50 Shades Of Destiel

By DestielNochester

399K 10.6K 30.8K

What happens when Castiel Novak finds himself falling in love with the handsome CEO Dean Winchester and learn... More

50 Shades Of Destiel
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 5

19.8K 664 972
By DestielNochester

Castiel woke up, he almost jumped out of bed thinking he had overslept. He sat up and looked at his watch. 03:56 am, then he remembered that he didn't have any classes today. He sighed and laid back down to fall asleep again, but that was impossible. He had slept ever since he got home yesterday and there was no way in hell he was going to be able to fall asleep again now. He sat up, leaning his back against the wall and closed his eyes, he could still feel the headache but it wasn't as severe as earlier. He placed to fingers at his temple and massaged a little and in the corner of his eye, he saw the contract halfway under his pillow. He turned his body a little and pulled it onto his lap. He looked at the cover.

"If I can't sleep, I might as well read" he said to himself and took a deep breath before opening the contract.



Signed today _____________ 2014 (effective date)
MR. DEAN WINCHESTER, 317 Grand Ave, Oakland, CA 94623-0660
MR. CASTIEL NOVAK, 2112 Grand Ave, apartment 8 , Oakland, CA 94623-0665
1. The following are terms in a binding contract between the dominant and the submissive.
2. The basic purpose with this contract is that the Submissive shall be allowed to explore their own sexual limits in a safe and respectful way, taking into account his needs, limits and welfare.
3. The Dominant and Submissive agree to and respects that everything that happens within the framework of this contract occurs during consent, in confidence and within the agreed limits and precautions described in this contract.
Further limits and safety precautions may be agreed in writing.
4. The Dominant and Submissive guarantees that no parts suffer from any form of sexual, severe, transmitted or life threatening deceases but not limited to HIV, herpes and hepatitis. If one of the parties during the period of this contract (established under) or an extended part of this contract, should be diagnosed or become aware of such an illness, shall he or she immediately inform the other party about this, before any physical contact takes place between the parties.
5. It is fundamental to this contract that guarantees, agreements and promises (and any additional limits and precautions agreed under paragraph three above) are met.Any violation will make the contract null and void with immediate effect, and both parties agree that they are responsible to the other party for the consequences of any violation.
6. Everything written in this contractmust be read and interpreted in the light of the fundamental purpose and the fundamental terms described in paragraphs 2-5.
7. The Dominant shall take responsibility for the Submissive' welfare, training, guidance and discipline. He shall decide what form the training, supervision and discipline shall have, and the time and place for mentioned above, in accordance with agreed terms, limits and precautions described in this contract, or agreed as addition under paragraph 3 above.
8. If the Dominant at any given time should not comply with contractual terms, limitations and safety precautions described in this contract or agree as additional under paragraph 3 above may Submissive annul this contract with immediate effect and leave the Dominants service without notice.
9. Pursuant to the above condition and paragraph 2-5 above shall Submissive serve and obey the Dominant in all respect. Under the agreed terms, limits and precautions described in this contract or agreed as well under paragraph 3 above, he shall without question or hesitation offer the Dominant the satisfaction of his choice, and he will without question or hesitation accept his training, guidance and discipline, no matter what type.
10. Dominant and Submissive enters into this contract on entry into force date without doubt about the content and commits to follow the conditions without exception.
11. This contract shall be valid for a period of twelve calendar months from the effective date (period). At the end of period, the parties shall discuss whether this contract and the arrangements they have created under this contract are satisfying, and if both parties have been fulfilled their needs. Either party may propose an extension of this contract with the adjustment of the terms, or the arrangements they have created under the contract. If there is no agreement on such an extension, this contract will be terminated and both parties are free to move on with their own life apart from each other.
12. Submissive shall be available to the Dominant from Friday evening to Sunday afternoon every weekend during the period. Additional days may be agreed jointly.
13. Dominant reserves the right to terminate Submissive from the service at any time without giving any reason. Submissive can apply for release at any time, and such application may be granted by the dominant only in accordance with Submissive' rights according to Section 1-2 and 8 above.
14. Submissive shall be made available in the allotted time and agreed extra time at locations determined by the dominant. Dominant shall ensure that all travel expenses that are inflicted on Submissive in this regard will be covered by the Dominant.
15. The following service description has been discussed and agreed, and will be adhered to by both parties in the period. Both parties agree that situations may arise that are not covered by the terms of this contract or the service description, or that certain circumstances may be renegotiated. In such situations, it can be proposed that additional clauses are added. All clauses and additions must be agreed, documented and signed by both parties and shall be subject to the fundamental purpose as described in paragraph 2-5 above.
15.1. Dominant will always prioritize Submissive's health and safety. Dominant will never claim, demand or allow Submissive to participate in actions described in Appendix 1, or any action that either party believes is unsafe. Dominant shall not participate or allow participation to any action that may cause serious harm or endanger Submissive's life. The remaining subparagraphs of this paragraph 15 shall apply in accordance with this paragraph and the fundamental conditions described in paragraphs 2-5 above.
15.2. Dominant accept the Submissive's as his property (at agreed times) and can dominate and punish him in the period. Dominant may use submissive body at any time during the allotted times, or other agreed times in a manner he deems appropriate sexually.
15.3. Dominant shall provide Submissive all necessary training and guidance in how to serve the dominant in the best possible way.
15.4. Dominant shall make sure to maintain a stable and safe environment where Submissive can perform their duties in the service of the Dominant.
15.5. During training and punishment shall the Dominant ensure that Submissive's body inflicted with lasting marks or injuries that require medical treatment.
15.6. During training and punishment should the Dominant ensure that the punishment and tools that are used for punishment are safe and that they are not used in a way that could cause serious harm and cannot in any way exceed the limits defined in detail in this contract.
15.7. In case of illness or injury shall the Dominant care for the Submissive and provide for his health and safety, encourage and, if necessary, order medical supervision when deemed necessary.
15.8. The Dominant shall maintain his health and seek medical attention when necessary to maintain a safe environment.
15.9. The Dominant shall not lend out Submissive to another Dominant.
15.10. The Dominant can put Submissive in handcuffs, straps or tie him anytime during the allotted time, or any other agreed times, for any reason and for longer periods within those prudent for Submissive's health and safety
15.11. Dominant shall ensure that all instruments for use in training and punishment should be kept clean, hygienic and secure at all times.
15.12. Submissive accept the dominant as master, in this respect, that he is the Dominant's property and can be handled by the Dominant's desires during the period, but only during the allotted time and agreed additional period.
15.13. Submissive shall serve the Dominant in every way the Dominant deems appropriate, and shall at all times strive to satisfy the Dominant at best efforts.
15.14. Submissive shall take all precautions to maintain good health, and shall ask for or seek medical help when needed, and always keep the dominant informed of any health problem.
15.16. Submissive shall accept without question any disciplinary action that the Dominant deems necessary, and remember his position and role in relation to the Dominant at any time.
15.17. Submissive shall not touch or satisfy himself sexually without Dominant's permission during the assigned time.
15.18. Submissive shall submit to any sexual activity as the dominant demand, without hesitation or discussion.
15.19. Submissive shall behave subdued and respectful towards the Dominant.
15.20. Submissive shall always behave respectfully in relation to the Dominant and only address  him as sir, Mr. Winchester, or any other title the dominant demands.
16. Submissive shall not engage in sexual acts or activities that either party believes is unsafe, or actions specified by Appendix 1
17. Dominant and Submissive have discussed the actions described in Appendix 2 and has a documented agreement to abide by them.
18. Dominant and Submissive acknowledges that Dominant can make demands Submissive cannot meet without incurring physical, mental, emotional, spiritual or other damage at the time Submissive are presented to the demands. Under such circumstances Submissive may use of a safety word (safety word (s)). There shall be used two safety words, depending on how great demand.
19. The safety word "Yellow" shall be used to make the Dominant aware that Submissive are close to his tolerance.
20. The safety word "Red" shall be used to make the Dominant aware that Submissive cannot tolerate given demand. When the safety word is pronounced, the Dominant's action shall stop completely and immediately.
21. We, the signatories, have read and understood the contents of this contract to the fullest. We accept voluntarily the terms of this contract and confirm this with our signatures below.

Dominant: Dean Winchester

Submissive: Castiel Novak


Absolute limits
No actions that involve playing with fire.
No acts involving urination or feces or products mentioned.
No actions involving knives, puncturing of the skin or blood.
No actions involving the use of gynecological medical instruments.
No action that involves children or animals.
No actions that have permanent marks on the skin.
No actions involving respiratory control
No actions involving direct contact with electrical voltage (either AC or DC), fire or flames against the body.


Minor limitations
Agreement between the parties:

Do Submissive accept:

Masturbation                                        Anal intercourse
Licking                                                 Anal penetration
                                                             with fist (fisting)
Blow Job                                              Swallowing of sperm

Do Submissive accept use of:

Vibrators                                              Anal plugs        
Other anal toys

Do Submissive accept:

Binding with rope                               Binding with tape
Binding with leather cuffs                  Suspension
Binding with handcuffs/chains

Do Submissive accept to be:

Tied with hands in front                      Bound of the wrists
                                                             to ankles
Tied at the ankles                                Tied to permanent
Tied on the elbows                              furniture, ect.

Tied with hands on back                     Tied with nail rod
Tied on his knees

Does Submissive accept to be blindfolded?

Does Submissive accept to be gagged?

How much pain is Submissive willing to experience?

There is 1 none and 5 is severe: 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5

Do Submissive accept the following types of pain/punishment/discipline:

Spanking                                             Paddle
Whip                                                   Caning  
Biting                                                  Nipple clips
Sex clips                                              Ice
Hot wax                                              Other types/
                                                            forms of pain.


Castiel folded down the front page and placed the contract on his left and then he proceeded to just stare right at his wall. He tried to wrap his mind around everything he had just read. This was crazy, insane, no way he could agree to such terms. Allowed to explore my own sexual limits in a safe and respectful way? Only address him as sir, Mr. Winchester? Available for him every weekend? Wax? Chains? No way!If he signed those papers he was practically giving himself to Dean and Dean would own him, like a car or a pet, and he could do to Castiel as he pleased. Cas shook his head, no, no, no, he thought and picked up the contract to place it in the drawer on his night stand, but something in him wanted him to read it again, just to be sure. He opened the front page and started to read the contract for a second time.

     Castiel walked out from his bedroom, hand pressed on his forehead. He had read the contract, not twice, four times. He had spent the whole night reading it, trying to understand it. He had also done some research, but that only confused him even more. He didn't like the whole idea about becoming Dean's property, he thought of it as rather sick, but something in him found it arousing. He carefully walked into the living room where Anna was watching something on TV. She turned her head and smiled at Cas, before she saw that his hand was pressed against his forehead and gave him a concerned look.  

"I'm fine" he said as he sat down at the couch and let his hand fall to his side "didn't sleep much tonight, that's all"

Anna turned down the volume on the TV and turned towards Castiel "wanna talk about it?"

Castiel shook his head "It's nothing, I was just reading"

"Reading what?"

Cas' eyes grew big. He was expecting Anna to just say okay and then carry on with whatever she was doing, he wasn't prepared for her asking questions about what he was reading, he normally read school stuff.

"Just a book"

"What book?" She leaned forward, looking very interesting.

"Uh, it's called..." Castiel took a break, what would a normal book title be? "The Contract"

Castiel mentally face palmed himself and Anna looked up as if she was trying to look into her brain to see if she had read this book. Castiel knew she hadn't. How could she?

"Never heard of it." She looked back down at Castiel "is it about BDSM?"

Castiel could feel his heart stop and his eyes grew even bigger if possible. "W-what?"

"Don't be embarrassed" Anna smiled at him "I just heard mumble a few words last night while I was going to the bathroom"

"What words?"

Castiel could see that Anna struggled with keeping herself from laughing "You mentioned dominant a few times and submissive, and I think I caught something about level of pain and ropes. I added it together and figured you were reading a book about BDSM."

Castiel swallowed hard and he could feel his throat grow thick. He nodded slowly before standing up and leaving the living room. He closed his bedroom door and sat down at his bed. He placed his head in his hands and let out a deep and long sigh. This was all insane.

     A few hours later Castiel was sitting on his computer with the contract next to him. He started typing.


From: Castiel Novak

Topic: Contract

Date: June 2nd , 3:26pm

To: Dean Winchester

     I read the contract.

- Castiel Novak

He looked up at the ceiling, but it didn't take long before he got a reply.


From: Dean Winchester

Topic: Contract

Date: June 2nd , 3:31pm

To: Castiel Novak

     Good. Did you understand it? Do you have any questions? If you do, don't be afraid to ask, it will make everything much easier if you do.

Dean Winchester
M! magazine Inc.



From: Castiel Novak

Topic: Questions

Date: June 2nd , 3:36pm

To: Dean Winchester

     I understood, sir. And yes, I have a lot of questions, but I would rather ask you in person than over email. I don't see how this can be easy in any way. To me it looks very complicated.

- Castiel Novak


Again he replied almost immediately, something that made Castiel smile for some reason.


From: Dean Winchester

Topic: Questions

Date: June 2nd , 3:42pm

To: Castiel Novak

     It won't seem so complicated after you have gotten answers to your questions. If you would like to ask me in person, I am busy today, but I am available for you tomorrow after eight. So I'll pick you up then.

Dean Winchester
M! magazine Inc.



From: Castiel Novak

Topic: Haven't signed yet

Date: 2nd , 3:48pm

To: Dean Winchester

     Easy there, I haven't signed the papers yet so you can't just pick me up, but eight is fine.
I will see you then, goodbye, sir.

- Castiel Novak

Castiel closed his computer, not caring about if he got a reply or not. This was all so stupid. The contract was stupid. Dean was stupid. Castiel was stupid. He looked over at the contract. Why did Dean have to be so complicated? Why couldn't he just date like normal people? Why did he have to be one of those with a contract? Castiel had wanted Dean Winchester for so long, but now that he was close to getting him, he wasn't sure he wanted him. Not like this anyway.

There was till many hours left of the day and Castiel wasn't tired so sleeping was no option. He decided he could catch up with school, this whole thing with Dean had made him fall behind seeing he hadn't read anything other than that contract since he met Dean Winchester and he didn't want to fail his last semester. Castiel ended up falling asleep a few hours later, books all around him and a disturbing contract under his pillow. 

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