The Girl Who lived, loved and...

MidnightMadness_147 tarafından

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I'm sure you've read 100 stories about Harry Potter sister. And maybe this one isn't any different. Or maybe... Daha Fazla

The night it all happened
lily Potter ?
We meet again
4 Champions
Its getting Sirius
Charlie Weasley
The first Trial
Pre Ball Jitters.
Yule ball
After math
The Day Before
The Second trial
A Meeting with Padfoot
Letters, Crouch, Twins oh my
Family and Friends
The Third Trial
He Returns.
Summer days
Family trouble
Dinner party
Noble house of black
Prefect Party
Warning back to Hogwarts.
Classes 2
Day at Hogsmeade
High Inquisitor
Taking things up a notch
Dumbledore's Army
Quidditch War
St Mungo's Hospital
St Mungo's Hospital pt2
Merry Christmas
Fun times over
Umbrige is a Bitch
letting the public know
Change in management
Ill figure it out later
The Ultimate Exit
Owls /Newts
Depart for Department of Mysteries
Battle at the Department Of Mysteries
The Second War begins
Business as usual
Happy Depressing Birthday
independent variable
To the night of the party.
Christmas with the Weasely's
Happy birthday
Battle of the Astronomy Tower
Battle at the Astronomy Tower pt2
Worriors Death
Grimmauld Place
The Ministry
Theres a lot we dont know
If Not Us Who?
Godric's Hollow
Question and few answers
Deathly Hallows
Malfoy Manner
Bill and Fleur's Cottage
Gotta get back to Hogwarts
Gotta get back to school
Battle of Hogwarts
Beginning of the End
The beginning meets the end
The War to End all Wars
The End is Only The Beginning
19 years later.

Re-acquaintaned with Hogwarts

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MidnightMadness_147 tarafından

It was nearing the end of August, Danie was running around making sure she had everything she needed.
"Alright, I think I've got everything. I'll be sure to write as often as I am able. " She told the twins who where busy working on a new invention.
"I have faith you won't burn the shop down"
"We would never!"
"This is our baby!" The twins placed a hand over their hearts in offence.
"No stupid heroics. If more death eaters come to Diagon Alley follow procedure. " She said seriously. They were only half listening.
"It wouldn't bad idea to invite your mum over every once and a while " she suggested to them the shrugged at the idea, clearly not understanding what she actually ment.
"I think she'd enjoy seeing the two of you. With you dad busy with his new promotion, Bill busy with Work and the engagement , Charlie in Romania, Ginny and Ron going back to Hogwarts in a couple of weeks, you two here and Percy....well anyway I think doing something familiar would give her some pieces of mind. " Danie told them as she picked up her trunks from the ground
" No need to worry your pretty little head about us "
"We know how to handle ourselves."
"You just keep the new rug rays in place"
"Unless their using our products of course"
"I'm sure Flitch has band all of your products" she smiled. George and Fred got up from the table. Fred gave Danie a hug first.
"Don't be too hard on them Ms. Potter"
Then George, his hug came with a kiss.
"Give Snape and Malfoy he'll for us"
"I promise nothing" the three us them let out some light laughter as Danie disapparated. It was always a strange feeling similar to being on a boat for the first time. She appeared outside of the three broomstick. She could see Tonks through the window, enjoying a butterbeer by herself. Danie decided to give her a visit.
"Tonks?" Tonks didn't have her normal short pink hair but shoulder length tawny hair. She turned to look at the Young girl.
"Danie? Hey, Are you meeting someone here?" She asked.
"No, no Dumbledore actually hired me as jr healer" she explained to Tonks as she took a seat across from her.
"Oh right I remember Remus telling me about that"
"How is Remus?" Danie asked almost immediately.
"He's ok. He took ...the death pretty hard. And Dumbledore's got him on a mission that ..." Tonks voice trailed off.
"And how are you handling Sirius death?" Tonks breath shortened at the sound of Sirius name.
"I'm managing--"
"You can talk to me Tonks, he was my family too" Tonks took in a deep breath.
"If I had finished Bellatrix off she never would have had the chance to...and he and I we're getting so close, and I don't know much about my mum's side of the family and ...and" Danie quickly moved to Tonks side of the table. She let the older woman cry into her shoulder. Danie had a feeling Tonks may had, had one too many Butterbeers before she found her, but she didn't mind.
"It's not your fault, we can play the blame game but honestly there's no point. I was so happy to find out Sirius was innocent, that he didn't betray my parents. When we met I found him rather arrogant but he was family. The more I got to know him the more he grew on me , like a weed but still." She joked. Tonks let out a pained laugh.
"One thing is for sure, he wasn't the man I knew as a little girl. But he brought the most wonderful stories of my dad. Remus a few but he never went into great detail. I think he was ashamed of their youth" Danie wiped some tears from her face and took in a deep breath.
"I miss Remus" Tonks whispered.
"You two have become rather close, haven't you?" Danie smiled.
"Yeah, did you know my Patronus changed into a wolf!"
"It changed? But wouldn't the mean-"
"Ah Ms Potter I see you've found Tonks" Danie turned around to see Dumbledore.
"Sorry sir I saw Tonks through the window and wanted to say Hi, our conversation lasted a little longer than anticipated. "Danie's explained.
"There is no need to explain yourself, please wait outside in the carriage well I assist Ms. Tonks. " Dumbledore instructed.
"Ill see you soon " Danie whispered to Tonks before leaving the three broomstick with her trunks. When she got outside she could see a standard school carriage being pulled by a Thestral. She placed her trunks in the carriage and took a moment to say hello to her winged friend. Stroking it's black silky main.
It wasn't long before Dumbledore came out of the three broomstick and the two of them started their carriage ride to the school grounds.
"I hear that you have been developing your own potions" Dumbledore began. "your mother was quite gifted at potions in her school days and your father, well perhaps not as inclined but your ancestors were quite the crafty wizards. That's how your family received their fortune"
"They made potions?" Danie asked
"Indeed. Your grandfather, Fleamont created the Sleekeazy's hair position. A wonderous concoction, I tend to use it on myself"
"My grandfather" Danie said to herself. She hardly remember them. They died of dragon pox the year before Harry was born. She felt a sudden connection to her long deceased grandfather.
"Yes, but even further back. To would could be argued the first Potter was responsible for many of the potions madam Pomfrey uses today. He made them for his muggle neighbors. Of course they hadn't the slightest clue to the truth of him being a wizard" the carriage stopped.
"It would appear we have arrived.

The students would be arriving at any moment now. Danie had settled in quite nicely. Madam Pomfrey showed her around the hospital wing. Where they stored the difference potions and medical tools. Danie found that madam Pomfrey was very thorough in her explained of the tasks Danie would have to face. She also seemed quite happy to finally be receiving some extra help after the years of injury inducing events. the second year to seventh year students started to flood into the Great Hall and taking their seats at their respective tables. Danie couldn't find Harry in the crowd, she saw Ron and Hermione but no Harry. She was about to take seat beside Madam Pomfrey when she saw a wolf Patronus in the window.
"Where are you off to now?" Madam Pomfrey asked.
"Just to check on something, I won't be long I promise" Danie rushed out of the grate hall following the wolf down to the front gates. "Lumos" the tip of Danie's wand lit up lighting her way.
"Harry? I was wondering where you had gone. Thank you for bringing him Tonks" Danie rushed over to the gate and opened it.
"No problem. I'll see you around Harry" Tonks walked away twords Hogsmeade.
"Danie what are you doing here?!"
"Dumbledore hired me to help Madam Pomfrey, why are you covered in blood?"  Danie flicked her wand and all the blood from Harry's nose and collor were gone. 
"Thanks. "
As Harry and Danie walked back up to the Castel Harry explained what had happened in Draco's compartment and what he saw in Diagon Alley.
"I'll keep an eye on him" Danie said hesitantly. She didn't believe that Draco was a death eater. He was only 16 but it was clear that Harry felt very strongly about the subject so she decided to humor him.
"Now you need to join the others in the great hall. "
"But I haven't changed into my robes"
"You don't have time fore that. I have to go back to the staff table. Stay out of trouble" Danie hurried off to the room behind the staff table. She didn't want to distribute the sorting ceremony. She found her seat next to Madam Pomfrey. Hagrid had arrived as well.
"Danie wha er you doin' here?" He asked
"Dumbledore has hired me as jr healer" she explained in a quiet voice.
"Good on ya, great man Dumbledore is" Hagrid smiled at her.  Dumbledore introduced professor Slughorn a elder gentlemen as the new postions professor, and that Snape would be the new Defense teacher.
"Finally I wish you all to be kind to out new jr Healer Ms. Potter " Danie stood up and gave a shy wave to the crowd of students. 
After the feast Dumbledore dismissed the students off to bed. The teachers started to disperse themselves.
"I expect you up bright and early tomorrow"
"Of course Madam Pomfrey" the older woman looked pleased and walked off.  McGonagall walked over to the new staff member.
"I trust that you will not be turning a blind eye to the doings of your brother and his friends"
"Believe me professor I will do everything in my power to make this a quiet year" Danie let out a akward laugh.  McGonagall nodded.
"I'm very proud of you Potter" she said in a firm voice before walking off.  Danie made her way over to professor Slughorn who had been eyeing her this whole time. He was in light conversation with Snape. 
"Hello Gentlemen" Danie said pleasantly.
"Ah Ms. Potter its so nice to meet you. When I heard the news that you were alive well o could hardly believe it, but here you stand as beautiful as your mother" Slughorn glowed.
"Thank you sir, that's very kind of you to say"
" Form what I here you only graduated last year. Top of your class at that. Shame, you would have made an excellent addition to my collection. Just like your mother or what a set that would have been" Danie looked at the man strangely. She hadn't the  slightest clue as to what he was talking about. 
"Yes I suppose it is. But as we will be working together I look forward to getting to know you better, I'm sure you have all kinda of stories about the students you've taught. " Danie respond politely.
" Oh yes. I'm sure  Severus here has told you all about his school days with your parents"  Danie glanced at Snape who hadn't said a word thus far but held a displeased expression.
"No... We haven't talked much outside  class" Danie explained. Slughorn looked rather perplexed by this notion.
"Odd, I was sure that he would have acquainted himself with you as soon as you step foot through those doors. He and your Lily were quite close" Danie looked at Snape , searching for an answer. He avoided her gaze.
" I, didn't know" there was an awkward pause.
"I've been learning many things lately... Well I suppose I should be off. Goodnight"
"Goodnight Danielle" Danie said cheerfully.
Danie fell asleep rather quickly that night. Her mind slipped into an I world similar to her own but different. Her parents where still alive and Harry was not the chosen one. Instead Neville was  the boy who lived. He was more confident but still shy. He was raised alongside  Danie and Harry. 

"You must love the attention don't you Longbottom ?"
" I well..I wouldn't say-"
"Famous Longbottom, always have to be the center of attention don't you"
Danie walked twords them.
"Leave him alone Draco" Danie said in a commanding voice.
"Princess Potter here to save the day as always" Draco said sarcastically. Crabbe and Goyle laughed. 
"I think 10 points from Slytherin should do, or is that too low" 
"You're lucky she was here to save you Longbottom, you won't be so lucky next time.
"There won't be a next time" Danie told them. The Slytherin's stormed off.
"Thanks didn't have to do that" Neville said with embarrassment.
"I didn't do it because you needed saving. I didn't it because it's my job as perfect" she told the younger boy.
" Oh, right. Of course"
"You know Neville, it's ok to ask for help. You don't have to bear this burden alone" she smiled at him.
"Thanks Danie"

Danie tost in bed. Different scenarios running through her mind. Blueing together. Some where only her mother escaped with Harry and Danie that night. Some where there was no chosen one.  Some where Neville was was the boy who lived.

"Hello Potter"
"What is a lovely lady like yourself doing in Hogsmeade all alone?"
Danie rolled her eyes at the boys comments. She kept walking.
"Not that were one for rules"
"But aren't you support to be paired up with someone?"
It was lucky that they were even allowed to go to hogsmeade with Voldemort still at Large. Everyday felt like the end. There was more negativity out then anything else. 
" I couldn't find one. What does it matter to you two"
"Can't we just be concerned for a friend"
"Or be the loving gentlemen that we are"
She looked at them with an I'm convinced expression.
"I believe it was our third year why you two told me I was too dull to be your friend. Now what do you want?"
"We where wondering "
"If you've heard anything from the order" they said in quite voices.
"Shhhh! You can't just talk about that out in the open like that!" She whisper yelled at them. 
"Well have you?" The twins asked
"Fine, but not here"

Different voices rang in her head. But what did it mean. What was she seeing. What is it she was hearing. Memories that were hers but yet so unfamiliar.

" And either must die at the hands of the other for neither can live while the other survives"

Danie shot up out of bed in a cold sweat. Her head was pounding and her scar burned. Her eyes adjust to the familiar sight of her room in the castle. She looked around, her gaze stopped at the window. The sun was rising over the mountains in the distance.
"For neither can live well the other survives" Danie said to herself in a whisper.

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