Kim Possible and Spider-Man:...

By amazjc96

31.7K 875 359

Set 2 years after Kim and Ron's graduation, and shortly after the conclusion of Season 2 of "Spectacular Spid... More

Time is Due
Terminal Insanity
End of School Blues
Facts vs Theories
First Meetings
So The Drama: Kim & Ron
So The Drama: Peter Parker
Who Manages the Relationship?
Life is a Beach
Playing in the Sandbox
New Mission
A Civilian Desire
Discoursing Stacys
Strange New Goals
Mixed Up Messages
Wheel of Misfortune
Following Leads
Kim's Frantic Search for Answers
Firebirds and Spiders
A Spectacular Fight is Possible
Things Start to Come Out
17th & 10th
The Thing about a Stacy's Love
The Loss
What is a Hero?
The City's Farewell


2.2K 55 13
By amazjc96


Back in the states, Kim wakes up in her bedroom, walks down the stairs and goes to the kitchen for breakfast. When she enters, she sees her mother reviewing her itinerary for the week on her tablet, and her father leaned against the counter reading the newspaper. "Good morning" she says kindly.

"Good morning Kimmie-Cub" her father replies, "sleep well."

"Wonderfully" she says as she turns on the television set on the counter. A news station is playing and the news anchor reports on the incident in London.

-Long-time criminal, Dr. Drakken, has been taken into custody along with his associate under the charges of stealing prototypical equipment and holding civilians hostage in London two days ago. The blue-faced criminal's efforts were thwarted by teen hero, now college student, Kim Possible.

"Oh Kim," her mother cut in, "back in the game so soon. Wouldn't you and Ron rather take some time off now that school is over."

"An entire city being threatened by mind control," Kim argued, "I'm not taking any chances, even if it is Drakken." She grabbed a slice of toast off the plate on the table and sat across from her mother. "Where are Tim and Jim?"

"Oh, your brothers are at the high school" her mother answered.

"In the summer?!"

"They've convinced Mr. Barkin to fund a more extensive science program and a start-up robotics club" she continued.

"Now that they are heading into their senior year," her father finished her thought, "they wanted to get some underclassmen to start some projects they had in-mind." Kim was going to say something complementary about her brothers, until the sound of the door opening and closing interrupted her.

"Good morning Mr. and Mrs. Dr. P" Ron exclaims excitedly, which Kim's parents immediately greet him with utter friendliness. "And a lovely morning to you KP" he says kissing her head.

"Morning Ron, you up for anything today."

"By anything, I hope you mean Grande Nacos at Bueno Nacho, a BOOYAH" Ron cheered. Rufus popped his round head out of his pocket full of excitement, "Mmmm, Nacos!"

"Alright, let's not get ahead of ourselves," she said sarcastically. "I have to work at Banana from 9 to 4 today, I'll call you when I'm done, and we'll head over afterward."

"Cool, my parents want me to look after Hana for the day" he explained.

"Sweet, you wanna ride back to your place?"

"I've never said no to a free ride from my lady."

"Ronald," Kim's father said poking fun at what he had said.

"Oh' ha..., sorry sir," Ron answered with a blush.

"Ah, I'm just giving you a hard time son"

Kim finished breakfast and went to grab her stuff. "So Ron," Mrs. Possible spoke, "I know I've probably asked this for the hundredth time, but how is Middleton Community College."

Ron replied with a clench of his fist and a celebratory jerk of his arm. "Never better Dr. P. But uh, now they're asking me to select a major."

"You haven't picked a major yet?!" Mrs. Possible responded.

"See that's the thing, I don't know what I want to do. Plus, I feel comfortable working at Smarty Mart"

"That's fine Ron, but wouldn't your folks like to see you in a much more stable position." Ron had been contemplating whether he wanted to make his position at Smarty Mart permanent or not. To him, it was the dream job that just kept his spirits up. However, he had been working there for almost three years and had only gotten one raise.

"Yeah," he exaggerated, feeling stressed by the topic, "but what good is that idea if I don't know what to do."

"Don't worry Ron" Mrs. Possible continued talking, "college isn't for everyone. Kim's Uncle Slim went to college, but now look where he is. Living out his days in peace ranching in Montana."

"See," Ron exclaimed over-dramatically, "why can't life be that simple."

"It does seem that way, but that was his back-up plan."

"So..." Ron pondered, "you're saying I should become a rancher."

"No Ron," she chuckled, "I'm saying you should have a back-up plan in case things don't work out."

"Oh, oh, Oh Yeah, right. A back-up plan!!"

"Don't worry," she continued, "you'll figure it out." All Ron could say was thanks before Kim rushed back and grabbed Ron by the wrist.

"C'mon Ron, I'm gonna be late" she said, pulling him from his seat. They shouted a quick goodbye to Kim's parents as they left the house and drove off.


Kim walked in with Monique after their shift at Club Banana. They had been talking all day about what had been happening in their lives and were just now getting to the topic of Ron.

"So girl," Monique said, "how are you guys?"

"Given our circumstances, they're... ok." Kim said it with a smile but tried to hide her doubtfulness.

"Are they really?"

"What do you mean?"

"You and Ron have been together your whole lives," Monique explained, "and you guys haven't been the same since you went to school in Europe. You're telling me the distance hasn't changed your relationship."

"Well now that you mention it," Kim answered, "we have been kind of distant from each other, and whenever we do see each other, it's usually during missions or doing the same things we did in high school."

They found a booth along the windows and took their seats, saving a spot for Ron. "What's wrong with that?" Monique inquired.

"Nothing's wrong Monique," Kim argued, "I just miss the spark of it all, you know."

"You two need a break from things and time to be with each other."

"You mean like... a romantic getaway."

"Exactly that!" Monique said with excitement.

"I don't know," Kim stressed, "me and Ron have never done something like that before. Plus, neither of us could afford anything past Upperton."

"Kim, you've been dating the guy for three years, with zero mishaps. How long are you willing to come here every afternoon and the occasional romantic date.' Kim knew Monique's words had meaning, that she and Ron were stuck in a repetitive cycle that could ultimately end their romantic relationship. In her heart, Kim still loved Ron for who he was and for standing by her no matter what, but she wanted their love life to be a bit more spontaneous.

Suddenly, the main doors opened wide, as Ron strutted inside like he owned the place. "Afternoon ladies, are we ready for some Naco-licious snacking?" Monique gave him a quickly fist bump while Kim greeted him with a quick peck on the cheek and a hug. "The usual salad KP?"

"Always" she smiled and Ron strutted up to the counter to order the food. Both girls watched him til he was out of earshot.

"Just ask him," Monique spoke, making Kim turn her head back, "maybe he feels the same way." Soon enough, Ron returned with a large tray of two Nacos and salad.

"Oh how I've missed this" Ron swooned, remembering the good ole' days when he, Kim and Monique would talk out their life problems together or just to navigate themselves through life. Monique gave a light shove of her elbow to Kim, urging her to ask Ron about a "romantic getaway." Kim sighed under her breath and cautiously spoke.

"You know Ron," she started, "Monique and I were talking, and it's come to my attention that we haven't had a proper date in a long time."

"Oh, I know" he agreed. "Hey what do ya say we hit the movies later?" Rufus popped onto the table and started chipping down on the fresh naco in front of Ron. "Oh c'mon bud, save some of that cheesy, beefy goodness for me." Rufus gave a sad whine before taking one last bite and licking the messy beef sauce off his round face.

"Actually Ron, I was thinking of something else."

"Like what?"

"Maybe a little... romantic getaway."

"Oh..." Ron sputtered, "you mean like... a trip... by ourselves... ALONE?!"

Kim reached her hand across the table and held Ron's hand. "Yeah, it'd be fun right?"

"I don't know Kim, we've never had a sleepover before, let alone a couple nights together."

"There's always a first for everything" she said, letting his imagination interpret her words. He pondered the thought for a few seconds while Kim sat awaiting a response. Monique and Rufus watching from the side shifting between Kim and Ron.

"Mmm, you do make a point" he said, causing Kim to grip his hand more tenderly. "But where would we go."

"Ah... still working out the details," Kim explained, "and besides, it's not like we have to go immediately."

*beep-beep-bee-da* The Kimmunicator sounded and Kim reached for it. "What's the sitch, Wade!"

Wade took a sip of his soda before speaking. "You've got a hit on the site, something about an interview for a New York newspaper."

Everyone around the table looked up at each other, wondering what Wade was talking about. "What kind of interview?" Kim asked back to the young teenager on her screen.

Wade helplessly smiled, "I'll just let you talk to the publisher." Wade's image faded into a buzzing display of static, building more mystery within the group. Finally, an image appeared that seemed like an office room overlooking a big city. Countless newspaper articles were framed up on the wall, mostly highlighting the achievements of some astronaut. There was some commotion going on in the background, but nobody was in frame. Everyone looked up at each other one last time. "Uh Wade..." Ron blurted out, "dude there's nobody here. What's going on?"

"Just wait a second," Wade informed them. Soon enough, a loud raspy voice came out from behind, ordering people what to do and speaking at a pace no human could understand.

"Foswell, I need page four! Lee, where's my muffin. AND CAN SOMEBODY PLEASE GET THAT POSSIBLE GIRL ON THE LINE!!"

"Sir, your muffin is waiting on your desk and Ms. Possible is waiting for you to answer" a woman spoke calmly to the fast-talking man. And within seconds, a man with a black and white flattop hair cut and short black mustache appeared on their screen.

"Greetings Ms. Possible," the man grumbled with a smile, "sorry to keep you waiting, but I'll get right to the point."

"What can we do for you Mr..." Kim asked.

"Jameson, Jonah Jameson of the Daily Bugle, the best newspaper in New York City. Heck the best in the world if it were up to me."

"Better than the Times" Ron cut in jokingly.

"Nevermind the Times!" Jameson snapped. "The point is Ms. Possible, you and your friend Stoppable have saved the world more times than anyone could care to count. So, the Bugle would like to run an exclusive story of your many adventures."

"A chance at national stardom," Ron exclaimed, "Booyah! Kim, you have to go."

"What about you Ron?" Kim complained. "Team Possible isn't complete without you and Rufus."

"Son, I want you in the exclusive too," Jameson continued, "our readers admire a story of friends that save the world. Makes them feel better about themselves."

"See Ron..." Kim smiled. "You know," Monique added, "this would be a good opportunity to getaway for a while." Kim and Ron looked at each other, knowing that it was now or never, that a line of trust between them was being tested.

"Well KP, those bags aren't gonna pack themselves. Let's do it!" he answered excitedly. He jumped out of his seat and started running for the door, assumably going home to pack. He abruptly stopped as he met the door, turned around with a concerned face and said, "wait a minute, how are we going to pay for this trip on such short notice."

"Ron's got a point there Mr. Jameson," Kim followed up, "were not exactly getting paid for saving the world."

"The Bugle will cover your flight and hotel arrangements, anything to make this story happen."

"Spankin'," Kim said, "thank you so much for considering us for your exclusive."

"Ha" Jameson harshly chuckled, "sure thing kid, anything to get to keep that wall-crawling menace Spider-Man off the readers minds. BYE BYE!" The screen went black and everyone was looking up at each other once more, this time with more confusion and mystery surging amongst them.

"Spider-Man??" they all said in unison.


A/N- I'M BACK! After 6 months of not posting anything on this story, I have found the motivation and time to continue working. It also helps that the live-action movie is hyping me out. 

At the time of posting this chapter, I have seen the whole movie. I can safely say, it's not bad. You'll have to forgive the pacing at times because it is live-action, but it still plays on the things that we love about the characters. Kim gets jealous when someone does better than her, Ron is the best person you could have for a friend, Shego is always mocking Drakken's schemes. It's a decently good update.

Anyway, back to this story. I finally know where I want to go with these characters and I can't wait to share it with you guys.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Leave a vote if you did, and don't forget to express your thoughts in the comments.

Not sure when the next chapter will be posted. Hopefully 2-5 weeks. Until next time, BYE!!! 

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