Marrying The Wrong Woman

By luxiian

116K 2.3K 4.1K

INCLUDES SEQUEL: RETURN OF THE CRAZY EX-FIANCEÉ Cocky, handsome, business millionaire Adrien Agreste is engag... More



11.6K 263 475
By luxiian

Marinette was deep in the middle of her shift by the gigantic whirling waterslide known as the The Ripper at the Hotel.

She had begun taking up random, extra shifts just to get a bit more money. Even if she hated constantly turning her head to make sure no kid landed atop of another poor one. Or got splashed as they slammed down onto the slide before zipping down and away.

But believe it or not, it's more expensive than you think to live in a touristy-beautiful country.

Twisting off the cap of her water bottle, Marinette vaguely gestures for the next kid to go. Only it wasn't a kid.

"Marinette?" Alya stepped out of the line and let her boyfriend go in front of her.

He protested as she shoved him down, his wails and complaints following him down The Ripper.

"What are you doing up here?" Marinette coughed on her drink.

"What am I doing? What are you doing? I thought you were going to go talk to Adrien today." Alya grabbed one of the towels lazily strewn beside Marinette Incase of emergencies.

Thankfully none yet today.

"I need the money. And besides, Adrien looks rather busy over there." she pointed to the hotel's beach property where decorations blew through the warm wind and people rushed here and there.

Adrien and his fiancée were signing for things on clipboards and talking to numerous people so quickly it seemed like they were merely speaking for three seconds at a time.

"He wasn't busy last night." Alya scoffed, running the towel through her hair.


"Last night, and I don't mean to gossip but I saw Lila getting rather intimate with the pool boy."

Marinette's brows furrowed in confusion. The pool boy?

"I think you were just hazy from all the drinks you consumed yesterday in the span of like, six hours. No one I know has ever drank that much in such a short amount of time."

Alya crossed her arms. "Maybe. But, it's still a possibility of something going on. And never estimate a woman and her alcohol, learned that the hard way when I picked up bartending part-time."

"And how'd that go?" Marinette tilted her head and gave the all clear to a rather nervous kid.

"I don't want to talk about work."

Marinette had just begun to settle back into the chair that made her back ache and let Alya rant for a little while more until it happened.

"Holy shit." Marinette threw off her pullover to just be in her bright red one piece. The hotel supplied them so she could look somewhat professional.

She quickly dove into the water from the emergency side bank, adrenaline coursing through her veins.

The chlorine stung her eyes as the child below her was sinking fast. He was a skinny, young boy who had already lost consciousness. Marinette had to be quick.

Grabbing his body and hoisting him up, she placed him onto the concrete lining the pool as fast as she could. She wiped her eyes with a stroke of her arm and began pressing down on his chest.

She was actually given training by some of the other pool staff, thankfully. This was the first time she ever had to use it though.

Continuing giving mouth-to-mouth until the child coughed and turned his head to heave up water. The child's mother rushed to his side and thanked her over and over as she held him to her chest.

Marinette leaned back on her heels as she let loose a tired sigh, as Alya cheered her on from the top of the waterslide. Nino gave her a congratulatory pat on the back.

It felt nice to be appreciated every once and a while.

Adrien's feet and back were growing increasingly tired from the constant standing and parading around to make sure everything was in place for the wedding.

Behind him, the hotel pool (which was blocked off by a large and teal-blue colored fence) cheered loudly. He had no idea why, but couldn't exactly leave.

Lila was bossing the volunteer staff who were brimming with sweat. Both from the labor and pressure. Adrien offered to help, but they kindly declined and said they had it all covered.

He'd make sure to give them bonuses on their checks for all the help.

"Lila, do you know what's going on over there?" Adrien asked his fiancée who was making kissy faces at her dog.

He struggled in her grip, too tiny even make a dent in her hold. "No, and we don't have the time to know."

"Not even five minutes?"

"I don't have five minutes!" she sighed, already going back to barking at someone who was struggling to put streamers.

(A/N) Reminds me of that scene from FRIENDS ok bye

Adrien, devising this was his chance to slip away, began his trek back towards the hotel. He waded through the soft sand, the noise from Lila and the crew fading.

Upon arriving at the hotel, the pool was already closed for the evening. On Tuesdays and Thursdays it closed at sundown, since the bar was open was happy hour those days.

Doing a quick perimeter check, he greeted some of the passing staff as faint music from the bar echoed off the shimmering water.

The pool light was glowing bright violet, and by it was a woman. She dangled her legs over the edge and just looked at her reflection.

"Excuse me, you're not supposed to be—" he stopped when he saw who it was. "Oh, hey there Marinette."

She looked up. "H-Hello."

He cane beside her and slipped off his shoes to let his own legs into the lukewarm water.

"You do know your pants are getting wet, don't you?" she asked, slowly regaining her confidence.

"Eh, it's okay. They were a gift." he shrugged, smiling softly.

Her cheeks flushed. She felt like she was back in high school all over again. This was supposed to be all left in the past.

"So—uh—where's Lila?" she coughed, turning back to the water.

"Back by the beach. Maybe she went to the bar, I'm not sure." Adrien kicked his feet. "I'll find her sooner or later."

Adrien shifted his body, his shoulder lightly brushing hers. "Hey, I heard some whispers today that you saved a kid on your shift."

Marinette tucked a strand of loose hair behind her ear. "Well, you know, just doing my job."

"You know, I don't know how to swim so to me that is amazing." Adrien grinned.

"You don't know how to swim? Well that's one of the most basic skills you need to learn." Marinette teased, lightly punching him in the shoulder.

Apparently she was too strong because Adrien fell face first into the water. Marinette's eyes widened, ignoring the fact that she had just changed into her day-clothes from her uniform.

She was going to grab Adrien but it seemed that he didn't need the help at all. He was laughing till his cheeks hurt as Marinette splashed him with water in the face.

"You idiot! I thought you were actually drowning!" Marinette splashed him again in playful annoyance.

Adrien brushed his soaked hair back with his hand. "Well, at least I know your instincts are in tact."

"What is going on here?" Lila's smooth voice called out.

Marinette and Adrien were so loud they must have not heard her stomping heels or the barking of her precious dog.

"I accidentally shoved Adrien in the water." Marinette began wading through the water to hoist herself out of the pool.

"You could've just 'accidentally' got him into bed and it wouldn't have made a difference." Lila's lips curled. "Come on Adrien, we have to go make an appearance in the ballroom for your business partners."

"I'm sorry." Adrien mouthed, climbing out of the pool.

Marinette's heart sunk as she watched Adrien grab a towel from a passing staff member while Lila began barking away at her future husband.

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