Help [Deku x Blind Todoroki]

נכתב על ידי Nairtoch

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Thanks to an accident during a villain attack on UA, Todoroki lost his sight while protecting the injured Mid... עוד

Chapter 1 - The Accident
Chapter 2 - Cold
Chapter 3 - Results
Chapter 4 - Don't let go
Chapter 5 - The Todoroki Household
Chapter 6 - May I?
Chapter 7 - Fire Part 1
Chapter 8 - Fire Part 2
Chapter 9 - Silence Before The Storm
Chapter 10 - Two Reasons
Chapter 11 - The Broken Toy
Chapter 13 - I Want You
Chapter 14 - Breathless
Chapter 15 - Helpless
Chapter 16 - Ai
Chapter 17 - Unfair Love
Chapter 18 - The Lions Den
Chapter 19 - Game Over
Chapter 20 - I'm Here

Chapter 12 - Control

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נכתב על ידי Nairtoch

Todoroki's POV:

This day just won't seem to end, no matter what I want to do, Leiko is right there hanging onto my arm to stop me and control me. Literally, control me, she tells me what I want to do, where I want to do it and when I want to do it. She's almost as controlling as my father, that's probably why he hired her of all people. 

"Class dismissed..." Mr. Aizawa said with his usual tired voice as everyone began gathering their things and head back to the dorms. I had this weird feeling as if someone was watching me, but I couldn't define if it were friendly or not. 'We'll be watching'... Leiko's word echoed through my head as I clenched my fists slightly and furrowed my brows. 

"Come on," Leiko's loud, careless voice suddenly erupted beside me as she grabbed my arm even tighter than usual, "Let's go to your room Todoroki..!" She then said with a sugar-sweet voice that didn't suit her personality at all. Why does she want to go to my room..? I thought as she then laid her head on my shoulder. I was about to scold her and push her off me, ready to accept the consequences for doing so, but then heard someone quickly running out of the classroom. 

Leiko then loosened her hold on me as I gave her a questioning look, she just chucked as she then pulled me after her. What the hell was that about? I thought and pulled away from her completely, sending her the best glare I could muster.

"What was that?" I asked monotonously and took another step back as she continued to chuckle for a little longer before pulling herself together. 

"I did that for your sake, the greenie was looking at you with such sad and longing eyes..." Leiko pouted, but her voice told me just how satisfied she was, "I feared that he might just have come over to you if I hadn't stepped in, and you know what would happen if Endeavor hears that you were with him again..." Leiko said as I immediately realized that the eyes I had felt on me before only could've belonged to Midoriya and the footsteps just now must've been him too. 

I haven't talked with Midoriya since we both were in the infirmary and even though I'm still a little angry with him, I can't help but continue to worry about his injuries and how bad they are. I heard that he had to go to the infirmary to get them healed some more yesterday evening, but I had already left to visit my family at that time. 

"So what, am I supposed to thank you now?" I asked impatiently and waited for her to do something to guide me to the dorms. Leiko just chuckled a little again as I felt her grab my arm, not as violent as usual though. 

"You know, we don't have to act like this towards each other Todoroki... I don't want you to thank me no, I'm just trying to watch out for you. Both of you." Leiko said and for once she didn't sound arrogant nor bossy as she talked and she wasn't pulling on me as much as she had been all day but just walked calmly with me. 

"... Why do I have a hard time believing that..?" I sighed as the cold winter air suddenly hit my face, messing my hair up in the process. Leiko then stopped walking as she pulled a bit on my arm to make me lower myself. I just did as she wanted, not wanting her to go to my dad, as she then fixed my hair as best she could. 

"I don't know why you act so skeptical and annoyed around me... I'm doing my best to be a good guide and so far you haven't missed a single class, haven't walked into anything, haven't been distracted..." Leiko said as she stepped to the side again, starting to walk as I was forced to follow her. Did I misjudge her..? I thought and for a moment actually felt sorry for her and the way I've been acting towards her. She's only here cause the number two hero forced her to, not because she wants to... 

We walked in silence the rest of the way to the dorms and when we arrived she just clung a bit to me again and let me straight to the elevator. Normally I stop and hang out a bit on the first floor the rest of my classmates, just trying to relax and listen to them, but today Leiko was my guide and she had asked to go straight to my room for some reason. Therefore we silently entered the elevator and rode it up to the fifth floor. 

Leiko led me to my bed as she had probably picked up on how tired I'm feeling after today. It's not like I've done anything physically hard today, but getting this new guide and worrying about Midoriya while being mad at him at the same time... It's exhausting. I then heard her walk back towards the door and then heard the well-known sound of the door locking. I turned my head towards her and the door and saying I was a little confused what an understatement. 

"Todoroki..." She then said softly as her footsteps became slightly lighter than before as she had taken off her shoes. "We can relax now, no one is watching you here so let me help you get more comfortable..." Leiko said as my own shoes were then taken off by her. 'We'..? I couldn't help but move back a bit on my bed by her refound forwardness. 

I then feel the weight shift on the bed as she climbs onto it as well, and not just onto the bed, onto me. I open my eyes wide and was about to open my mouth to protest when I felt a cold finger against my lips, silencing me. 

"You don't need to be nervous... Even if this is your first time. I'll make sure to be gentle with you... Shouto Todoroki..." Leiko said in a low, lustful voice as I moved back on the bed even further in an attempt to escape her, but my back just hit the wall. 

"What are you doing?!" I asked angrily as I tried to calm myself a bit and glared right at where I literally could feel her body on top of mine. I then felt her cold hands quickly and skillfully beginning to pull my clothes off. I felt disgusted deep inside my core as I quickly moved my hands up and grabbed hers, stopping her as she had already unbuttoned my pants.

"Stop resisting." Leiko said as I immediately felt my body relax and my hands slowly relaxed against the bed below us. I widened my eyes as my mouth fell open in shock, how'd she do that--? The answer was painfully obvious as I felt I wasn't able to move a muscle.

"... This is your quirk... Isn't it..?" I said with disgust and hate filling my voice, not even trying to hold it back as I continued to try and move my body, to try and get away from her. 

"My quirk is called 'Control'..." Leiko then breathed into my ear, "it allows me to give orders to whoever I want and they will then be forced to follow the order, whether they want to or not..." she said as I felt her hands slowly travel from my neck, down over my chest and finally stopping when they reached my unbuttoned pants.

[ A/N - Trigger warning, rape, and sexual harassment ] 

"... Stop this..." I ordered her with anger filling my voice even more. I won't allow this, I won't accept it, I need to get her off of me before she goes any further..! I thought, but wasn't able to figure out a solution before my focus was abruptly interrupted by Leiko completely removing my pants. 

"I'm the one giving the orders here Shouto," Leiko laughed as she then got off me, confusing me for a moment as I then felt her sit on me again, this time without anything between her skin and mine. I feel like throwing up... I thought and actually began to feel a bit nauseous.

"You'll feel better once you give up on trying to break free, just enjoy it..!" Leiko suggested with a cheerful voice as she pulled off the jacket that went with my UA uniform. "I can see it on your face, the nausea is beginning to set in. But you could feel so much better if you just embrace this chance, I'll even let you have some of the fun~" She continued as she then began biting and sucking on my neck, trying to win me over. 

I feel sick in more than one way right now, I can't believe this is actually happening. My head is beginning to feel a bit fuzzy as well and my eyes hurt a bit, just like they did when I lost control the other day. Leiko then swiftly undid my tie so she could get my shirt off me as she began trailing kisses down my chest. Stop it... Go away..! I-I don't want this! I want Midoriya, not you..! I thought as Midoriya's hurt face popped into my mind. He'll never forgive me for this... 

"I just need to purify your thoughts, then it can be you and me! Forever!" Leiko cheered and that's when it all became clear to me. 

"My father hired you to do this..." I growled out in a low, hateful growl as I felt my left side slowly beginning to heat up, "didn't he!?" I yelled with anger as I made sure to keep my quirk deactivated so something like that wouldn't happen again. Leiko seemed to be taken aback by my sudden outburst as she sat up, removing her hands from me, but kept straddling me. 

"... He did, but I would gladly accept any chance to be with the son of the number two hero..." Leiko said, sounding obsessed as her hand then landed on my bare chest, firmly pressing down on me. "I mean, such high class, good looks, rich and well-known family... Who in their right mind would ever say no to that?" She laughed and trailed her hand down my chest. I could feel the saliva from all her wet kisses on my neck and chest as it was beginning to get cold. 

I felt like breaking down crying, knowing that this arrogant bitch was about to rob me of my virginity and steal the place of the person I hold dearest. If I were to lose my virginity, it could only be to one person and that, of course, was Midoriya. God, I'm such an idiot for acting like that towards him, for sending him away, for avoiding him and letting Leiko act like that with me in public, right in front of his eyes. 

For every single thing Leiko did to me, the more I felt my hatred towards her, my father and myself grow. I'm going to kill that old bastard, right after I kill this bitch right here... I thought and fought to control myself as I was scared I might lose it and do something awful again. 

"What? The cat caught your tongue or something?" Leiko mocked as her hand slipped dangerously deep down and were now lingering right above my member. "It's time we get this party started for serious, don't ya think?" She asked and I could feel her mocking gaze through the dark void surrounding me, which only seemed to grow darker and darker right now. 

"No... Don't... Please don't..." I said weakly, knowing there was nothing I could do to stop her, but just begged her to stop as I could feel my eyes tearing up behind my eyelids. Midoriya... I'm so... Sorry... I thought, my body had grown incredibly tired from continuously trying to break free and I felt awful. 

"You know... You actually look really hot, lying helplessly at my demand like that..." Leiko muttered self-satisfied, "I could get used to this... As your wife~" She whispered the last part right beside my ear as I felt my heart stop at her words, everything shattering inside me. 

"Todoroki? I just had this question about something Mr. Aizawa talked about earlier in class and I know you always keep up so well. Could you please help me out a bit?" I widened my eyes and listened closely as Leiko immediately stopped moving. 

"Sato!" I yelled as loud as I could and felt Leiko's body immediately tense up on top of mine, her hand covering my mouth to silence me.

"Be quiet!" She ordered as I then immediately found myself unable to say another word. But, I could move now. Leiko seemed to realize this as well, but too late as I used all the strength I had left to forcefully throw her off me as she landed hard on the floor and a loud thud was heard. She can only make order one thing at the time... 

"Uhm- Am I interrupting anything?" Sato asked from the other side of the door as Leiko yelped from pain on the floor. I quickly sat up in the bed, leaning back a bit on my arms as I was still exhausted and needing them for support. I then kicked Leiko's side as I pointed to my mouth and she yelped again.

"No..." I finally answered Sato as my voice was returned to me. Leiko kept quiet cause she knew the punishment for rape and knew exactly what would happen if she were to be discovered like this. "I can't help you right now though... Sorry." I said as I kept my eyes closed and just sat on the edge of the bed, keeping my bare foot firmly pressed on Leiko's stomach to keep her from moving around. 

"That's fine, I'll just go ask Momo. Thanks anyways though!" Sato said from the hallway as his footsteps could be heard heading away from my room. Leiko was squirming a bit, trying to get free, but I kept her in place. 

"I'm gonna burn you alive..." I threatened her as I pressed down on her stomach a little harder and I could hear it was getting harder for her to breathe. "But before I do that... I want you to do two things, and these are orders. First, you'll go get Midoriya and tell him to come to my room as fast as possible, then you'll run right back to your owner like the cheap dog you are and tell him this..." I then reached forward and luckily managed to grab her throat in the first try, lift her slightly from the ground. 

"I am done being a little play-thing for him. If he doesn't leave me alone right this instant, I'll kill him. If he ever dares pull another stunt like this, I'll kill him. If he ever dares to threaten Midoriya again, I will kill him. And, if you ever dare to come near me or Midoriya again, what were your words? Oh yeah, I won't promise for the consequences..." I said in the most hateful, low and threatening voice I could as Leiko struggled a bit for air, but I could feel her shaking from fear. 

"Have I made myself clear?" I then asked as I let go of her throat and she fell to the floor, gasping for air. 

"Y-Yes... Sir...." She said, her voice shaking as much as her body, but for the first time, she talked to me with respect.

"Take your things and get out of here. Now." I ordered as I immediately heard her stand up and gather her clothing and bags, beginning to dress herself. "I SAID NOW!" I shouted furiously, causing her to let out a startled scream and drop all her things to the floor. She quickly gathered her things again as she then scrambled to the door, quickly unlocking it and running out, slamming the door shut behind her. 

As soon as that door had closed I fell back of my bed as all the tears I had been holding back suddenly overwhelmed me and fell like a waterfall. She didn't get far enough to pull my boxers off nor take my virginity, but all the emotions I had felt during this entire time just washed over me and I couldn't take it. 

I need Midoriya here with me and I need him right now. I had subconsciously pulled myself into a small, sobbing mess of a ball on my bed as emotion was raging through me, making me shake violently. I'm such an idiot! If I hadn't ordered Izuku away this would never had happened! I held my stomach tightly with my arms as I then felt the stickiness on my neck and chest from her saliva. I still felt sick and needed to get this off me and it couldn't happen fast enough! 

I tried to stand up, but found myself incredibly heavy, making every movement, big or small, seem impossible. I reached my hands up and tried to stop my tears by wiping them away, but it only seemed to make it worse. I can't let him see me like this... He can't know that I was almost... Raped... 

The thought was revolting, but it was enough to give me the strength I needed to fight my way to the bathroom. I quickly fumbled into the shower as I managed to turn on the water and violently scrubbed my neck and chest under the water. I can still feel her disgusting touch all over me... Get it off..! I thought and scrubbed even harder, my tears mixing with the water from the shower in the process. 

My skin was beginning to hurt a bit and the bandages that had once been firmly wrapped around my left arm and leg had come loose and were threatening to fall off. I decided to lend them a hand as I pulled them off completely. My body didn't hurt from the accident with my quirk anymore, so it should be fine. 

After a good ten minutes trying to wash away the disgust, I exited the shower and managed to find a towel to dry myself off. I'm lucky I'm in my own room so I know the layout of the place quite well and sure is a big help when trying to make your way around alone while being blind. I slowly made my way out of the bathroom with the towel around my neck. I then walked carefully over to my closet, being careful not to kick anything as I usually do.

I took a fresh pair of boxers and what turned out to be an oversized t-shirt and just pulled it on just in time to hear knocking on my door. I opened my eyes wide and immediately fumbled my way to the door. Two knocks... Two gentle knocks...

~ Five minutes earlier ~ 

Midoriya's POV:

She's better for him, I shouldn't be feeling like this! I shouldn't be jealous! Not when I failed him! I failed him as his guide and now he got someone better. Better guide, better looking, better partner, better everything. But then why... Why does it sting so painfully in my chest whenever I see them together..!? I thought as I curled up on my bed, hugging my knees close to my body. 

I had run all the way from the classroom to the dorms and immediately shut myself in my room as soon as Mr. Aizawa dismissed us. I haven't been answering anyone's texts or calls, not answering anyone who might try and knock on the door, just been hiding away under my covers, drowning myself in my own tears and regret. 

As if on cue a single, weak knock hit my door. I figured it was probably Uraraka or Iida again as they've tried to get to me ever since they heard about Todoroki's new guide. I've told them more than once to leave me be, so I wasn't even going to answer them this time, but just curled together even more and pulling the covers even further up over my head. 

"Um... I'm sorry to interrupt... But I need to talk to you..." A way too familiar voice was heard from behind the door as I shot my eyes open wide, sitting up and pulling the covers down. That's Todoroki's new guide... Leiko... What is she doing here..? I thought and found my body subconsciously moving to the edge of my bed as my eyes were glued to the door. 

"... I know I'm probably the last person you want to talk with right now... But it's necessary... So please..." Leiko mumbled from the other side as another two weak knocks hit the door. She sounds completely different than she has been all day. She's been loud, clingy and arrogant, always making sure to make me understand that I've been replaced, but now... She sounds sad and regretful. 

"What do you want..." I asked as I stood in front of the door, her standing just on the other side. She was silent for a moment as if hesitating or being at a loss for words. 

"... I... You've been requested in Todoroki's room as fast as possible..." Leiko mumbled as I wasn't able to make any sense of it. Why on earth would Todoroki want me in his room? He hates me and has no longer any need for me... I thought as my hand hovered just above the doorknob, my body trying to open the door but my mind telling me not to. 

"... Why..?" I asked, trying to listen to my mind as I kept my hand hovering. Leiko didn't answer this, however, leaving my mind puzzled and my heart confused. I don't know what to do... My mind tells me to be calm and act with patience and respect, but my heart tells me to storm to Todoroki's side without another second's hesitation. 

"... Your name's Midoriya... Right?" Leiko then asks as I just hum a very silent yes, "You should be happy... You have a very special place in his heart... Don't ever throw that away..." Leiko said as my eyes began tearing up for the millionth time today and I felt my knees get slightly weaker. I could then hear her walk away, probably giving up on reaching me as I just looked at my hand that was still hovering over the doorknob.

Todoroki's has requested me with him... He wants me to come to him, but why..? I thought as I couldn't help a hopeful feeling from rising in my chest, but then my nightmare came back to haunt me. 'This is what I hate the most about you... What you do to me Midoriya, I hate the feelings you make me feel. Make them go away... I don't want them, I don't want...' I shut my eyes tight as I clenched my fist and fear started to grow in me once again. 

"... You..." I finished my thought out loud as I then wiped my tears and put on my red shoes. I need to go talk to him... I can't take it if this continues, have to hear him say it... I need him to tell me that I've been replaced before I can do anything else... I thought as I then opened the door. The hallway was completely empty and it was starting to get dark outside.

I quickly made my way to the fifth floor as I could now see the door to Todoroki's room a little further ahead. What am I doing? I don't even know what to say or do! I panicked a bit inside as I arrived in front of his door and found myself just standing there, looking at it. Is Leiko in there with him? Did she lie to me and just wanted me to come here so she could mock me?

*Knock knock*

Wha-- What am I doing!? I mentally slapped myself from stupidity while I observed my hand that had just knocked on his door. I-I should run..! I panicked inside and was about to turn and run down the hallway when the door was suddenly thrown open, startling me in the process. I quickly shot my eyes closed and held my breath, not daring to take another step. 

"I-Izuku..!" I heard Todoroki's shaking voice beside me as I slowly opened one eye, turning my head to look at him. Both my eyes shot open at the sight that awaited me as I reached one hesitant, shaking hand out to touch him, but stopping myself just in time. 

"Izu I-I'm so sorry..! It was wrong of me to send you away like that and I am truly sorry! ... Can you forgive me..?" Todoroki was standing right in front of me with red, puffy eyes and an expression I had hoped to never see on his face. Pure pain and hopelessness accompanied by cloudy, watery eyes and furrowed eyebrows. 

I was even more at a complete loss for words than I was before I got here and ended up just standing there in silence, wanting to reach out and hold him close to me, but being too afraid to do so. In other words, I was shocked. He was so close, right in front of me, but I couldn't bring myself to say or do anything. 

"Please..." Todoroki then said as a single tear rolled down his left cheek, "say something..." He begged as I opened and closed my mouth repeatedly like a fish. 

"I-I..." I began but trailed off again as I now became aware that his hair was damp and he was only wearing boxers and an oversized t-shirt and a towel was resting around his neck. I looked past him into his room to see his usually clean and perfect made bed was completely messed up, pillows and blankets either on the floor or on their way there. 

"Todoroki... W-What happened here..?" I asked worried as I kept glancing past Todoroki at the messy covers on his bed, beginning to form images in my head of what had just gone down in there. Todoroki didn't say anything as he seemed to be at a loss for words now, but he clearly had something on his mind. 

"I... I'll tell you, just please come inside first..." Todoroki said quietly as he wiped the tear away and took a few steps back so I could come in. I hesitantly walked past him and into his room as he closed the door behind us. I turned to look at him just in time to see him lean his back against the door as he slid down on the floor, holding his head in his hands as his shoulders shook lightly. 

"Todoroki!" I panicked, my voice filled with concern as I ran back to him and kneeled down in front of him. What's going on with him..!? I thought and covered my mouth with my hands, not knowing what to do, but still wanting to help. 

"I-It was Leiko..." Todoroki then said, his voice shaking with emotion as he pulled a bit on his hair. I looked at him for a moment, not saying anything as I began putting everything together in my head. "She tried to r..." Todoroki then whispered quietly enough for me not to be able to hear the last part of the sentence. 

"She tried to..?" I asked carefully and leaned a little closer so I could hear him better. He then took a staggered breath before lifting his head a bit so his wet, cloudy eyes looked right into mine. 

"... She tried to rape me..." Todoroki then repeated in another whisper, sounding deeply ashamed, but this time I was perfectly able to hear every single word as I felt my heart stop. I quickly turned my head and looked at the bed again, then at Todoroki's clothes on the floor and then back at him. 

He then explained everything that had gone down in here just a couple of minutes ago. I should've gone here faster than I did. Why did I hesitate so much!? Todoroki needed me and I was too scared of how I might feel after facing him than why he actually called me here! 

Todoroki had even explained what her quirk was and how it worked and helped her to get as far as she did. He had explained how he had felt during the entire time and how sick he had felt and whilst he had explained I could feel how my hatred towards Leiko only grew and grew. He had explained how Endeavor was involved in this and what he had demanded of Todoroki. I think this is the first time in my life where I've actually despised someone. 

"I'm sorry Izu... Please forgive me... I did all I could but her quirk it--"

"Stop..." I muttered and looked at him as he kept his head low, "don't apologize anymore... It wasn't your fault, none of this is your fault." I said reassuringly as Todoroki slowly lifted his head to face me. "Can I hug you..?" I then asked as Todoroki nodded his head approvingly.

I then jumped into his arms and held him as tightly as I possibly could, gently stroking his damp hair. I think this is where Todoroki wasn't able to hold anything back anymore cause as soon as I had wrapped him in my embrace, his tears no longer fell silently. His shoulders were shaking with every sob that escaped him and the tears were falling one after another.

I could feel how my heart was aching at the sight and this only caused me to hold him even closer and tighter. Todoroki then slowly lifted his arms and wrapped them around my waist, holding onto me as if he were just as scared to let go as I was. 

"Shhh..." I whispered calmingly to him as he kept his face securely hidden away in the crook of my neck, "Nothing's gonna happen as long as I am here with you..." I said reassuringly as I then carefully began to stand up as Todoroki just moved his arms up around my neck and wrapped his legs firmly around my waist. I made sure to hold him as carefully as I could as I walked us to the bed and sat down with Todoroki still clinging to me like a scared child. 

Honestly, I think I was just as scared as he was at that moment and that's one of my reasons to just sit with him like that for a while, letting him cry it out in my neck. 

"I'm here..." I whispered calmly with a quiet, soothing voice as I continued to gently stroke Todoroki's hair. As these words escaped my lips though, Todoroki tightened his hold around my waist and snuggled his face a little more into my neck. I mirrored his action and held him tighter as well as I just kept whispering soothing things to him.

He seemed to calm down after a while as he slowly moved his head back a bit only to place his forehead against mine. His breathing has calmed down as well... I thought and smiled weakly at him as I moved one hand up to gently wipe his tears away with my thumb. 

"Please be my guide again Izu... I don't want it to be anyone else than you, don't ever doubt that again... Okay..?" Todoroki said quietly as he slowly moved his right hand from my waist to entangle it in my green, messy hair. As I had been holding him and stroking his hair I had also subconsciously fixed the line between the white and the red, like I normally did every morning. 

"Okay..." I said as we then both leaned forward slightly and our lips met in a soft, warm kiss, sealing the promise. 

המשך קריאה

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