My Brothers Best friend (REWR...

Par ladiablitaaa

276K 6.5K 1.2K

I call him the devil because he makes me want to sin. And every time he knocks, I cant help but let him in. "... Plus

1|He's so bad, but he does it so well...
2|She has the laugh of an angel, and the smile of the devil
3|You have eyes dear, but you can not see
4|Who are you
5| Awaken the beast
6|Trouble in paradise
7| That girl is poison
8|A devil's kiss
9| A kiss as red as blood and hot as hell
10| I'll scratch and bite
11|Daddy issues?
12| Caught in the crossfire
13| I must of been naughty this year
14|Heaven sighs
15|Seduce and destroy
16|Blow a kiss fire a gun
17|In fight, they're lethal. Around each other, they melt
18|Im everything u cant control
19|I met her a church, but she can be satan
20|A loss of inoccents
21|Half heaven half hell
23|Baby your the highlight of my low life
24|Hit me like a tidal wave
25|It would be a shame, to damage that beautiful face
26|You dont own me
28|Are you flirting or starting a fight?
29| For you Ill risk it all
30|The new girl
31| just friends?
32|kiss me, or kill me
33|Is the big bad wolf a puppy in disguise?
34|The Masquerade Ball
35|Tell me lies and I'll hurt you darling
36|Lips of honey, eyes on fire
37| Her dying wish
38| What doesn't kill me better run
39|Love me like my demons do
40| A visit from family
Possible book cover ?🤔🤭
41| New guys in town

27|Two litttle horns

4.2K 94 29
Par ladiablitaaa

The night sky stood an inky canopy of darkness freckled only by the fewest of stars. As crunching gravel, and the exhaust from the parked cars had took over. No buildings, no cities till miles back, it was the perfect place.

Damon stood behind Adrien using his hand against her back to led her, where she needed to go. Gravel getting stuck in her heels, as she walked.

Behind Damon and Adrien was Damons parked Black Camaro ,Its headlights beaming bravely into the night ,lighting up the two. Razor and zane stood behind, not getting in the way.

Infront of Adrien awaited Xander another Gang leader, even worse than Damon. Xanders men stood behind him, holding guns in hand. Too the right of Xander, is a man who hasn't shaved in a while, his lobster skin is dashed in dirty grey hairs, and tattoos. He has the look of a man who once had muscles, broad over the back and thick in the neck. To the left of Xander is another man, washed with brown toned flesh, and large coverage of tattoos. The attention of his shiny medal on his skin, as he wore two brass knuckles on either side.

Adrien knows she shouldn't be starring like this, but she feels safe too look while Xanders men are looking away.

Xander stares at Adrien from across the road, lurking in the shadows staring, like a cobra seeking its prey. Wide eyes black as inky pools, dark shadows under sunken eyes, harden features, hair slicked back, deep bones, an evil glint in the eyes, bright false smile suddenly friendly. The only thing keeping them apart was the few feet standing in the way.

"Damon." His hasty voice speaks, raising his voice over the night winds. "I didn't think you would actually come."

"I could say the same too you, knowing I did almost kill you."

"What are friends for if they aren't willing to tie other friends to chairs and lock them in random basements?"

Damon smiles. "I couldn't agree more."

"You've got something that I want Thorn." His lips turn into a hasty grin.

"And you've got something that I need."

"Hand over the girl." His voice becomes higher pivoted and moor deep, and defined.

He scuffs grinning, "Hand over the money first."

Damon and Adrien watch from across the way, as Xanders head is turned, talking too his men.

Shortly after, the two men walked toarwds them, their body weight shifting to one side as they walked, holding two duffle bags in hand. They men didn't say a word as they dropped the two bags too the floor.

Damon looked down to the ground seeing the color of fresh green money stacked in the bags. By the time he looked up, Xanders men had already found their way back to Xander.

"Now... the girl."

"Thats a big price to pay for a girl." Damon stood behind Adrien, still holding his hand on her upper back.

"Well what can I say? his lips turned into a smirk, She is quit exquisite,"

"Now..." He huffed tired of waiting, "The girl?"

Adrien turned her head around and looked right at Damon. He said nothing. It was as if the months they had spent together, the time she spent loving him, just weren't important. As if they meant nothing at all too him. As if they never happened.

"Well,"  Xander says.

Damon  whispers down in her ear, "Your not going to keep the man waiting are you?"

She paused. Standing there not saying a word, almost as if she was a maniquine as the wind blew through her jet black hair.

And then, she took a step.

Walking towards the man, who was sure too defeat her for good. 

Walking too the man who would buy her soul.

She took another step, as all eyes were on her, following her every move.  Instead of running, she walked, instead of crying, she was emotionless. There was no joy. no anger, no sadness, or resentment. Instead of feeling betrayed, she felt nothing, instead of feeling anything at all, she felt numb.

With each stride, her soul becomes more empty. face wiped clean, as if a screen had been pulled down to hide her emotions. Eyes plastered to her "death" ahead of her.

Xander smirked seeing Adrien walk towards him. Licking his lips, as she was now only a few inches away.

And then... his dark empty eyes, met her beautiful brown eyes.

The corner of his lips turned into the most deadliest smirk, as he eye fucked Adrien, admiring her head to heel.

He grabbed her shoulders, running his hand down her arm softly. Suddenly, He turned her around as she now  faced Damon from across the road. His hot breath fanning the back of her neck, the cold air against her skin making her shiver  as he whispered, "Ive been waiting too get my hands on you, I just didn't think your little boyfriend would be the one to give you up."

Xander grabbed  her hair, putting it too one side as he closed his eyes gracing his lips too her neck.

Damons face met Adrien's from across the way, her eyes starring into Damons as Xander laid his lips on her skin. He did not love her. At least, thats what he told himself. He tried his hardest to remember her eyes because after tonight, he'd never see them again.

"Boys." Xander smiled happy as he was about to drive away with his prey.

Xander pressed his hand to Adriens back, leading her into the car. She paused and took one more look to Damon, knowing this was the last time shed ever see him.

"Pleasure doing business with you Damon."

He shook his head seeing Xander about to get into the car with Adrien. He threw his head back out of frustration as he turn around facing the other way. "Don't do it Damon." he told him self.

He gave a frustrated laugh, "Oh what the fuck,"  He said as he swiftly pulled the  gun tucked under his belt.

A single gun shot was fired , as Xanders body dropped too the ground, and Adrien screams.

The bullet nearly missed her, wide eyed, and frozen in panic.

Suddenly the sound of more shots grazed the midnight sky like lighting. Adrien quickly dropped down to ground, luckily she had the car to use as cover. Her heart practically beating out of her chest, for she didn't know what was going on. As she turned her head she yelped seeing  Xanders lifeless body lay to the ground a few inches away from her.

Adrien turned the corner, looking over the car rear headlights. She saw Damon and his men taking cover as well from across the way, as they shots went back and fourth between Damons men and Xanders men. 

"Cover me." Damon shouted, as Razor nodded.

Adrien watched as Damon ran out in the open, she almost wanted too yell for him too stop but she knew there was no way he'd listen.

She worried each step he took as he got closer and closer too her, crouching down as bullets nearly missed him.

"What are you doing!" You could hear the panic in her voice as he kneeled down to the other side of the car.

"Saving you."

With that being said, he grabbed Adrien by her wrist pulling her along with him as they ducked down , running.

Adrien kneeled beside him, as occasionally Damon would stood up and shoot, before kneeling right back down.  They were only a few feet apart from Damons car, but it seemed much further when hey had bullets being shot at them.

Damon shot another shot, hitting one of the fatter men in the arm, as he jolted back.

"Fuck." A voice yelled as Adrien recognized it. She looked up ahead too see Razor Holding his left  arm in place, he had taken a bullet shot from Xanders men.

"Run too the car and take cover." Damon demand quickly.

She nodded as she quickly ran to Damons car, crouching behind it with razor. She watched as Damon shot a bullet in of the mens leg, then finishing him off by taking a bullet too his head.

"Adrien get in the car." His low husky voice ordered, raspy from all the yelling and wind.

She followed his orders, scared of what would happen if she didn't.


As I walked through Damons club, everything reminded the same. As if I never left, but what was I thinking, that I left my mark?

Half naked girls walked around the bar area, being friendly to business partners who showed up.   They did what they were told too, make the man feel relaxed as if all his worries were gone, explain too him that making a deal with Damon was the best decision they could make, then give them a quick fuck.

The rest of the men spurred the living room, some criminals, some men. Some played poker, some marked their territory on a lady that they wanted, making her his, and only his. The rest drinking, or cleaning there guns.

"Adrien." A familiar voice yelled, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I turned my head too see Damon giving me a cold stare, pulling me into him by my wrist.  "Cecelia will run you a bath upstairs."

"But I don-"

"don't disobey me," he looked down into my eyes giving me a harsh look. "Now go upstairs."

I sighed before walking up the stairs,  following Cecelia.

She was an older lady, long grey hair, thin green eyes, and short. She seemed too nice of a person too be working here, I mean what could she possibly want with a house full of gang members.

She lets me into a room as it looks familiar.

Damons room.

The King sized bed matched with the flat screen TV, along with a dresser used just too hold his guns, and knifes.

"I um- I think this is the wrong room."

She opens up his bathroom door, "Damon give me strict orders too take you too this room, he also told me you were a stubborn one, and too make sure you didn't try too escape."

I almost choked at her words.

I watched as she turned the water on too the bath, jets covered around each corner, as the bath tub was big enough too fit four people.

"Call me when your in," She smiled, and I gave a hesitate one back, not knowing what she meant.

I sighed, was I really about to step into the bath tub  of a man who tried to sell me to a gang member?

damn right I was.

I had been walking in heels all night, almost shoot more times then I could remember, stabbed multiple times, and feel like complete, utterly shit.

I needed to rest, even if it meant resting in the same mans house who tried too sell me away.

After slipping out of the dress, I put one foot in the tub too check the temperature.

it was just right.

The rest of my body followed, as I layed back, resting my head on the side of the tub.

A slight knock on the door followed, "Are you ready miss?"

"Um... yes." I replied nervously.

She walked in holding lotions in hand, along with different soaps. She sat down on a small stool as she grabbed my arm out of the water, and began to rub it, as I instantly flenched.

"Relax," she smiles. "Just try too calm down, and enjoy this while you can. Its not everyday Damon will let you do this."

I took a deep breath before taking my arm out of the water, and resting it back in her hands. She was right, it was always fight, kill, train, with Damon. I Better enjoy this while it last.

I was glad the bubbles from the soap in the water, covered my body. I really wasn't trying to flash ol granny over here.

"Cecelia can I ask you something?"

She smiled, looking up. "of course dear, anything."

"How did you get thrown into here? I mean no offense you really don't look like the type to be living in a house with a bunch of asshole criminals. Did Damon threaten you or something? "

She laughs, "No dear you see, I used too be just like you." She grinned. Young, thin, care free, beautiful."

She continues to rub my arm as she talks, " If you must know, When I was 19 I met Lerenzo." Her cheeks blush as she says his name. "He was ordinary, not like the most. I was a troubled girl dealing with my abusive father at the time, and one day I had gotten beat so bad I ran too the hills. "

My heart feels for her as she tells her story, "Eventually I found myself in a ally all alone crying, when some men and their friends  showed up."

She sighed

" Oh they put me into a corner, told me I was broken, told me I wouldn't feel a thing for what they were about to do too.She raised an eyebrow, "I still remember it perfectly you know, one of the men tried to feel his hand up my skirt, and thats when Lorenzo found me."

I laid there intrigued wanting too here more, "Boy let me tell you. He beat every last men there until none of them were left standing. He told them if one of them were ever to come back and touch me, He would slice their throats, and feed there guts too his dogs."

I coughed not expecting too hear that.

"It was the most, threatening , scariest, ultra-frying, thing that I've ever seen. But it was also the most sweetest thing somebody has ever done for me."

I smiled hearing her words. "He made sure my father never laid a hand on me after that night. He was a criminal no doubt, but something drew me into him. He wasn't a ruthless man like people said he was. He was broken from all the scars, all the bullet wounds, all the sleep less nights.  He needed to find his peace. I was an angel seeking chaos, and he was a demon seeking peace. We ran off together, he robbed a bank and we headed for some place far, some place away from everything. I can say I didn't like his criminal ways, but every decision he made was for me. "

"And then what happen? did you guys stay alone forever?" 

She smiled, " Well Soon enough the feds came after him, sentenced him a life time in jail, but I waited for him, every day every night. I promised too him too never love another man until we reunited again."

"And did you get too?... Reunite? "

"lets just say... in another life." She grabbed the cross that hung from her neck, and kissed it.

"Did you regret it? the waiting? The fear of him being caught? "

She looked at me and smiled, her eyes beaming brightly. "Not once."

A sudeden knock on the door, interrupted, as Cecilia gestured for the person too come in.

There he was.

The person I was hoping too avoid.

"Do you mind if I take over." Damon asks.


Cecelia grins, "She's all yours."

I call her name before she leaves , and she looks back. "How did he not get caught... when he robbed the bank?"

"lets just say he had some help", She winks and I laugh.

Who knew granny here was just as guilty as him.

I don't say a word to Damon as replaces Cecelias spot. All though I can't help but notice as he rolls up his button up shirt sleeves, adjusting them too his forearms.

"You here to finish me off sweetheart?"

He gives a deep chuckle, "I always knew you were into that kinky stuff."  I roll my eyes, as he reads my face saying 'what the fuck do you want'.

"I wanna have a chat, about the stunt you pulled earlier."

"Stunt?! why don't we talk about you fucking trading me too some gang member!" I throw my hands in the air, and let them hit the water as the water splashes on to his face and he squints. I wanted too get up and leave, but I realized underneath these bubbles, I was naked.

He took a deep breath, as I stared straight ahead. I couldn't find it in myself to make any eye contact with him.

"You were going to trade me to a fucking criminal you vacca foeda!"

"First of all, I am not a dirty cow. " He raised a brow, "Second of all, what have you learned from this?"

I shook my head in despite, "That I should of shot you when I had the chance."

I could see him grin from the corner of my eye, "Couldn't you have sugar coated that a little bit."

"Oh but the truth is so much more interesting."

"I didn't expect you too show up at that house." He coughed, and I smirked.

"Why did you do it."

"Why did I do what?" He questioned, even though he know exactly what I meant.

"U turned me in,  and then you." I paused swallowing the lump in my throat. "You saved me."

"Me save you?" He laughs, "I just said that so you would listen too me, I merely was just trying too avoid you  escaping Xander and hunt me down too the depths of hell." 

I smirked, "Oh comon now," I  finally looking him in his eyes, "You know deep down, in that bad boy boy heart of yours," I licked my lips tilting my head. " You feel something for me."

"Oh Adrien, my poor  innocent Adrien." My name sounds like death and fiery deception on his tongue. "Feeling is an emotion specific for those who care, and my darling. I do not care."

"So," I say softly and slowly, "If I were too lean in too kiss you, your telling me," My tongue clicks against the roof of my mouth as I prolong each word. "You wouldn't feel a single thing?"

His face grows closer too mine, Our eyes grazing into each others. His slicked back brown hair, the tattoos that swirl above the neckline of his button up shirt. His cologne lingers on to me as I recognize the smell of it.

why did he have too smell like that

He crosses his arms over the tub, as one of his hands wraps around the back of my head. He leans me close tilting his head as I follow his actions. Dear god, he couldn't fight against the thoughts that were going through him, Her very smell was flooding his senses now.

He smirks against my lips, as his lips brush mine. I smirk back as I suddenly take both hands to his head, slamming it against the bath tub.

"Aw, I give a fake pout  tilting my head to the side, "Did you really think I was going too kiss you?"

"Fuck". he groans as he lifts his head up, A small cut resting on his forehead.

He cracks his jaw back in place, glaring at me as I glared back smirking. "If you think that was supposed too hurt me? then your wrong, because shit like that turns me on.

He gets up from the stool and walks too the bathroom door leaving. Suddenly He looks back over his shoulder and smirks, "You just started a fight with the devil, be prepared Adrien from now on, I am going to make your life a living hell. Every where you go, Ill be one step ahead of you, every guy you meet, ill will hunt them down, you try to escape me? Ill be right there too bring you back. You've got two little horns and my dear, and  there is no where to run.  You think you can fight this? he laughs, think again. You are buried under my skin, you are the flesh I bled.  whats the matter? he smirks seeing the nerves look on my face. Scared of a little temptation? Ill give you the sin you ask for, will see how long you can take it- how long you can keep up. If Im your salvation, then welcome to hell."

Omg, I just want to say thank you too alll my amazing readers for 102k reads! I never thought my story would come this far, I remember when I had gotten  100 reads and I was so exited, so imagine seeing 102K!! If you guys have any suggestions for this story or something you'd like too see more off, as in  its characters or whatever... Id love to hear them, fill free to comment them or inbox me. Also how r u guys feeling on Damon and Adrien ;) I am trying too become more active on posting new chapters faster, and making them longer. So please be patient with me. Sooo thank you for reading My brothers best💖 xoxo

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