You'll Be Near

By Adertily-Blue

183K 9.8K 1.5K


The Suprise
The Inquisition
A Misunderstanding
The Anniversary
A Trip To The Vets
A New Puppy
Two Pink Lines
The Talk
Arslan Meets The Cats
The Check-Up
A Mother's Touch
Red Wolf
There It Is
Fingers and Toes
Grey Haze
Once A Street Cat ...
The Reveal
Flowers and Teddies
Seashells, Windchimes, and Baby Bumps
Campfires and Marshmallows
Seni Seviyorum
Butterflies and Baby Showers
Falih Rıfkı Atay
Summer Dresses and Sunshine
Olive Branches and White Flags
Cicada's Song
Broken Families
Little Lamb
Welcome Home
Scrapbooks and Sandcastles


4K 228 34
By Adertily-Blue

At four months along, Sanem's baby bump was beginning to become more and more noticeable. Now, obvious even under multiple layers and loose fitting clothing. As the weather warmed up, Sanem reverted back to her summer wardrobe; having the added effect of making her figure even more evident. Consequently, she became bombarded by an entourage of curious and unwelcome hands reaching out to feel her belly. It began with their work colleagues - which Can heroically shut down, noticing Sanem's discomfort with the attention. Then again a few days later, the moment she stepped into the district to visit her parents, another wave of merry neighbors had appeared to smother her in 'congratulations' and tight hugs that always ended with a hand lingering a moment too long over her stomach. It hadn't taken long for the news to spread through the village - Melahat had seen to that. Greetings of 'Have you heard?' and energetic gossip passed between excited lips had spread the news like wildfire. Now that she was visibly showing it had only exaggerated the situation. Everyone seemed to feel the need to touch her. Sanem was ready to snap. They had been walking Arslan around the park when a few random strangers had the audacity to walk over with invasive hands trying to feel her bump, causing Sanem to unleash a battery of curses at them. Can had to drag her away.

A few days later while they were getting supplies in the pet store, Can stumbled upon a dog jacket with the words "Warning: I Bite" written in large red letters. He joked that they should find one in Sanem's size. She just scowled at him.

Can soon discovered the perfect way to melt away her irritability, while also providing the perfect excuse for him to give in to his growing fascination with the changes in her body. Running his mouth over the bare skin of her soft curves, the newly settled flesh over her hips and the soft swell of her stomach. Taking advantage of the tenderness of her breasts and running his lips over the pink lightning trails scattered under her belly button. She was beautiful - stunning. Can was absolutely appalled when he discovered Sanem had become bashful about her new body and - in retaliation - began worshipping her with kisses whenever he got the chance. Making it blaringly obvious that he absolutely loved it. It timed perfectly with the sudden hormone-induced spike in Sanem's sex drive. They couldn't keep their hands off each other.

It wasn't just her physical changes Can found endearing. For the last few weeks, she had been obsessively changing and re-arranging their bedding. Having already bought and tried three different duvet cover sets before finally settling on a combination she was happy with. Can didn't fully understand what was wrong with the original bedding. She tried to explain that it wasn't soft enough - but he honestly couldn't feel the difference. Next, she moved downstairs. Bringing home a range of blankets and throw pillows for the living room after a shopping trip with Ayhan. Did they not already have enough blankets? Apparently not. She even spent weeks trying to find the perfect scent of laundry detergent. Experimenting with what seemed like hundreds of different types and brands, mixing them together and frowning every time the warm clothes came out of the washer not quite right. Not quite perfect. Eventually, she blended in an altered version of her perfume to the concoction. Smiling as she pressed her nose into the warmth of her favourite hoodie, greeted by the familiar floral scent. Emre asked a few days later, why Can's clothes smelled like wild-flowers.

"What's wrong with wild-flowers?" Can asked, amused. It was mildly exasperating having to go around and collect the half used detergent bottles left in her wake but he encouraged the behavior none the less. His patience was rewarded because it didn't take long for the whole house to begin smelling like her. It was divine.

As of yet, the study still remained a study. Watching Sanem one evening, as she was sat on the sofa with her legs crossed, Arslan beside her with his chin resting over her leg and both kittens bundled together on her other side just an arm's reach away. A cup of steaming hot chocolate in one of her hands and the other resting on the gentle curve of her growing stomach. Can suddenly felt his own itch to start nesting; they needed a nursery.

At the start of the weekend Can kicked his plan into action. He had messaged both Leyla and Metin earlier that week to recruit their help. Enlisting Leyla to take Sanem out for the day - to allow himself and Metin time to assemble the nursery furniture Can had covertly bought, and hidden in the garage. He was proud of himself for managing to keep Sanem oblivious to the whole arrangement.

On Saturday morning Sanem opened the front door after hearing the bell chime and was greeted with Metin's warm smile. Can had forwarned Sanem that Metin would be coming over, but negated to reveal the whole truth behind his visit. Metin pulled her into a hug, holding out her hands to the sides as he pulled away, smiling at the sight of her expanding waistline.

"Look at you! You are getting so big." He gushed, then immediately faltered when he realised his words may have been misconstrued. "Uhh, I didn't... I didn't mean..."

"It's fine Metin, calm down." Sanem giggled, stepping aside to let him into the house. Can approached, the sound of his friend's voice drawing him out of the living room.

"Good morning, my friend." He pulled Metin into a hug, patting him on the back. The two sharing a mischevious smile, doing their best to hide the exchange from Sanem.

A while later Sanem set off to pick up Leyla, who had a whole day of activities planned for the two of them. Sanem was certain she was going to collapse by the end of it.

By late afternoon Sanem was already becoming sleepy, overcome by relentless yawning and drooping eyes. Leyla started to panic. What if Sanem asked to cut the day short? She pulled out her phone to message Can.

Leyla - Are you nearly done? She's getting tired.

Can - Distract her. We need a few more hours.

Leyla wasn't sure what she was going to do. Then, by some absolute miracle, the answer appeared in front of them. They had been walking along the high street popping in and out of various shops, but Sanem hadn't been particularly animated about any of them. Leyla stopped outside the store she had spotted, glancing through the window at the range of adorable infant apparel, nursery furnishings and fluffy teddies on display. She pulled Sanem inside - who was more than eager to follow.

"Look at this!" Leyla fawned, holding up a charming little donkey plush for Sanem to see. "I have to buy this for you!" After a few minutes, it wasn't just Sanem that had successfully been distracted.

They arrived at their parent's house a few hours later, Mevkibe and Nihat had not yet returned from work. Leyla prepared a pot of tea, nervously tapping against the side of her phone and sending another text to her brother-in-law.

Leyla - Have you finished yet?

Can - Not quite. Sorry, it's taking longer than expected. Half an hour at most.

"Abla, I should really go home soon. I need a nap." Sanem appeared behind her, almost making Leyla drop her phone in surprise.

"No! You can't leave yet, anne and baba were hoping to see you." Leyla protested. Sanem groaned, but agreed to stay anyway. Gratefully taking the cup of tea as Leyla handed it to her.

It was nearly dark when Sanem finally pulled the car back into the driveway. She entered the house to the familiar sound of Arslan's claws scampering over the floorboards as he ran towards the front door.

"Hello, bebek." Sanem greeted the puppy. Walking into the kitchen and unloading an armful of bags onto the table. She heard Can walking down the stairs and moments later he appeared in the doorway.

"How was your day?" He asked, a suspicious smile spreading across his face.

"Good," Sanem replied, raising her eyebrows at his expression. She filled him in on what she and Leyla had been up to. "Is Metin still here?"

"No, he left not long ago." Can replied. His eyes diverting to the collection of bags on the table. "What's all this?" Can asked, cocking an eyebrow.

"Oh... I just picked out a few baby things I thought would be cute." She admitted.

"A few? There are five bags here, Sanem. Five." He laughed. Curiosity getting the better of him as he began to rummage through their contents, smiling as he pulled out a selection of infant onesies, outfits, and soft-furred teddies.

"In my defense, half of this was picked out by Leyla." Sanem raised her hands in surrender. Can chuckled, moving towards her and pulling her into a hug. Then he suddenly had an idea.

"Do you mind if I borrow these?" He enquired, stepping back towards the bags.

"What? Why?" She asked.

"Just for a moment. You stay here. I'll be back in a second." Can insisted, already creeping out the door with the bags in hand. Sanem huffed, letting herself fall onto the sofa. Ihsan soon joined her, settling on her lap.

"What is he up to, Sanie boy?" She whispered, stroking the purring cat as he settled down, leaning his head against her baby bump.

Can returned, smiling at the image of the light-ginger tabby nestled against Sanem's stomach. He didn't want to disturb them - but he was too excited not to. He needed her to come upstairs. Now.

Sanem was surprised when he suddenly grabbed her hand, nudging her onto her feet and forcing a sulking Ihsan to move onto a sofa cushion. Can led his wife upstairs. Gently tugging on her hand when she paused outside the study in confusion. He opened the door, entering first then leading her through. Sanem stepped inside, glancing around, her tired mind taking a few moments to shake off her bewilderment at the new surroundings.

The study had been completely transformed. The previously mostly-barren room had been replaced by a cozy, welcoming arrangement of matching white furniture, enchanting artwork and cute decorations scattered over the shelves, walls, and windowsill. It was adorable. Sanem gasped in wonder at the sight of it.

Can noticed immediately when her eyes began welling up.

"Do you not like it?" He asked, concerned he had done something wrong.

"No, I love it," She sniffed, her eyes turning red.

"Then why are you crying?" He laughed softly, pulling her into his arms.

"Because I'm tired and I'm hormonal and this is the happiest I have ever been in my life and it's all your fault." Sanem hiccupped. Can chuckled, holding her until she calmed down again.

Eventually, she began giggling at herself - stupid mood swings - as Can wiped away the remnants of the wet trails that had fallen down her face.

Sanem took the opportunity to walk around the room, investigating everything up close. Her bare toes grazing over the soft rug covering the wooden floorboards. Her hands pulling open the drawers - to find Can had already folded and put away all the baby clothes she had bought. Her fingers brushing over the frame of the wooden crib, exploring the feel of the blankets and the display of teddies Can had arranged inside. An assemblage of those she had bought today, along with the elephant from Metin and the donkey Leyla had picked out. And another she didn't recognise.

"What is this?" Sanem hissed jokingly, picking it up.

"It's a Galapagos tortoise..." Can smiled and began to explain but was interrupted by Sanem hurtling the plush at his head. He ducked, catching it with an outstretched hand.

"I hate you," She said, trying not to laugh.

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