Kyle Broflovski x Reader

By watermellonsugar

162K 2.3K 1.9K

no one asked for this , i really hope at least one of you enjoys this. More

| Chapter 1 |
| Chapter 2 |
| Chapter 3 |
| Chapter 4 |
| Chapter 5 |
| Chapter 6 |
| Chapter 7 |
|Chapter 9|
| Chapter 10 |
| Chapter 11|
| Chapter 12 |
| Chapter 13 |
| Chapter 14 |
| Chapter 15 |
| Chapter 16 |
| Chapter 17 |
| Chapter 18 |
| Chapter 19 |
| Chapter 20 |

| Chapter 8 |

6.5K 109 39
By watermellonsugar

•Your POV•

An hour into the party everyone was in their place. The jocks in the patio taking shots and playing beer pong. The cheerleaders around the fire pit gossiping. Outcasts sitting on the stairs on their phone. Then, a bit of everyone on the dance floor. I sat in the kitchen where people where either searching for more alcohol or eating. I was eating.
"Hey I got you this." David handed me a red solo cup.
"What's inside?" I stuck my nose in and the smell of beer instantly.
"Beer. Do you drink?" He sips from his cup. I studied his face and watched as he gave no reaction to the taste.
"Yeah?" I tipped the cup into my mouth and took a sip. The taste hit my tongue and sent chills. "Yeah no." I took another sip.
"Heh, well if you go to more high school parties you'll get used to it." David takes a huge gulp of his beer and we both look around to see if anyone could save this conversation. Out of nowhere, Butters entered the kitchen with excitement.
"Guys! Bebe came up with the neat idea to play Spin-the-bottle." Butter held up an empty 1.25 liter bottle of Coke. Others, like Bebe, Clyde, Red, Eric and even Craig and Tweek walked into the kitchen.
"Tweek and I will sit this one out, but I have a feeling this is going to be interesting." Clyde wrapped his arm around Tweek. The other couples decided to watch the singles get together in a game of spin the bottle , aka 7 minutes in heaven.
"Hey I wanna join too." Kyle exclaims as he went up to the group that was surrounded by the kitchen island.
"Do you wanna join?" David whispered to me.
"Sure." I chugged the rest of the beer .
"I hope I get you." David mumbled as we also gathered around the kitchen island. Kyle stood beside me as well.
"I hope I get you" Kyle mocked David. I roll my eyes at Kyle's comment then nudge him. I watch as Butters holds the bottle.
"Okay, Eric is going first." Butters announced to everyone.
" I can't believe I'm fucking doing this." Eric groaned. He spun the bottle that went on for a few seconds. "So what , I go into the closet with whoever I get?" Eric asked as the bottle slowed down.
"Yeah, and do whatever." Bebe shrugged. The bottle slowed down even more. Everyone stared at the tip of the bottle to see who it would land on. It landed on..
"(y/n) ?" Kyle yelled. Everyone looked up at me with a shocked face.
"Jealous?" Eric taunted Kyle , purposely in front of everyone.
"No! Its just-" Kyle stopped talking to not make the situation worse for himself.
"Alright you two- in the closet!" Butters forced us to go into the living room closet- which was small.
"Fuck." I see Eric get pushed into the closet, then I turned around and see Kyle. Standing there. He gave me two thumb up and mouthed the words "It's only 7 minutes." I get shoved in the closet and bump right into Eric's stomach. The closet door slams on me and we both stumbled as we stood in the cramped closet.
"We can't fucking fit!" I yell as I push him back. He falls back hitting his head on the shelf.
"Ow! God fucking damnit!" He sits on the ground and holds his head.
"Well sorry- If it wasn't for you being so fat then w-"
"Don't call me fat you bitch."
"Don't call me a bitch fatass." I sit down as well as we both sit in silence.
"Jesus.. how long has it been." Eric whines.
"Barley a minute." I cross my legs and lean against the closet door.
"Sorry for pushing you." I apologize.
"Yeah. Its okay." Eric stops rubbing his head.
"Are we supposed to like- make out? Like you and Kyle?" He makes a stupid kissy face and mocks the sound of kissing.
"Please shut up." I huff.
"Well it's Kyle. I can't pass up an opportunity to make fun of him. Even if he's not around to hear it." Eric laughs his very loud and annoying laugh.
"Well technically you were just making fun of the both of us." I correct him.
"Eh, win-win." Eric shrugs and brushes off my comment.
"Er.. okay. Well I don't think it's funny.. have you told anyone?" I whisper as if someone were listening.
"No! No one cares anyway."
"I care- if people know. And now I'm really trying hard to trust you." I sigh.
"You.. trust me? Ok." He scoffs.
"No Eric. I really do. I trust you. I know it may not seem like it... but I do." I press my legs against my chest and look up at Eric and try to find his eyes in the dimly lit closet.
"I thought you hated me." I could finally see his eyes.
"Well.. there are sometimes that I hate you but no matter what you and I are still friends. Best friends." I tried not to hesitate when saying 'best friend', its not that I didn't mean it, its that usually him and I never truly bonded since we were little kids. Even then, we never got around to talk about feelings and stuff. Our friendship was never like that. "I know we haven't really bonded in forever- but I just wanted to tell you that- and not only saying this because o-"
"You're rambling." Eric interrupts me.
"You're right- sorry. But you get what I'm trying to say?" I ramble again.
"Yes (y/n). Also, I don't know if I'm totally cool with you and Kyle but it's not my life so do whatever." He looked down to the ground.
"Does this mean we still have to do your homework?" I groan.
"Yes. I just think that you should tell everyone. Don't hide it. Like I said, no body really cares." He looks back up at me.
"Thanks Eric.. for the advice I guess." I smile.
"I'll keep your secret though. You can trust me. You're the only person that really cares for me." Eric shakes his head in cringe to his response. He never really talks about his emotions like this so he must really trust me back. Maybe him and I are kinda like best friends.
"Don't tell anyone about this conversation." Eric warned me as we both turned towards the door.
"30 more seconds!" Butters yelled from the other side.
"Fucking.. finally." Eric stood up, sounding a bit out of breath. I also stand up and glance at everyone staring at us as we exit the closet.
"God that was stupid." I mumble as I approached Kyle who was standing there with his arms crossed.
"Can we not play this game anymore." I ask Kyle.
"Way ahead of you." I see him eye something in the distance. "I have an idea.." I see him disappear into the kitchen.
"Ok then." I stood there while drunk people pushed past me. "God damnit."
I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist. I jumped and figured it was one of my girlfriends - Red or Nicole....or maybe even Kyle.
"Kyle?" I look down to look at his pale hands, except they weren't Kyle's hands. The hands wrapped around me were darker. "What the.." I watch the hands let go of me and spin me around.
"(Y/n) , there you are." David huffed as the smell of beer hit my face.
"Oh hey," I smile trying to cover the fact that I totally forgot about him. How did he get this drunk in 7 minutes? I looked around for Kyle, instead he grabbed me and rocked me back and forth. "Uh." I listened to him shush me.
"Listen to the song." David whispered. The song was a slower song, I've heard this song before but didn't know the lyrics or the name.
"Ah." I exclaimed awkwardly. He continued to sway me around. I looked up at him and his eyes were shutting.
"I'm glad I came to this party with you (y/n)." He drunkly says.
"You're really drunk aren't you?" I free myself from his grip and he nods.
"I mean- yeah. Its a party." He faintly smiles and leans back.
"Woah lets sit you down." I direct him to the couch. I bend over to help him sit down. As I try to straighten up, he grabs my shirt and pulls me close to him. For a kiss. I try to pull away but he continued to hold onto me.
"Uh, hey David!" Someone says nervously. It was Kyle. This stopped David from laying one on me.
"Hey Kyle.." David whispers and shuts his eyes.
"He must be really tired." Kyle grabs my hand.
"Yeah, and thanks I guess."
"I guess?" Kyle asks.
"Yeah.. I don't know." I sigh. I felt bad that I actually don't want to kiss David.
"Well let's go." Kyle pulls me and leads me to the basement. No one was really down here, mostly everyone was upstairs enjoying the party. There were a few couples down here drunkenly making out. We exchanged glances and giggle loudly as we run to the bathroom that was inside the basement.
"What are we doing here?" I ask as he pulls out two beer cans.
"Its a party. Lets have a drink at least." Kyle smiles. I nod as he hands me the can and I open it. The sizzle of the beer fills the empty room as we both look at it, as if we didn't know what it was.
"Cheers." Kyle holds his drink up and I clink my can with his.
"Cheers Kyle." I take a small sip of the beer and try to hold my back in making an ugly face. Kyle didn't hold back ,and made a sour face.
"God that is awful." Kyle chuckles as he coughs a bit. I laugh as he sets the beer down next to the sink.
"(y/n) do you really think we should tell David? It looks like he kinda likes you." Kyle takes a sip as his voice gets quiet.
"Kyle I don't know. We could always just tell people?" I glance at him to catch his reaction. He shakes his head.
"I don't know (y/n). I really want things to work out."
"Work out? Why wouldn't it." He was obviously scared of our relationship not working out. I grab his arm. "Kyle." I had the urge to keep talking. Instead I wrapped my arms around him and let my face rest in his chest. A feeling I really loved. Being close to him, hearing his heart beat as my ear was pressed against his chest. I smile and he pulls away and kisses my lips. He grabs me by my waist and pulls me up on the counter. He holds me and strokes my hair. He leans in and we begin to kiss. The kiss was full of passion. I fall into a relaxation as he leads the kiss. His lips pressing harder and harder against mine.
The door swings open and Kyle immediately lets go of our kiss and we both stare at the door. Kyle and I look at who entered the bathroom, it was a stupidly wasted Bebe who was leaning against Wendy. Kyle continues to hold onto me but instead I grab his hands and pull them off myself. I jump off the counter and I laugh nervously.
"Hey Wendy." We both say in unison.
"So am I supposed to act like I did not see anything?" She pushed past us and directed Bebe to the toilet.
"Wendy.. please don't tell anyone." Kyle stutters.
"Tell anyone what? Whatever you two are doing is none of my business." Wendy brushes us off as she holds Bebe's hair as Bebe sticks her head in the toilet.
"Wendy, seriously don't tell anyone. I know you like, don't like me or whatever but we don't want anyone to know." I rambled a bit.
"Okay, well in my opinion it's best you tell people. Some people aren't going to be happy that you guys are sneaking off. Because the longer you wait the more angrier people get. I assume all the boys in your little group know?" Wendy asks as Bebe hurls into the toilet.
"No." Kyle answers quickly.
"Well then that's your guy's problem. Not mine. So can you guys get out now." She looks at Bebe who was still puking.
"Thanks Wendy." Kyle answers quickly again and he rushed out the bathroom. I walk out the bathroom slowly and shut the door.
"That felt like we just got in trouble." Kyle sighs as his face goes from red back to it's pale color.
"Kyle don't listen to her. You're okay. We're okay." Suddenly the sound of footsteps running come from upstairs. We come up and see kids rushing out and a few cleaning. The place looks like people have been cleaning at it for a while.
"Kenny." Kyle stops Kenny as he was rushing out the door. "What's going on?"
"Token's parents are coming home early, so everyone is either leaving or cleaning. Let's go dudes." Kenny runs out the door.
Kyle walks over to the couch were we left David on, but he was gone.
"Shit! Where'd he go?" We both look around a bit worried. As I look around I see Nicole cleaning up. I walk over to her.
"Hey Nicole, have you seen David?"
"Yeah actually he left with one of his cousins or something." Nicole nods.
"Oh alright. Thought I lost him." I sighed in relief. "Well I'm leaving, tell Token that this was a fun party." I wave.
"Okay, bye (y/n)! Talk to you later." Kyle and I walk out the door and see the boys all waiting for us on the sidewalk.
"Alright let's go before it gets even later." Stan groans. We all walked down the street, and walked onto the train tracks in silence. Eventually Stan and Kyle started talking then Kenny, Eric and I all had a lengthy conversation about the new trailer for the new Terrance and Phillip movie, Asses of Fire 3.
It always felt nice to be with the boys. I glance at all their laughing faces and grin widely.
We first approached Kenny's house since we went down the train tracks. Next was Kyle and Stan's house. Kyle was sleeping over at Stan's so we all stopped in front of Stan's house.
"Alright dudes. You guys should come over tomorrow. We can hang." Stan yawns.
"Kay'." Eric also yawns.
"Goodnight guys." I wave at Kyle and Stan as they walk into Stan's house.
Eric and I walk the rest of the way to his house, since his house is before mine.
"Bye Eric. Goodnight." I walk away.
"Wait (y/n) ." Eric pulls me and hugs me. "Thanks." I recall back to what happened at the party and I grin and hug him back.
"You're welcome Eric." He lets go and looks around.
"Don't tell anyone I hugged you." Eric groaned and walked into his house. I sigh and walk to my house. I opened the door quietly but my mom was awake. Sitting on the cough.
"(Y/n) you're back. I couldn't sleep." She smiles weakly. Her eyes more tired than ever.
"Hi mom. Did I keep you up?" I sit next to her on the couch. I lean my head onto her shoulder.
"Kind of." She sighs and hugs me. "Lets go to sleep." She yawns.
"Okay mom."

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