The Adventure Kids first ever...

By AdventureGirl5

16.9K 162 326

Walter, Jane, and their 3 kids are invited to a new amusement park, Spooky Island for a much needed family va... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 4

1.7K 15 74
By AdventureGirl5

Scooby, Shaggy, and the adventure kids soon ended up at this spooky abandon castle ride that Daphne had been told about from a voodoo man she ran into earlier. 

"Whoa, what a pad" David said, not even looking scared of the spooky castle, unlike a cowardly duo who were shaking behind him. 

"No way" Shaggy instantly declined, always being a coward when it came to these kind of things.  

"Shaggy, come on" Daphne groaned. 

"Yeah, even we're braver than the two of you chickens put together" Cynthia scoffed a little annoyed at the cowardly duo. Showing that even she and the rest of the adventure kids weren't even scared of stuff like this, despite normal kids their age would run away in terror. 

"Uh uh, Scoob and me don't do castles" Shaggy refused. 

"Ruh uh" Scooby added, shaking his head no.  

"Why not?" Brock asked them. 

"Because castles have paintings with eyes that watch you, and suits of armor you think is a statue, but there's a guy inside who follows you every time you turn around" Shaggy explained while Scooby demonstrated. 

"How many times has that actually happen?" Teeders scoffed.  

"Twelve. We're not gonna do it" Shaggy declared. 

"Rhat's right!" Scooby agreed and he and Shaggy began to walk away. 

Kali then whispered something to Daphne, getting an idea. Daphne reached in her purse for something. 

"Oh, Scooby?~" Kali smirked to the great dane, getting his attention. 

Scooby whimpered and came back over to them as he appeared to be limping. 

"Aw, did you hurt your paw?" Daphne pouted to Scooby while he showed her his hurt paw.  

Kali then held out something she knew after being told by her dad many times before something Scooby could never resist to. "Would you do it for a Scooby Snack?" the adventure girl gave a smile towards him. 

"Roh, boy!" Scooby exclaimed, growing all excited.

"And you'll be fearless?" Daphne and the other adventure kids asked him.  

"Rearless?" Scooby said before demonstrating some karate moves, accidentally kicking Shaggy in the face. 

"Ow! Hey, Hong Kong Phooey, watch the fists of fury, would you, buddy?" Shaggy rubbed his mouth. 

"Here you go" Kali then gave Scooby the snack.  

"Rank you" Scooby smiled to her. 

"There's plenty more where that came from" the tomboy said. 

"Now let's get inside before someone sees us" Daphne told the gang. 

The kids started to make their way up to the castle doors when Daphne turned back to see that Shaggy was still standing there. 

"You're not gonna stay out here alone, are you?" she glared slightly at him. 

"No, thank you" Shaggy said, a little shaky and quickly came inside with them. 

The group slowly opened the doors which made a creaking sound as they came inside to look around this spooky place while the doors closed behind them own its own. Creeping the gang out just a little. 

"This place sure seems scary" Ann said, staying close besides Teeders and the older adventure kids. 

"This place is, like, uber creepy" Shaggy commented, shaking a little.

"Reah, uber creepy" Scooby nodded in agreement. 

"You don't have to tell me that" Teeders added. 

"The only thing missing is a mindless zombie" Daphne muttered. 

Suddenly, the doors opened, startling everyone as they all screamed. Shaggy jumped into to Scooby's arms, and David jumped into Cynthia's arms. 

Luckily, it was only Fred and Walter who walked in. 

David then turned to Cynthia, realizing he was in her arms. "Sorry, reflexes" he then gave a charming smile to her and waved his eyebrows. 

Cynthia rolled her eyes and dropped David to the floor. 

"Dad?" Kali looked to see her dad, wondering where he had been since he disappeared earlier.

"Fred, Walter, get back" Daphne demanded. "I found this place. I call dibs on its clues"

"Calm down, Daph" Walter told the redhead.  

"We've already found some clues" Fred told her.   

"What?" Daphne looked shocked.  

"We followed some weird footprints up here" Fred explained to his crush. "Thought it be dangerous for you"

"If anyone messes with me, I'll just open a can of 2000 year old Chinese whoop-ass on them" Daphne stated.  

Suddenly, Daphne and Cynthia were both grabbed by their shoulders as a scary statue had come up behind them, causing them both to shriek, and Cynthia nearly to wet herself while Shaggy and a few of the other kids screamed, clutching onto each other. 

Velma then came out from behind the statue, giggling a little. But she wasn't alone. 

"Hey, guys" Jane also came out and greeted the gang. 

"Mom?" Kali and the twins asked, looking a bit confused. 

"VELMA!" Shaggy was angry that she scared him like that. 

"Jane, what are you doing here? I thought you were staying back at the hotel" Walter said to his wife. 

"I was," Jane began to explain. "But then I got worried about you guys" she came over to hug her kids who tried to get out of her grasp, assuring her they were fine. 

"Plus, miss out on a chance of adventure? No way!" she then smirked to her husband. 

"This ride was closed due to dangerous construction. The most likely place to hatch a insidious plan" Velma explained. "And I wanted to scare the patootie out of Daphne" she added, cheekily. 

Daphne rolled her eyes. 

"Well, since we're all together, let's split up and look for more clues" Fred suggested. 

"Oh, no! No, no, no, no, no!" Cynthia said. "I've seen horror movies. I know how this works. The monster will pick us off one by one!" 

"Oh, stop overacting" Kali scoffed at her scared fashionista friend. "Besides, Dad always told me Scooby and Shaggy would be the ones to run into the monster first" the adventure girl recalled from her dad's stories. 

"Hey! Like, don't remind us" Shaggy looked to his friend's daughter, who was like a niece to him.  

"Reah" Scooby added. 

"Geez, who elected them the bad luck kings of monster bait?" Teeders whispered to the twins, referring to Shaggy and Scooby.  

"Don't worry" Walter assured the kids gently. "This is why we're picking teams" 

"Daphne, you and I-" Fred pointed to his girlfriend before...

"Typical" Velma mumbled and looked away. 

"What?!" Fred asked her. 

"Oh, nothing..." Velma complained. "I was always picked last for the teams" 

"She's got you there, Freddy" Walter smirked to Mystery Inc's leader. 

"Okay" Fred sighed, coming up with a new plan. "Daphne, exit through the entrance. Velma and I will enter through the exit. And Shaggy and Scooby..."

Shaggy was seen messing around with the creepy statue but then turned to Fred, looking serious now. 

"Do whatever you guys do" Fred said to the cowardly duo, mixing things up this time in the plan which surprised Walter and Jane.  

Walter, Jane and the kids decided they needed to split up into groups also. 

"Now, kids... Are you sure you want to go through with this?" Jane asked the twins specifically, worried they might get too scared from all of this creepy stuff. I mean, they were only five after all.  

"We're not scared!" the twins bravely told their mother, attempting to puff out their chests. 

The gang then split up, going off in their separate directions to search the spooky castle. 

Kali, the twins and Teeders went with Shaggy and Scooby. Cynthia stayed with Daphne. Jane and Walter went their own separate way. And David went with Fred and Velma. 

The Harpercop siblings and Teeders followed Shaggy and Scooby. 

"Oh boy! Our first monster solving mystery in a spooky castle!" the twins said excitedly. 

"Lucky us" Kali deadpanned, thinking this would be way more cooler if something actually happened. 

Scooby then opened a door, leading the others into a room filled with food layed out on a long table. 

"Look at this, guys" Teeders told the others.  

"It's like a medieval Sizzler. Huh, Scoob?" Shaggy said. "Pinch me, I'm in heaven-" 

Scooby then pinched Shaggy. 

"Ow! It's an expression, Scoob" Shaggy told his dog. 

"Rorry" Scooby apologized, then looked to all the food. 

Meanwhile, Daphne and Cynthia had come down a path of the ride to a blocked door. They began moving the beams that were blocking the door. 

"So..." Cynthia tried to make conversation, but it quickly became awkward for her. "I guess you left after getting tired of the gang teasing you from getting kidnapped all the time?"

Daphne groused in annoyance, looking to the young fashionista. "You don't know the half of it" then she continued moving the beams. 

With Jane and Walter, they had gone off on their own in a different section of the ride where there were ghost and bats hanging above them and other creepy stuff throughout the area. But everything was lifeless and the room was quiet.  

Jane was actually kinda thrilled to be doing this again with the gang after so long, as it seemed like fun. Walter was still bothered that the gang was keeping their distances from each other and ignoring his advice of working together as a team like they've always done. 

"It's kinda nice to be doing this again" Jane admitted while she and her husband walked together through the quiet yet spooky tunnel.  

"Yeah, and it's even greater this time to finally have the kids joining" Walter smiled, seeming like he'd been waiting for this moment for his kids their entire lives. 

"Yeah, about that..." Jane now grew concerned, turning to her husband. "Honey, I don't think it's a good idea to have the kids be joining you and the gang this early on dangerous mysteries"

"But Jane, we started out when we were young" Walter protested with him and the gang starting out their first mysteries back when Scooby was still just a puppy. 

"You guys were in junior high! Our children are seven and five!" Jane suddenly got extremely irritated, which quickly led into an argument between the couple. 

David was with Fred and Velma while they were having their own conversation. Fred apologized to Velma for always picking her last in the team. David then asked Fred for any love advice since he'd been told by Kali and Walter that Fred was good with the ladies and David was so obviously trying to impress Cynthia. 

Velma then teased Fred, mentioning how all he cared about were swimsuit models until Fred interjected, saying dorky chicks like her turn him on too.

David looked to Fred while Velma walked off ahead of them, feeling insulted. 

"It's a compliment" Fred said to himself. 

"Some compliment" David muttered as they followed after Velma. 

Unaware to the gang, a pair of eyes were watching them through a painting.  

Back with Daphne and Cynthia, they were trying to push the doors open but they wouldn't budge. 

"It's no use" Cynthia sulked, natural of her to give up so easily. "We'll never get this stupid door open!"

Daphne sighed before getting into one of her marital arts poses, preparing to kick open the door. Just then, an evil laugh from a mechanical jester was heard behind the girls, startling Cynthia as Daphne kicked the door open and did a little victory dance. 

But what the girls didn't know was that the ride had started up again, and as they turned around, a speeding demon cart came right at them. 

"Oh, no!" the two fashionistas cried out as they were now forced to be riding while holding on for dear life on the front of the cart. 

With Shaggy, Scooby, Kali, the twins and Teeders, they were surprised to see the food suddenly come alive and attack them.  

"And now for our dinner show!" an evil voice laughed while Shaggy and Scooby were in a panic.

"What's happening?!" the twins asked while in panic.  

"Someone must have reactivated the ride!" Kali and Teeders told the others. 

Jane and Walter continued their arguing until they were cut off when the lights came on and they heard evil cackling as the ride had been reactivated. A cart suddenly came speeding behind them and forced them into riding it. 

"HOLD ON!" Walter told his wife while fake ghosts and bats came flying down at them. Plus scary clowns and dolls popped out and barfed up slime at them. 

Fred, Velma and David were looking around in alarm as lights flashed around them and creepy laughter was heard. The row of knight statues suddenly came alive and began chopping their sharp blades up and down. 

Velma saw one of the carts coming straight towards them. 

"Watch out!" she warned and they began running, nearly getting sliced in half by one of the knight's chopping blades.  


"Like, I got a bad feeling about this, guys!" Shaggy told the gang fearfully.  

"Re roo!" Scooby added. 

"No kidding!" the adventure kids all agreed. 

"And now for the main course... You!" the voice laughed evilly. 

The sausages suddenly wrapped around the gang and pulled them back, pinning them against the wall. Shaggy and Scooby screamed in total panic while the adventure kids seemed more worried how they were going to get out of this mess. 

Daphne and Cynthia continued riding down the track, heading straight for a dead end with sharp blades sticking out of the wall.  

"I'm not helpless. I'm not helpless" Daphne told herself until she saw the sharp blades up ahead. "I am helpless!" 

"We're gonna die!" Cynthia cried out, screaming like this was the end. 

Jane and Walter were still riding in their cart down the halls when they spotted a broken track up ahead where they could fall off down to their deaths into the deep dark pit. 

Fred, Velma and David ran into another room just as two giant axe pendulums came swinging down behind them and were slowly moving towards them. 

"Jinkies!" Velma gasped. 

"They're moving toward us!" David panicked, clutching onto her arm.

"Run!" Velma told them, which they did until they stopped at a dead end with a bookcase.

"We're trapped!" Fred cried.  

"Quick, try the bookcase!" Velma told the boys and started removing all the books off the shelves. "One of these has got to open a secret passageway!"

David didn't hesitate and quickly started helping her out. 

"Velma, this is a ride!" Fred told her. 

"You got a better plan, Fred?" David and Velma glanced back, seeing the giant axes moving closer towards them. 

Fred soon began to help remove all the books as quickly as possible. 

With Scooby, Shaggy and the others~

"Rhat do re do?!" Scooby panicked. 

"Do what we do best, Scoob... Eat!" Shaggy told his best buddy, screaming as a monster with sharp teeth appeared out of the food and was right next to his face.  

"Hurry, Scoob!" the adventure kids desperately told the great dane. 

Scooby took a bite out of the sausages wrapped around his paw but quickly spat it out. "Rit's plastic!" 

"What do you care? You drink out of a toilet!" Shaggy told his dog, struggling.  

"He's got you there, Scoob" Kali told the great dane.  

Scooby gave an offended look to his master. "Ro do you!" 

Back with Fred, Velma and David~

The three of them kept clearing off the book shelves as fast as they could. 

Fred pulled out a book too hard and stumbled backwards, about to get sliced in half by the giant axe!

"FRED!" Velma threw him a book. 

Fred held the book out in front of him and the axe struck, making Fred crash through a glass window. 


"Jane, I'm so sorry I yelled at you! I promise to never yell at you ever again as long as I live!" Walter spoke very quickly, apologizing to his wife for their argument as it looked like they were done for.  

"That might not be very long!" Jane pointed out as they were fast approaching the broken track. 

The couple clutched onto each other and closed their eyes, thinking this was it, when suddenly... it stopped.

Everything had stopped for the whole gang, as the living castle nightmare was over for them and they were all safe. 

"We made it, guys!" Shaggy cried joyfully. "We're alive!" 

"Wahoo!" the adventure kids cheered in triumph. 

But suddenly, the wall the gang was pinned up against gave way and fell over while they screamed slightly, a little shaken up but unharmed. 

"That was weird" Brock commented.  

"Like, you said it" Shaggy agreed with his surrogate nephew. 

"Reah" Scooby nodded. 

The giant axes had stopped moving, but Velma and David didn't see Fred. 

"Fred? Freddie... Are you all right?" Velma called, worried. 

Fred climbed through the shattered window, showing he was fine while Velma and David both smiled in relief. 

Velma then noticed one more book left on the shelf. "The last book" she removed it and the secret passageway was then revealed. 

"Typical, it had to be the last book" David rolled his eyes slightly. 


"I don't feel so good" Ann groaned, and so did the other adventure kids along with Scooby as they got out of the mess. 

"Reminds me of the time we tried to eat that guy in the hot-dog costume" Shaggy chuckled.

"Oh, Uncle Shaggy" Kali smiled towards him, as Shaggy always had a way at making her smile. 

Fred, David and Velma entered a very technological control room with desks and TV monitors looking like some kind of school, making them wonder why this would be here in an abandoned castle ride. 

Meanwhile, Daphne and Cynthia had wandered into a new room where they discovered a tiny mysterious pyramid figure. It had ancient symbols and hieroglyphics on it. The girls obviously had to take this back as a clue and show the others. They managed to escape before they were captured in a pyramid trap.   

Back with the others~

David curiously looked at all the shiny buttons on the control panel and pressed one of them, turning on a TV screen which showed a training video he, Fred and Velma watched. 

A woman appeared on the screen and was talking about social interaction between young adults. The three glanced to each other as this seemed rather random and totally unnecessary. Even the slang and words they were using got annoying really fast. 

"What do you think it is?" David asked, turning to Velma since she was the smart one. 

"It seems to be a brainwashing facility of some type" Velma assumed, pondering deep in thought. "Wherever there's a brainwashing cult, there's always a power-hungry leader. The Papa Smurf figure" 

"Mondavarious?" Fred and David thought.   

"Hmm? Then why would he have invited us here?" Velma said in suspicion. 

Walter and Jane had made it out of that ride cart and began to make their way back where they started from. 

Walter breathed heavily, trying not to hyperventilate. "That was the third most scariest thing ever in my life!"

"Really, what were the first two?" Jane turned to her husband, asking curiously. 

"When the gang and I were chased by zombies on that island and the time I found out you were having Kali and the twins"

Jane then spotted something, pointing out. "Look, I see light!"

Walter turned to see a small glimpse of light possibly coming from another room. 

"Let's follow it!" Jane told him and they started to follow the light out. 

Shaggy, the kids and Scooby had discovered another room which looked like some kind of set to shot a TV show. They came in, wandering around while Shaggy turned on the lights. 

"Lights, camera, action, huh, Scooby?" Teeders said. 

Just then, Scooby burped, and so did Kali seconds after.  

Shaggy chuckled. "I'll have whatever they're having" he then burped.  

Scooby then released an even bigger burp this time. 

Shaggy turned back towards his dog. "Are you challenging me?" 

"Hmm, maybe..." Scooby smirked before burping even longer this time. 

The two soon started a burping and farting contest. The twins were rolling over on the floor, laughing their heads off while Teeders grimaced, looking a bit disgusted by the gassy smells. 

Kali didn't mind Shaggy and Scooby's ridiculous antics, in fact, she always enjoyed challenging them to a burping contest. She even joined in a bit, burping a few times. 

"Like, that was even better then the last time we showed you" Shaggy said once Kali pulled off a big one. 

"I learned from the best" Kali smirked, as Shaggy and Scooby had taught her well, then let out another big burp. 

Scooby applauded for her while Shaggy stepped forward like that was nothing and prepared himself. "Alright, step aside. Watch and learn from the master" 

Shaggy then started farting, but at a bad time as Daphne, Cynthia, Jane and Walter walked in and saw what they were doing and looked rather disgusted by the stench they smelled. 

Scooby and the kids tried to get Shaggy to stop, but he wasn't paying attention until he turned around and saw the others. 

"Care to explain?" Walter asked with his arms folded, looking rather ashamed with Shaggy and Scooby teaching his kids immature behavior. Jane was just glad Fred and Velma weren't here to see this... or smell.  

Shaggy and the kids just smiled sheepishly in response. 

"We're here to solve a mystery" Daphne reminded, looking rather serious.  

Shaggy turned to Scooby, scowling. "Yeah, Scoob!"

Scooby just glared at his master, giving him that look. 

Just then, an alarm went off and the gang ran, knowing they had to get out of here now before they got caught. 

The gang all reunited, running into each other back in the tunnels. 

"Hey! Cynthia and I found a neat and scary clue" Daphne showed Fred and Velma the tiny pyramid model. 

"Us too" Velma explained. "We think this is a brainwashing facility for an evil cult"

"Well maybe that's the secret relic thingy they worship" David pointed out to the pyramid model. 

The gang then stopped, frozen in their tracks once they saw shadows coming at them and from behind them. 

"We're all gonna be relics if we like, don't get out of here, man!" Shaggy panicked.  

"What do we do?" Ann looked scared, clutching onto her mom's leg.

"Everyone stay calm" Walter told the gang, then turned to Fred. 

"I have a plan" Fred told the gang, noticing some Medieval costumes off to the side.  

The gang all quickly hid by disguising themselves in those medieval costumes... and it worked. Obviously for the Mystery Inc gang. 

The guards came in with Zarkos, stopping right in front of the gang, unaware that they were there because of their clever disguises. 

"Sir, they found the Daemon Ritus" this tiny man told Zarkos. 

The wrestler growled in anger, lifting up the tiny man. "For your sake, they better not have gone far!" 

The gang looked confused, but didn't dare say a word or move. 

"It is time to summon the big muchachos" Zarkos told the guards and then left with them. 

After the bad guys were gone, the gang sighed in relief, getting out of their disguises and wondering what that was all about just then.  

"Like, oh, no!" Shaggy gulped and let out some more gas, nearly exploding Velma's wizard fire and it made Scooby laugh.  

Once the coast was clear, the gang escaped the castle and rushed back to tell the owner of Spooky Island what they had found. 

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