Broken Promises (#4 in the 'O...

By TheWalkingDaryl

13.6K 889 325

The only way was out. After nearly being killed by his own cousin in the middle of the cafeteria, Andy had ju... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 31

330 25 2
By TheWalkingDaryl

Chapter 31:

"So how're you this morning?" Ashley asked as we walked down the sidewalk, heading to school like every morning.

I shrugged. "Could be better. Dunno how long mom and dad were arguing for, but I didn't see either of them for the rest of the night."

"Ok," Ashley said, clearly not sure how to respond to that. He glanced at me. "You keeping that promise?"

"Sure am."

Ashley put a hand on my arm, making me halt. He looked at me sadly.

"Andy, please don't lie to me," he said sadly.

"I'm not lying to you Ashley," I said. "Why would I lie to you about something like that?"

Ashley looked at me sadly for a bit before he started walking again, making me follow him.

"You'd better be telling me the truth Andy; I don't need to worry any more than I already do," he said, clearly not happy with me.

We continued the walk in silence, Ashley pushing his way through the school gates and walking over to where the others were.

"Mike, can I talk to you for a sec?" Ashley asked, getting Mike's attention away from Jenna.

"Uh, sure," Mike said with uncertainty.

Ashley headed away from us, Mike in tow. Jinxx looked to me as I watched them walk off.

"What's that about?" he asked.

I shook my head, just watching Ashley and Mike. "I dunno."


Mike's Point of View:

"What's wrong Ash?" I asked as we came to a halt a fair way from the others.

Ashley looked over his shoulder before looking to me, keeping his voice down as he spoke.

"I need you to help me out; do me a favour," he said. "I've got a problem, and I'm real worried."

"Ashley, slow down a bit, yeah?" I said, getting a bit confused at what he was trying to say. "You've lost me."

Ashley looked at me sadly; clearly something on his mind.

"You promise you won't say anything?" he asked.

I gave a nod and he sighed.

"Whatever it is, I'll keep a secret as long as you need me to," I said, wondering why he'd come to me for this and not Jinxx.

Ashley nodded and sighed again before he ran a hand through his hair and finally spoke what was on his mind.

"Andy's been having a few home problems lately, and I'm real concerned," he began, making me nod so he knew I was listening. "I called him last night to make sure he was alright, 'cause his parents were arguing again, and he's convinced he's been what's caused it."

"Hang on, let me just make sure I know whatcha sayin'," I said. Ashley watched me as I thought about what he'd said. I gave a nod. "Ok, go on."

Ashley nodded, continuing on with his story.

"Ok, well I'm real concerned he might've started hurting himself," Ashley said, making me frown. "I know it's probably crossed his mind, but I'm real convinced he might've hurt himself last night after I spoke to him."

"Why do you think that?" I asked, seeing how concerned Ashley really was.

"It's not cold outside," he said, making me frown.

"Ok, now you've lost me."

He sighed.

"If it's one thing I know about Andy, it's that he doesn't get cold easy," he said, still losing me. "So explain to me Mike, why's he not wearing a short-sleeved shirt like he does nearly every day? Why the sleeves all of a sudden?"

I frowned and looked over at where Andy was with the others. Ashley had a point though. I looked back to him, and saw how concerned he was for his friend.

"I need 'cha to help me out," he said sadly. "Just do whatcha gotta do so I know for sure? He promised me he wouldn't, but he wasn't very convincing when I asked this morning, and I think he's lying to me."

I nodded and Ashley watched as I thought.

"Can you send Matt over?" I asked, making Ashley frown this time.

He gave a nod and headed back over to the others, saying something to Matt who just nodded and came over. He came to a halt near me.

"Can I help with something Mike?" he asked, not sure why he was over here.

I nodded.

"I wantcha to switch places with Zacky today so you're next to Andy when lunch break comes 'round, ok?" I said, Matt nodding, but I could see he was unsure. "There's something I need you to do if I can't."


Andy's Point of View:

"Ashley said your parents were arguing again," Matt said as he sat down next to me at the table, making me frown a bit.

Him and Zacky had switched places, and I wasn't sure why. Ashley saw me frown, but didn't say anything. Matt looked at me.

"You alright?" he asked with a bit of concern.

"Why're you next to me today?" I asked, not sure if I liked him next to me and out of place. "You're putting me out."

Matt frowned and looked to Mike who just gave a bit of a shrug, so he looked back to me.

"Zacky wann'ed to sit next to Jenna today instead," he said with a shrug, seeing I wasn't convinced. "So I was lucky enough to get to sit near you."

I just looked at him for a few seconds, wondering if he was up to something. Matt just gave me a smile before I switched my gaze to Mike as he spoke.

"Can I ask something Andy?" he asked. "I'm just curious."

I looked at him suspiciously, really starting to think they were all up to something. I glanced at Ashley who just looked away, so I looked back to Mike.

"I guess so..." I said slowly.

Mike looked hesitant, but managed to say what was on his mind.

"I was just wondering...I noticed you're not wearing your normal, short-sleeved shirt like always," he said, making me frown. "Why the sleeves all of a sudden man?"

I shrugged. "I dunno. Maybe I get cold easily?"

Ashley sighed and looked to Mike.

"He's lying," he said.

"What're you guys up to?" I asked, looking around at all of them, really unsure if this was the best place to be right now. "There's clearly something up, or else you wouldn't've put Matt next to me to throw me out of everything all day, right?"

Mike and Ashley exchanged looks before Mike looked to me, making me look at him again.

"We're gonna give you one chance to rethink that answer Andy," he said, making me frown.

"What?" I asked, looking between him and Matt. "I don't think I understand whatcha want from me guys."

Without warning, Mike grabbed my arm, making me flinch and quickly pull away from him.

"Don't touch me," I said seriously as Mike looked at me with no amusement.

Mike looked to Matt who nodded back and made me look at him.

"What?" I asked.

Matt shrugged, but by that time it was too late for me to react. Mike had grabbed my arm again and pushed my sleeve up before I could do anything.

I heard Ashley sigh as I put my head in my hands.

"Andy..." Mike said sadly.

"No, just don't," I said, looking up at him as I pushed my sleeve back down. "I'm sick of hearing that tone when anyone speaks to me. I harmed myself, so what? It's always the same, and I'm sick of hearing it."

"You promised me Andy," Ashley said, looking like he seriously wanted to cry. "You promised you wouldn't hurt yourself!"

I shook my head.

"Why don't you guys try being me for once, huh? Try being me for one fucking week instead of it being the other way around," I snapped back, directing it at everyone. "You all have it so fucking easy. You've got basically perfect fucking lives with the occasional problem at home or harassment at school. I still have it every fucking day of my Goddamn life! Try being me for a week and then tell me you wouldn't've started."

I just grabbed my things and walked out, not even looking back.


Mike's Point of View:

Ashley put his head in his hands, clearly upset.

"C'mon man, it's not your fault," Jinxx said reassuringly as he put his arm around Ashley's shoulders.

"Yes it is," Ashley said miserably, clearly crying. "He promised, and I couldn't do anything to help."

This was probably the first time any of us had really seen Ashley cry. It took a lot to break him, but he'd clearly been keeping it together for too long. No matter what happened to Ashley, he'd never been one to break down. It was slightly disturbing to see.

"What do we do now?" Ronnie asked, breaking the silence and looking around at us as Jinxx tried to calm Ashley down.

I shrugged and no-one spoke. None of us knew what to do now, and we had no idea where Andy'd disappeared to either.

"Should someone go find him?" Matt asked, clearly unsure about his vague idea.

I shrugged again, and once more, no-one spoke. We sat there in silence for a bit, all of us just basically waiting for the bell to go so we could head off to class and stop trying to say something. Ashley had calmed down a bit, but he was still far from ok.

We all stood up and grabbed our things as the bell went, everyone heading off to class.

"You ok?" I asked as I kept pace with Ashley and Jinxx.

Ashley shook his head as he kept his gaze down and didn't look up. Jinxx looked to me.

"We'll talk later, ok?" he said, making me nod. "I don't think Ash really wants to talk right now. Andy's really upset him."

I nodded again and let them go to class as I continued on down the corridor and to the class I was meant to be in. I sat down near the back of the room and sighed as people came in through the door. I knew Ashley was upset, but Andy seemed to be drifting away from everyone and everything, and it was certainly worrying everyone.

If there was nothing any of us could do, we were gonna lose him for sure.

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