
By ECA1990

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HavenGuarde. The last city since an event called the solaris flare burned the skies, sending the world below... More

Author's Word
Chapter 1 - In A Winter Storm
Chapter 2 - HavenGuarde
Chapter 3 - Found
Chapter 4 - Chosen
Chapter 5 - An Education
Chapter 6 - The Angardian Council
Chapter 7 - Criminal
Chapter 8 - Chance
Chapter 9 - Behind Doors
Chapter 10 - Avenue of Kings
Chapter 11 - Up
Chapter 12 - Reunion
Chapter 13 - City Above
Chapter 14 - The Courtroom of Justice
Chapter 15 - Verdict
Chapter 16 - In the Mind
Chapter 17 - The Dreamscape
Chapter 18 - Games
Chapter 19 - Quickly
Chapter 20 - Curious
Chapter 21 - Elixir
Chapter 23 - Review
Chapter 24 - Judgment
Chapter 25 - Minefield
Chapter 26 - The High Paladin
Chapter 27 - Goodbye
Chapter 28 - With the Help of his Friends
Chapter 29 - Overseer
Chapter 30 - Journey
Chapter 31 - Water
Chapter 32 - Swords in the Water
Chapter 33 - Food
Chapter 34 - Ambush
Chapter 35 - Betrayal
Chapter 36 - Escape
Chapter 37 - Different
Chapter 38 - Ancient World
Chapter 39 - Near
Chapter 40 - Up
Chapter 41 - Stairway
Chapter 42 - Storm
Chapter 43 - Two of a Kind
Chapter 44 - The Bridge to Sanctum
Chapter 45 - The Corridors
Chapter 46 - Lost
Chapter 47 - Waiting
Chapter 48 - Chambers
Chapter 49 - Something in the Air
Four Years Later...
Chapter 50 - Destiny
Chapter 51 - Scars
Chapter 52 - Secret Meeting
Chapter 53 - Learning
The Great Flare
Chapter 54 - Changing
Order Amidst Chaos
Chapter 55 - Disease
Chapter 56 - Classification
Chapter 57 - Venturing Beyond
Chapter 58 - Class
Chapter 59 - Outside the Walls
Chapter 60 - The Master
Chapter 61 - Cruelty
Chapter 62 - Fury
Chapter 63 - Inner Strength
Chapter 64 - Lords and Ladies
Chapter 65 - Commander of the Realm
Chapter 66 - Finale
Chapter 67 - Dissension
Chapter 68 - Despair
Chapter 69 - Plot
Chapter 70 - Dance with me
Chapter 71 - Mirya
In the Unity we trust
Chapter 72 - Shattered
Chapter 73 - Across the Stars
Hymn to the Northern Spheres
Chapter 74 - Plot
Chapter 75 - The Plot Thickens
Chapter 76 - Fight or Flight
Chapter 77 - A Map of the World
Chapter 78 - Hidden Pathways
Chapter 79 - A Sea of Black
Chapter 80 - Soulforge
Chapter 81 - The Technovirus
Chapter 82 - Scientists
Chapter 83 - Haliel
Chapter 84 - The Walls of HavenGuarde
Chapter 85 - Revelations
Chapter 86 - Flee
Chapter 87 - Breaking Through
Chapter 88 - Beyond
Chapter 89 - Exile
Chapter 90 - Fragments
Chapter 91 - Enter the Empyrean
Chapter 92 - The Beyonder

Chapter 22 - Realise

41 12 3
By ECA1990

Chapter 22


- Those who watch begin to see, the crowning moment of his glory -

Thonavar fidgeted.

He was unused to standing for so long. He had no clue as to what he was waiting for. The room around him was circular and before him spread out in a crescent moon shape, were six blood-red seats of plush. The seats were facing inwards and behind them, beyond the transparent glass, the city of HavenGuarde could be seen. Seated in those seats were four men and a woman. The five of them sat still and seemed to be staring blankly into space. It seemed they were waiting for something. Thonavar recognized the tall and gaunt man sitting with his face hidden in the shadows. He had been present at Thonavar's courtroom testimony and Thonavar remembered seeing him speak with Felix Vanyaga after the entire episode. Thonavar also remembered the look that the tall and gaunt man had given him. It was a look of one studying another.

It was dark outside and the Thonavar could make out thousands of lights amidst the vast darkness of city-above, middle and below. But up here in this cold place, he was far from the streets and the warmth of his home. A sudden thought struck him and he realised that he was homesick. He missed the dark alleys of the streets and missed hurdling and climbing over walls and short fences. He also missed home.

But Thonavar missed his parents most of all. Feeling wistful, he recalled that before he had set off to undergo the Testing, his parents had spoken to him, wishing him luck. He remembered the look upon their faces as they wished him goodbye. A feeling struck his heart and Thonavar felt sadness well up within him.

Thonavar desperately wondered if he would ever see his father and mother again. The thought of being separated from them filled him with a sudden anxiety. Where were they? He had to find them? Where was Felix Vanyaga?

He clenched his fists in frustration.

"Stand still boy", barked a cold and harsh voice.

The voice came from a woman. She was sitting in one of the six seats. Her voice rang with clarity and power. It was a voice used to a certain authority and being in command. Thonavar decided that if not for her sharp and otherwise powerful tone of voice, she would be considered beautiful, for her face was smooth and angular. Her eyes, however, were a sharp and piercing blue. The woman stared straight at Thonavar and though he felt her gaze upon him, he was not afraid.

I am not afraid of you, he thought to himself. His mother, Mirya, was the most beautiful woman around and she was the only woman whom Thonavar was truly afraid of. He stared back at her in defiance. But with a knowing smile, she then unlocked her gaze from him and proceeded to stare at the space just above his head, completely ignoring him.

Thonavar looked to his left and right. A blonde boy stood at his right and a black-haired girl to his left, both about a metre away from him. Both looked haggard and uneasy. Thonavar reckoned that, like him, they had been called here for a similar purpose, each undergoing a Testing as well. Though a metre away from him, Thonavar could see the girl's lip trembling slightly. Her head remained bowed low to the ground as if she did not dare to look up. As for the boy, his face was ashen white and pale, as though he had seen a ghost. He too had his head slightly bowed. The room was rank with the stench of fear and Thonavar could smell it. He shifted from one leg to another impatiently.

"By the gods, boy. Stand still or I shall have to make you", barked out the woman again. The woman was angry now, her blue eyes glittering and Thonavar felt the gaze of all Angardian Council members upon him. She made as though to say something harsh to him when suddenly, all tension in the room evaporated as the rest of the Angardian Council looked up to the doorway behind Thonavar with an air of expectancy. The woman, forgetting her anger, also looked to the door. With a muted groan, the door opened inwards and Felix Vanyaga strode in with two other black-robed figures. Relief flooded through Thonavar at the sight of Felix.

"Greetings Members of the Angardian Council", said Felix Vanyaga, his deep voice booming out.

"Greetings Felix Vanyaga", said the tall and gaunt man, rising from his seat.

"Your Eminence", replied brother Vanyaga, bowing slightly. He removed his cowl and pushed back his black hood. And the two other figures standing behind him also did the same, almost in unison.

"Members of the Angardian Council", began Felix again, and the small circular room resonated with his deep voice. "I request permission in bringing forth two verifiers. They shall verify the results of the Testing as is the common practice."

He gestured to the two black-robed figures behind him and they both bowed their heads low.

"This is the common practice. You may proceed", said an old man, speaking for the first time. His voice was ancient and wise and soothingly deep. A moment of silence passed.

"Are these the three select individuals approved to undertake a Testing?" asked the woman, her clear and sharp voice, shattering the silence into shards.

"They are", answered Felix, unperturbed.

"That is most unusual", said the woman, and she peered down at them with a mock air of curiousity. "I would like to think that we would have selected a more...capable...group of individuals. The group standing is before us is surely below par. For one, the boy to the far right cannot even keep his body still. Perhaps we should relook into our methods of selection and revise them accordingly." The woman gave the three young children such a penetrating and piercing stare that the girl next to Thonavar looked ready to cry. Thonavar himself felt a little weak and his heartbeat seemed to flutter. But it was not because he was fearful of the woman. He was anxious to know the result of the Testing. Had he passed?

Felix Vanyaga and the two verifiers moved to stand in front of the three young children, facing the crescent shape of chairs in which sat the Angardian Council.

"Begin", spoke the thin and gaunt council member.

Felix bowed and the two verifiers followed suit. Then they turned around, facing the three children. Thonavar tried to catch Felix's eye, hoping for a sign of affirmation or a familiar smile, but there was none. Felix stared above their heads.

"Jolom Stalheim", he boomed. "Come forth!"

The blond-haired boy stepped forward nervously, his eyes shifting from left to right. His face was pale and he was shivering slightly.

"Closer, if you please", called out Felix again. And the boy moved another step forward.

Suddenly, the was a rush of air, as a wall rose from the floor, cutting off Thonavar's vision of the Angardian Council, Felix Vanyaga, his verifiers, and the blond-haired boy. He could see and hear nothing and knew not what transpired beyond the wall. He looked at the black-haired girl. Her eyes were wide and there was a look of shock upon her face. She glanced at Thonavar, who took a step toward her but found that his feet were glued to the floor. He fell forward and managed to prevent his body from twisting awkwardly by placing his hands onto the floor. With great effort, without use of his legs, he managed to pull his body in an upright position. But what strangeness was this?

He stared at his feet incredulously, refusing to believe what he was seeing. He tried to lift his right leg and then his left but each would not budge, remaining frozen to the floor. He grit his teeth with effort and grunted in frustration, but as much as he tried, his feet would not leave the ground. After attempting to jump from in the air with both legs, Thonavar gave up.

He looked at the black-haired girl and it was apparent that she too faced the same difficulty. Her feet seemed to be stuck to the floor. She looked helplessly at Thonavar who opened his mouth to speak. He spoke for a while until he realized that he could hear nothing. He was speaking but no audible sound, let alone words, could be heard. 

Thonavar tried to increase the volume of his speech again but to no avail. No sound issued forth from his mouth. The effect was frightening and Thonavar felt completely helpless. He then proceeded to shout at the top of his voice using all the air in his lungs and this time all that came out of his mouth was a low buzzing that only but tickled his ears.

What kind of science or magic was this?

Glancing at the girl, Thonavar saw that she was very frightened. Never had he felt so helpless. He was completely incapacitated.

Calm yourself. Just wait, he told himself.

Thonavar waited. But with each passing moment, his anger grew. After waiting for what seemed like an eternity, with a sudden rush of air that startled both waiting children, the wall receded and Thonavar found himself facing the Angardian Council, brother Vanyaga and his verifiers, once more. The blond-haired boy was gone.

Again, Thonavar tried to catch Felix's eye but the man ignored him. Thonavar's anger grew.

At that moment, the tall, thin and gaunt man rose from his seat and gestured to the remaining children. A ripple of black cloak swirled, dissipating throughout the length of his robes as he stood. With a smooth and supple flourish, he gestured to them, extending his hand, a slight apologetic frown upon his face.

"Young ones, forgive us the fomalities of the post-Testing phase. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Dragba Damon."

Thonavar made as if to speak but before he lashed out in anger, he was cut off y the tall and gaunt man.

"Peace, young Ironhand. Allow me first to explain", said Dragba Damon smoothly, speaking first. He continued.

"I must apologise for it seems our actions do lack explanation. What you were being held in is called a static prison."

Thonavar's eyes widened with anger upon hearing this. The members of the Angardian Council all stared into space, with the exception of the woman, who with a smile, looked at the space just above Thonavar's head.

"But fear not", he said coolly, seeing Thonavar's expression. "It will not harm you in any way. It is merely a preventive measure should, ah, any of you wish to escape. If you wait patiently, you will find that it will in no way cause your harm. For now, I ask only that you remain calm and patient till we conclude the formalities."

With that, he sat back down and gestured to Brother Vanyaga, who retaining a passive countenance, bowed again.

"Proceed", said Dragba Damon, gesturing to Felix who called out another name.

"Dorolore Malaire! Come forth."

The young black-haired girl stepped forwards, trembling uncontrollably. And Thonavar saw upon her face a sickening look of fear. She turned back and gave him a look of utter hopelessness before the wall rose up in front of him. Thonavar roared out in anger but all he could hear was a low buzzing in his ears. The static prison was in effect, surrounding him, silencing him, and preventing any form of movement from his feet. There was nothing he could do now but to wait. Fist clenched, he stared at the ground. Time passed by slowly and Thonavar considered his thoughts, which were a jumble.

Had he passed the Testing? Why was Felix ignoring him? Did his refusal to acknowledge Thonavar amount to Thonavar failing the Testing? Did Mother and Father know already? Where were they at this moment? What would happen should he fail? What happened to those other two children?

With a suddenness that sent a wave of shock throughout, the wall slammed down and Thonavar found himself, once more, facing the Angardian Council. All eyes were upon him now. Even the ice-cold woman was staring at him, making no effort in hiding her amusement. The black-haired girl was no where to be seen.

"Thonavar Ironhand! Come forth!" Felix's voice boomed and echoed.

He made no attempt to recognise Thonavar but instead gestured to a spot in the middle of the room where he was to stand before the Angardian Council. Thonavar felt weak and he was conscious of his right leg which seemed to be shaking uncontrollably. Be calm, he told himself. Master your fear. Do not give in to it.

Exhaling deeply, Thonavar took a step to thefront and, instantly, the wall closed behind.

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