Darcy Potter

By GHBookfreak

653K 14.4K 5.8K

Everybody in the Wizard World seems to know The Boy Who Lived, but nobody ever heard of his little sister unt... More

Year 0 - Harry's letter
Year 1 - Darcy's letter
Year 1 - To Hogwarts
Year 1 - Magic classes
Year 1 - The Chamber of Secrets
Year 1 - Quidditch and switch
Year 1 - Dumbledore's return
Year 1 - Tom Marvolo Riddle
Year 2 - What a puffy feeling
Year 2 - Dementors
Year 2 - Sirius Black
Year 2 - Hogsmeade
Year 2 - Snape is my godfather?!
Year 2 - How to become an Animagus
Year 2 - Werewolves at full moon
Year 2 - The House Cup
Year 3 - Quidditch World Cup
Year 3 - Triwizard Tournament
Year 3 - The tasks
Year 3 - Yule Ball
Year 3 - Merpeople
Year 3 - Love Potion
Year 4 - The Order
Year 4 - Dolores Umbrige
Year 4 - Dumbledore's Army
Year 4 - Traitor
Year 4 - Epic exit of the Weasley twins
Year 4 - Department of Mysteries
Year 5 - The Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes
Year 5 - Liquid Luck
Year 5 - The Slug Club
Year 5 - Death Eaters
Year 5 - My Dark Mark
Year 6 - Pass over my sixth year at Hogwarts
Year 6 - The deal
Year 6 - The Intermediate Stage
Year 6 - Back to the living
Year 6 - The Battle of Hogwarts
3 years after the Battle - The Wedding
10 years after the Battle - Christmas
19 years after the Battle - To Hogwarts
Some extra information
My other HP fanfics

Year 3 - Death Eaters

11.7K 264 40
By GHBookfreak

Krum cashed the snitch. The game is over. Ireland: 170 - Bulgaria: 160.

"Ireland wins!" the presenter exclaims happily.

The Irish supporters start singing, dancing and screaming of joy. There is green and white firework while the players proudly do their victory round. The Bulgarian are angry and disappointed. They scream at the Irish and throw things at them. Suddenly I stiffen and I know what is going to happen…

Man with pointy hats and torches burn down the tents on the Quidditch World Cup. In the air there us a sign, a skull with a snake coming out of its mouth.

And it's over. Would the Bulgarian really be this angry? I look around to see if anybody noticed my sudden strange behavior. I see the Malfoys looking at me, all three of them. Mr Malfoy wispers something in Draco's ear and he nods as answer. I quickly look away when Draco gives me a smirk with a devilish look in his eyes. This can never mean something good.

I follow the Weasley's back to our tent. But I can't hear what they're saying, I'm thinking to much. What will happen tonight? Will the Bugarian only attack the Irish or just everybody?

"We need to get out of here, tonight." I exclaim ant they all stop with what they were doing and look at me like I became nuts.

"What did you see?" my brother asks me.

"Burning tents. I don't know who's attacking or who they are attacking, but I think it's safer if we leave."

"Ok, children, start packing. We're leaving tonight." Mr Weasley proclaims.

While we're packing we suddenly here strange noices outside. 

"We need to leave. Now!" Mr Weasley shouts.

We run out of the tent, leaving everything behind. It's total chaos. I loose everyone and can't seem to find them back. I see Harry lying on the ground, he's unconscious.

"Come on, Harry. Wake up! We need to get out of here." I see more and more people running at the woods, untill there is nobody left. We're alone.

"Come on, Harry!" I slap him in the face and he wakes up.

"What happened?"he asks.

"I'll explain later, first we need to get out of here!" I help him up and we start walking to the woods.

"Morsmordre!" someone behind us yells.

We turn around and see the shape of a man throught the smoke. We are to scared to more, to reveal our hiding flace. The man starts walking in our direction.

"Harry!" someone yells from far behind. "Darcy? Where are you?"

When we look back at the man, we see him leaving.

"We've been looking for ages!" Ron exclaims from behind us. "We thought we lost you, mate."

"Stupefy!" the man who just surrounded us yell. We stoop so the spells won't hit us.

"Stop! That are my children!" Mr Weasley shouts and runs to us.

"Ron, Ginny, you're all right? Harry, Darcy, Hermione, you too?"

"Which of you conjured it?" a wizard asks nevously.

"Crouch, you can't possi-" Mr Weasley starts.

"Don't lie!" Mr Crouch warnes. "You've been discoved at the scene of the crime."

"They're just kids, Crouch." Mr Weasley tries to tell him but it is obvious Mr Crouch isn't listening.

"What crime?" Harry asks.

"It's the Dark Mark, it's his mark." Hermione says, so Harry and I look into the sky and see a skull with a snake in it's mouth. Harry touches his forehead, his scar must be burning again.

"Ah, what it's Voldemords? Those people tonight, in the masks, they're his too, aren't they?" my brother asks.

"Yes, they were his followers. Death Eaters." Mr Weasley confirms.

"There was a man, right before you came. He said a strange spell, one I've never heard of. I think it was him who put the sign there. I mean, it must be him. We didn't see anyone else." I tell Mr Crouch.

"Where was he? Tell me girl, where was he?" Mr Crouch asks impatient. I point at the place where the man stood a few minutes ago. Mr Crouch and his man leave and go looking.

"A man?" Who?" Mr Weasley asks us.

"I don't know. We couldn't see his face, there was to much smoke." Harry answers.


On the train to Hogwarts there is only one topic to talk about, the Dark Mark. Me, Ginny, Olivia and Luna sit in our compartment and just like all the others in the train we discuss about that night.

"I still can't believe that you coudn't see the mans face. I mean if you did, this would all have been solved allready." Olivia says.

"I allready told you there was to much smoke to see anything. I can't even say for sure it was a man, even thoughI think it was a man." I say slightly irritated.

"I know but it would have made things easier, you know." she answers.

"Of course I know that, you think I don't know that? That I do it on purpose?"

"Just let it go, please." Ginny cries, Olivia and I immediately stop to argle-bargle. None of us say another word untill we're at Hogwards. After unpacking everything, we go back to the Great Hall.

"Come looking, it's wonderful!" a little boy yells and runs back again. We follow him curiously. We see a carriage pulled by huge horses flying throught the air. The a ship comes out of the water on the lake.

"Everybody to the Great Hall, immediately." Professor McGonagall instructs.

When everybody sits at his table Professor Dumbledore starts talking; "Well, now we're all settles in and sorted, I'd like to make an anouncement. This castle will not only be your home this year, but home to some very other guests as well. You see, after so many years we want to do this tradition again. A tradition that stands for international friendships, the Triwizard Tournament. The Triwizard Tournament brings together three schools: Beauxbatons, Durmstrang and Hogwarts, for series of magical contests. For each schoo, a single student is selected to complete. Now let me be clear. If chosen, you stand alone. And trust me when I say, these contests are not for the faint-hearted. But more of that later. Now, please welcome the lovely ladies of Beauxbatons Academy of Magic and their headmistress, Madame Maxime."

The doors of the Great Hall opens and a group of girls in light blue uniforms enter. They do their performance and then take place at our table.

"And now our friends from the north. Please greet the proud-sons of Durmstrang and their high master, Igor Karkaroff." Dumbledore heralds.

The doors open again and this time there is a group of boys dressed in fur coats. They too do a preformance and then take place at the table of the Slytherins.

"Your attention, please." Dumbledore demands, "I'd like to say a few words. Eternal glory. That is what awaits the student who wins the Triwizard Tournament. But to do this, that student must survive three tasks. Three extremely dangerous tasks. For this reason, the Ministry has seen fit to impose a new rule. To explain all this we have the head of the Departmentof Ineternational Magical Cooperation Mr Bartemius Crouch." When Mr Crouch wants to take his place, the bewitched ceiling starts to lighten. A strange man let it stop. Dumbledore shakes his hand and the man takes place at the High Table.

"After due consideration the Ministry has concluded that, for their own safety, no student under the age of 17 shall be allowed to put forth their name for the Triwizard Tournament. This decision is final." Mr Crouch says andhe gets a lot a response, negetive response.

"Silence!" Dumbledore yells and everything is quiet again. The golden box has been opened. An old goblet with blue fire is now standing next to Dumbledore, "The Goblet of Fire. Anyone wishing to submit theemselves to the tournament need only to write their nameupon a piece of parchment and throw it in the flame before this hour on Thursdaynight. Do not think so lightly. If chosen, ther's is no turning back. As from this moment, the Triwizard Tournament has begun."

And then the feast begins!

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