I'm the sad abused emo freak...

Door musicwolf19

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Willow Tears is the emo girl everyone picks on. Her parents abuse her, she gets beat on at school, everyone h... Meer

CHAPTER 1: A New Place
CHAPTER 3: Seeing Someone
CHAPTER 4: Their Back

CHAPTER 2: Getting Close

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Door musicwolf19

CHAPTER 2: Getting Close

Willow's P.O.V

That night, the beating was brutal. First, he threw me into the coffee table, then he hit me with a baseball bat, and now he's kicking me very hard with boots on. He kicked me one last time and spat,"Peice of shit." Then left. I started crying. I tried to get up but I couldn't. I just started crawling towards the bathroom. When I got in there, I used the counter to pull myself up. I look at myself in the mirror. I was so pale I looked white. I watched as my tears mixed with the blood that was pouring down my face. I looked in my eyes and what I saw was nothing, I was lifeless. I looked and saw I was covered in bruises. I was covered in cuts that were all bleeding. I fell back to the floor and crawled to the bath. I turned it on and ran a warm bath. I then had to undress while on the floor. That is very hard. I soon got into the bath, but I kept the shower on too and let all the blood get off. Soon as I got some more strenth, I unplugged the bath and stood up and took a quick shower while I was in pain most of the time. I got out and staggered into my room. I changed into my p.j's and fell on the bed as more tears came. I got out my blade and started cutting. Cut. That's for me being a peice of shit. Cut. That's for being so useless. Cut. That's for being wek. Cut. That is for not doing something when i had the chance to. Cut. That's for me being unlovable. I then watched in fascination as blood oozed out of my wrists. It helped numb the pain. I then got up and cleaned and bandages the wounds. The tears came again for what I had just done. That night, out of so many, I again, cried myself to asleep. Will this pain ever stop? I woke up the next mourning and went to the bathroom. My eyes were red from crying all night. I washed my face and got my eyes to go back to normal and then got dressed. I dressed in a pair of black skinny jeans and a long sleeve red shirt that covered most of the brusies. I started bandaging this big cut I got on my forehead. Then I pulled on my black jacket and the hood to cover this huge bruise on my face and my red converse. I put my ipod in my pocket and walked dow into the kitchen. I quickly ate some poptarts adn drank a bottle of water. Then I started walking to school. That was untill Zane and Missy pulled up next to me. Zane asked,"You want a ride to school?" I shook my head no and he sighed. He drove off this time and I started listening to my ipod. When I got to school, I went to my locker and felt Zane's stare. I refuse to make eye contact or even look at him, or well anyone. I went to Musci but made sure I blended in with the crowd. I went to my hiding place as soon as I got in the room. Missy and Zane weren't here yet. Missy came in and tried to find me and failed. Zane soon came in after that and he couldn't find me either. He sat down and sulked. Why are they even so ineterested in a peice of shit anyways? Why can't they just leave me alone?

The teacher soon came in and said,"Alright class, get with your partners adn go into the practice rooms and work." She then left. Zane sighed and I came up behind him. I poked him wih a pencil and he turned around and when he saw it was me, his expression turned to frustrated and annoyed. Good maybe he'll leave me alone if I annoy him alot. He got up and I started following him. We went to the same practice room as yesterday. we both sat back down on the couch but this time facing each other. He still couldn't see my face and I think he was getting frustrated with that. I don't care. He started writing someething down while I just sat there. After he was done, he looked up at me and said,"I don't think we need to pratice if we both know the song, so I'll bring the CD on Friday when we perform it." I nodded and then it went into silence. I pulled out my ipod and started listening to it. I heard him sigh in frustration adn he pulled one of my ear buds out and put it in his ear. After the bell rang, he took it out of his ear and I put it away and went to Art. We ended up sitting just like we did yesterday. After that, Literature went by fast. When it was free period for me, I went and sat underneath my weeping willow. I pulled out my sketch pad and started working on my drawing that I started in Art. It was a black and white tiger with feirce green eyes. I was still working on it when Missy came and sat next to me. I snapped my sketch book closed. Missy said,"Hi!" I just sat there not moving or speaking. She said,"Ok, so i know we got off on the wrong foot but maybe we could be friends?" I looked up a little but not enough that she could see my eyes or the bruise and I studied her. She reminds me of my old friend Aria. Aria had a life just like mine. She got beat by her parents and by people at school. That's how we become friends. We would help each other thrpugh it all. We were so tight untill she ran away. She asked me to come with her but at the time, I was stupid and said no. Could I trust Missy? I saw a look in her eyes that I knew I could trust for some reason. I nodded my head and said quietly,"Ok." She smiled and said,"Awesome! We'll be the bestest of friends!" She then actually hugged me. I froze for a second before I relaxed. Nobody since Jack or Aria has hugged me. she said,"Hey, do you want to comw with zane, me and my boyfriend Jason to the movies tonight? The guys paying?" I thought about it. My parents don't give a shit. They would be happy i would be gone for the night. it gets me out of their way. But do I want to let someone else pay my way? Well, I can't aske my parents for money and i'm not getting none out of my savings. I said softly,"Yeah, sure." She said,"Great! Oh we should watch a scary movie!"

It was then that the bell rang. She said,"Come on, let's go get lunch and get the guys and we can come sit back underneath the teree. It's aactually peaceful under there. As we walked to the cafeteria, she started talking about times when her and Zane and Jason would get into trouble. she told me Jason's been sick for about a week untill today so now he's back. She seems totally in love with him. I just hope he doesn't break her heart. The way she talks about him seems like she couldn't live without him. I wish someone would talk that way about me, maybe then I would mean something to someone. I told her about Aria, leaving out the part of where she was abused and ran away of course. I just told Missy about her personality, which was like mine, or used to be like mine. See I used to be brave, confident, feirce, and I wasn't weak. aria and i used to be like twins. We were closer than sisters. I told her about Jack, leaving out about the crash. I again told her it was time for us to break up. I told her about me, what I like and what I don't. I told her I don't like to talk much because I have personal reasons behind it. She told me about her family. She has an older brother and a younger one. She told me about how they play pranks on each other all the time. Inside, I felt like crying. I don't have that. I'm glad she does though. Nobody deserves what I go through. We now had our food and were going back over to the tree. We sat down and she found the boys and motioned them over. I went back to being quiet as they walked over here. Missy started chatting though. She said,"Hey guys, so tonight we're going to the movies, you guys are paying! We are going to see a scary movie." They both nodded in agreement. I could feel Zane's stare on me as i ate my food. Zane said,"Hey Missy, can I talk to you for a minute?" She nodded and got up. They walked over out of ear shot. Jason said,"So your the girl Zane likes?" I said,"Me? You must be mistaken." He shook his head and said,"Your all he ver talks about. Willow right? I'm Jason." I nodded and shook his head and said,"Yeah i'm Willow but Zane doesn't like me." He just smile and shook his head. I barely know Zane and he doesn't know me so how can he like me? It wouldn't make sense. I looked at him under my hood and saw how gorgeous and tall and brave he stood. He just couldn't like a small sad emo freak like me. Could he? No, it's just not possible.

They came back over and Missy said,"Stupid guys. All of them I swear!" I smiled and felt Zane's stare on me. Missy said,"Hey Willow, you want a ride home?" I shrugged and she squeled. We all finished our lunch with Jason and Missy flirting, kissing, and talking. I wish I had someone like that. I wish someone would love me for me. I sighed as the bell rang. I walked with Missy, Jason, and Zane to class. Apparently, Jason was in all the rest of the afternoon classes with Missy and Zane and me. The rest of the day went by fast. Missy and Jason talked alot and when the final bell rang. Missy wen t with me and Zane to our lockers as Jason went to hang out at the car to wait for us. I got my bags as Missy said,"Willow! We should do make overs at my house! Do you want to?" I shrugged and she said,"Cool! Well, you can go ahead and get dropped off at my house with me." We went out to the car and Missy and Jason got in the back and I sat in the front and of course Zane drove. Soon we came up to this three story house. Did I mention that I live way back in the woods and so does Zane and Missy? No? Well we do. We got out and I felt safe. It was nice being surrounded by woods. Zane and Jason left and Missy pulled me inside. SHIT! I just realized i'm going to have to take off my jacket, she'll see my cuts and the big bruise on my face! I can make up a story for the bruise on my face, but not for the cuts. Shit, i'm in trouble. As soon as we were in her room, she went straght to her closet as I started fidgeting. She came back out with a black dress that had sleeves and she said,"Put it on." I went to the bathroom and put it on. It was amazing. It came down to my knees and covered up my wrists. I came back out and she said,"Perfect! Now put on these." She gave me purple converse. I put them on and then she started doing my ahir and make up, not even asking about my bruise. She covered it up adn tehn added on eue liner and purple lipstick. As soon as she was done, she straightened my hair and then got ready herself. I looked int the mirror and damn, I look so different, maybe even pretty. After she got done, we went outside and waited for the guys. We sat down on her porch swing and she asked,"How did you get thet bruise on your face?" I already had made up a story for this and i'm an excellent liar. I shrugged and said quietly,"I got mad and slammed my door open to my room and it bounced back and hit me in the face." She then started laughing and I faked laugh with her. Good, she believed the lie. They always do. Nobody but one person could see threw the lie. Aria. Before she ran away, she told me she'd come back for me before our 18th birthday. We were born on the same day. October thrity-first. That's in three weeks. I wonder if she'll ever show up?

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