Hamilton Reacts to Stuff!!

By Glittersilver

230K 4.2K 40.2K

Title says it all. (This book is completed, and requests will no longer be taken. Thank you!) More

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Dear Theodosia
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Marliza, Washette, and Jamilams (Valentine's Day Special, Part 2)
Philodosia and Pheacker (Valentine's Day Special, Part 3)
A/N: A Letter (10K)
Jeggy (Valentine's Day Special, Part 4)
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We're In A Revolution
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Author's Note
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One Last Time (Finale)
Thank You

Laurgelica, Kingsbury, and Wamilton (Valentines' Day Special, Part 1)

3.5K 58 863
By Glittersilver

Quinn: Hey guys!

Laurens: Hello!

Burr: Good afternoon.

Quinn: Welcome to our Valentines' Day party!

[Establishing shot of the Washingtons' living room. It's decked out in red and pink hearts with sweets on the coffee table]

Quinn: Everyone's giving each other their valentines.

Hamilton: *presents Eliza with flowers with a little note attached from behind his back* For you, my love. Will you be my valentine again this year?

Eliza: Aww, Alexander, of course! *takes the flowers and kisses him*

Philip: Here, Mama, I made you a valentine. *gives valentine*

Eliza: Ohhhh, thank you, my sweet boy! *kisses his head* I'll treasure it always.

Hamilton: Thanks, son, I had her in my hand for all of two seconds, and then you had to come upstage me.

Philip: *frowns* Oh... I'm sorry, Daddy!

Hamilton: *chuckles* I'm just kidding. *ruffles hair* Did you make any more?

Philip: I made one for aunt Angelica, one for aunt Peggy, and one for Theo.

Hamilton: *blinks* Theo?

Philip: Yeah, do you think she'll like it?

Hamilton: Uh... *looks over at the Burr's and sighs* Yeah, I'm sure she'll love it.

Philip: *smiles* Cool! *runs off*

Hamilton: *watches him and shakes his head*

Eliza: *rubs his arm* Let him have this. It's Valentine's Day.

[Cut to the Burr's]

Burr: Happy Valentines' Day, my Theodosia. *gives her a heart shaped box of chocolates*

Theodosia: *playfully rolls eyes* Always the sap, aren't you? But chocolate is the way to my heart...

Burr: *smiles playfully back* It's gotten me this far.

Theodosia: *kisses him*

Theo: Did you get me anything, Papa?

Theodosia: *laughs* You are your mother's daughter...

Burr: Did you think I forgot you? *clips necklace around her neck*

Theo: Wow... thanks, Papa!

Burr: Happy Valentine's Day, my angel. *hugs and kisses cheek*

Philip: *taps Theo's back* Happy Valentine's Day, Theo! I made this for you! *gives valentine*

Theo: Thanks, Philip! I made you one too! *gives* My papa got this for me. *shows necklace* Isn't it pretty?

Philip: It's beautiful!

Burr: *watching with disapproval*

Theodosia: *makes eye contact with Eliza from across the room* *jerks head towards Burr and rolls her eyes*

Eliza: *laughs and nods*

Quinn: *whispers to the camera* Even Mrs. Washington is here today. General George has been spending the whole time with her, look- *motions for the camera to look towards the window, where the Washingtons are holding hands and gazing out the window* They're so cute!!

Peggy: I MADE VALENTINES FOR EVERYONE! *runs around handing out Valentines* Here you go guys! *gives Hamilton, Herc and Laff valentines*

Laff: Ooh, it's beautiful! So much glitter!

Herc: Thanks, Peggs.

Laurens: Where's my valentine?

Peggy: Oh. I forgot. Sorry.

Laurens: Wow, that's nice.

Peggy: *smirks* Just kidding. *gives turtle plushie. The turtle is holding a little heart that says "I turtle-ly love you."*

Laurens: *gasps, then starts chuckling* I love it! Thanks, Peggy! *side hugs*

Quinn: Okay, y'all, now we're gonna start with the reactions! We've been getting requests for a lot of ships lately, so to keep up with the ship trend and in the spirit of Valentine's Day, I thought we'd do all the ship requests! This may end up being a multi parter, cuz we've got quite a few of them! The first one we're gonna do is from WeAreForeverAndForever

Laurens: Why is it always me?

Quinn: Honestly who knows. You're like the fan favorite. And speaking of fans...

All: Oh no.

Quinn: ROLL THE FANART COMPILATION!!! *plays the theme music*

Eliza: That's not so bad...

Theodosia: It's kinda cute!

Laurens: Yeah I guess but... we're not... *looks at Angelica in confusion*

Hamilton: Aww, wittle John-John's got a giwlfwiend!

Washington: How many girlfriends is this now, Laurens?

Laurens: *blushes* Zero, sir. But I have two fake ones now.

Jefferson: You're just running around all over the place, aren't you, Laurens?

Laurens: *laughs* Pretty much.

Eliza: Do you like John, Angelica?

Angelica: *looks over at John and smirks* Maybe I do, maybe I don't.

Eliza: *giggles* Oh, Angie, you're vicious! Be nice to him, though, I don't want to see my fake boyfriend's heart be broken.

Angelica: I can't make any promises, sister.

Theodosia: One heartbreaker to another. *high fives Angelica*

Peggy: *silently glares at Angelica*

Herc: Again with the wine, what's that about?  Does Laurens need another drinking buddy?

Laurens: I mean I do enjoy my drinks... do you like to drink, Angie?

Angelica: On occasion.

Laurens: Huh...

Theodosia: Aww!

Eliza: It is a little odd seeing my sister with someone who's practically my brother-in-law... but not too bad.

Madison: Wow there's a ship for everything, isn't there?

Quinn: You saying you don't ship it, James?

Madison: More than anything I'm just confused by it. Like... why?

Herc: I don't know, Madz. Why them? Why you? Why me? Why any of us?

All: ...

Hamilton: That got deep all of a sudden.

Quinn: So what do you guys think of Laurgelica?

Eliza: I mean if John decided he wanted to ask my sister for her hand, I would be okay with it.

Hamilton: Yeah, same.

Eliza: Oh, then we could do double dates! You and me with Angelica and Laurens!

Angelica: Woah, slow down you two, we're not even dating. *chuckles*

Quinn: Alright, y'all can take five before we react to the next request.

[Everyone disbands. The Hamilsquad goes into the backyard with the kids to run around, the moms chat by the fireplace, Jefferson and Madison go to the kitchen to make mac and cheese for dinner, and Angelica sits on the couch reading a book]

Laurens: Hey, Angelica. *sits next to her on the couch*

Angelica:  *looks up from her book* Well, hello, John. How can I help you?

Laurens: Oh, nothing! I just thought... we've never really gotten to know each other...

Angelica: *gives an amused smile, smoothens down the flyaway curls atop John's head* Is that so?

Laurens: Yeah! So... uh... do you like turtles?

Angelica: Is that always your first topic of conversation?

Laurens: *grins sheepishly* Mostly...

Angelica: *chuckles* Well, I've never been much of a turtle person myself, but if you're so interested in them I may need to rethink my opinion.

Peggy: *watching them furiously*

[Time skip brought to you by Madison totally screwing up the side dishes. Nice going Madison!]

Quinn: And we're back!

All: *in the dining room eating dinner*

Washington: This is delicious, Jefferson.

Jefferson:  Yes it is, isn't it? *side eyes Madison* We were also going to have buttermilk biscuits...

Madison: I said I was sorry... *angrily takes a bite of his food*

Quinn: Okay, so our next request is from FunnyMoment-Lloyd

Samuel: *chokes on mac and cheese* King George?

Herc: Well it would make sense, considering how much time you spend kissing his butt all the way across the pond...

Samuel: But- but I've never even met him! I mean, I respect him as my king, because he did own this land first-

Hamilton: Oh, would you shut up about that? He never owned this land. The people who landed in America became the first Americans. Plain and simple!

Samuel: But-

King George: *dramatically throws open door* I'm here.

Hamilton: *chokes on mac and cheese* You?! What the-

Eliza: *gives him the wife look™*

Hamilton: Fffffffffflippity flop... are you doing here?!

King George: *narrows eyes at Quinn* Waiting for my mac and cheese. *tosses cape as he approaches the table*

Quinn: Yeah I may have invited him to the party...

Laurens: *crosses arms and frowns* A little warning would've been nice.

Quinn: *quickly scribbles [ENTER KING GEORGE] into the script and runs to the kitchen*


King George: *scans table, sizing everyone up before his eyes land on George Washington* General Washington. A quaint little home you have. Just adorable.

Washington: *keeps his smile* Why thank you, Your Majesty.

Hamilton: Sir-!

King George: Quiet, urchin, the adults are talking. *Turns to Samuel* You must be Samuel Seabury.

Samuel: Er- uh- y-

Herc: *whacks on back*

Samuel: Yes, Your Majesty. I am Samuel Seabury.

King George: A loyalist. Good. *cups cheek in hand and pats on the head like he's a little kid* Now let me sit here.

Samuel: Excuse me?

King George: That was an order from your king.

Samuel: *quickly stands up*

King George: *takes his seat*

Philip: *staring at King George*

King George: *notices Philip staring* What are you looking at?

Philip: *quickly drops head*

Theo: My daddy doesn't like you.

King George: *looks at her with a raised eyebrow* Is that so?

Theo: He went to war to stop you. And so did Philip's dad and Mr. John and Mr. Herc and Mr. Laff and Mr. Washington.

Burr: *in a low voice* Theo, that's enough, sweetheart.

Theodosia: *shakes head at Aaron then puts her hand on Theo's shoulder* You go baby girl!

King George: Young lady, I'll have you know I was a wonderful king, and your father made a big mistake sending me away. All of those revolutionaries were fools to fight me!

Philip: My daddy's not a fool!

Eliza: Philip...

Hamilton: *watching Philip* No, let's hear what the kid has to say...

Philip: My dad's the bravest and strongest guy ever! And Papa George is a way better leader than you!

Hamilton: Good boy, Philip! *blinks* Wait... *whispers to himself* "Papa George?" *yells at Washington from across the table* I'M NOTCHA SON!

King George: *throws hands up* I came here for a nice time and some MAC AND CHEESE, QUINN, and I'm just sitting here getting attacked! Samuel, tell these insolent brats to leave me alone!

Samuel: Um-

Philip and Theo: *look at him*

King George: Say something, Seabury!

Samuel: But they're so cute, I-

King George: Samuel!

Samuel: Uh, stop it, children! Leave His Majesty Alone!

Theo: *folds arms and glowers*

Philip: *drops his head into his hand and takes a little bite of his dinner*

Quinn: Here you go, George! *gives dinner* Woah... got quiet in here. What'd I miss?

All: *shudder*

King George: *shudders* Whatever you did to me just now... never do it again. *takes plate* And be faster next time. I shouldn't have to wait this long.

Quinn: Right... anyway, as you all know, the react is Kingsbury-

King George: I heard "king," I'm with you so far.


King George: *gasp* I look fabulous! *cocks head* Why is he there?

Samuel: This, uh, this happens a lot. People draw pictures of us... in love with each other.

King George: Ah. Well, I am irresistible, aren't I?

Hamilton: *prepares to throw a fork at him like he's playing darts*

Eliza: Alexander no.

Hamilton: *drops fork irritatedly*

King George: *nods* The artist captured my hair perfectly. Very fluffy. But my cape doesn't look nearly fluffy enough. Quinn, sentence that artist to five years in prison!

Quinn: Uh, I can't do that?

King George: And why?

Quinn: Because I don't even know who it is. But I'll make sure somebody, uh... really gives them a talking to.

King George: *nods* Fair enough. *takes a bite of his mac and cheese*

Herc: Well, you do write a lot of speeches about him...

King George: That you do, so I'm told. Write me one now.

Samuel: Er... now?

King George: *feigns shock* Oh, I'm so sorry! I completely forgot, you're the king, not I! That means I should be writing an essay about you! *glares* Samuel, are you a loyalist or not?

Samuel: *face pales, nods urgently*

Washington: There's parchment in my office, Samuel.

Samuel: *slips off*

Quinn: *in a quiet voice* I feel kinda bad for him...

Hamilton: I don't. That's what happens when you pledge your loyalty to a king.

Laurens: He's only doing what he thought we all should be doing.

Quinn: *nods sadly* Fair. Well, since Sam's off to write a speech, I guess we can move onto the next react. But first, any final thoughts on Kingsbury?

King George: Samuel understands my greatness and beauty. He's a wise boy, unlike the rest of you.

Theo: *sticks tongue out at King George*

King George: *makes a face and sticks tongue out* I can do that too. *does it again*

Herc: I say misery loves company. Those two deserve each other.

Hamilton: I really dislike both of them, so I am 100% okay with this.


Quinn: Okay, I think we really need to move onto the next request. This one's from brynners123

Hamilton: *heaves a sigh* Oh god, it's my turn.

Quinn: *cringes* Yep. I can't find fan art for this ship (fortunately) so I'll just explain it to you: It's Hambone over here and George Washington.

Several people: *choke on mac and cheese*

Martha Washington: George? What is she talking about?

Washington: *furrows brow* I have no idea...

Quinn: Yeah. So apparently, people ship Alex and George W.

Hamilton: *slack-jawed* Uhhhhhhh...

Herc: Ew. That's weird.

Hamilton: I-

Laff: I mean, they do spend a lot of time together, but not like that, yes?

Hamilton: But-

Philip: But Papa George loves MomMom... and Dad loves Mama.

Jefferson: *smirks* I'm enjoying this too much.

Madison: *smirking too* Imagine if Hamilton did have feelings for him?


[A silence sweeps over the room]

Washington: What?

Hamilton: What?

Washington: You just said that-

Hamilton: I didn't say anything, that was my...stomach.

Madison: *quirks brow* Your stomach said "That would be like dating my father?"

Hamilton: Shut up, James.

Martha: Alexander, it's okay...

Hamilton: I just- it's just- I- uh... *looks at Washington* I'M NOTCHA SON! *runs out of the room*

[Cut to George Washington's office. Samuel is staring at his parchment, a quill in hand]

Hamilton: *runs into office* Oh, Sam. I forgot you were here. *turns to leave*

Samuel: No, you can stay. Maybe you could help me with my speech.

Hamilton: I thought King George was your area of expertise.

Samuel: I mean, it was... can I tell you something?

Hamilton: It's probably gonna be dumb, but sure.

Samuel: Okay... *whispers* I'm not sure if I'm a loyalist anymore.

Hamilton: *raises eyebrows in surprise*

Samuel: I mean, I still don't entirely agree with everything you patriots did, but over the past few months I've gotten to know General Washington. He's an amazing leader... wise, strong, and kind... I've come to really admire him.

Hamilton: Yeah. He's pretty great.

Samuel: He's not nearly the raging buffoon I expected him to be! I suppose that's just you and your friends.

Hamilton: Offended, but I'll let it slide for now.

Samuel: What I'm trying to say is... patriot, loyalist... I don't know what I am...

Hamilton: You've picked a really inopportune time to come to this conclusion.

Samuel: *looks really stressed out* Exactly! *whispers* What am I supposed to do?

Hamilton: If you don't agree with George, let him know. He has no right to push you around, Sam. Whatever you stand for, you're an American. He has no power over you.

Samuel: *nods, taking this in* I suppose you're right... thank you, Secretary Hamilton... What are you in here for?

Hamilton: *stiffens* Oh, y'know... I just love me an office.

Samuel: Are you hiding, too?

Hamilton: I never hide!

Samuel: *cocks head, his eyes boring into his*

Hamilton: *sighs* Another ship went around-

Samuel: I swear, those will be the death of us all.

Hamilton: No kidding. And I may have... admitted something I didn't exactly want to admit.

Samuel: You can tell me if you wish.

Hamilton: Promise you won't tell anyone?

Samuel: I don't have any friends here. Who am I going to tell?

Hamilton: *smirks* I don't know, you and King George are pretty tight.

Samuel: Stop it.

Hamilton: *laughs before growing somber again* Okay, I may have told General Washington that he's... like a father to me.

Samuel: What's so bad about that?

Hamilton: Everything! It's... you wouldn't understand.

Samuel: Alexander, I may be generally unskilled and extremely confused with my political alignment, but I don't think this is as big a deal as you're making it out to be-

Hamilton: Because everyone leaves!

Samuel: ...?

Hamilton: Because everyone I care about in that way... they always leave. My mother died when I was a kid, I never really knew my father... everyone leaves. There, I said it, happy?

Samuel: Alexander, I'm so sorry-

Hamilton: Look, I've never told anyone about this. Not my wife, not my best friends, nobody. For some strange reason, I've chosen to tell you, some random dude I normally can't stand. Don't make me regret it.

Samuel: I won't tell a soul. I promise. And... if I may offer a bit of advice... you shouldn't be afraid to let people in. Just because people have left before doesn't mean everyone will.

Hamilton: *blinks* That wasn't completely obnoxious...

Quinn: *from the other room* Alex! Come on back!

King George: Samuel, where's my essay?

Hamilton: Welp, we better get back there. Good luck, Sam.

Samuel: You too, Secretary Hamilton.

[They head back to the living room, where everyone's sitting]

King George: *sitting on the couch, sees Samuel* There you are. *snaps at* Sit here.

Samuel: *sits next to*

King George: Fluff my cape, make sure it's nice and fluffy.

Samuel: *fluffs cape, looks over at Alex*

Hamilton: *nods knowingly at him*

Samuel: Sir, I-

King George: I don't feel like hearing your voice, Samuel, don't talk to me.

Samuel: *quiets down, looks down sadly*

Eliza: There you are, Alexander! *hugs* I was worried about you.

Hamilton: *hugs* I'm alright, Betsey.

Washington: Do you need to talk about before?

Hamilton: I'm okay, thank you, Sir. I'm sorry for running out.

Washington: It's fine, son. *smiles warmly and squeezes Alex's shoulder before walking away*

Hamilton: *watches him leave, letting a little smile form on his face*

Quinn: Well, if we're all okay, I think we'll end the episode right here. But the party's not over- we'll be back with a part 2 and more! King George, wanna close us out?

King George: Goodbye, my loyal, royal subjects. I'm sure you'll all be back to see me.

All: *shudder*

King George: *shudders* Quinn I thought I told you never to do that again!

Quinn: *looks into the camera like she's on the Office*

Laurens: He's leaving after this part, right?

King George: Are you kidding? Not without dessert!

Burr: *inhales through his nose and massages his eyebrows*

Quinn: Yep, I don't think we're getting rid of him that easily... See you soon, guys!

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