The dragon prince x oc

By Itsahabit17

555 8 5

Anna is an herbalist and sword fighter at the castle and best friends with Ezran When a moon shadow elf tries... More

Echoes of Thunder

unsolved mysteries

415 4 3
By Itsahabit17

I had to correct something I didn't write in the sort, but I'm also making an announcement, even though I'm trying to write two other story, plus a new voltron, I'm going to try and add more to this one, because lots of you have commented me in chat and messages, and asked to keep this going, so I'll see what I can do

No ones POV

In a mysterious Kingdom, hidden from the eyes of the man, two figures, a man and a woman stood in the throne room, guards standing at the double doors, barricaded with banging sounds coming from the other side A raging fire could be heard outside, the queen held a young baby girl wrapped up, trying to calm the baby who cried in fear " shhh, it's okay little one, I am here" the woman coed, making the baby stop crying and smile up at her mother, a fem-soldier then hurried up the king " sire! The enemy is about to break through!" She warned " I must join my men!" The king took up his sword marching toward the doors

Here the king and that's the castle in the background

Here the queen and yes there both elves

" I will join you in battle " the woman was about to join the king when she heard " wait, I have a more important mission for you serenity" the queen spoke up " you must take the princess some where safe, if our kingdom falls then she is the only one who can restore order to both humans and all of xadia"

" my sister, I would give my life for the little princess" the guard bowed, the queen then walked over to a wall where a touchs flame glew bright, then turned the handle, opening a passage " this will take you in the direction of the river, be careful" she warned, just as she was about to hand her baby to the guard " I will always love you my darling, and il always be with you" she then kissed her forehead and gave her to the guard, who then nodded and started running down the tunnel holding the baby closer while holding a touch in her other hand, the sound of the wall that closed echoed, just as they made it outside an arrow was shot barely missing the woman's head " over there!" A males voice could be heard, along with multiple footsteps, the woman sneered, drawing her sword and started running towards the river with the crying baby, dodging arrows that were shot, unfortunately one arrow did manage to hit her leg, she grunted and slid down the hill, clenching the baby close to protected it " don't worry little princess I won't let them hurt you" she then noticed a boat by a dock with surprised her, but gave her an idea, she limped towards it, lying the little baby in the boat, then proceeded to tie an bracelet with a special type of rainbow stone Gently on the baby's wrist, the baby cooed, reaching for the woman " I was hoping i could give you this when you came of age, but I don't think I'm gonna get that changes, better to do it now then later" the people yelling not to far getting closer, just before the woman pushed the boat away she whispered " goodbye...I hope I survive long enough to see you in the dear niece" then pushed the boat away, which floated away, the woman could hear the baby's cries grow further away,which broke her heart, along with a slight tear sliding down her face, then limped behind a tree as she heard footsteps

In the boat the baby still cried as the boat drifted along the calm river while the sound of metal clashing died out

Time skip

In a local village people were going about their day, just then a boat entered the lake which caught the eye of a fisherman " hey! What's that over there!" The boat came to a stop by the dock which was now surrounded by people who looked into the boat the gasped astonished, two people pushed past the crowd with guards" make way for Lord Aaron!" the guard demanded, the two looked into the boat then smiled when they saw a small baby girl sleeping at the bottom, the woman picked her up cradling the child in her arms " she's beautiful" she smiled " there was  no note, nothing but the baby" a guard said walking up to the couple " what should we do?" The man asked his wife " let's keep her, there must be a reason why she was alone in that boat" the woman said " what should we call her?"

" I kinda like....Anna, little anna" the woman then smiled cradling the sleeping baby " welcome to Phoenix drop little Anna" the man smiled, soon later word spread round of Lord Aaron and lady alina's child, and was celebrated with their closet friends

Time skip again

Few weeks later

The sun started to rise and shone though a persons window, a man arises, scratching his arms out, then turning to the woman lying in the same bed " Alina" he gently shook the woman " my darling, it's time to rise" she started to awaken, she let out a yawn " Aaron, what did I say last time, when you woke me up" the woman smirked, facing him " hmmm, I don't know, I don't remember you saying anything then" he smirked, making her chuckle " oh I did, I remember specifically, that I'd punish you" she said, suddenly a baby giggle ended the conversation, both adults looked at each other and laughed, the woman got up and walked to the crib, where a beautiful baby girl, with beautiful bright red hair and green eyes lay, looking up to her mother, the baby laughed more, reaching her tiny arms, the woman laughed and picked her up " oh hello sweet heart!" She blew raspberries on her tummy, making her squeal, then giggle more, the man walked over chuckling " hello little one, can dada get a hug?" He smiled " dada!" The baby said, making both parents gasped, he then lifted her up, spinning her around in the air " your first word!" He cheered while the baby laughed " awww, I wanted mama to be her first word" the woman whined " you little traitor "the baby giggled " mama!" The baby said, making both parents gasp again " you said mama!" The woman then poked the baby's belly, making her giggle again " she's learning fast" the man smiled

" well, who ever her father was must have been a smart man, just like you" the woman said smiling" but too, just like her mother, and beautiful just like you " the man smiled then hugged his wife " still sometimes I feel like we were blessed with this child" both smiled down at the baby who giggled reaching for her parents

Time skip I know loads of time skips, sorry XD

6 years later

The carrige arrived to the kingdom of katolis, it road though the city to the castle, in the Court yard, king Harrow  awaited, along with his wife and two sons"Aaron!" The king smiled and walked over to him as the man climbed off " it is good to see you Harrow" both hugged " it's good to see you too old friend" he looked over his shoulder " Alina! It's so wonderful to see you to" He then saw the little girl, behind her mother's legs " is that Anna?" He asked, Lord Aaron nodded " how big she's grown " queen walked over to her with the baby in her arms, and young Callum next to her

" it's so wonderful to see you Alina" sarai smiled " to you as well sarai, and I see little Ezrans growing up as well" She then turned to Callum " hello Callum" she smiled " hello" he smiled back, he then looked at the girl hiding behind " come out Anna, it's okay" she walk out with her arms behind her back " hi" she said, still shy " so where's viren hiding" Lord Aaron chuckled " he's around" harrowed laughed " well, why don't we all go inside, get and get more acquainted" king Harrow suggested, the everyone started walking inside

Inside the hallway

" so how are things working in Phoenix drop?" He asked " it's alright, we're finding more herbs and discovering their effects, and once everything's sorted, we'll be sending new medicines for katolis, the amount of lives we'll save rests my heart at ease" Lord Aaron sighed " that's good to hear, I hope you aren't stressing yourself old friend" the king said " of course not, I have my beautiful wife along my side" he laughed wrapping an arm around her waist, she elbowed him, causing him to grunt, then laugh as he raised his hands in surrender " don't think that comments going to make up for waking me up this morning " she smirked " oh no, he did it again?" The queen asked with a smirk raising an eyebrow" he did, and he's going to make it up to me" she smirked the adults laughed, meanwhile the two kids just stared at each other in confusion, but both shrugged

In the kings study

The adults were sitting in the study, listening to virens ideas to growing herbs faster " wait, has anyone seen where the children have gone?" Sarai asked " don't need to look so far" Alina said, looking out the window The other adults looked then laughed as they saw Callum, Anna, soren and Claudia chasing after each other Playing tag

Few days later

King was sitting in the throne room, when a guard ran in " my king! I apologies for disturbing you, but pheonix drop is under attack!" The kings eyes widened " get the soldiers ready! And ready my horse!" just then the queen walked in, holding ezran " Harrow? Whats going on?" She asked with concern " Phoenix drop has come under attack, I have to help Arron and Alina" he said armouring up, and taking his sword " wait! I'm going with you-"" no, stay here, I be back" he cut her of and walking out

At Phoenix drop

The king and his soldiers arrived, homes and shops were burning, soldiers were escorting the wounded, many dead " Aaron! Alina!" The king yelled, but there was no sign of them " sire!!" One of the guards called, he ran over and saw the little girl, on her knees crying " Anna!" The king hurried to her side " where are your parents?" She pointed at the burned down house, he held her close " is everyone out?" He asked, pick up the child " yes sire" he looked back at the burning house, which came tumbling down " Aaron, so sorry... I didn't make it in time" the king turned his head, with a slight tear sliding down, they then lefted

back at the kingdom, carriages arrived with loads of people, who were injured and close to death, the queen ran to her husband " harrow what happened!?" she then saw the child in his arms " please no..." the king sadly nodded " it cant be...who would do such a thing?....." she demanded, tears in her eyes " I don't know...... but they wont get away with it" his eyes filled with anger and sadness

few days after phoenix drop fell, Anna didn't come out of the room she was given, not even at dinner time, memories of the fire, still played in her head


a fire broke and everyone was running scared, the blood curdling screams weren't hard to miss, the fire, burning up every house, every store, everything that held wonderful memories, went up in flames, she even remembered when her family tried to get out, a burning beem was about to hit them, her mother pushed her out the house, only to have them hit " MAMA! PAPA!"

flash back end

Anna just hid underneath her blanket, not bothering to respond to the knock on the door, the door opened revealing Opeli " Anna? wont you please come to dinner" the girl didn't move, she just stayed under the blanket, the woman sighed and walked over to her, sitting next to her " I know your hurt, but your parents wouldn't want you to stave yourself, I already brought you something to eat, please" the girl poked head out, but only revealing her face, stained with tears, she nodded opeli patted her head " when your feeling up to it, come find me in the herb garden, I have something I want to show you" she then got up and left, anna looked at the food she had left on the table and got up, she sat back down and started consuming it

After a few hours she decided to go to the herb garden, she wandered thought the halls till she found the giant herb garden, in cases within glass, she opened the door, and immediately her eyes widened " wow!" Millions off different beautiful herbs planted, aqueducts were most amazing caring water from top to bottom " I see you made it" she turned and saw opeli " it's so amazing isn't it? " she asked in which Anna nodded " would you like to see more?" The girl hesitated for a bit, the nodded taking the woman's hand and walked with her

Since the Anna started learning for about different herbs and became an apprentice to the chief herbalist for the castle,

Few years later she got bigger and maybe one day she would take over being the new chief, just like Claudia who would take her fathers place one day, who was sitting next to Anna as they both sat on a bench in the courtyard reading books on dark magic and different herbs, while soren and Callum were practicing sword fighting, in which soren knocked Callum on the ground " come on soren, I keep telling you, I'm no good" Callum reminded like he did " i know and like I keep telling you, as a prince you have to learn, step prince"soren muttered the last part, which Anna heard, she groaned standing up " come on soren give him a break" she said, arms crossed " thank you" Callum sighed, his head dropping and his shoulders slouching

" sorry red, but I'm just following orders" soren said, flipping the fake sword " mocking isn't an order, keep it up and someone's Gonna put you in your place someday" Anna said " who you?" Soren raised an brow " maybe~ you know what" Anna then walked over to Callum, picking up his fake sword and standing in front of soren " then maybe I will now" she smirked, causing him to laugh " you? You study plants not swords"

" herbs actually, and medicine" she reminded " but if your too scared to lose to a girl then~" Claudia was snickering at this along with some guards which soren narrows his eyes " alright then, but don't cry when you lose" he sneered, getting in his fighting stance, then launching himself towards her, she round out the way then faced him, he looked surprised that she dodged him then launched himself at her again, both swords met and both struggled against each others strength, Anna then kicked sorens leg causing him to trip and fall, everyone looked surprised, just as he was about to get up, he stopped when he noticed the sword close to his neck " i believe that's checkmate, huh?" Anna smirked then got up, dropping the sword then walking back to Claudia " nice! You sure showed my brother" she high fives the blonde " he kinda deserved it" both girls laughed as they picked up their books and started walking away, soren on the other hand had a slight blush on his face

Few minutes later

Anna was walking to the kitchen when she stopped as the baker ran past her" get back here you little!" She looked and noticed he was chasing bait, she looked back inside and saw ezran stashing jelly tarts in his bag " hey ez!" He jumped when heard his name, he turned and saw Anna in the door way " hey Anna! Er...jelly tart?" He offered in which the girl laughed " you and your jelly tarts" just then she saw the baker coming back with a grumpy look on his face " he's coming! Quick, go!" She whispered, he nodded and ran for the secret tunnel, crawled through the then closed the opening just as the baker walked in " where is prince ezran?" He asked Anna in his grumply mood " umm, he was in here?" Anna tried to play dumb " I didn't see anyone else I just came here hoping for an apple? Before I get back to my studies?" He raised a brow, then side and walked towards the cabinets, then pulled out a green apple, tossing it to the girl " thank you" she said, putting it in her satchel, then walked out, once she was in the clear she sighed in relief " Anna?" She turned and saw opeli " oh, hi" the girl laughed nervously " what are you hiding" the woman chuckled " umm nothing! Just getting an apple?" She pulled the apple from her satchel " oh really~ and sword fighting with soren?" Opeli raised an eyebrow which of course Anna cringed " you heard?..." She asked nervously, the woman chuckled walking towards the young girl, then placed a hand on her shoulder " I did, not very lady like of you, but I also heard from one of the guards that you apparently kick his butt" she phrased which both laughed " come on, let's get back to your studies" both walked away

Since Anna's parents died she always felt like opeli was like a mother to her, that night before bed, opeli walked to her room, surprised to see a beautiful bouquet of purple flowers in a vase by her bedside, she looked and saw note, she opened it then smiled as she saw the only five words ' thank you for every thing'

Next day

Anna was sitting on a bench in the courtyard reading her book while waiting for Claudia when she heard " hey Anna!" She looked up from her book and saw soren with a goofy smile " hey soren, can I help you?" She asked " I just wanted to know if milady would care for another duel?" He grinned holding out a fake sword, she giggled closing her book " was our last fight that bad?" She asked " No~ I just thought you, like a rematch?" He smirked, she chuckled getting up and taking the fake sword " you just want a rematch so you can beat me this time" she laughed " n-no! Just get ready!" He stuttered, frustrated with a red tint on his cheeks, making her giggle and launch herself towards him, both just laughed as they truck and defended themselves against each other

After the fight Claudia walked in to the courtyard and sat under the tree with Anna and started reading together meanwhil on the other side of the courtyard a certain someone was drawing in his book an picture of Anna looking just as pretty as she looked every day, his eyes then rolled to the bracket on her wrist with the odd rainbow like stone attacked to it

That night before Anna went to bed, she stared out her bedside window, gazing up at the full moon, just then the bracket on her wrist's rainbow stone started shining bright into the sky, which shocked her " whoa..."  But when she Sheild the light of the moon from her wrist and the light started to fade, she pulled her wrist bracelet in the light again and the light glew bright and strong again " what are you?..."

Meanwhile in the xadia

A rainbow light was seen high in the sky, and in the castle of the dragon queen a rainbow stone buried in the wall suddenly started glowing a bright rainbow light, others elfs  gasped covering their eyes " it's couldn't be...." One elf exclaimed " that's impossible, the royal family were killed, did the humans take the rainbow stone?!" Another exclaimed in anger " or..the princess..... is alive!" Another exclaimed in shock which cause other elfs to gasp and whisper among each other " silence!" A voice yelled from up high " if the princess is alive, we will retrieve her...but if she's not...then we will retrieve the rainbow stone when the moon shadow Elfs go to kill the king and his son as punishment for the death of the dragon king and prince, and for king kalos and queen amencha " an elf covered by darkness announced, a moon shadow elf called Runnan then walked up to the woman

" don't worry, if your niece is alive, I will return her to you, commander serenity" he promised, the woman walked forward into the light revealing her face " be sure to, and remember you must return with the rainbow stone" she said with a serious face

Here's serenity

I'm actually excited to write the next chapter so don't worry it won't take long

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