Por ChrissySixx

221K 8.5K 2.7K

Namjoon and Seokjin joined into a parenting alliance (as lovers) to raise their kids Yoongi (18), Hoseok (16)... Mais

Spin off #1
Spin off #2
Spin off III.
Spin off #4
Spin-off #5
After word.


3.8K 176 31
Por ChrissySixx


Yoongi's POV:

Utter chaos.

That was what it was.

Utter chaos.

Nothing else could describe this disaster that was unfolding right in front of my eyes.

There were suitcases half opened and piles of clothing decorating the hard-wooden floor, while single, lonely shoes were carelessly thrown in the far corner.

Appa Jin's face was as red as a tomato, while he tried to keep calm and organize the whole mess.

I was sitting on the couch, seemingly unbothered, folding my laundry neatly and stacking it into my suitcase, while I tried my hardest not to burst out laughing.

Not far from me, were Appa Joon and Jungkookie engulfed in a heated discussion.

"You cant only bring white shirts, Jungkook!" Appa Joon said, ruffling his hair and I could see that it costed him at least half of his soul to remain calm and collected. His hands were burrowed deep into his dark locks, trying to ease the forming headache, that only got intensified as Jungkook stretched out his chin and crossed his arms in front of his chest.

"Why not?", he asked cockily, tapping with his left index finger on his bizeps.

"Because it is inconvenient! It attracts stains from everywhere and we all know you are most likely the one to make huge messes.", Appa Joon tried arguing.

Yeah, Jungkook partnered up with a Ketchup-bottle was a real nightmare. At least for every stain remover and washing machine.

"But my white shirts fit for every occasion and to every pair of pants I got. They are highly useful and prevent fashion mistakes. Appa Jin will be so thankful" he replied, sounding like a total brat. And still, it all was so funny to me.

I had to cover up the snort I was about to let out with a weirdly sounding cough, that earned me a confused glance from Hoseok, who was set on duty to collect all the single shoes and reunite it with its matching partner.

Hoseok joked earlier about being cupid and the perfect matchmaker, bringing the shoes back together on cloud nine. He was as stupid as the rest of my younger brothers.

"I don't care! You won't only bring white shirts!" Appa Joon now exclaimed, trying to finish up the discussion with his final words.

"Oh watch me! I can and I will!" Jungkook accepted the challenge.

"No you won't!" Appa Joon now half yelled back, so done with his youngest son.

"Yes, I will. What could you do against it anyways?" he provoked him and then I saw it. The dangerous glint in Appa Joon's eyes that Kook apparently missed.

"Oh, I will make sure to burn them all and put your Timberlands on top of it. We will have a nice and warm campfire and roast the wieners for our hotdogs over it. Maybe some Marshmellows for smores too, who knows?" he promised with a deep voice and I saw Jungkook's adam's apple bobbing up and down as he swallowed hard.

"Appa! You can't do that. You would burn your own money! And my Christmas present!" he whined and Appa Joon stared deeply in his eyes, while he crossed his arms in front of his chest now.

"I can and I will! You can pack two white shirts and that's it!" he spoke and finally Jungkookie gave in, looking defeated and pouty.

Poor baby.

On the other side of the room, Appa Jin tried his best to organize other things. Like selecting the clothes he would take with him.

"Jimin, honey, don't forget your swimming trunks" he said, as Jimin came downstairs with a pile of clothes.

"And Taehyung! You can't only take two boxers with you! Go and get some more!" he scolded my brother.

"Yes, but!" Taehyung argued and stood back up straight "The rest of them are dirty! They are the only clean ones I have for now!" he reasoned and Appa Jin started to rub his forehead.

"Mr. Kim Taehyung!" he exclaimed, then took a deep breath to calm down "Put all your dirty underwear, and I mean all of it! In your damn laundry basket and place it in the laundry room, so I can take care of that!" Taehyung just nodded, dropped the piece of clothing he was just messily folding on the spot and shot back upstairs.

"But Appa! Why would we need swim trunks?" Jimin whined, staring at Appa Jin with his best puppy-expression.

"Because, we don't only visit your sick grandma, but have a family vacation and it is summer, so we will go swimming. Stop complaining and pack it, Minnie" he answered without looking at him, rather focusing on two pairs of jeans, trying to decide which one to take.

"Take this one. I like how you look in it" Appa Joon suddenly appeared behind him and pressed a soft kiss on his cheek.

"But Joonie, the one you chose shows so much skin, it is literally destroyed, which is its charm, but still..." Appa Jin complained and turned around to look Appa Joon in the eyes, holding both items up, while his forehead was covered in thoughtful wrinkles.

"Then take the other one, if you think like that!" Jungkook helpfully shouted from the other side of the room, focused on choosing two of his white shirts to take with him. His eyes darting around between the shirts in a distressed manner.

"No, I will take the distressed one. I already have an outfit in mind." He smiled and Appa Joon nodded happily, while Jungkook just sighed loudly "Fine! Rather listen to your boyfriend than your own son. Good job, Dad!", he complained and I grinned at the irony.

The son, that only wanted to take white shirts with him. For sure he would give good fashion advice, duh.

"Hoseok, how does matching the shoes come along?" Appa Jin then asked and smiled towards Hobi, who just laid on his belly, searching for the lost partner of a Doc Marten boot, that he held tightly in his hand.

"Well? Good? I doubt that I find all of them. The chaos is too big for that. But what do you think of a new fashion idea? Like, its really iconic. Wearing two different boots on your feet. Amazing right?" he asked innocently and earned a deep scowl and a look of surprise from our parents.

"Hoseok..." Appa Joon started softly and Hoseok threw both his hands in the air.

"Fine! Fine! Dumb idea I know! I won't mention it again. But for Christs sake! I can't find the other one!" he cried out loud.

Oh man.

"Why does packing always need to be so chaotic?" I asked myself and Jimin blobbed down next to me.

"Yeah, and why do we need swim trunks?" he asked in the same type of voice.

"You like swimming Jiminie, don't put on a show and go back packing. Fold your clothes so that at least two out of seven are finished." I sighed.

"But when I finish early, I am forced to help Kookie or TaeTae and they always make such a mess that it takes double the time!" he complained and I slightly chuckled.

"I am about to face the same destiny, Minnie. Don't worry, we will survive. These are the downsides of being organized in this family of chaotic crackheads." I chuckled and he just sighed.

"Organized my ass. I start to consider to join the dark side of the mess makers, and no one can bring me back" he grumbled and I simply had to laugh.

"No! Minnie! Don't go!" I decided to play along and dragged my inner drama queen out, sounding like Rose from Titanic as she lost Jack.

That earned me weird glances from the rest of our family.

Oh well, who cares anyways?

Jimin's eyes now sparkled up with excitement and once more he looked like the adorable toddler I met years and years ago.

He shifted a bit in his position and raised his nose in the air "You can't stop me. It is my decision and my life. If I want to go to the dark side, let me go!" he nearly sobbed and once again I had a hard time to hold my laughter in.

"But we need you Minnie... I need you! Please! Please stay with us!" I replied, while Appa Joon and Appa Jin looked very confused, Jungkook rolled his eyes in annoyance and Hobi sat himself on his bum, watching the unfolding drama with greatest interest.

Taehyung stumbled into the living room and took in the situation. "Not fair! You can't act out a dramatic scene without me participating in it!", he pouted, and Hoseok just patted on the spot beside him, telling him indiscreetly to shut up and sit down.

Tae obliged his order.

While I just grabbed Jimin's tiny hands between mine, holding them tightly and assuming to stare into his eyes.

Jimin stared back.

I stared back.

We stared.

And stared.

And stared.

And then, we burst out laughing, Jimin doubling over and somehow ending up with his upper body on my lap.

"Aw you guys! What an ugly ending! Bohoo, where is the dislike button?" Hoseok asked with a smile on his face, pointing both of his thumbs downwards.

"Finally!" was Jungkooks reply to the abrupt and rather unprofessional ending, while our parents shook their heads in disbelief.

"How the heck did we raise them? What did we do wrong?" Appa Jin whispered towards Appa Joon, who just cluelessly shrugged his shoulders.

"Let's be positive, at least they are having fun and don't do any drugs" he answered and Appa Jin huffed.

"Yeah, instead they act out dramas and throw houseparties!", he shot back.

"Still better than doing drugs.", Appa Joon said indifferently.

Ugh, those two.

"Okay! Everyone back to your position! I hope you at least have half of your checklist done! Jimin, Yoongi, when you are done, you can help your brothers!" Appa Jin commanded and Jimin just looked at me with big, sad eyes.

"See, I told you hyung" he whispered, while I sighed.

"Well, maybe I just join you on your way to the dark side?" I answered and earned a light giggle as response, that let me smile fondly at him.

And then we were both back to packing.

Appa Jin complaining about Jungkook's and Taehyungs non-existent ability to keep things neat and tidy, Taehyung and Jungkook firing back with some smartass answers, only getting themselves into more trouble while Hoseok started to focus on his luggage rather than finding the missing partner of the Doc Marten that now laid abandoned on the coffee table.


Utter chaos.

I told you so.


Hey pumpkins!

I have a question: what exactly is going on??
All of a sudden I got so many more followers... it's crazy! Thank you so much! This means a lot to me!

Also, this weekend is just crazy.
I am having a three day trip with a close friend of mine and it's just chaotic and funny.
Not because we are unorganized.. it's more like the stuff that happens to us out of the blue, it's like... bad karma is following every step I take.

No I am at a point where I don't know anymore if I just should laugh or cry...
Laughing seems reasonable enough, though😂 and like he better solution😅😂

I hope your week started out good and that all the bad vibes stay away from you!

Thanks so much for still reading this crap:**

You are very important! Even though I don't know you:*

All the best!


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