
By Arctictfox

10.1K 587 551

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure (Attempt)! AU. All JoJo's are alive, at the same time. I want it to be more of a la... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Author's Disposable Note!
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90

Chapter 11

118 8 0
By Arctictfox

[Name] Reader

[F/C] Favorite color

[E/C] Eye color

[H/C] Hair color




A couple of minutes of talking with Joseph, most of that consisted of you laughing at his flirting attempts, and he suddenly bolts up and screams out to someone. "HEEEEY! WE'RE OVER HERE MR.LIMO DRIVER!!" You had been startled at his sudden yelling but quickly calm yourself down as you realize to whom he had been yelling to. "Alright! Let's go, m'lady, your chariot awaits." He says as he takes your hand and begins leading you to a large black blur that was pulling up to you two. Once it pulls over you both stop at the back door. You hear the gears of the window as it begins to lower.

"Oh, would you look at who I just ran into." You hear a familiar deep voice say. "Oh, hey there DIO. Mind giving us a ride home?" Joseph asks as he releases your hand and leans down closer to the window. "Hmm, well, normally I wouldn't bother picking up some street trash, but I'm not one to leave a lady in need of assistance." You hear Joseph grunt in irritation. "Did you just call me trash? You pompous-" Joseph gets cut off as the door begins to open and a large yellow and red blur step out. "Come now, Joseph, is that any way to behave in front of a lady? Now, if you'd still like for me to give you a ride home, I would suggest getting in now before I change my mind and only take her with me. After all, what kind of gentleman would make a lady go on foot for a possible 30 minute walk, over a simple 10 to 15 minute drive?" DIO says as he holds the door open to the both of you. Joseph lets an irritated growl out before he places his hand at the small of your back again. "Fine. Just don't try anything funny." Joseph warns as he gently helps you into the car while pushing DIO to the side and then entering right after you. "I would never dream of it, Joestar." DIO says as he climbs in last. You wondered how both imposing men could possibly fit through the car's door, but they some how managed to. You scoot off to the right side of the seat, Joseph sat next to you, and DIO sat in the center of the back seat, facing forward. "Thank you, DIO." You say, even if you didn't really like him, he was a bit of a dick, you still appreciated that he had at LEAST decided to help you both out. "But of course, anything for such a lovely lady." He says with a purr at the end. You fight off the blush that threatened to cross your face as you gave him an awkward smile. You shifted in your seat and removed your bag, still cautious of its contents. You reach into your bag and carefully feel around for the glass figure. You let out a content sigh as you feel it is still in one piece. "Did it break?" Joseph asks, curious to know if it managed to stay in one piece. "It's good. I can't wait to put this in my room. I think it'll look nice by the window! Once the sun hits it, it should look pretty." You say as you begin to close your bag again. "Not as pretty as you though~." Joseph says from your right, he was between you and DIO. You feel him wrap his left arm around your shoulders and bring you closer to him. You blow a raspberry as you begin to laugh and elbow him in his side. "Ow! What was that for?!" He calls out as you begin to slide yourself away from him after he releases you to grab his side. "Hmm, looks like she knows your words mean so little. I believe your cheap flirtatious tricks won't work on here Joseph." DIO says as he stretches his legs in front of him, crossing them at the ankles and then crosses his arms. You could only imagine the arrogant smirk he had on his face. "Joseph's fine, his stupid flirts are funny, I don't take him seriously at all because I have friends that are similar to him." You say with a small laugh as you send Joseph a smile. "You hear that DIO? She's fine with me and my flirting. I just have to use my best lines on here from here on out!" He says as he crosses his arms and faces the blond.

You roll your eyes from next to him but still smile. "Really now? I feel that someone with better charm would be able to treat her with more respect, while also showering her with flattery, and would be able to show her just how a woman of her beauty should be treated. Wouldn't you agree, love?" You turn your attention to the arrogant male as he shifted himself from sitting in the back to sitting opposite of you and Joseph, though he was sitting directly in front of you now.

"Uh, I really wouldn't know... I mean, it just seems like it's kind of pointless to flirt with someone just because you can. Which is also kind of the reason why I laugh at what ever Joseph and Caesar say to me." You say as you begin to laugh while nudging Joseph. "Hey, you can't say I'm not finally beginning to crack through to you with my flirting skills! I've seen you blushing! You can act like you don't like it, but that cute blush of yours is a dead give away sweetheart!" Joseph says as he nudges you back. You feel yourself blushing a little and you cross your arms and pout at him. "Shut up, I said I don't take them seriously, I didn't say I wasn't used to them." You say as your cheeks begin to get warm again. "Aww, look at how cute you look with your cheeks all red~." Joseph begins to say as he pokes your face, you quickly swat his hand and turn away. "Oh! Did I finally win? What do you say? I take you out on a date, a little wine, a little dinning? Maybe a movie or dancing? Then maybe we can end the night at your place and-" He was cut off as DIO started to laugh. Your face and ears were burning and you hoped it wasn't noticeable for either men. "I don't believe that is the proper way to wine and dine a woman." DIO says as he catches both of your attentions. "Huh? Oh REALLY? and what is YOUR idea of a proper date?" Joseph asks him, in an almost challenging manner.

Dio lets out a pleased hum as he leans forward to you and takes your right hand, making you uncross your arms and look at him. He lifts your shades to the top of your head, carefully, and he lets out a small chuckle. "There, now I'm able to see those beautiful eyes of yours. Now, IF you were to go on a date with me, say, tomorrow after noon at 7 pm., I would take you to the most expensive, fanciest restaurant. I would be sure that only the finest meals and the finest wine were to touch those beautiful lips of yours." He says as he begins getting closer to you. He's on his knees in front of you, Joseph is gasping in both shock and anger next to you and you are really debating shoving the man in front of you away, but he is the one that is currently giving you a ride, and you didn't want to be so rude... even if you were feeling a little too uncomfortable. "U-Uh, y-yeah, about that... s-sorry DIO, but that's just not my cup of tea. I WOULD appreciate something like that... buuut, I'm just not the Wine kind of woman." You say as you reel your hand in while raising both hands up in defense. "Really? What a shame, maybe I could begin to show you how much you have been missing for a fine woman such as yourself?" You let out a sigh and begin shaking your head. "N-No, it's fine. I appreciate the offer. But I feel it would be like me asking you out and me just taking you to the places that 'I' like. Which would probably just be eating out at like a burger joint, going to an arcade then heading back home to watch some movies or skating. I don't believe you'd be the type to do that kind of stuff." You say with a shrug as you lower your shades back down and try calming your frantic heart, while you hope the blush begins to go away. "Hmm, maybe we can both show each other a bit about our favorite activities? I take you out to eat, and you show you me your favorite activities. The offer for a date tomorrow still stands." DIO says as he begins to fix himself back up onto his seat. "WHAT?! YOU ACTUALLY MEANT THAT STUPID DATE IDEA?!" Joseph quickly yells out to DIO. You only give them a lopsided smile, not really sure what to do. "But of course. Unlike you, I actually mean everything I say when speaking to a lady. You can't tell me you're jealous, I doubt you two have even had a chance at a proper date, and from what I hear, you kidnapped her. I don't believe that counts as a proper date." DIO taunts Joseph. "Hey, it wasn't even a date, we just hung out and got lost. We had fun either way, and I wouldn't mind just running around the city with Joseph. He's actually really funny, so lay off him." You say defending Joseph. "Oh? So I take it at some point you both shared a romantic kiss then?" You turn to Joseph, who shrugs, and quirk a brow before you face DIO again. "No, why would I kiss him, I JUST met him." You say as you quirk your head to the side.

"So then I assume JoJo was the one you have kissed, he's been so close to you since you first met. Don't tell me he's the one you are pining for?" Your brows go up in surprise as Joseph lets out a loud gasp as he turns to you. "JONATHAN? YOU KISSED JONATHAN?!" You smack him and pout. "NO! I haven't kissed Joseph or Jonathan, why would I do that to my friends? As for 'Pining' for Jonathan... what the hell man? You don't even know me and you're making creepy assumptions like that? So much for having charm." You say as you begin to laugh at him. "Oh? So the blush I enticed from you, your speechless form was all due to lack of charm from me?" He asks sounding slightly offended. "Oh, no... you have charm-" you say but get cut off they the man beside you. "WHAT?! YOU FELL FOR THAT?!" You swat his arm and shush him. "Joseph, let me finish. Anyway, you have charm, but that kind of stuff ain't my thing. Like I said, your idea of a date, and my idea of a date, are two TOTALLY different things, we're kind of at the opposite ends of the spectrum. Soooo, sorry, but no date tomorrow." You say with a shrug as you look away from them both. "What a shame, but don't believe that for a single moment I won't try to convince you to go on a date with me, [Name]." DIO says confidently, you only sigh and cross your arms again. "Fine, but don't think for a moment that I will cave in and accept a date." You say frowning at him. "We'll see about that, love." He says coyly as Joseph clears his throat. "Alright, now that all that harassment is done with. How much longer until we reach home?" Joseph asks sounding irritated beyond his norm. "We're almost there, just a few more blocks, Joseph. No need to get so upset because I managed to show you how to properly woo a lady." DIO says and you let out a groan as you feel your blush coming back again. "You two are so childish." You mumble out to them as you lean back into your seat. DIO only chuckles at your behavior Joseph huffs, upset, and slouches in his seat. The ride remains quiet for another couple of minutes, you can feel DIO's eyes on you while Joseph fishes out his phone. "Sorry, we didn't call you guys, but we got a ride and we're almost home... Yeah, not much longer... I'm not going to apologize.... Why? Because we had fun! You were so boring I had to save her and show her how to have a good time!... WHAT?! MY LIPS AREN'T WEIRD! CAESAR! GIVE JONATHAN THE PHONE BACK RIGHT NOW!!" Joseph startles you again as he begins yelling at his best friend through the phone. "YES! WE'RE OUTSIDE! BYE!" Joseph says as he shoves his phone into one of his pocket. He looks down at you, and you only look up at him with one brow quirked. "What?" He asks feeling a little nervous. "Why'd you yell that thing about your lips being weird?" You ask as you try to hold off a giggle at his apparent flustered state. "What? I didn't say anything of the sort!" He says as he throws his hands up. "We're here." DIO says cutting in as you begin to feel the car slowing down.

Once the car stops you hear the click of one of the doors, DIO quickly gets out first followed by Joseph, as you are scooting out, you see a hand being held out for you. You take it without thought with your right hand and cling to your bag with your left. "Thanks." You say to whomever had helped you out. "But of course, m'lady. Though I think I know the best way you can pay me back for rescuing you and helping you get out of the car." You hear DIO say. You glance up at him as you take your hand back and put your bag on again. "Uh... how exactly?" You ask, confusion clearly written on your face. "Like this-" He says, and before you can understand what he was doing or meant, you felt his lips on yours. "DIO!" "DIO YOU BASTARD!" "LET HER GO!" You hear multiple voices scream out to him before he is suddenly pulled away from you. Your eyes were opened wide in shock and your hand quickly went up to your mouth at what had just conspired. "Oh come now JoJo, did I just take her first kiss before you?" You hear DIO say in a cocky tone. "HEY SHIT HEAD! DON'T pull shit like that on my sister again, you hear me?" You hear your brother say threateningly."DIO! First Erina, now [Name]? How dare you play with their hearts and steal their first kiss! It is theirs to give away and decide who they give it to! You'll pay!" Your giggles cut them off and everyone froze as you began running the words through your head. 'He said he just stole my first kiss?' You think to yourself as you begin giggling before it turns into a full blown laugh. "[N-Name]? Are you alright?" You hear Joseph ask in concern. "OhmyGOD! Y-You really think you stole my first kiss?! That's so adorably naive! Big bad muscleman thinks he stole someone's first kiss! Oh my god! Dude! I've had boyfriends before! I've dated other guys! I gave my first kiss to my first boyfriend like four years ago! Oh man! Y-You can't be serious!" You say as you begin laughing, tears were blurring your vision more than before.

"W-Wait... so you're alright?" Jonathan asks as he carefully makes his way to you. You brush the tears from your eyes as you try to calm yourself down. "Yeah, I mean, I probably would have punched the guy for pulling something like that, but I didn't realize what happened until you pulled him away from him. What? Did you think I was going to cry and run away?" You ask as you quickly latch yourself to his arm as he carefully held your right shoulder in comfort. "W-Well, yes... it's happened before." Jonathan says still in shock at your reaction.

"WHAT?! You can't just ignore me after that!" You hear DIO call out to you as Jonathan begins leading you down the sidewalk to your house. You only hold up your left middle finger up in the air for him, and with out turning to him you call out to him. "HEY DIO! YOU'RE A PRETTY BAD KISSER, YOU MIGHT WANT TO WORK ON THAT!" You hear Jonathan begin to chuckle beside you as you hear a few more footsteps rush to you. DIO doesn't reply, but all you hear is the slamming of the limo's door and you quickly curl your finger back in and rest your hand on Jonathan's large muscles. "You sure you don't want me to go kick his ass?" You hear your brother ask. "Yeah, he ain't worth it, in just that short trip with him, he got REALLY annoying. I feel sorry for you guys having to put up with him. You say as you turn to look up at Jonathan. "Right, and he only gets worse, I just hope your response won't coax him to come up with something worse. I'm sorry for what he did to you." Jonathan says apologizing. "Nah, you shouldn't apologize for him. But if you or anyone ever wants to get away from him, y'all are free to hang out at my place. Just give me a heads up, I don't want to walk into my kitchen and have you guys raiding my fridge or something." You say with a small laugh. "Don't worry Signora, I'll be sure Joseph won't pull anything else like hopping your fence again." You hear Caesar say from behind you. Your brother took up the spot to your left while Jonathan was on your right.

After your brother asked you what had happened to you once Joseph had kidnapped you, you explained everything that had occurred, up to that point that is. You had all entered the gates and entered your house. You asked your brother about his friends and he explained that they went to pick up Yukaku and their stuff to sleep over, while everyone else waited for you.Sharon had appeared and explained that they had let Danny sleep outside while you had company over. You asked Sharon to take you to your room so you could change into something more comfortable, a shorts and a shirt. You were home and you felt better in lazy clothes, you were also glad to finally take off the shades. Jonathan, Joseph, Caesar and your brother were all in your brother's 'Man Cave' which was located down stairs, down the hall from the living room on the right side, where he had set up his large TV, games and movies. Sharon lead you back down and told you that they ordered pizza for you all, since your brother had suggested it and Joseph agreed to pay, he felt a little guilty over everything that had happened.

You guys had began watching 'Airplane!' with Leslie Nielsen, you sat in the middle of the three seat couch with Jonathan to your right, Joseph to your left Caesar to his left on the first love seat and your brother to his left so he could be closer to his game system to switch the discs for the movies. You stopped the movie once Josuke, Okuyasu, Koichi and Yukaku showed up. They brought in some chips and sodas, your brother had a coffee table where you set the foods and drinks. Koichi and Yukaku took the love seat on the right, as per Yukaku's decision. While Josuke and Okuyasu both grabbed some beanbags and sat down in between you and the coffee table. After your brother restarted the movie, Sharon came in and mentioned that the Pizza's had arrived. Joseph quickly hopped up and ran to go pay for them and bring them in. Once he entered the room again he passed out plastic cups and paper plates and everyone began to dig in.

"Hey, I can put your cup on the table, just tap my shoulder and I'll give it back to you, so you don't spill it, alright?" Josuke tells you as he turns to look up at you from his spot on the floor. "You sure? I don't mind holding it between my legs, I don't want to keep bothering you over a drink." You say as Jonathan and Joseph begin taking their seats. "Yeah, sure, no sweat! I promise I won't mind!" You can hear the sincerity in his voice and you smile. "Thanks Josuke, I owe you." You tell him as you hand him your cup and he places it on the table. From what you could tell he was giving you a thumbs up. "Alright, for real this time guys, let's keep watching!" You hear your brother call out. Yells of agreements answer back as he hits play and the movie continues.

You watched another movie, this time it was a horror movie, it was Jeepers Creepers. You weren't scared, but when Josuke jumped at Okuyasu to scare him, you also jumped and screamed with him. You hear everyone laughing at the both of you. Josuke laughed and apologized to you, but told Okuyasu that he wasn't sorry for scaring him. "You jerk." Was all that Okuyaso grumbled out as the movie continued to play and he turned to watch it.

After the movie finished, you let out a yawn. "Well, I think I'm done, I'm gonna go to sleep." You say as the lights turned on and everyone began cleaning after themselves. "What already?" You hear Joseph whine from next to you. "Well, you did drag her around for about an hour and got lost Amico." You hear Caesar tell him. You snap your fingers and point both at Caesar before covering your mouth as you yawn again. "What he said, Y'all are free to do what ever you want, Carlos, I'm trusting you to point them out to their rooms and point out where everything they need is at, Jonathan, Joseph, Caesar... You guys can stay and sleep over if you want too, or you can leave when ever you feel like. Either way, you're free to enter and leave my house as you please... but no hopping fences." You say as you begin to stretch. "I'll help you get to your room." Jonathan says from next to you with a chuckle. "Thanks, Jonathan, I appreciate it." You say as you link your arm with his. You hear everyone wish you a good night and you both exit the room. "I-I know you said I didn't have to, but I still feel so guilty about that dirty trick DIO pulled. I'm sorry that you had to go through that." Jonathan says and you give him a quick pinch, he tensed up and yelped in pain. "OW! Why'd you pinch me?!" He asks as he helps you round a corner in the hall to head to the stairs. "Because, you are going to start getting on my nerves with all this apologizing for DIO. Look, he tried to rile up Joseph in the car, and he tried to rile you and him up while he helped me get out of the car. I'm a big girl, don't worry about me, I won't let him try to put a wedge between me and my friends. I don't care how insane he is, I won't let him get to me... so give me a little more credit would ya?" You say with a pout. "Y-Yes, you're right, I need to give you more credit, you've proven to be more unique than the type of women we've met. But please tell me, if he does or attempts anything else, especially if it makes you uncomfortable." He says as he begins leading you up the stairs and to your room.

"Yeah, don't worry I will. I just can't wait to finally be able to see clearly, that way I can know what DIO's ugly mug looks like." You say jokingly. "So your only interest is seeing DIO?" Jonathan jokes as he opens the door to your room. "Nope, I'll finally be able to see what EVERYONE looks like, and yes, even you. It's kinda weird knowing that everyone knows what you look like, but you don't know what anyone looks like. I hope it's not much longer." You say as he leads you to your bed after you turned on the light. "Don't worry, just take the the eye drops as the Doctor prescribed and I'm sure you'll be back to seeing everything in no time." He says genuinely. "Yeah, you're right, by the way, mind helping me with it?" You say as you grab your bag from your bed. You reach into your bag as you wait for an answer from him. You run your fingers over the glass object and you pull it out carefully. "Oh! I can't believe I almost forgot about this." You say as you place the item carefully onto the night stand. As you continue to look through the bag, then you begin to panic. "What's wrong?" Jonathan asks. "Uuuuh, I can't find my eye drops." You say as you stand up and begin searching through the things in the drawer in your night stand. "Oh! I still have them! I'm sorry, I forgot to give them to you earlier. Here, I'll help you." Jonathan quickly says and you instantly feel relieved. "Thank god, I was worried I lost them somewhere else." You say as you flop back onto your bed as you sit down. You see him reach into this breast pocket and pulls out a small white object. "Right, now I need you to tilt your head back so that I may properly apply the drops." He begins leaning down with the uncapped drops. You glance up and he hesitantly places his left hand near your right eye. "Right, try not to blink." He says as he holds his breath. You bite your lips and hold them between your teeth as you hold your breath and force your eye to stay open. He lets two drops land on your eye, and you blink after he finishes with the first eye, but allow him to quickly drop the ones for your left eye before you rub away the stray liquid. "Thanks Jonathan, I really owe you." You say with a small giggle. "No need to, I'll gladly help you when ever you need me." He says as you hear him leave the drops on your night stand. "Now, get some sleep, I'll tell Sharon to help you with them tomorrow morning. Goodnight [Name], I'll see you tomorrow." He says as you begin to fix yourself in the bed. "Goodnight Jonathan, take care and don't let DIO get to you. Okay?" You warn him and he only replies with a single 'Okay' before heading out the door, turning off the lights and closing the door for you to sleep.

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