SpiderMan - Camren

By ondatbeat2

224K 6.1K 1K

Lauren Jauregui--bullied everyday by Austin Mahone, madly in love with her neighbor, Camila Cabello. Camila... More

before you start
~50 Finale~
~That's All Folk~


2.9K 89 23
By ondatbeat2

(Camila's POV)

Camila watched in adoration as Lauren and Sofi talked to each other. Sofi was animatedly explaining how she can't wait for Christmas and what last Christmas was like, while Lauren just sat at the table and listened with a sweet smile.

"And then Austin got me a pretty dress" Camila noticed how Lauren instantly tensed at the mention of Austin's name.

"Austin is nice. Where is he now, Mila?" Sofi asked. Camila saw how Lauren's shoulders dropped as her gaze fell to the floor.

Honestly, Austin wasn't a terrible guy, or at least when they first started dating. But after a while, he became less caring and more self centered, so Camila always tried to avoid him interacting with Sofi as much as possible.

"He's not around as much, Sof" as soon as Camila finished her statement, she took a glance over at Lauren. The green eyed girl still had her gaze glued to the kitchen floor.

"Sof! Your show is on!" their mom's voice sang from the living room.  Sofi's face instantly lit up as she swiftly stood up from her chair. She jogged around the table to wrap Lauren in a quick hug.

"See ya, Lamp" Sofi giggled into Lauren's shoulder. Lauren hugged back, but still had that sad look in her eyes.

"See ya, princess" with that, Sofi let go of the embrace and left the room. Lauren stood up from her chair and straightened her shirt. Camila also stood up and walked around the table to wrapped her arms Lauren's neck. Lauren still didn't lift her head.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Camila asked, trying to meet Lauren's gaze. When Lauren still didn't look up, Camila stood on her toes to give Lauren a kiss on the cheek. But as soon as Camila's lips connected with Lauren's cheek, Lauren took a step backwards, avoiding the kiss on the cheek as Camila felt her heart drop.

"I gotta go. I'll see you soon" Lauren swiftly stated as she intertwined one of her hands with Camila's.

"Okay" Camila uttered sadly, voice cracking at the end.

Without saying another word, Lauren gave Camila a quick kiss on the cheek before leaving the Cabello household. Leaving a heartbroken Camila standing in the kitchen.


Camila didn't know what to make of the whole situation. She didn't know if Lauren was mad, annoyed, or upset. It was only a little while later as Camila laid in her bed, looking up at the ceiling thinking about what Lauren would be so upset about.

She knew that it was most likely because Austin was brought up in the conversation, but she couldn't put a finger on the exact reason why Lauren would leave.

As she stared up at the ceiling with teary eyes, her thoughts were interrupted when her phone vibrated from a text message. She sat up in bed and wiped the tears from her eyes before reaching over and grabbing her phone.

From Dinah: So where are we going on Friday?

From Normani: Yeah, idk. You know Ally???

From Normani: ALLY

From Normani: ALLLLYY

From Dinah: ALLYSUS

From Normani: Allysus???

From Dinah: It was auto correct

From Ally: WHUT

From Dinah: You know where we're gonna be goin on Friday?

From Ally: Nah.com


From Normani: CAMILA

From Ally: CANOLA

From Ally: Auto correct...

From Camila: I think Lauren's mad at me

From Ally: WHYY

From Normani: WHUT

From Dinah: NOOOOO, CAMREN!!

As Camila's thumb hovered over the screen, about to send another text, she a knock came from her bedroom window. She bit her bottom lip, knowing it was the green eyed girl.

When she glanced up, she saw Lauren, in her Spider-Man suit without her mask, with her head leaned up against the glass with her eyes shut. Camila put her phone down and made her way over to the window.

She attempted to lift the window but only got half way up until she almost dropped it because it was too heavy. As soon as the window was about to fall back down, Lauren lifted her head up and assisted Camila with opening the window.

Lauren's hand grazed over Camila's and Camila felt her knees go weak as the subtle touch made her heart immediately swell.

Once the glass was lifted all the way up, Lauren drooped her head back down. When Lauren still hadn't spoken up yet, Camila decided that she should say something. But as soon as she opened her mouth to speak, Lauren interrupted her.

"Was Austin a good guy?" Lauren sniffled and wiped the single tear that was dropping down her cheek. Before Camila could say anything, Lauren interrupted her, once again.

"I almost killed him, Camzi" Lauren's voice cracked at the end while she wiped yet another tear drop and Camila's heart dropped.

"Come inside, Laur" Camila gestured for Lauren to come through the window, but the green eyed girl just stayed still.

"Austin is a good guy and I almost killed him" Lauren uttered. Camila felt her heart starting to shatter as Lauren's voice cracked yet again.

Lauren stayed quiet as she wiped the tears off of her cheek. Seeing Lauren this distraught was breaking Camila's heart. She didn't even know what to say. Lauren did almost kill Austin, but Lauren let go.

"Laur, just come inside" Camila whispered and with that, Lauren finally stepped through the window.

As soon as Lauren's foot landed on her bedroom floor, Camila enveloped her in a tight embrace. They hugged in silence for about 5 seconds before a knock sounded from the front door, downstairs. Camila let go of the embrace and listened closely as she heard muffled voices from downstairs.

Before Camila or Lauren could react, they heard footsteps rushing up the stairs. Camila ran over to shut the door while Lauren slung into her closet. When Camila made it to her bedroom door, she was met with Dinah, Normani, and Ally standing under her doorway.

"Oh my god, Camila. We thought you'd be crying in fetal position on your bed or something" Ally sighed with relief. Camila furrowed her eyebrows.

"Read your damn texts for once, girl" Dinah said, handing her phone over to Camila as she walked into her bedroom.

From Dinah: MILA

From Normani: R u ok, Mila?

From Dinah: How can u text us about how Lauren might be mad at u and then just stop

From Normani: MILA



From Ally: Guys, should we just go over




From Dinah: Okay let's go

Camila read the texts and looked back into her room and saw Dinah, Normani, and Ally all sitting on her bed. She walked back into her bedroom and handed Dinah's phone back, while having a seat on her bed as well.

"Are you okay?" Normani said softly while gently placing a comforting hand on Camila's shoulder. Camila just furrowed her eyebrows and they all gave her a questioning look.

"About the whole Lauren thing" Normani stated, taking her hand off of Camila's shoulder. Camila quickly realized what she was talking about and nodded.

"Oh yeah, I'm fine. It was nothing" Camila shrugged and they all gave her another questioning look.

"Ooookkaayy. Alright, I'm starving so let's go somewhere and you better tell us what the hell happened" Dinah said while standing up from the bed, along with the rest of the girls.

"Uuuuhh. No, I can't" Camila responded a little too quickly, making them all tilt their heads and furrow their eyebrows.

"I have like homework and stuff, I can't right now" Camila said, starting to internally panic when Dinah started walking over to her closet.

"It's either you get dressed yourself, or I pick your clothes out for you. There's no other options" Dinah laughed, facing Camila as she started opening the closet door. Camila's eyes widened and she ran over to shut the closet door and stood in front of it so Dinah wouldn't be able to open it again.

"Okay! I'll go!" Camila exclaimed as she stood in front of the closet door still with wide eyes.

"You hiding something, Walz?" Dinah giggled as she attempted to open the closet, only to be immediately shut by Camila once again.

"No" Camila instantly responded, and gluing her eyes shut. She knew they weren't going to let this go, but Lauren was in the closet, in her Spider-Man suit.

"Woah, what's going on, Mila?" Normani asked as she made her way over to the closet door as well. Ally stayed back and just looked at Camila with her head slightly tilted and furrowed eyebrows. Camila was frozen, she didn't know what to do. She kept her eyes shut and hoped they would just drop it.

"Mila. Move or be moved" Dinah stated while crossing her arms. Camila stayed put, eyes still shut while she prepared herself for the worst.

"Alright" with that, Dinah shoved the girl out of the way and opened the closet door.

"No!" was all Camila could say as she opened her eyes and was met by Dinah and Normani standing in front of the closet door with confused looks plastered on their faces.

"Ummmm, what's going going on?"

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