Mlp EG: Duelist supreme (Male...

By slycoop1246

3.7K 56 75

In this world, duel monsters has become a world wide sensation. And at CHS, that statement couldn't any be mo... More

Meeting the... unexpected
Romance options
A battle against a fourth wall breaker.
The trip to the library.
Reuniting old friends
dueling with demons


769 8 14
By slycoop1246

3rd pov

In Canterlot High, students gather in the auditorium. A majority of students carry a deck by there sides, as well as a colored button on their clothing. Each button was either red, yellow, or blue; but every button either had a sun or a moon on it. As everyone began sitting down a woman with white as snow skin and green hair woman stepped up to the center of the court.

Principal Celestia: Students one in all, Divine beast and sacred beast alike. It's that time of the year once again. Where students will duel once again for the chance to become loyalty of the fall formal!

Everyone began clapping with a look of sigh on their faces.

Principal Celestia: Now of course here to kick off the celebration is last years winner, Sunset Shimmer.

(Note this is not ment to be a image your suppose to smash, this is just to represent the current enemy F/n is or will face)

She said as a beacon haired girl with a black jacket and blue sun badge walked up to the Microphone. All with a smirk on her face. As she looked at the stage, everyone soon forced a wide smile and clapped loudly. All while a boy with h/c hair and S/c skin had a looked of determination on him, looking at Sunset.

Sunset: Thank you principal Celestia. Now I'm going to say this once, if you want to win this tournament, then your going to have to beat me and my newest monster. But if you think you can win this, then bring. It. On.

She said causing everyone to clap as she walked away, except for the boy who just tighten his hands.

Principal Celestia: Thank you Ms.Shimmer. Now this years theme is based off the deulist kingdom tournament!

She said as a woman with blue skin and darker blue hair walked up to Celestia, and was given the mic.

Luna: Which means all competitors will receive a glove that can hold ten star chips and will also receive two star chips to start off with. Each deulist must bet on how many star chips they life to offer. If you have collected ten chips you will move on to the semi finals, everyone one who lost all of there star chips and or did not collect ten by the day before the ball will still be allowed in the dance. However, they won't be part of the tournament from that point on word. For any questions you may have, please ask your teachers. You are dismissed.

With that, everyone soon left the gym and was give a box on the way out. A couple of people gave their boxes back to distributers, but majority gave kept them as they went back to class. Along the way a cry can be heard.

???: Hey stop! Give it back!

A couple of people looked at source of the noise. They soon see a girl with orange skin and purple hair, trying to get her duel disk back from two boys. A majority of people looked at the situation but looked away as they went back to class. But the boy with H/c went up to them.

???: Hey! What do you think your doing!?

He said catching the attention of the bullies.

???: Well, well, well, if it isn't the black spellcaster. F/n L/n.

F/n: Why am I not surprised, it's you two? Still working for Sunset, Snips and Snails?

Snails: Yeah so what? This has nothing to do with you.

F/n: True, but that doesn't mean I'm not to ask what your doing.

Snips: Quite Simple. You see Scootaloo here decided to challenge us to a duel to get a rank up. But she lost and so we decided to take our trophy, a.k.a her deck.

Scootaloo: Come on, give it back!

Snips: Tell you what, you get a new deck and maybe we'll give you a rematch.

F/n: Enough! How about you duel me instead!

He said catching everyone's attention.

F/n: If I win, you give Scootaloo's deck back and you give me your star chips.

Snails: And if we win?

F/n: You give her back her deck.

Snips: And why would we do that?

F/n: Because not only will you get my deck instead, but you'll also move up to blue rank. Besides, I'm pretty sure Sunset will be happy knowing I wouldn't be a problem anymore.

Snails: Wait who are you challenging?

F/n: Both of you.

Snips/ Snails: Deal!

They said as all three prepared there decks. But Scootaloo came running toward F/n.

Scootaloo: what are you doing!?

F/n: Simple, getting your deck back.

Scootaloo: But why!?

F/n: Believe me when I say I know what it's like  to lose cards that matter to you.

Snips: Hey are going to do this or what?

F/n: Fine.

Snips/ Snails/ F/n: Let's duel.

F/n: 4000 Snips and Snails: 8000

F/n: Sense this is a two v one, I'll go first.

He said as he drew a card and add it to his hand.

F/n:From my hand I summon  Magican's Valkyria in atk mode. Atk: 1600 Def: 1800. Next I activate pot of greed. You know what this does. Next I play the field spell secret village of spellcasters. I then play two cards face down and end my turn.

Snips: My turn. Draw! I set a monster and end my turn.

Snails: Draw! I play two cards face down and end my turn.

F/n: My turn. Draw! Now I'm going to summon another Magican's Valkyria. Now my 1st magican shall attack.

Snails: I activate the face down, Mirror Force!

F/n: Cute but I activate my quick play spell mystic space typhoon. Sorry to disappoint you but your card is useless. Any who, my Magican shall continue her attack.

He said as Magican Valkyria destroyed the face down monster. Revealing it to be Cyber Phoenix.

F/n; I then place another card face down and end my turn.

Snips: Draw! I set a monster and end my turn.

Snails: Draw! I place one card face down and end my turn.

Scootaloo: Why aren't they attack each other?

???: Isn't it obvious?

Scootaloo soon turned her head to see Luna looking over the duel.

Luna: F/n Always takes precaution when dueling. You see Magician's  Valkyria ability forces it's opponents monsters to attack her. But sense theirs two, it means they can't target either. But f/n won't attack because of the face downs, but it should change in few seconds.

Scootaloo: But how come they aren't activating their face down?

Luna: Probably because of the field spell.

F/n: My turn. Draw. Now I tribute my monsters in order to summon dark magician of chaos! Atk: 2800 Def: 2600 Now he's going to attack.

He said as dark magician of chaos destroys to the face down.

F/n: Oh and your card won't be sent to the graveyard, it's remove from play. But now I lay a face down and activate dark magician of chaos second ability. Which allows me to bring back a spell card from my graveyard.

Snips: Uhh, my turn, Draw! I end my turn!

Snails: Draw. I end.

F/n: My turn Draw! I then play pot of greed again. I summon Magician's robe Atk:700 Def:2000 and discard a spell card in order to Special summon Dark magician. Next I activate my face down Magician navigation. Not only can I special summon  another Dark magician Atk: 2500Def 2100:, but I can also special Dark magicain girl Atk:2000 Def:1700 from my deck. Now all of my monster shall attack.

F/n: 4000 Snips/ Snails: 0000 Winner: F/n L/n

With that all of the monsters disappear as Snips and Snails fell to the ground. F/n soon went over to Snips and Snails and got the duel disk beside the two, as well as their star chips. 

F/n: When you see Sunset, tell her I'm getting my card back.

He then went and gave Scootaloo her duel disk.

F/n: Here. I believe this is yours.

Scootaloo: Thank you.

F/n: How did you lose to them anyway?

Scootaloo: I don't know, I mean I based my deck off Rainbow Dash's deck.

F/n: Aww, now I see. Tell me did you play your cards like Rainbow would as well.

Scootaloo: Yeah?

F/n: In that case, they know how to counter your deck. You might want to build a deck that more... unique to you. Or at least play how you would.

Scootaloo: Unique to me?

F/n: For example, you know how I have dark magician in my deck. Well it may be true Yugi Moto used that card, but I use it in a way that represents me not him.

Scootaloo: So in short, you want me to remake my deck?

F/n: I never said you have to, but what I'm trying to say is play it like you would. Not like someone else. Otherwise, you'll become predictable.

Scootaloo: Oh. Thanks.

She said as she ran off to next class.

Luna: I see your still as good as ever.

F/n: I just try to play to the best of my ability that's all. Is their something wanted though?

Luna: As a matter of fact yes. I'm curious as to why your taking part in this year tournament. You usually just avoid these things.

F/n: Let's just say someone in the tournament made this very personal, and I'm planning to get something back.

Luna: I see.In that case good luck, I hope you find what you looking for.

F/n: Believe me, I will get my it back. One way or another.

(Timeskip brought to you by chibi F/n riding his motorcycle.)

3rd pov

Around midnight, F/n had begun to twist and turn in his bed. He soon awoke with heavy breathing and sweat running down his face.

F/n: That same dream again.

He said as he had ever sense he moved. He soon got and look at an old family picture, it had him,his mom, and his father on it. But his father's face was covered by a piece of newspaper that said 'local mechanic and family man, sentence to life in prison after a bloody murder.'

F/n: ...I hope you made some 'friends' in that hell hole, because you deserve far worse then what you were given.

He said after he put the picture down and to get a drink of water. He goes back to bed and pulls the blanket over himself.

F/n: I just hope life doesn't get any crazier.

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