just nodded, obviously ashamed that I'd found her out. I sighed as I opened my closet, flicking a hidden switch opening a hidden compartment showing my armour from Zalga, my sword, and other murder tools that were given to me by Jess. I grabbed some ropes as I threw it to Masky.

Y/n: Keep it. Just be careful not to be too loud. This place isn't soundproof.

Masky nodded as she was leaving.

Y/n: If you want, I can show you all the best knots for your activities. You never know.

She rushed out, not wanting to be any more embarrassed. I sighed as I went back to having my shower. Once I finished, I got dressed again, fixing my hair as I headed to Ann's room. I knocked on the door, hearing Ann's footsteps approaching the door. The door opened and Ann smiled at me. I took note of her outfit, seeing she was wearing a short black sweater dress, black leather leggings, and her usual gloves. She also had a patch over her eye as usual with her hair tucked back behind her ear.

Y/n: You look pretty.

Ann: Thanks love!

I stepped into the room, feeling Ann grab onto my arm. I smiled as I sat down on her bed with her. She smiled back before kissing me.

Ann: How are you?

Y/n: I'm doing better.

Ann: I'm glad you told me about the other day.

Y/n: Yeah. And thanks for the uh... Help...

She smirked at me, rubbing against my side slightly.

Ann: Any time~

I had a slight blush on my face before Ann pushed me on the bed. I smiled as we kissed, Ann, sitting on top of me. However, we stopped as we heard a loud thud it the room next to us.

Ann: What was that?

Y/n: Is that Masky and Hoodie's room?

Ann: Yeah.

Y/n: Guess the ropes broke.

Timeskip brought to you by Y/n and Benny dropping a paint bucket on Jill

30 minutes ago I was having fun with Ann in her room, now I'm sitting in the living room while Jill complains to me.

Jill: It doesn't make any sense! You did it with Ann twice! You won't even do it with me once!

Y/n: Did you ever think there might be a reason for that?

Jill: That's what I'm trying to find out!

Y/n: I've told it to you before. Should I rephrase it in your language?

Jill: Yes!

Y/n: I've got a thing for submissive and shy girls.

I looked at Jill, hoping that did it.

Jill: But why?

Y/n: Ok, Jill... You're great. You're attractive, fun, and full of energy. But you're really... Really horny. All the time.

Jill: What's so bad about that?

Y/n: I feel like if I get too close you'll pin me down and strip me. Not a great impression.

Jill: Well, how do you expect I stop that!?

I grabbed her by her arms, holding her in place. I looked into her eyes as I held her in place.

Y/n: Just keep it subtle and limited. When the time comes... I'll make the first move.

Jill: Aww! But then I can't get you all flustered!

Y/n: Huh?

Jill: You're so cute when you're embarrassed!

Y/n: Oh... Well...

My grip had loosened and Jill could move freely now. While I processed what she just told me, she suddenly jumped on me, sitting in my lap.

Jill: Ha! Got ya!

Y/n: H-Hey!

Jill: Don't worry, you really are cute when you're flustered~

Y/n: J-Jill! We can't do this sort of thing here!

Jill: Why not~? Nothing wrong with an audience~

???: Ahem!

We both turned our heads to see Jane standing a few feet away with a blush and a slightly angry glare. Behind her were Sally and Smile. There was an awkward silence before Jill smirked.

Jill: I mean, she'll have to learn eventually-


Jill rubbed her forehead as she was smacked by Jane. She snapped her head towards me, making me flinch and pale as she glared at me.

Y/n: I-

Jane: It's fine!

I loosened up a bit as Jane crossed her arms, looking away.

Jane: Just be careful Sally doesn't hear or see that stuff.

Y/n: Right...

There was another awkward silence which was cut by Sally. She had a cheeky grin and lidded eyes. She turned to Jane before speaking in a cute high-pitched voice.

Sally: You loooove him~

Jane: S-Sally!?

Sally giggled before running off with Smile, leaving Jill, still rubbing her head, Jane, blushing and failing to speak, and me, who was about to make a ballsy move.

Jane: I-I... S-She just... I didn't-

I cut her off as I kissed her cheek, walking to my room. As I got to my room, I heard Jane's door slam shut from across the hall before a muffled scream came from her room. Smiling, I laid back in bed and quickly drifted off into a nap.


Nice: Hey! Thanks for reading! Big thanks for putting up with my break! I don't like leaving you guys hanging, but I'm not always inspired to write.

Yami: Time for my new look! Let's see it! I wanna see my new body!

Y/n: Alright, alright. Here it is. Ta-da!

Nice: A bit rough around the edges, but not so bad for a phone drawing. I made sure to keep your glasses, but now you have legs!

Yami: Why did you keep me flat!?

Nice: Hey! I gave you thighs! Nice thighs!

Yami: True! But I'm still flat as a board!

Nice: I'm not changing that Yami. Signing off!

- Iain

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