him. (c.h)

By smirkyluke

51 0 0

"I didn't choose this, I didn't want to love him. But he's just... him." More



29 0 0
By smirkyluke

" It's not like they care. If we're late, then we're late," I blatantly say as I pack my books into my bag, " and anyways, we have half an hour before lectures start."

"I know, I know, but I want to get the good seats again," Alison exhales, " and I know professor dragon lady is going to call us out again."

"You really need to stop calling her that," I laugh.

"Nalani, come on now." Alison giggles, " you cant deny the fact that her skin looks exactly like dragon scales."

After saying what she said, Alison couldn't stop laughing. Her laugh is one of the most funniest things you can listen to. Even I couldn't help but laugh at her laughing.

We made our way to the car and at this point Alison couldn't get the image of our professor as a dragon out of her head.

"Oh my god Alison, shut up and get in the car," I begged her. I swear every time we have physics with professor Kane, Alison always has to bring up the fact that professor looks like an old historic dragon. However, I will admit that it's true.

The drive to campus took about twenty minutes, without traffic. This means we have about ten minutes to make it to our first period on time.

"Lock the car," Alison exclaimed, "let's go!"

I do as she says and follows behind her as she struggles to carry her book bag, which only contained her laptop and a bag of chips. Wow, what a struggle. I shake my head as I watch her stumble on the stairs.

"Alison it's only 9:22am, we have more than enough time to get to first period," I tried to explain to her. Even with eight minutes to spare till lectures start, she was determined to get to class now.

I speed up my pace trying to keep up with her. Now that I think of it, I should've parked in the east wing student parking center. It's been two, almost three years attending UCLA and I still get confused on which parking is for students and which parking are for staff.

Making our way to class, I turn my head to meet eyes with one of my good friends, Isaiah. He was one of the first people I met when I enrolled into the University of California Los Angeles, during my freshmen year.

"Nalani! Wait Up!" Isaiah shouts as he runs up to me, giving me one of those arms over the shoulder hugs. "Ready for physics?" He asks me.

"Yups, I'm ready to get bored and play games on my laptop," I laugh as we make our way to the farthest building on the east side of campus.

"Where's Alison?" Isaiah questions. I guess he's wondering because he knows we're always together.

"She sped her way to class," I answered his question, " I'm not sure why though. She always hates going to class, especially first period. But lately she's been so ecstatic about it."

"Huh." Isaiah says as he opens up the double doors into the class auditorium, " I wonder why?"

We got to class just in time, earlier than professor Kane. We make our way down to the row where I see Alison making herself comfortable next to Scott.

As I take the available seat next to her, I make a side comment, " Now I know why you were in such a hurry to get to first period." Just as I say that, I hear Isaiah laughing.

"At least were on time and professor Kane isn't even here yet." Isaiah sighs.

"True," I admit, " It's weird though, she's usually always here way before class even starts."

"Maybe something happened," Isaiah wondered, " I'm not sure."

I grabbed my laptop out of my bag and prepared myself to take notes for lectures. Just as soon as I logged in, a student representative walks in and catches everyone's attention.

"Good morning everyone! I know that all of you are so excited to listen to lectures and take notes," the student representative says sarcastically, "however, professor Kane will not be able to make it to class. With that, class is cancelled."

Every single student in class sighed in relief. I'm glad that class is cancelled but I drove to campus for nothing. I guess I'll just hang out in one of the student lounges for now.

"Hey, you guys wanna go to the student lounge for the time being?" I asked Alison, Scott, and Isaiah.

Alison gave me a look and looked back at Scott. "Maybe next time Nalani," she says as she grips onto Scott's arms. Not even before Scott could say anything, Alison pulls him away.

"What about you Isaiah?" I asked him hoping that he would say yes.

"I would Nalani, but I have to train for the next football season." He informs me.

"No worries, I think I'm just going to head home." I inform him. I told him that it wasn't a big deal but I kind of wanted someone to join me and Isaiah was my last choice since everyone else was so called busy.

"Alright Nalani, drive safe!" He gives me a hug and rushes out the double doors.

I guess I have no plans for the rest of the day. I shove my laptop back into my bag and pull out my beats headphones. I make my way out of class as I try to choose a playlist to listen to. I press play and the first song that comes up is Please Me by Bruno Mars and Cardi B.

I make my way back to my car and through the sounds of my music, I can hear barking. I move my headphones down and comfortably place them around my neck.

Next thing I know there's this miniature fluffy dog caressing the bottom of my legs as if it were a cat.

"Hey puppy," I say as I kneel down to pet this cute little dog. The more I pet the dog, the more the dog becomes excited. I laugh as the dog runs circles around me. With each lap, the dog jumps up at me and takes a lick at my face. "Okay buddy calm down." I try my hardest to keep the dog still so I can see if there's a collar.

I continue to struggle because this small little dog has too much energy to keep still. I'm still confused as to where this dog came from, just running around in the middle of campus. " I'm surprised security hasn't got to you first." I tell the dog as if it can understand what I'm saying.

I drop down to the floor to become almost eye leveled with the dog. Next thing I know, I'm sitting on the floor in the middle of campus with a random dog on my lap. Finally, the dog decided to sit still on my lap and I found a tag on the collar.

"Duke!" I excitingly shout. At least now I know this dogs name. I try to look for a phone number so I can call the owner. I bring out my phone and type the number onto my phone. Right before I could press call, I hear a loud whistle.

"Duke! I hear a guys shout, "where are you mate?"

As soon as I hear that guy, the dog jumps off my lap and runs off. I gather my things and get up from the ground. I turn the corner to see a tall figure wearing a black hoodie and black jeans walking off with the dog in his arms. He took the next corner of the building and walked out of sight making it impossible for me to see his face. It was especially hard because his back was turned towards me as he walked away.

Well that was interesting. I don't know if he was a student or what. But if he wasn't a student that's even more weird. Just a random stranger walking his dog on UCLA's grass fields. It's a good thing that owner found his dog before anyone else did.

Anyways time to head back home.


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