Being The Only Girl

By DreamySha

51.2K 1.5K 151

Taylor grew up without knowing her mother ever since her mother died after giving birth to her. Taylor had to... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 19

1K 31 0
By DreamySha


"What the fuck is going on man?" I shouted as I shove Chad harder. He stumble backwards, "I can explain." he stuttered.

I glared, "Then fucking explain then." I yelled.

I got Taylor home as soon as she passed out at the parking lot. I even called Chad and dad. Dad is sitting on the couch looking guilty. Tay is already awake when they got home.

"Mum left." Chad whisper.

"No fucking way! Like we didn't know already!" Taylor yelled as she throw her hands in the air. I walk towards her and sat beside her, holding her hand. A way to comfort her.

Dad sigh, "When your mother had the two of you, our relationship weren't as strong as before." He started. "I start going home late. And everytime we're home, we would always argued. A lot. But I still love her anyway." He chuckled.

"That one night, when it's only 6 month pregnant of the two of you, that one night when I saw her out with another guy. That night when she got home, I lash out on her." he said, "I was so furious. I throw all the things that can break. I made a messed of the house. She was crying, begging me to stop. I didn't. I push her away, she fell and went unconscious. I was scared. I quickly rush her to the hospital with a crying Chad trailing behind me."

"I was so grateful when nothing's wrong with her. But I couldn't face her anymore. I was hurt. I was broken." He said, more quietly this time. Taylor is already crying and sobbing beside me, "When she woke up, I told her I would let her go. But only after she gave birth to you guys." He told us.

"Why didn't she take us with her?" I asked. He sigh, "Because she didn't care you see. She didn't even protest or argue back when I told her I keeping you guys. She left for the guy and his daughter." he answered.

Taylor cried, "That doesn't mean you should lie to us! All this past years, I believe that mum is at the better place. I thought she fucking love us but she don't!" she scream. I wrap my arms around her when she shouted. Letting out all the pain.

"Why us? What did I do wrong to deserve this?" she cried.

I stroke her hair and rubbed her back as a single tear escaped my eyes. "Lets go to your room alright?" I whisper and lead her to her room.


The next morning after I done with my shower and all, I make my way to Taylor's room.

I open her door and peek my head inside. She's sitting on the window seat, staring outside. I walk in and slowly make my way to her. "Hey." I whispered.

She gave me a small smile before hugging her knees tighter to her chest and rest her chin on her knees. "I'm tired Sam. I don't know how to feel anymore. I don't know if I should feel sad. Mad. Broken. I just don't." she said quietly as a single tear rolled down her cheek.

I hug her close to me, "Hey wanna hang out? We could ditch school and just hang." I suggested, really hoping that she agreed so I could distract her with something.

"Sure." she replied shortly.

I grinned, "Alright. You go change while I go eat my breakfast." I stated. She let out a small chuckle. I smile and walk out of her room.

I got in the kitchen, Chad and dad is sitting on the stool. I inwardly groan and grabbed a bowl and pour some cereal with milk. I sat on the stool, furthest from them and quietly eat on my cereal. Taylor walk in few minutes later. She tensed when she saw the Chad and dad sitting there. She turn her attention to me.

"Can we go now?" she asked, "Please."

I smile and put the bowl on the sink before walking out of the house with Taylor.


"Okay you definitely cheated." I stated once she knock down all the pinball.

After some movies and lunch, I decide to go to bowling with her. Anything with sports can get her off her mind. We've played for few rounds already and she won all the games. She grinned at me, "Nope. I won fair and square."

I snort, "You're tan and you're not square." I joked.

She rolled her eyes, "Not funny Sam." She said and took her sit beside me. "Thank you." she told me.

I look at her confused. She smile, "For distracting my mind." she explained. I chuckle and shrug, "I'd always do anything to keep your smile Tay. You're my twin and sister."

She smile, "You could always win the best brother award." She said chuckling but sniff when a tear escape her eyes. I laugh, "I just want to win the best award when it comes to my family." I replied.

We play another round in bowling when Cameron and the boys came. Taylor start grinning and she went to hug Cameron tightly. He laugh, "Glad to know that I'm missed." he teased.

"Shut up." she said chuckling.

Cameron is a nice guy. I know he won't use girls from how she respect every girl and politely decline a girl's offer when she want to get dirty.

Jared POV

"You messed up big time." Darrel stated when I told him what happened. He got here as soon as I said that I fuck things up.

I groaned, "You think I haven't figure that out already?" I grumbled.

He laugh and put his hand up, "Hey you're the one who decide to take up to that bet." he defense himself. I rolled my eyes and groaned, "Kill me already."

Darrel smack my head and pin me down to the ground. "Dude! What the fuck?" I shouted. He release me and scratch his head, "Thought you said to kill you already?" He asked confused.

I facepalm myself, "I didn't mean literally! How can you actually get a girl when you're dumb?" I exclaimed.

He smirk, "Cause I got this." He answered as he gesture to himself.

I laugh and shove him, "Get out of here." I said. He laugh and got up before walking out of my room. I check my phone message from an unknown number, 'Meet me at the diner in 15 minutes.'

I frowned. Who could it possibly be? I just shrug and went out of the room and walk downstairs just as Darrel shouting something over the tv.

"Dude lets go to the diner. I'm meeting somebody there." I called out as I grabbed my keys.

"Ooh is there gonna be hot chicks involve?" I heard him said awhile later.


Sorry short chapter. Running out of words on what to write at this chapter.

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