My Step Brothers

By yourbookslut

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A girl who falls for her step brothers and how she deals with heartbreak, love, sex and death. More

Chapter 1. Going Home
Chapter 2. Girl Time
Chapter 3. Meeting the Crawfords
Chapter 4. Pinky Promises, Forts, Popcorn and Nicky
Chapter 5. Band-Aids
Chapter 6. Pancakes?
Chapter 7. Hanging out
Chapter 8. My New Room
Chapter 9. Father of Mine
Chapter 10. Sweet Dreams are Made
Chapter 11. Classic
Chapter 12. We are Young
Chapter 13. Birthday Dinner
Chapter 14. Birthday. .......P..A..R..T..Y
Chapter 15. Made into a sex crazed Zombie
Chapter 16. Getting Comfortable
Chapter 17. Who's Playing?
Chapter 18. Last of Summer
Chapter 19. Mesmerized
Chapter 20. Timing
Chapter 21. We gonna talk
Chapter 22... Hot and Sweet
Chapter 23. Just the three of us
Chapter 24. To School
Chapter 25. Knock- Out??
Chapter 26. Are you ok?
Chapter 27. Am I in Trouble?
Chapter 28. Phone Call To Daddy?
Chapter 29. Back to School
Chapter 30. Awkward
Chapter 31. Brody
Chapter 32. ....Jase
Chapter 33. The Squad
Chapter 34. Time
Chapter 35. It's 4am
Chapter 36. Ready for Maximum
Chapter 37. Just being geeks
Chapter 38.. The field
Chapter 39. One fast week
Chapter 40. A surprise
Chapter 41.... Imma be
Chapter 42. The dance
Chapter 43. mom and dad
Chapter 44. Hi???
Chapter 45. Mommy??
Chapter 47. Dinner. it's not that awkward, is it?
Chapter 48. For mom♡
Chapter 49. ummmm....
Chapter 50. Right after this commercial
Chapter 51. Are you sick?
Chapter 52. Mom's party
Chapter 53. Decisions or not?
Chapter 54. Halloween
Chapter 55. Who's talking now?
Chapter 56. a week without the twins
Chapter 57. The Beach
Chapter 58. No Treble
Chapter 59. Scared or to sad for words
Chapter 60. don't let go
Chapter 61. Coping?
Chapter 54. Taxi
Chapter 55. Finding Dani. .. Chase's pov
Chapter 56. Dad....
Chapter 57. So lost
Chapter 58. I hate New York
Chapter 59. The waiting..Chase's p.o.v.
Chapter 60. Going Home. Jase's p.o.v.
Chapter 61. nothing but time Jase's p.o.v.
Chapter 62. Back to school
Chapter 63. I don't know you.
Chapter 64. when can I go home
Chapter 65. Becoming me
Chapter 74. Too the future

Chapter 46... ok now what?

11.3K 218 41
By yourbookslut

♡ ♥ ♥ ♡ ♡ ♥ ♥ Song of The chapter Hard to say I'm sorry by passenger

believe it or not this story will be ending soon and on the run will start back up.

yourbookslut ♡♥♡♥♡♥

We got back home and set the food on the table. Will and mom were sitting on the couch looking all cozy. Chase and I grabbed plates and filled them with food. We carried the plates out to them and made our own.

He didn't say a word to me and I didn't say anything back. We sat down and started eating. It was so quiet and I was afraid I'd start crying again. I mainly sat their staring at my food moving it around.

"Dani thinks that she's pregnant, so you could be grandparents. " Chase says. My mom drops her plate and Will starts choking. "I didn't think I'd be ready to be a father, but ehhh kinda late for that. "

"Chase enough with the pregnant jokes. I'm not pregnant. I'm on the pill." I tell him alittle irritated, I know he's trying to change the atmosphere. But this is just freaking me out.

"Yeah but you still have them in your bathroom, so you left without them. And sperm lives up to five days in you. So you could be by me."Chase says. Shit. I completely forgot about them.

"I'm not pregnant, so stop." I yell at him. I look back at my food and start eating.

"Oh.. I didn't realize you had your monthly right now... " Chase says still smirking at me. I feel I'm starting to think its possible. I go ahead and throw a pillow off the couch at him. Will still looks uncomfortable looking at us.

" Well now that's over with. Are you sure cause your acting awfully pissy? I wouldn't be that angry with you, maybe a little disappointed, but maybe I'd be able to meet my first grand baby before I kick the bucket. " my mom randomly starts rambling on. "We will bring you to the doctors this week to be sure."

With that I kick Chase in the leg. Just great. Chase is over there laughing his ass off at my expense again. I start stabbing the food on my plate. I can't believe him.

Alex and Nicky come up the stairs and see us sitting there finishing up. Nicky comes, sits on my lap and starts eating my food.

"Ok since we're all together now, I have some crappie news. Trust me, I wish I didn't. I'm sick, real sick and I found out kind of real late. I was taking pain relievers instead of just going to the doctors. They put me on a transplant list to get me a new pair of lungs. You need to know so that in case something bad happens that you don't get scared. You just call your father and he will take care of me." My mom blurts out.

"Are you going to die?" Alex asks.

"Its a very big possibility that I could meet god and all the angels really soon. But until then we are going to just all get along and try to be happy as long as we can. I know in this short time I have come to love all of you so much and I'm proud to call you all my family. "

"Now let's sit back and watch a movie, nemo?" Mom says.

◇◆◇◆◇◆◇ Chase's point of view◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆

We all sat back and we're watching another movie. Dani had curled up with her mom on the couch and was now sleeping.

" Chase can you bring her down to her bedroom.?" Dad asked

"yeah" I went over, scooped her up and started carrying her down. It's been awhile since I've been this close to her. Then I remember the last time. I guess I might of messed up. I go and set her down.

"No don't go" she whispers out, her eyes still closed. I go ahead and sit down next to her. I put her head on my lap, I start rubbing her head. Alex comes in and looks at me.

" Can you get me her phone, it's upstairs on the counter? " I ask him. He nods and leaves. Alex and I haven't been really talking. Unless it's about Nicky, we're still around each other all the time. He blames me for what happened with Dani. Maybe it is my fault.

"Here" Alex hands me the phone.

"Thanks" I take it and look up Jase's number. Alex watches me. I go ahead and call him.


"uhh no it's Chase, you might want to get dropped off. Dani already passed out and even if she did wake up I don't think she should be driving. " I tell him, god this is weird.

"What happened to her?" Jase asks sounding pissed.

"I will tell you when you get here, she might want clothes for tomorrow, I'm assuming you're spending the night. "

"I will be there in a few." He says and hangs up.

I turned the tv on in her room and then got out to wait by the door. This was not the night I was expecting. Alex comes out and sits next to me. We talk about everything thats going on this weekend and what happened at my mom's.

"Hey" I say as Jase walks up. Jase nods at me.

" We just found out her mom is sick, I know she will want to tell you the rest." I say and take my hands out of my pocket. I go ahead and open the door. "You know where her room is?"


I go ahead and go upstairs, while he goes down. He takes over where I should be.

◇◆◆◆◆◇◆◆◆◆◇ Dani's point of view◇◆◆◆◇

I feel someone pick me up and start undressing me. "Jase" I say all groggily. He pulls my shirt and bra off. I go to lay back down, he pulls me back up and puts another shirt on me. He climbs in next to me, kisses my forehead and holds on to me.

I wake up the next morning and look up to Jase sleeping next to me. Then I realize I'm not home. I sit up and wake up Jase. He pulls me back down. I fall back to sleep.

I wake up again and it's to Jase touching me. I look up at him and he smiles at me. I feel tingles as he glides his fingers up and down my arms.

"Let's go get breakfast, it's too late for school. " Jase says. I nod and get up. I then stop.

"I don't have clothes"

"Yeah in the bag in the bathroom." Jase sits back down on the bed and starts playing on his phone. I go ahead and take a shower.

I come back out and Jase looks up at me. "ready" I nod to him. We go ahead and go upstairs. My mom was laying on the couch.

"Hi mom" I say as we go into the living room. My mom rubs her eyes and looks at the time.

"Can you hand me my purse? It's in my bedroom? "

I go grab her purse and see all the bottles inside. I start remembering she's sick again. I go to the kitchen and grab her a bottle of water. I swallow back my feelings and try to stand brave.

"You want to go have breakfast with us?" Jase asks her.

" Yeah I would like that." She says smiling at him. She takes some pills and throws the bottle in her bag. We head out to Jase's truck and get in.

Jase pulls into a Dennys. We get a table and order breakfast. I sit back and start eating my grandslam. Jase next to me and my mom across from us.

"Thanks for taking care of her, I know how much of a pain she can be." Mom says smiling.

"No pain at all, annoying and nosy, but not a pain."

"Hey that's not nice, your ruining my pancakes. " I whine. Jase starts laughing and steals my bacon.

"So what are your intentions with my daughter, I'd like to hear your five year plan?" My mom says and I start choking.

"Well the way I see it, we will keep dating. Graduate this year and then go to UCLA together where we will get engaged. I will play football on a scholarship and she will have lacrosse. Then when we graduate from college we will get married and start working on my own football team. I want like ten kids and I'm a twin so it shouldn't take long. My dad is a twin, they kinda run in the family. My uncle is a triplet...." he looks down at me before continuing. "I have the family business to go into if I don't get signed on to go pro." Jase says and takes the rest of my bacon.

I realize my whole life is planned out in Jase's head. I smile knowing that we have a future together.

"Kids? I'm not having ten kids" I say, no way he's fucking lost it, if he thinks that's going to happen.

"Awww honey you will look beautiful all big and round with little Jase's. You would only have to be pregnant three or four times. We will get it done fast." Jase says looking at me all serious.

" No I'm not ready for any of that." I say and go to smack him with my pancake.

"With all the practice we do, I'm sure it will happen during college. " he says and moves out of the way. He's smirking at me like he's found a new way to torment me.

"Awww that makes me happy." my mom says.

"moooooooooom!!!!" I groan out, she's nuts.

" Hey, I don't have much longer. I will probably be lucky if I make it to Christmas. I know you don't want to hear it Dani, but you have to prepare yourself. I'm going to need you to be strong. Knowing Jase wants to be there with you helps. I worry about leaving you by yourself. Your sixteen and you shouldn't be without family. " my mom says and looks down at her food.

"I asked her to move back home Jase and your welcome to move in to. You guys can move in the bedroom down the hall from Nicky." My mom says looking at Jase like she's not going to budge on this.

"Mom, you need to stop giving up and start fighting. ." I go back to looking at my food. We finish breakfast and we drive my mom home.


JASE follows me into my room at his home. I start packing my stuff up and he starts helping me. He then goes in his room. I pack the last of my stuff up and bring it downstairs. I go back up to Jase's room and he finishes packing up his clothes.

"You don't have to move to. It's going to be depressing." I tell him.

"I'm not going to leave you to go thru losing your mom by yourself. Let's get going. " He says and grabs his bags. He didn't pack his whole room but it was pretty empty.

We pack up my mountaineer and his pick up. We get in our own vehicles and drive back to my mom. We go upstairs to our new room and I unpack all of our stuff.

"I will be back, I have to go talk to Brody and my parents. You will be ok." Jase says and kisses my forehead. Jase leaves and I finish putting our stuff away. I go sit on the couch with my mom and we watch TV together.

Chase, Alex, and Nicky come in and start watching tv with us. The atmosphere remains feeling detached. Like everyone is in their own thoughts.

I get up and start making dinner for everyone. I decide to make spaghetti and meatballs. Chase comes in and helps me start rolling out the balls.

"This is kinda funny, I'm playing with balls." Chase says and starts laughing. I look at him and roll my eyes.

"I'm sorry for being like that with you, I thought I was doing the right thing. I didn't mean to hurt you." Chase says to me.

"Its fine, it all worked out in the end. It's probably better this way. There's no extra drama. I can concentrate on helping mom and Jase is pretty great." I tell him.

" I'm glad your happy then." Chase says and bumps me in the shoulder. I smile at him and go back to rolling meat.

"I got you a pregnancy test." He says seriously.

"Are you serious?" Feeling shocked.

"Yeah. You said that you didn't get it yet. It's in my bathroom if you want to do it before Jase gets back."

"Fine. Let's get these in the oven, after the test no more pregnancy talk."

"If you are, could it be Jase's? "

"No, unless the condom broke or was defective." I tell him and he's now staring at my stomach like it might be his second chance. He has a slight smile on his face as he goes back to helping me finish. I realize he's hoping he planted his seed.

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