Minecraft Daycare One~Shots

By ThatOneWeirdoAzi

5K 62 41

I made it to 1k views. So, I am keeping my promise. Have fun! More

Apples and Oranges ~ 1
War Of Hearts - 1
War Of Hearts - 2
War Of Hearts - Goldy
War Of Hearts - Tina & Ryan
Not to worry!
War Of Hearts - 4
Incorrect Daycare Quotes ~ 1
Incorrect Daycare Quotes ~ 2
Incorrect Quotes ~ 3
"Yet another Switcheroo!"
Incorrect Quotes - 4
War of Hearts - 5
Incorrect Quotes ー 5
Daycare Academy - "Science Class"

War of Hearts - 3

233 4 1
By ThatOneWeirdoAzi

December 20

Diamond Clan Outskirts

His blue sweater flapped against the cold, December wind. He shivered a bit, his mind racing. He always seemed to have landed on a particular memory: His father's passing.

It was when he was a small prince, barely 5 years old, and able to cope with his surroundings. He closed his eyes, and stood there, on the rock, trying to remember his past..

"Father? Father! I'm back from the village!" Little Ryan exclaimed. His face was covered with dirt, from playing with his many village friends, "Father?" His face dropped its smile.

Ryan ran back into the gates, into the castle holding his family home. He dashed into the dining hall, only to find his mother and her crestfallen face.

"Mom? Where is Dad?" Ryan looked up to his mother, purposely not using the princely term for his parents.

"Ryan, tell this to the court: Tell them that the king... has passed away.." His mother's eyes filled with tears when she mentioned 'king'. Ryan couldn't believe his ears. He wouldn't.

"No!" He shrieked. "He's not dead! I'll prove it to you!" Tears brimmed his eyes, and his nose got stuffy. He had come home, to a death.

Opening his eyes from his brief flashback, he was bending down. He was facing a rock, and his hand hurt. He glanced at his hand and winced to the pain of the red side. Ryan got up, and continued walking to where he thought was the way home.

He spotted a few heads in the distance. Ryan squinted and thought they were his friends: Ley and Danny. Why are they sitting with that white figure..? Ryan pondered, as he got closer.

"Do you think he's coming today, Goldy?" A girly voice said, that made Ryan melt, wanting to listen to that voice forever.

"I'm not sure.. Unicorn?" Whispered another voice barely heard by Ryan.

There was silence, then, "What was his name again.. Ryan..?" Another voice inquired. Sounded like a boy going into puberty. Ryan stifled a chuckle.

"I'm Ryan. You must be Unicorn, I presume." Ryan said in his most polite voice, facing the boy. He wore a purple suit, and purple sweatpants, as if he were working on an experiment.

Unicorn nodded, "My real name is Unicornmann, but my friends call me Unicorn." He got up, and bowed. Ryan smiled. They already know the royal laws, good.

"I'm Tina!" The girl in a tiger sweatshirt got up and exclaimed. She had on a tiger print sweatshirt, with jeans on. Her wings were black, and bat-like. Heart Clan? Ryan looked back at Unicornmann. His cheek had a diamond. Hmm, they are from different clans..

"Um, I'm Goldy.." A voice whispered from behind. Ryan, who got startled, jumped. He turned quickly, his wings brushing against someone.

The girl was standing still, and awkwardly positioned, facing Ryan.

"Oh. Didn't see you there.." He waited for the bow, but didn't get any. In fact, he didn't get a bow from Tina, too. "Don't you peasants know a prince when you see one? Like him?" Ryan used his wing to gesture to Unicorn.

Tina fanned him, "I'm a princess, you dummy. Don't you know a princess when you see one?" She mocked Ryan and looked up at him skeptically. Goldy giggled in the background.

"How about you? Are you a princess, too?" Ryan turned to Goldy.

She shook her head, "Nah, I'm an Outcast. Don't bow to anyone." She pointed to Tina, "She learned that the easy way. Your getting a full on explanation." She gestured to Ryan, smug.

"You have no manners.." Ryan sighed, "While we are here, tell us about how you became an outcast?" He suggested, "And how you got your ripped up mask. I'm guessing your in - you were in - Diamond Clan." He looked towards Goldy.

She nodded. "I'll tell you the mask. The outcast part is a bit personal, if you get it." She muttered a bit. They nodded.

"Well, this was a few months ago..." She started.

Goldy fell to the ground. Her feet had buckled underneath her. She was helpless. Casper was above her, holding her sword.

She took out a knife and brushed her hair out of the way.

"Heh, you have nothing now, huh?" Casper grabbed her shirt collar and threw her. The knife falling out of her hands. She fell, sprawled on the ground, yet not making a sound.

"Why aren't you crying out?!" Casper cried. He punched her square in the stomach and started slapping her.

She got up, and tried to run, but she fell down by Casper's arm on her leg. He puller her down, her face on the ground.


Her masked ripped.

Her face got hot.

She got mad.

Casper made a sound, but he soon was quiet. Goldy picked up the knife from the ground and sliced bits of her hair out of her face. She soon got to the point where she could see Casper.

She picked up her sword and threw her knife at Casper, who ducked and ran. He was screaming.

"Hm, I'll tell you about how I got kicked out. It ties up with what is happening now.." Goldy murmured out of her vision.

"Okay, but do stop if its too much," Unicorn's ear flicked, worried. Goldy nodded.

Goldy then heard the sound of Sal's voice.

"Goldy! How dare you attack one of your Clan-mates?!" Sal sounded furious. He usually never was. Sal was the type that leans back, and sleeps for most of the day, but watches over his kingdom.

"He attacked me first!" Goldy protested, but Sal had heard enough.

"You look fine. Come to the village square tonight." He said squarely. Goldy could only nod obediently.

By nightfall, Goldy could see the whole village up from her window.

"It will be fine.." Her father soothed. She shook her head, "No, I'm never going to see you again.."

"Yes you will! ...If it makes you feel better, come say good-bye.." Goldy's father hugged her.

Goldy nodded, "Good-bye, dad. I may or may not see you again.." He nodded.

Once Goldy got outside, the village people roared with anger. Goldy got shaky. Her feet almost failed her, as she walked up to the execution podium. Sal stood there as well, the midnight fire burning brightly on his ears. They flicked with irritation.

"Tonight, we are here for a girl's attack on a fellow Diamond Clan. Goldy, has attacked Casper. She claims he attacked first, but I was told, and saw, otherwise." He turned to Goldy with hatred in his eyes.

"Goldy, do you except that you can never again come back into Diamond Clan without permission, and without the supervision of another Diamond Clan member? If you refuse, you will be sentenced to death, IMMEDIATELY." Sal's voice boomed, he emphasized the last word.

Goldy inhaled, and nodded slowly.

"Then leave, and don't come back without those certain standards.." Sal pointed to the gate. The Diamond Clan members made way for Goldy. Lizzie looked down at Goldy, shook her head, and gave her sympathetic eyes. Goldy walked out of the Diamond Clan territory, and booked it.

"And that's the story. Of me, I guess.." Goldy smiled weakly.

Ryan looked at her in disbelief, "Unicorn, were you there?" He stared at the horse figure.

He shook his head, "I would've recognized Goldy firsthand." He shrugged.

"Also, what is that?" Ryan pointed to the white figure that loomed over them the whole time. He hadn't rally thought of it for a while, until Goldy's story ended.

"That's what brought us here." Tina said, in that voice that melted Ryan's heart, "That's our destiny."

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