Hwarang: Angel In Disguise

By crazy_lychee

105K 3.6K 2.3K

Angel, Saint, Fairy, I've heard it all. I mean, when you're a doctor that saves everyone, you're bound to ge... More

Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 4.5
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 6.5
Episode 7
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
Episode 14.5
Episode 15
Episode 15.5
Episode 16
Episode 17
Episode 18
Episode 19
Episode 20

Episode 8

3.9K 155 31
By crazy_lychee

"I hope you have a good explanation for this Soo Ho." I say, walking alongside him as he carries Ban Ryu.

"I thought you were my sister. I just..wanted to prank her a bit since I saw her in the streets. I didn't know it was you..." He says. I stop walking, glaring at him.

"So you usually do this to your sister?" I ask. He blushes, quickly shaking his hands to dissipate the idea.

"No! It's just, you turned around and..well uh, well. I was aiming for your back." Soo Ho says, averting his eyes.

"Soo Ho, put Ban Ryu down."


"I said, put Ban Ryu down."

He follows my instructions, looking at me confused.

"Ok n-" I punch him in the gut, watching him double over. I straighten myself when I hear clapping behind me.

"That was fun. You're an interesting one, Y/N." Yeo Wool says, jogging over to me.

"I try." I say, watching Soo Ho pick Ban Ryu up again. Yeo Wool chuckles.

"I'm guessing your visits didn't go as planned? I overheard your little conversation."

I groan, rubbing my temples. "I'm sure it'll be the talk of the town at this point. Let's just go back to the House. I bet Sun Woo and Ji Dwi are already waiting for us."

Turns out, I was right. The two looked at us stunned, eyes going from Ban Ryu and Soo Ho to Yeo Wool and I, asking for an explanation. Yeo Wool walks over, draping his arms onto their shoulders.

"I understand it is a strange sight, but let us chat inside."

After somehow getting Ban Ryu over the wall, the 5 of us carry him in, sneaking through the courtyard. It seems Yeo Wool's liquor wore off though, as we were greeted with our instructor who smacks Yeo Wool on the head.


--time skip--

And punishment time. Again. It's always us. As soon as the sun rose, the 6 of us were dragged outside to carry Wi Hwa on his glorious carrier. This time, we were going around a forest.

"It keeps leaning to one side." He complains. "This is only your 15th time, you are so slow."

I groan, my body aching from standing underneath the carrier, supporting it from below. Yeo Wool was living his best life on the side, merely fanning the instructor. The other 4, well, not so much.

"When will you finish all 100 turns?" He chuckles. "You were at each other's throats before, are you saying you have gotten close? How disgraceful."

Ban Ryu suddenly loses his balance, setting off the rest of us as we frantically reposition the carrier.

"You said the liquor was a killer!" Soo Ho complains.

"It is! The problem was you two." Yeo Wool says.

"What even happened last night? I swear If i got dragged into this for no reason I'll kill you all." Ban Ryu says, still a bit dizzy.

Huh, Soo Ho must've dropped him.

Soo Ho ignores the question. "Hold it properly."

3rd person POV

All the Hwarangs were gathered in the forest to watch the punishment.

"No way. They will not really be doing this 100 times..." Hwarang 1 says.

"According to my calculations, their legs will go out of commission after 20 times. If they go up 100 times, they will die." Hwarang 2 says.

Han Sung was oblivious, his mind only focused on one question as he stared at a stick. 'Why would Soo Ho do that to Angel?'

"What did Soo Ho do?" Turns out, he had said it out loud.

"He touched Angel's bosom." He replies, trying to ignore the sudden heat in his face. No matter how wrong it was, he couldn't help but imagine what it was like. He shakes it off, ears still tinted red as he draws in the dirt.

"Has he gone crazy?" Hwarang 2 asks.

"He must be insane." Hwarang 1 agrees.

"Can you imagine how it was though? I'm not saying it was right but she's so beautiful and we've gone so long without any female contact. It would be hard to resist." Hwarang 3 says, his face flushing a deep red.

Han Sung pouts, throwing his stick at him in anger. Hwarang 3 turns to find the culprit but Han Sung ducks his head down, innocently drawing circles in the dirt.

Meanwhile, Wi Hwa was starting to get sick on his carrier. He gags, trying to hold it in before vomiting all over. Y/N was safe as she was underneath the carrier but everyone else got a nice heaping of barf on them.

"I-it's warm..." Sun Woo stutters, pausing in his tracks.

"What is this?" Soo Ho complains, screaming from the sudden onslaught of vomit.

Wi Hwa orders them to stop, getting off the carrier as fast as possible to continue vomiting. As soon as the carrier was off their shoulders, the 5 men ran to go shower, eager to clean themselves up as quickly as possible. After cleaning up, Ji Dwi follows Sun Woo to their little lockers, handing him the bracelet he dropped.

"Did you mean it when you said you like her?" Sun Woo asks. Ji Dwi stares back blankly. "I asked, did you mean it?"

"What if I do?"

--time skip--

"What is up with them?" Ban Ryu asks. "They looked more nervous than usual while looking at us. Did you do something stupid?"

"Really? I cannot tell." Soo Ho says, avoiding the question. Ban Ryu rubs his head.

"Did I become sensitive after losing my memory?" Ban Ryu asks himself.

"Ban Ryu, remember this." Soo Ho points at him. "Everything is a misunderstanding. Ok?"

"What are you talking about?"


I rub my head after showing, determined to go back to my room for some peace when Ji Dwi suddenly appears out of no where. He takes my hand, placing a case of golden needles in it.

"Here. I found these along the way. You can use them." He says. I stare at it, shaking the case lightly before opening it.


"Why do you think so? You should think about it." He smiles before leaving me in my thoughts.

I examine the needles, admiring the gold shine. They were beautiful and looked brand new. Where did he get these? I highly doubt he just found these on the floor. Did he not like my other needles? I guess they are on the older side. Oh well.

I head to my office, my jaw dropping when I look around. Someone had decided to renovate it, switching out my old curtains and getting me a new tea set. It was bizarre, the designs unfamiliar to me. There's no way they got these from Silla. It must be from the west.

"Where did these come from?" I ask myself, running my hands along the curtains. I pick up the tea set, brushing my hand along the intricate carvings. "Who would decorate a clinic like this?"

I walk out to see Ji Dwi and his body guard who soon runs off.

"Was it you who did something so useless?" I ask.

"uhhhhh it costs too much gold to call it useless." He says.

"If you had so much gold to spend you should've donated it. There are so many kids you could have fed. What are you doing?"

"What am I doing? Because I wanted to do it for you." he says. "They are useless, but they are pretty and nice. I wanted to give them to you."

"Why?" I ask, my voice softer than the previous conversation.

"Because I can. No, because I wanted to."

"Yes but..why?"

"Why? Because I like you." He says. I feel my face heat up, not expecting him to say it so blatantly.


"Just use them or throw them away." He walks away but I catch up, joining him to walk to the training grounds.

"Wait! Ji Dwi!" I fall in step with him, lowering my voice. "What's the relation between you and the Queen?"

His figure turns tense, his face hardening. "Why are you asking this?"

"I- well. You two don't seem to get along and your feud looks more..intimate than for it just be political. It's almost like there are more serious issues between you two." I say.

"It's complicated." He rushes off before I can ask another question. I sigh, following him to reach the training grounds where we'd learn to spar.

The stone faced instructor was there to teach us but first, he tested each of us to see where we were at. Lemme say, he was brutal. Zero mercy.

Most hwarangs were defeated in 2 or 3 hits. It was terrifying.

"He is not human" Hwarang 1 says.

"I couldn't even see his stick come down at me." Hwarang 2 confesses.

"He is incredibly strong. If his sword even grazes your head, you will explode."

Soo Ho stands up at his turn, picking up a sword.

"Oo Soo Ho! You can do it Soo Ho!" Han Sung cheers, his boxy smile gracing his face.

He's so innocent and childish. God. He's so cute.

"He only needs to block 10 times right?" Han Sung asks Yeo Wool.

"It is 8 now."

He only manages 4.

Ji Dwi stands up, grabbing a sword to fight. He fights with ease and grace but his style..

It was so familiar.

The instructor seems to notice too, his gaze turning to one of confusion. Ji Dwi sends him a wink before attacking again. He was the first to pass.

After that spectacle, it was time for one to one fights. Ji Dwi and Sun Woo were first, fighting as if it there was a war going on between them. Their gazes were fierce, their attacks full of power.

What is going on between them?

--time skip--

Apparently a master had dropped by to speak to us so we were gathered once again in the great hall. Master Young Shil walks in, stepping onto the stage.

"Since I am here anyway, I would like to speak with two particular Hwarangs." The instructor nods, calling for Ban Ryu. "No. I would like to speak to Sun Woo and Y/N."

The room goes silent, all eyes turning to the two of us as we stand up. I faintly make out Yeo Wool's comment as we walk up.

"He wants to speak with the Queen's Hwarangs?"

Master Young Shil leads us into the hallway before looking us up and down.

"You two look normal enough. And you" He looks at me. "You're a bit shorted than I imagined."

Wow thanks

"Why did you want to see us?" Sun Woo asks.

"It took me so much effort just to see you two, but now that I'm seeing two, I do not know what to ask first." he says.

"Return when you remember." Sun Woo turns, grabbing my arms to lead me away when Young Shil speaks.

"I heard your friend died."

Well well well. Turns out my plan was effective enough. Even the highest ranked officials can't see through my mask.

"I am curious...what did he do so wrong that he had to die?" Continues Young Shil. Sun Woo whips his head around, facing him. A pang Of nervousness hits me as I see Sun Woo's expression.

What did he do?

"Who are you?" Sun Woo asks.

"Did he...see the king's face." It was more of a statement than a question.

Holy shit. That has to be it. Nothing else would lead to such a drastic measure. He saw the king. He saw. The. King. Who could it be?

"The King's face? What do you.." Sun Woo freezes, his eyes widening just slightly.

"You must remember now. If you wonder whether or not I am on your side, I am on the opposite side of the Queen. Your father and I hold grudges against her you see, if I knew what the king looks like...I'd be happy to repay the debt." He says.

"I'm sorry. You have the wrong people. Sun Woo doesn't know anything. If you'll excuse us, we'll be returning to practice now, to become Hwarangs for the King, not the Queen. I would appreciate it if you stopped dragging us into your scheme to oppose the Queen." I say, grabbing Sun Woo's arm to drag him away.

Once we're out, Sun Woo stops to stare at his arm. I peak over his shoulder, my eyes almost popping out of their sockets when I see a royal bracelet.

No. He's not the king. But then why does he have a royal bracelet?

"Sun Woo...where did you get that?" I ask.

"I picked it up." He says, looking at the threading. Ji Dwi soon walks by.

"You must be greater than I thought, seeing how the highest official came to see you." Ji Dwi says. Sun Woo shakes him off, ignoring him.

"Did he just ignore me? I am not...nevermind." Ji Dwi mumbles. His eyes soon land on me.

"So why'd he talk to you two?" He asks. I look him up and down, my eyes meeting his.

"Who are you Ji Dwi?" I ask. He blinks, tilting his head.


"He came to talk to us about the murder of a close friend." I say. "He was killed for seeing King's face." I watch him tense up, nearly confirming my suspicions.

"I'm...sorry to hear that." He says. I chuckle, biting my lip as I consider my next words.

"Did you...perhaps...stay at the Royal palace when you were a child?" I ask. He pauses, shaking his head.

"No. Why?"

"Your fighting technique seems vaguely familiar. I only remember one person fighting like that. I was friends with them in my childhood." I say.  Ji Dwi frowns.

"You must have the wrong person then." He says. "I don't think I've ever met you before now."

"That bracelet that Sun Woo is wearing. It is pretty, no?" I ask. "Do you know what it means?"

"I asked if he knew the meaning behind it. Alas, he does not." Ji Dwi says.

"Then I guess it wouldn't matter to you if I had the same one." I say, holding in a laugh as Ji Dwi's eyes widen.

"You have one too?! I- I mean, no it does not interest me." He coughs, trying to mask his surprise.

"But I guess you're not who I thought you were...so it doesn't matter." I say, lacing sarcasm into my voice.  "too bad."

"W-wait how-"

"I'll be heading back to the dorm now. Good night Ji Dwi."

Oh he's hiding something alright.

--time skip--

The loud thudding of drums wakes me and I groan, burying my face into my pillow to block out all noise. The muffled voices of my roommates barely affect me as I feel myself drifting back to sleep until a particularly loud thud wakes me.

"I know this drum sound." Sun Woo says. I lift my head from my pillow to stare at him.

The fuck?

I leap out of bed, dressing myself to follow him down the halls until we enter the great hall where I saw an older man playing the drums. I watch his figure, his style triggering a memory within me, making me smile.

He was Sun Woo or Dog-Bird's guardian from outside the capital. Back then, I didn't know Sun Woo but I definitely knew Dog-Bird. I treated him quiet a big. He uh, he was a rowdy kid.

When he was done playing, Wi Hwa pulled on a scroll to reveal the word "樂" or joy.

"The palace will host the Thanksgiving Festival soon. You will present to the Queen and the people, the gift of music and dance. "

"Are you telling us to dress up, dance and play music for the Queen?" Asks Ban Ryu, voicing his disgust at the idea.

"I am not telling you to perform for the Queen, but to present the people with dance and music so they can joy and be happy.  This, is your second assignment." He points to the scroll behind him. "It must bring enjoyment. This is Master Woo Reuk. He will be teaching you music and dance. You should be honored that you can hear his music first hand."

"Is he really the Master of Instruments Woo Reuk?" Yeo Wool asks. I nod.

"Is he really that famous?" asks Soo Ho.

"I have heard of him. They say there is no instrument he cannot play." Han Sung says. "He's especially good at playing the gayaguem."

"Is he that good?" asks Soo Ho. I sigh. Rich people of the capital never seem to appreciate skills from the outside.

Woo Reuk takes stage, playing another rudiment with grace. He finishes with a flare, eliciting a cheer from Han Sung and claps from all of us.

"The basis of all instruments is rhythm. The rhythm is the rule of instruments. If you cannot feel the rhythm, even the most beautiful melody will be nothing but chaotic noise." He demonstrates it, playing a variety of instruments. "Rhythm, does not suppress the freedom of the melody but gives it strength to carry on without tiring. Open your chest. And feel the rhythm. Do you understand?"


He takes us in small groups, giving us each different tasks. One group used percussion instruments while another used body percussion. Han Sung and Yeo Wool had to dance. Han Sung killed it, his body flowing gracefully and effortlessly. Yeo Wool on the other hand....he uh......he tried. Ji Dwi and Soo Ho were also good, each with their own style of dance. Ban Ryu....he made a noble attempt. Sun Woo..yeah he can't dance either.

We were split into groups of 7, 4 in the back and 3 in the front. I was on the edge of the second row as I was a good dancer compared to Ban Ryu but awful next to Han Sung. We were told to dance to Master Woo Reuk's beat. It was going smoothly until..well Sun Woo messed up. He kept hitting poor Han Sung in the head with his stick. It was like he had two left feet.

I really don't know how he's going to pass.

I sigh in relief when class ends, finally able to do nothing and just relax. I sit outside, letting the wind blow my hair when I see Ah Ro helping Sun Woo dance. I smile, watching as she scolds his dance moves.  She then attempts them herself and although she is better than him, she's nowhere near Han Sung or Soo Ho.

I let them be, giggling to myself as I watch the two bond over silly dance moves.

--time skip--

I lie away in the dorm, staring blankly at the ceiling as the constant thudding of drums echos through the room. I know people are practicing but god. Could they not.

"Ban Ryu, you complained, but you are trying really hard." Soo Ho comments.

"I am not trying hard! I am winging it." He argues.

"Even if you are,  you are better than Sun Woo." Soo Ho says. I chuckle, looking down to see Sun Woo's unhappy face.

The door soon opens to show a sleepy Han Sung  who casually trudges in, holding his pillow.

"Han Sung, what are you doing here?" Soo Ho asks. Han Sung looks around before jumping into bed next to me, happily lying there.

"I cannot sleep because of the noise." He complains. "I need to study too, so I am sleeping here from now on."

"Are you insane?" I ask, pulling my covers closer to me. He merely smiles.

"I want to sleep with you though." He says, reaching out to touch my hair. I blush, his touch gentle against my hair.

"Whatever. Move over a bit." I say. He moves over just enough to pull the covers over the two of us.

"Good night."

--time skip--

Throughout the next few weeks, music was everywhere in the Hwarang house. People were dancing, tapping their feet and clapping their hands. It just seemed livelier. Even Ban Ryu seemed to be enjoying it. 

It was a fun sight to see and almost distracted me from the looming issue at hand.



WHAJSHSKKSKSKSDVS I'm uwuing y'all spoil me I swear.

Me every time I look at the support

Thank you all again! The votes and comments really make me so happy 💜

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