My Sister's Baby Momma

By basicbitz

31.5K 587 169

Stacie is Beca's Friend with Benefits. Things are going fine until Stacie's two older sisters Chloe and Aubre... More

Party time
Oh Baby
The Middle Sister
How it Started
Bath Time
The Dance
The Grinch
Our First Date
Kicking into the New Year
Seeing Red
New Priorities
You didn't
Plans Change
Moving on
Happy Birthday
Its Normal
The Fight
Blast from the Past
Wake up
Hear Me


4.4K 48 12
By basicbitz

Beca's POV

Legs 😉: My parents are going out for dinner. You know what that means. Be there in 10.

I smirk looking at my phone. Jesse breaks me out of my thoughts when he whacks my shoulder and hands me a beer bottle. Its Friday night and all my friends are over to drink and get high. "Seriously guys! Throw your shit away." My younger sister, Emily, yells as she picks up several empty beer bottles that are already scattered around the floor.

"We leave them cause we know you will throw them away." Amy says with a chuckle while digging into a jar of peanut butter. I chug my beer before going to stretch my legs, don't judge me but the sex Stacie and I have can leave me sore for days. "Sorry losers, I got plans." I announce as I try to look somewhat sober.

"Oooo are we expecting your sexy cheerleader?" CR asks with a wink as they take a hit of one of the blunts. "Yes as a matter of fact I am. And you guys need to keep quiet about it. You know she doesn't want it getting out." I remind them. "So basically like anyone else in this town, no one wants to be associated with us." Jessica says with an eye roll. I make my way over to CR and take a quick hit before running to the bathroom to fix my hair. Lucky for me Stacie lives down the road so I never have to wait long.

"I don't know why you aren't bragging to everyone, that girl is soooo fine." Jesse says with a dazed look when I reenter the living room. Stacie's definitely hot. She's also a head cheerleader and super smart, but her parents are really strict and religious. She wants it to stay between us because her parents would flip if they knew I even talked to that girl. Her dad is a retired army veteran and has had quite a few encounters with me and my friends and yeah, he hates our guts... along with every other parent around.

"Have fun and use protection!" Emily yells before she throws a condom at me. I roll my eyes and put it in my pocket. Oh right I was born intersex, so I have a dick but I identify as a girl. Most people know at school because I'm not shy about it and most of my classmates are surprisingly cool with it, not like I would care if they weren't.  I learned to accept myself a long time ago. "Gee thanks. That wasn't a super weird thing for my little sister to do." I mutter as I check my appearance one last time. Emily and I actually get along really well, she's only a year younger then me and always has had my back. She's my best friend to be honest.

The front door opens and Stacie enters, her eyes find mine right away and she looks at me like I'm her prey. "Hiii Stacie!" My idiot friends and sister coo. She breaks her gaze from mine and politely smiles at everyone, they've never actually hung out besides the brief meetings before we go to my room but they always seem to get along with each other.

"Hey delinquents! Nice to see you all again, hope you don't mind if I borrow Beca for a bit?" She asks eyeing me again and biting her lip. I smirk as she walks closer to us. "She's all yours legs! Just try to keep the sex noises down." Amy yells waving the peanut butter around. "No promises." She says as she grabs my hand and pulls me upstairs to my bedroom.

Stacie's rich snotty friends wouldn't be okay with the head cheerleader being with a delinquent either. Honestly though I think Stacie would fit right in minus the stoner and rich part. My friends all drool over her whenever she's around but she seems like she can keep up with their snarky attitudes.

Stacie grabs my jacket and pulls me inside, her lips are all over my neck as soon as the door closes. "Wow eager much." I chuckle as I start to remove my jacket. "I've been wanting you so bad." She mutters as she takes off my belt while I remove her shirt.

After we throw my shirt off and I kick off my pants the rest of the way off while Stacie shoves me backwards onto the bed. "So demanding, so sexy." I mutter as Stacie strips off her jeans and straddles my lap. "Also... big fan of this." I smirk and I dip my thumb under the lace of her underwear. Stacie moans and rolls her hips.

"Mitchell, less talking. We don't have much time." She says desperately pulling at my clothes. I can only smirk and reach behind her to undo her bra. It pops open revealing her massive boobs. I start biting and sucking on them right away. Stacie moans before roughly shoving me onto my back yet again.

"Hope you don't mind if I'm in charge tonight." She says while strips off her remaining underwear then takes mine off. She reaches into my nightstand and pulls out a condom, already knowing exactly where I keep them. Stacie rolls it over my now fully hard cock before straddling me again and taking in my entire length.

"Fuck Stacie." I moan and throw my head back as she starts to ride me. Its hard and fast, our usual style, we never have much time for anything else. My hands grip her hips and help to guide her movement. I know she's getting close as her sinful hips move erratically. I grab onto her even tighter and start to meet her movements. Our sex is always extremely satisfying. As a bonus I have less violent outbursts and she gets rid of her stress, win win.

"Oh my god Beca!" Stacie cries out as her orgasm crashes over her body. I quickly flip us over and start to pound into her again. "Oh Beca! Oh! I'm going to cum again!" Stacie yells as her nails dig into my back, but I don't slow down. "I'm not done with you yet." I grunt. The room fills with the sound of our skin slapping together and Stacie's loud moans. She cries out yet again and I decide to join her this time. I fall forwards letting my head lay in her massive boobs for a few seconds.

I finally get the energy back to pull out and throw the condom into my trash can. I lay back next to her and catch my breath. Stacie cuddles into my side and places a few kisses on my neck. "Damn you're good. Two in less then fIfteen minutes." She whispers with a chuckle, sending vibrations down my whole body. I smirk and turn to give her a heated kiss. After our breathing returns to normal she gets up and starts dressing herself. I sit up and frown.

"Leaving so soon?" I ask with a smirk eyeing her still mostly naked body. She nods, I know this is how it has to be because I really don't want her Dad to catch me and have me arrested. "Yeah my Dad hates you, remember?" She comments while I struggle to get up and get my shirt and jeans on, I'm definitely feeling the alcohol and drugs now. "Fuck that asshole." I mutter. Stacie rolls her eyes and helps me with my pants. Its much easier to take clothing off when your drunk then put them on. When we finally manage to get my clothes on I cup her cheeks for one more kiss.

"You know, next weekend my parents are going away." She says as she smooths the wrinkles on her shirt. I raise my eyebrow at her as I help put her jacket back on. "I was thinking you could maybe stay with me after school until late Saturday?" She asks me. I pause and look at Stacie. She's nervously biting her lip and playing with her nails, clearly avoiding eye contact.

"You want me to stay with you?" I ask hesitantly. "Don't get me wrong I really enjoy our sex but its always so rushed and stuff and it would be nice to take our time for a change. I'm excited to see what we could do." Stacie says with a mischievous smile. I mean its weird. Stacie and I have been careful that our secret sex life stays a secret. Our group of friends are not even in the same spectrum but we still ensure there is no way they could be suspicious, which is why we made rules for our hook ups.

My friends don't care enough to spread rumors though and they're loyal so they would never say anything, besides teasing us. We're a misfit group of kids, like Benji loves theater, CR is in all the art classes, Lilly... just appears randomly, Jessica is student body secretary, Jesse is a movie nerd, and Amy is an Australian exchange student. Then there is Emily and I who have been bailed out of jail twice and love to party and music. But we're the rebels in our regular friend groups and we bonded like that.

We are nicknamed the delinquents for a number of reasons, from school pranks to just being our normal badass selves... and the fact none of us are rich unlike the majority of our school. Plus we all share a love of music. Somehow Emily and I got super popular after we moved here even though we did nothing to earn it, I just played a few mixes and it was like I was a god.

I prefer to stick to this group of weirdos though. And there was one other thing that made people love us, we all had an amazing bedroom reputation. We're known for our ability to leave people extremely satisfied in the bedroom and everyone wants to come back for more. But no one ever wanted to date us because even parents knew we were trouble and parents forbid their kids from being around the delinquents.

Naturally though it made us seem like forbidden fruit, they always wanted a taste. I snap out of my thoughts and look at Stacie again, remembering the question she asked me.

"I mean as long as we can be naked the whole time." I say. Stacie nods with a big smirk before we head back downstairs. Sure enough my idiots are still sprawled out around the living room watching tv. They all have shit eating grins as I walk Stacie to the door. "Excellent as always Mitchell." She says with a smirk and pulls me in for one more kiss making the others wolf whistle. I chuckle and she throws one last wink over her shoulder before walking down the road to her house.

I watch her go and turn around, I should know better and these nerds won't let anything go. "And she is back ladies and gentlemen! Tell us Beca, how was the sex?" Jesse asks pretending to hold a microphone to my mouth. I give him a shove before grabbing a beer and plopping on the couch. "Fuck off Jesse." I glare as I drink my beer.

"Come on Mitchell, we are waiting. Sounded epic with those noises we heard." CR adds while wiggling their eyebrows. "Why are you guys so obsessed with my sex life?" I ask as I take a large swig of beer. "Ummm because you are literally friends with benefits with the hottest girl in school and we all wish we were you." Jesse responds with his big boyish grin.

"It was great as usual. Actually she asked me to stay there next weekend." I add before taking a sip. They all stop what they're doing and stare at me. "Stacie wants you to sleep over? You?" Jessica asks as she leans forward on her chair. I nod confused about why they're all looking at me. What the hell is their problem?

"Dude isn't that kind of venturing out of the FWB range?" Emily smirks and winks at me. "Um no, we are strictly friends with benefits. No feelings allowed. I don't do relationships... anymore. Plus her Dad will rip me apart." I manage to get out in one breath staring my sister down.

"What if she is wanting more B?" CR says with a smirk while they take another beer. "She doesn't so drop it!" I snap making them all shut up. I tend to lose my temper fast... since the incident. I try to block out what they are saying but their words are ringing in my head. Stacie and I agreed no strings attached. She can't be wanting more right? How would I even feel about that? "I think we broke her." Jesse says while poking my cheek. I finally swat his hand away. The door suddenly flies open and my older brother glares at us.

"Dammit guys, what did I say about the pot? And seriously? Drinking too?" Luke shakes his head but can't hide his smirk. Our older brother Luke is our legal guardian. He's a hard worker and away a lot to maintain his business, his policy is if he doesn't see it he doesn't care.

"Well we would've hid it better if we knew you would be here now, we didn't think you would be home so early." I reply with a shrug and Luke rolls his eyes but let's his smile beam at us. "I forgot my favorite headphones. Behave yourself losers. Also anyone who doesn't live here, be gone by the time I get home." He says sternly. We all wave goodbye to Luke and throw on a trashy reality show to make fun of for the rest of the night.

My mind keeps drifting back to Stacie though...

Stacie's POV

"In my home country, people only smiled like that when they left." Flo says with a teasing grin. "She must've had another session with the delinquent." Ashley adds with a wink. "Bitch I saw that hickey! We all know you were with Jessica earlier!" I challenge back at her. She glares at me and lets her mouth hang open, but I know she can't deny it.

My dad actually allowed my best friends to come over when he got home so we could work on our homework and to catch up on our gossip. "And I can't help it." I mutter trying to suppress my smile, and failing.

"Is it from the amazing sex?" Flo teases as she puts down her textbook. Flo and Ashley are the only ones who I've told about Beca. And by told I mean they once walked in on Beca and I having sex on a sink in the school bathroom.

"God the sex is soooo good." I practically moan as I fall back onto the bed. Ashley and Flo laugh and lay down next to me. "Yes yes, I know how amazing your sex life is with the sexy badass and I like to live through you. I don't know how you can do it though." Flo says. I raise my eyebrow and open my mouth but Flo puts her hand over my mouth.

"Not like that you perv. I just mean like strictly friends with benefits. I would catch way to many feelings." She says shaking her head. I bite my lip and look away from Flo. I can feel her gaze burning into the side of my face. We glance at Ashley who looks like she was just caught.

"Holy shit, you have a crush on her! You're both crushing on a delinquent!" She yells. Now its my turn to cover Flo's mouth. "Shhh my dad is home! And not a crush! I just like to be around her. Plus we agreed no strings attached, just sex." I remind her. Flo gives me an unconvinced look.

"I kind of like Jessica... but my parents would freak... and the cheerleading squad... and literally everyone." Ashley says then frowns and grabs her book. Its sad she's right. Everyone is judged for dating one of them. I don't really get why, yeah they weren't from the upper class and didn't seem to care for rules or school but they've always been great to me. "Okay enough of this. Now come on so we can finish our studying." I tell them. Flo just rolls her eyes and we pull our text books back out.

Beca's POV

"Get your ass up Becky! You're not skipping school!" I hear Luke's voice yell in my groggy state. I groan and throw the blankets over my head. Freezing water suddenly soaks my once warm blankets and I jump out my now cold bed. "What the actual fuck Luke!" I yell glaring at my older brother who is smirking and holding a bucket. "Its Friday! We never go on Fridays!" I yell looking at my clothes that are now soaking wet and freezing. Today is suppose to be the day I stay at Stacie's and this is not how I wanted to start it. Now I'm pissed and cranky.

"You're not skipping. I have way to many messages from your teachers as is saying you're at risk of not graduating. Get your ass up and wake up your sister!"  Luke yells while grabbing his jacket to go to work. He's a workaholic even though we have enough money in our trust funds to barely work, but he bought a night club and is constantly there. He even bugs me about trying to work with him, but I'm too busy enjoying my senior year.

I groan and get dressed before heading to Emily's room. Sure enough she's passed out with her mouth wide open. Hmmm what's the funnest way to wake my baby sister up? So many options....

I decide to go with a classic air horn. Emily screams and covers her ears. "Wake up lil' sis!" I say with my biggest smile. Emily just stares me down, yup this managed to flip my mood around. "Are we actually going to school?" Emily says while she yawns and slowly gets out of bed, looking like a zombie.

"Yes we are, now come on nerd." I tell her. It takes Emily forever to get ready. Its a nice day out so we can take my motorcycle. "Let's go Em! We're going to be late!" I yell kicking my bike to life. She finally emerges and puts on her helmet.

"Alright, I'm ready." She yawns and takes her seat behind me before we take off towards the school. I can see Stacie's dad glaring at us from his driveway, while Stacie eyes me up and bites her lip as I go by. I decide to pop a wheely just to piss him off more... and give Stacie a bit of a show before tonight.

Sure enough we are late again because we stopped for food and energy drinks. I walk into my first period class and my english teacher looks at me surprised. "Wait its Friday right?" He asks looking at the calendar. "Fuck off." I mutter as I roll my eyes and take a seat in the very back and bite into my bagel.

"Wow I thought the world would end before you showed up on a Friday shawshank." Amy whispers and I just roll my eyes again and pull out the notebook that I won't use. Is it really a big deal for me to be here? Classes go by agonizingly slow and I barely survive. My last class is about halfway over and I'm losing the will to live when I get a text.

Legs 😉: bathroom, now

I smirk and walk to the front of the room. "Ms. Green, I'm having a problem down there, if you know what I mean." Her eyes widen and she gives me a pass. My teachers know about my condition and I use it from time to time to get out of class cause I'm horny like... all the time.

I casually walk to the bathroom and as soon as I enter I'm slammed into the wall by none other then Stacie. Her lips are all over my neck. "Damn Stace, what has you acting like this." I mutter as she sucks hard enough to leave a large mark on my neck.

"Seeing you on the bike, and thinking about how we'll be screwing in every corner of my house later really got my worked up." Stacie says as she plants a few kisses down my collarbone.

I can only moan as Stacie sucks on my pulse. She quickly stops and pulls away with a satisfied smirk before going to the mirror and fixing her make up. "Ummm what?" I ask as Stacie looks at me through the mirror with her smirk still in place.

"I just wanted to get you excited about later." Stacie teases as she struts her way back over to me. I groan and gesture to the obvious bulge in my pants. "Yeah dude it worked." I mutter. Stacie bites her lip and looks at her nails, I know something is going around in that beautiful head.

"I was wondering if...  you would bring something tonight?" She asks as she bites her lip. I raise my eyebrow with no clue what she means. "Something? Like condoms?" I ask mentally counting how many I have left. Stacie rolls her eyes and pins me against the wall yet again.

"I was thinking we could get high and have some amazing sex." She nervously suggests. I raise my eyebrow and look at her face to see if she was serious. Wow I think she is. I quickly flip us and look her up and down.

"You, Stacie, want to get high? I thought you were a good girl?" I say as I smirk and start to kiss her jaw line. Stacie moans, running her hand down my body. "I think it could make things more fun, and you make me think being bad is... hot." She whispers in my ear as she cups me lightly. I buck into her hand and she smirks.

"Sooo see you at seven, sharp." She coos as her hand runs just above the waist of my jeans. I nod as the last bell of the day rings, whoops guess I missed the rest of class. Stacie smirks before exiting the bathroom. I shake my head and splash some cold water on my face before leaving. Emily is waiting for me against my bike when I make it outside.

"Jesus! Did a vampire get you?" Emily teases as she pokes what's probably a massive marks from Stacie on my neck. I swat her hand away and roll my eyes. "Just some pregaming for tonight." I say and wait as Emily puts on her helmet before climbing onto my bike.

It seems like time stands still as I wait for it to be seven. My stupid group of friends notice and are teasing me nonstop.

"So are you excited to spend the night with the hottest girl in school? Is little B prepared?" Jesse asks poking my side. I roll my eyes and take a sip of beer. "Shut it Jesse. We don't need to discuss my sex life." I say before I give him a shove and he falls off the couch and lands on Benji with a loud thud. They both just lay there laughing.

"Oh we should discuss it! Who do you guys think is the top?" Jessica asks with a wink. I throw my phone at her and roll my eyes. Oh shit my phone! I run to where it landed when it barely missed her head. Well its now cracked but still working. Damn angry impulses.

"I feel like Stacie tops Beca a lot. She seems like a girl who wants to take charge." Emily says while sipping a beer. My little sister everyone... I groan and drop onto the couch face first. "Dude no way! Stacie seems like would like it rough and lose control." CR adds while wiggling their eyebrows. I rise up from the couch and start grabbing my stuff.

"I refuse to deal with this, goodbye weirdos." I chug one last beer before checking my backpack one more time and heading out the door. I ignore the hoots and hollers of my friends as I go, and Emily's comment about wrapping it up because she isn't ready to be an aunt. My sister is weird.

I say my goodbyes before walking down the road to Stacie's. I knock and several seconds later the famous Stacie Conrad opens the door wearing a silky red robe and black lingerie under it.

"Bout time Mitchell."

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