By piinkvodkaa

217 12 0

grace vital had it all. queen bee of her school, head cheerleader and dating one of the most popular boys at... More



10 1 0
By piinkvodkaa


I wasn't sure what time or day it was now. Ever since we had been moved from the barred cage into this hollow decaying room, my thoughts were all jumbled over.

Where was he?

He hadn't shown his face since what he had done to me and Tommy. After almost an hour of pretending to be a dog and him realising that there wasn't much else I could do, he left but not before bruising me just above my cheek, which was now progressively healing. I was thankful that he finally left us alone but my thoughts began to stray.

Was he planning something worse?

My stomach churned anxiously as I thought about what he'd do.

Would he rape me? Would he stab Tommy again? Or would he just shoot us both?

We had disobeyed him so many times I had lost count. But I couldn't let him think he got the best of me. Although he might've snatched a piece of me forever, I was determined to fight back.

It was false hope. False hope thinking that we both were going to get out of here alive. After Tommy's harsh words the other night, I saw the determined look on his face. As if he would do anything in the world to try and get out. For him, for me. For us. I knew he was hurt. I had heard him crying himself to sleep the other night but I pretended I was asleep. I didn't want him to think I was judging him.

I just wanted him to have peace.

So when I finally choked up the words, swallowing my doubts and fear as I gave him a smile. A look of relief washed over his face and it left a small dent in my heart.

He felt safe around me.

And I felt the same.

"So? What do you think?"

Tommy's voice snaps me out of my thoughts as I turn my head towards him, seeing him sitting on his mattress, legs crossed as he maps the plan on the cold concrete floor beneath him with his finger.


He lets out a sigh before rolling his eyes as he ruffles a hand through his hair. "Please listen Grace, you know we don't have all day"

I wanted to grit my teeth in annoyance. The thing was, we did have all day. It was likely Luke wouldn't show his face around anytime soon so that means we had the time to kill. And for some weird reason, I didn't like the fact that we were planning on escaping knowing damn well how high the risks were.

Our lives.

"When Luke comes back, you're going to pretend your sick. Say you got your period and you have bad cramps, so he'll walk over to the bathroom. He'll forget to close the door so I'll leave something small to trap the door open, so while he's tending to you I'll jump him from behind, knock him out and then we get the fuck out of here"

His plan seemed smart. Yet he seemed to forget that he wasn't alone.

My face scrunches up. "You're forgetting something. What if he doesn't come alone?"

I watch as a concerned look crosses his face. "Shit" he mutters to himself before his fists ball into a tight fist. "I hadn't thought of that"

I nodded. It was okay. I knew he wanted to act like he was fine but I knew deep down inside him he wasn't the only one suffering. He didn't need to have it all planned out. As much as I hated it here with every passion, if we didn't think this elaborately through, we would be fucked.

He begins pacing around the room as I watch him twitch in agitation. Before it finally releases. "Fuck!" Shouting in anger, he smashes his fist into the concrete wall and I let out a gasp as he doesn't react.

I quickly rush over to him, placing my hand on his shoulder, attempting to calm him down as his body shakes beneath me. "Tommy, hey it's okay"

He shakes his head at me. "No it's not, I promised you we'll get out but I don't think and-"

I cut him off by pulling his larger frame into a hug. I wrap my arms around his torso tightly, as I feel his body shift as his arms wrap around me as well, feeling his chest heave up and down, eventually keeping his calm.

"We'll get out of here okay?" I whisper to him as he stays silent as we bask in each other's comfort.

Suddenly, the loud sound of the door opening wide snaps us both of our attention as we pull back, staring to see the two girls standing at the doorway, glaring at us.

"Looks like she couldn't manage to keep her filthy hands off him" The blonde one snarks at me as the brunette one beside her rolls her eyes. I watch as they walk over towards the bathroom door, holding a taser at us in the air, as if she wasn't afraid to use it.

Tommy could've easily over powered them but he wasn't strong enough. He needed to eat food, have more energy. The last thing he needed was to be tasered after he had finally be conscious after how long.

The brunette drops off the two trays barely full with dirt food on it while the blonde stares at me, angrily before her eyes wander over to Tommy as it softens. Tommy shifts uncomfortably.

"You look better"

It was silent after her comment. Tommy hadn't said anything back yet as I watched him stare at her. She was now blushing as if she was a middle school girl talking to her crush. I wanted to punch her in the face.

Why was she such a bitch?

"Thank you for looking after me" he replied and my mouth opens, leaving an 'O' to form. I stare back at him in anger.

Was he fucking serious?

She blushes as she nods before the brunette girl drags her away and out the door, the sound of the lock clicking in place. Tommy sighs.

"What the fuck?"

He stares back at me before shrugging his shoulders and walking over to his tray before picking it up and devouring the food before him. I hadn't moved from my spot, in shock at the weird gesture that happened.

"You do realise that those bitches helped that sicko kidnap us right?" I spat at him, hoping my words would hurt him but he continues to shove the food down his mouth, his back towards me as his moans from satisfaction.

"Don't ignore me, what the hell?"

Finally he stopped eating before he turned his body towards me, his larger frame standing tall, my face coming into contact with his chest.

"Are you jealous?"

My cheeks flame in anger and embarrassment as I shove him off me before walking over to the other side of the room.

What the fuck? Was he serious right now? He thought I was jealous because he was flirting with a girl who had helped kidnap us by a sick perverted man?

Was Tommy developing Stockholm syndrome?

"You have got to be joking right now"

He lets out a sigh before shaking his head.

"What's your question?" He looked bored at me almost as if I was annoying to him. I wanted to hurl in a small ball and cry but I wasn't going to show him that. I hid my emotions.

"Why are thanking her? She's sick! Just like him!"

He rolls his eyes. "Well no fucking shit Grace. Please- please think, why do you think I did that?"

I stare at him as if he was an alien. I flail my hands upwards. "Well I don't know! Maybe you're trying to get into her pants!"

He lets out a low laugh as a smug grin plasters across his face. He takes a step towards me but I take a step back. "I thought you weren't jealous?"

My cheeks once again flame up as I bite my bottom lip hard, trying to stand my ground, but I couldn't.

As bad as our situation was, seeing Tommy standing in front me topless as his perfectly sculpted built body stares at me, with his usual cocky smile tossed on his lips, it was so hard not to get lost in him.

But I snapped to reality.

My smile leaves my lips. "I'm not jealous Tommy. I'm just kind of concerned seeing that you were 'flirting' with some sick bitch who only helped you because she was forced too! Hello! She's not on our side"

His playfulness suddenly leaves his eyes as he walks over to me. He doesn't hold me but instead, firmly grips my sides with his rough callous hands.

"It's not flirting Grace. That blonde chick-" he said as he turned back staring at the door as he pointed a finger to where she once stood "- is clearly into me. That means that if I play my cards right, I can make her fall in love with me and then in no time she'll help me, us, get out of here. I know what I'm doing, but please you have to trust me"

He was right. The blonde one certainly had it for him. Since he arrived, all she did was constantly stare him, blush when he would stare back and almost drool every time he was naked.

Did it not bother her that most of those times he was bloody and bruised?

I let out a sigh.

How could I have been so stupid? Once again I had managed to make accusations and throw it at him, letting my subconscious jealousy get the better of me.

Was this really the person I had become?

I close my eyes as I try to remember who I was.

Head cheerleader, popular girl, rich but strict family.

I had everything .

What I would kill to have things back to the way they used to be.

Memories and flashbacks begin to spur of my family. My poor family. My father, who was probably in the hospital was fighting for his life. My mother and sisters all worried for me, crying and praying for my return.

And Carter.

I felt like I had almost forgotten what he had looked like. Blonde with a boyish grin. He always made me feel like I was on top of the world. The thought of seeing him cry and break as he prayed for me to come back to him made my heart hurt.

If only he saw me now,

I suddenly open my eyes before nodding and taking a step back from Tommy's grip.

Here I was, flirting and gaining feelings and affection for another man while my boyfriend cried for me back home.

I was a monster.

"You're right. I'm sorry, I just didn't know" My voice was barely a whisper. Tommy's brows twitch up as I watch him stare at me in confusion as I walk around him before plopping down before my tray, my back turned away.

"It'll be all okay" I whisper as I let the tears fall down my cheek as I bite into the food.

Just great.

What a mess.



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