Dizgaia ~ The Dreamfinder's D...

By CalamitysChild

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Mia Baxter thought she was familiar with the tales from Disney films, adapted from the stories of brilliant a... More

Part I
Chapter 1 ~ The Birth of a Spark
Chapter 2 ~ A Spark Burns Brighter
Chapter 3 ~ A Meddlesome Father
Chapter 4 ~ The Rainbow Corridor
Chapter 5 ~ Welcome to Dizgaia
Chapter 6 ~ The 10 Kingdoms
Chapter 7 ~ History of a Dark Grudge
Chapter 8 ~ The Tremaines
Chapter 9 ~ A Dreamfinder's Daughter
Chapter 10 ~ Flynn
Chapter 11 ~ Grid Games
Chapter 12 ~ The Wager
Chapter 13 ~ Bonnie Appetite
Chapter 14 ~ The Mad Hacker
Chapter 15 ~ A Royal Engagement
Chapter 16 ~ Return to Tomorrow Hill
Chapter 17 ~ Whistle While You Work
Chapter 18 ~ An Illuminating Performance
Chapter 19 ~ Tomorrow's Child
Chapter 20 ~ Yokai and the Battle for Tron
Chapter 21 ~ Breakfast at Tiana's
Part II
Chapter 22 ~ Peter Pan
Chapter 23 ~ Horseplay
Chapter 24 ~ The Chieftess of Neverland
Chapter 25 ~ What A Girl Wants
Chapter 26 ~ Beneath the Glow of the Fairy Tree
Chapter 28 ~ Hooked!
Chapter 29 ~ Aboard the Jolly Roger
Chapter 30 ~ The Seas of Heartache
Chapter 31 ~ Isla Tesoro
Chapter 32 ~ The Path of La Creadora
Chapter 33 ~ Billie Howe
Chapter 34 ~ A Pirate's Life
Chapter 35 ~ Escape From Puerto Dorado
Chapter 36 ~ The Temple of Nev
Chapter 37 ~ Shadows of the Past
Chapter 38 ~ Memories of a Lost Boy
Chapter 39 ~ Closer
Chapter 40 ~ The Sea Witch
Chapter 41 ~ The Jig is Up
Chapter 42 ~ Apparitions
Chapter 43 ~ The Tragedy of James Hook
Chapter 44 ~ Unhooked
Chapter 45 ~ The Compassion of Vandsgaard
Chapter 46 ~ Through the Dreamport
Peter ~ Hook or Me

Chapter 27 ~ Reckless Love

83 3 46
By CalamitysChild

Mia heard a tune she'd never heard before, and yet it had a familiar feel. It reminded her of the rising sun, were it to be accompanied by a musical fanfare. It seemed to her a melody that could well be in the collective consciousness of every man, woman, and child; like something everyone had heard once before, only it was on the fringe of their earliest memories where they couldn't quite grasp it.

She opened her eyes. Golden sunlight fell in filtered streams through the canopy of leaves above. She was alone in the glade.

Where was Peter?

She glanced around and was shocked to find herself sitting in a bed of flowers that certainly hadn't been there when she'd fallen asleep. In fact, she was positively surrounded by flowers - lilies, bellflowers, poppies, daffodils, morning glories, violets, daisies and several others she couldn't name. Some of which shouldn't exist in such a climate, and others that would never be seen growing side by side anywhere else.

Mia rubbed her eyes and took another look around. She could still hear the melody playing above the treetops. It took her but a moment to realize the source.

Smiling, she tilted her head up towards the trees and called, "Good morning, Peter!"

The music stopped and Peter descended from the trees. He hovered in front of her, a mere silhouette against the bright morning sun.

"Good morning, Mia," he said cheerfully. "I didn't mean to wake you."

"Well, it was a beautiful wake-up call," she told him, shielding her eyes and smiling sweetly. "Were you going to let me sleep all day?"

Peter shrugged. "I thought about waking you up, but I didn't really want to. You look like an angel when you sleep."

Mia thought he was the one who looked like an angel right now with the halo of sunlight glowing behind him. But rather than tell him this, she decided to tease him a little.

"Oh, really?" she asked, her lips quirking. "So, now you're an authority on angels, are you?"

"Well, I've never really seen one before I met you. But I figure you must be one 'cause nothing could be so beautiful... 'cept an angel."

Mia snorted. "You're full of it."

Peter floated towards her in a downwards lean and cupped her cheeks. Before she could say anything else, he pressed his lips to hers. Mia's eyes fluttered as she kissed him back. His lips were irresistible. Furthermore, she was amazed and quite pleased to discover that last night hadn't just been some strange fluke or a trick of the fairy light making him amorous.

Even after he drew away from her, Mia's lips still tingled. She traced her fingers over them, blushing. Peter lowered to the ground in front of her and held out his hand. Mia took it and he pulled her to her feet. As they came face to face, she let out a gasp.

"What? What is it, Mia?"

At first, Mia said nothing. She was too enamored by his face. It looked much the same as ever, only now he looked even older. Not by a lot, but enough to have grown a five o'clock shadow overnight. He looked rugged and sexy, and yet this metamorphosis frightened her at first, only because he'd never aged quite this much before. If she had to guess, he may have surpassed her by a couple years now. Had this happened because of their kiss last night?

Peter was still gazing confusedly at her.

"P-Peter, h-have you seen your reflection this morning?"

He tilted his head inquisitively. "My reflection?"

Mia nodded.

"Well, I was bathing in the creek earlier this morning..."

Mia blinked in surprise. "You... bathing?" Beyond inadvertently getting clean by playing in the water, she didn't think that word was even in Peter's and the Lost Boys' vocabulary.

"I think I might've seen my reflection," he said, ignoring her previous comment and scratching his cheek thoughtfully.

Suddenly, he stopped. He brought both hands to his face and felt his cheeks.

"Oh..." he said. "I've done it again, haven't I?"

"If you mean you've aged a bit, then yes. You're... well, you're a bit... older."

Mia braced herself, fearing an explosion. How would he take this? Surely not well. From his comment, he seemed aware that he sometimes aged, but had he ever aged this much? Would he be okay with it or would he freak out?

"It's just as well," he said with a shrug. "I want to be as old as you are, maybe a year or two older so I can take care of you properly."

Mia was taken aback by his bold yet romantic claim on her. "I-I'm 19," she stammered, not knowing what else to say.

"Then I shall be 19 plus two!" he announced with a strange cry of finality.

"That's 21."

Peter laughed and took her by the hand. "C'mon. I got you a present."

"A-A present? Really?"

It was difficult trying to keep up with the swing of his thoughts and compulsions. She'd barely gotten over his most recent transformation. Peter was certainly taking things in stride.

"Yeah," he said. "Follow me."

Holding her hand, he led her through the forest and into a wide, open meadow. There in the middle, grazing among the lush green grass and wildflowers, was a young stallion. His coat was such a pure, snowy, unblemished white that he could almost have been a unicorn if it weren't for the lack of a horn.

"Oh, wow," Mia breathed. "He's beautiful! But Peter, surely this can't be my gift. I mean, he's wild, isn't he?"

"A bit, but I made friends with him this morning. He likes my flute, and I've been feeding him apples. He really likes those. Here." He reached into the pouch on his hip and handed her an apple. Then, he put the flute to his lips and played a jaunty little tune.

The stallion lifted his head and let out a whinny. With a shake of his mane, he trotted towards them, his ears perked. He gave Peter an affectionate nudge, expressing his approval of his musical talents. Then, he turned his head to Mia, sniffing at the apple. Mia held her hand out flat, and the stallion eagerly munched on the apple. His lack of hesitation showed that Peter truly had befriended him.

Mia reached up and gently stroked his muzzle, murmuring, "Pretty boy. Such a pretty boy."

When the horse had finished his treat, he gave Mia a nuzzle. She embraced him in return, rubbing his neck and suppressing a girlish squeal.

"See?" said Peter, lowering his flute. "He likes you already."

"He's wonderful," said Mia, her eyes sparkling.

"So, it was a good present then?"

Mia hesitated. She wasn't so sure this horse was Peter's to give. After all, it was wild. Friendly, but untamed. She wasn't sure it could belong to her, no matter how badly she wanted it to. But Peter was waiting for an answer, and he seemed so pleased with himself. And really, couldn't this be a present? After all, Peter had clearly made the effort to befriend the horse so she could get near it. She was flattered that he remembered how much she liked them, for Peter wasn't one for remembering things.

Between the beautiful manner in which she'd awoken today, the flowers, the kiss, and now this, Mia figured more than a simple thank-you was in order. So, by way of answer, she wrapped her arms around Peter and gave him a long, deep kiss. When they parted, Peter grinned. He licked his lips with a mischievous look in his eyes.

"Mmm... I should get you presents all the time."

Mia laughed. "I wouldn't say no."

"You know," said Peter thoughtfully, "I'd bet he'd even let you ride him now. Come on!" He handed Mia two more apples and struck up another tune on his flute. They headed for the beach, the stallion trotting eagerly after them.


As morning dawned, the charismatic but no less diabolical captain of the Jolly Roger went to shore alone. He followed the path through the woods where he'd last seen the teenaged lovers. He didn't expect to find them there, but perhaps it would lead him to their current whereabouts. The girl-he just had to see her again. And he wanted to ascertain for certain the boy's development, for he still couldn't be sure that what he'd seen hadn't been a trick of the fairy light.

He arrived at the glade. The great tree looked bland and ordinary without the multitude of fairy lights glittering among its roots and branches. The inhabitants of Pixie Hollow must be sleeping off the after-effects of their nightlong revelry. Hook stepped into the clearing, gazing in astonishment at the thick bed of flowers which seemed to have magically sprouted overnight. It was here he had come upon the young lovers. This was where they had laid.

He picked a primrose and held it to his nose, breathing it in. He could smell its sweet fragrance, but there was something else. Something more. He was certain he could also smell... her. The girl. Grinning to himself, he walked stealthily through the woods, quite the curious sight with his cutlass at his hip, a deadly steel hook where his right hand should be and a primrose in his left.

He heard voices and followed them to the edge of the wood. There, he saw them. Pan and the girl. In their company was a wild stallion. The girl was coaxing him with apples and Pan was playing his flute - like the Pied Piper himself, leading horses and naïve young girls into a world of childish hedonism. Pan lifted the girl and set her astride the stallion, who took off down the beach at a gentle canter.

For a moment Hook watched, mesmerized. Was there anything more sensual than a woman on horseback, especially one dressed such as she, in her thin yellow slip of a dress, her hair blowing in the breeze and the sun shining on her bare thighs? But the tranquil scene came to a swift end as the horse broke into an uncontrolled gallop, headed for the water. The girl leaned forward, clutching it tightly around the neck. Her cries of alarm reached his ears.

The idiot boy! What was he thinking, putting that girl on a wild beast? The captain tensed, preparing himself, quite unthinkingly, to leap from the brush and run to her aid. But before Hook could act, the horse reared up at the water's edge, pawing at the surf, and the girl slipped backwards only to fall into the arms of the boy, who literally swooped in at the nick of time.

Hook breathed a sigh of relief. Surely now the girl would be cross. Perhaps she'd abandon Pan on the beach and come this way... right into the captain's waiting arms. The wicked pirate grinned, reveling in his fantasy. But it was merely that - a fantasy. Because now she was laughing in the boy's arms, and the wretched boy joined her. Then, hand in hand, they ran to the water and dove into the waves. They emerged, still laughing. Must they laugh so incessantly? The boy whipped back his hair, which had grown to shoulder length during the night, and now Hook was certain. Pan had aged... again! But now, he had to be nearly 20! A young man, if ever he'd seen one!

Impossible, he thought.

Never had Pan aged so far. It defied the boy's personal ideology! It went against everything Peter Pan stood for! How was this happening? Was it the girl? What sort of power did she have that she could elicit such a transformation in him? But clearly the boy's childlike personality remained as he frolicked with the girl, laughing, splashing, embracing... kissing.

Scowling, Hook clenched his fist, squishing the flower and letting it fall to pieces on the ground at his feet. He turned his back on the scene and stalked angrily through the forest, back to his ship. There was no way he could strike now, not while they were together. He would have to wait, bide his time. But would those two ever be apart? He'd much prefer to deal with each of them separately, but he might not have a choice. He would wait. Watch. He would be patient. But if it came down to it, by hook or crook, he would tear them apart and kill Peter Pan once and for all.


The following two days were a whirlwind of youthful pleasures and wanton abandon. In the early mornings, Mia and Peter watched the sunrise together and swam in the ocean until noon; though they made certain to restrict their swimming to the western side of the island. This was, perhaps, the chief reason why they'd yet to discover Hook's return - the Jolly Roger made berth not far from Mermaid Lagoon, a location they exclusively avoided, as they didn't wish to incite the mermaids' jealousy. And as of late, the covetous creatures would certainly have had plenty to be jealous of.

Peter and Mia were inseparable in more ways than one. For them, it was a time of unadulterated bliss, a time of giving into the joys of being young, while fancying themselves old enough to chart new territory, and submitting to teenage hormones. It was a time of secret glances and stolen kisses by moonlight, of learning their way around one another's minds and bodies. During the day, Mia and Peter played games with the Lost Boys while taking every opportunity to sneak off and spend time alone. In the evenings, Mia regaled her six little brothers with more exciting tales from her own imagination. Then, when the youngsters had fallen asleep, she and Peter slipped into the night and stayed out long past the witching hour.

The morning of what was, unbeknownst to Mia, to be her last day on the island started out like any other. Peter had played his flute, Mia snuggling against him, as they watched the sunrise. Then they frolicked in the ocean, body surfing on the waves and splashing and chasing one another through the sparkling water, never the wiser that they were being watched.

Perched on a rocky ridge high above the beach, the villainous pirate, Captain Jas. Hook, sat crouched amidst the shrubbery, peering through a spyglass at the teenage lovers below. This time, he wasn't alone. His loyal, if not absent-minded, bosun sat crouched beside him.

"Smee," said Hook, speaking through clenched teeth as he lowered his spyglass. "Is there anything more disgusting than teenagers?"

Mr. Smee tilted his head thoughtfully. "I don't believe I've ever met any, Cap'n."

Hook rolled his eyes. "Indeed, I presume you were never one yourself," he intoned sarcastically.

"Don't seem likely, does it, Cap'n?"

With another roll of his eyes, Hook returned his gaze to the lovers below. A strong wave had just carried the teens, tumbling, onto the beach, to where the tide met the shore. The girl lay on her back, her hair and yellow dress splayed out across the sand. Peter leaned over her. The wave had pulled his lengthening hair out of its messy ponytail so it now hung loose and wild around his shoulders. Mia reached up and tugged playfully at his lengthening locks.

"What are going to do about this, Peter?" she murmured.

"I don't know," said Peter, brushing it away from his face. "I kinda like it. Makes me look even more imposing, I think. What I wanna know," he said, wearing a mischievous smile as he brought his face closer to hers, "is what we're gonna do about this."

He pressed his lips to hers.

Hook watched with increasing annoyance as the boy's hand slid up along the girl's thigh, pushing her wet dress higher up her hip. Their lips opened and closed hungrily against one another, their passionate embrace as strong and fierce as the waves that crashed around them.

"Look at them," he growled disgustedly. "Going at it like they invented the art of passion. Oh, I do hate teenagers, perhaps even more than I hate children. This is nauseating!" He handed off the spyglass to Smee, who held it to his eye.

"Well, they are lookin' mighty adorable together, Cap'n."

Hook glared at his bosun. "Smee, it takes every ounce of my will power not to lob you straight over this ledge," he growled.

"Oh. Much obliged, Cap'n."

The captain snatched the spyglass back and looked through it again. Pan rolled onto his back, pulling the girl atop him. His fingers plunged into her long, wet hair as he kissed her with increasing fervor.

"It is astounding," said Hook. "This mysterious young woman has somehow introduced 'the boy who would never grow up' to the concept of constantly submitting to teenage hormones, leaving me with no opening to enact a devious scheme to attack my hated adversary. Thus, I'm reduced to the deplorable act of voyeurism. It is beneath me."

"Oh, most assuredly, Cap'n," Smee agreed.

Hook smacked him upside the head with an open palm.


"Think about what you're agreeing with before speaking, Smee!"

"Sorry, Cap'n," said the bosun, wincing and rubbing the back of his head.

The girl was on her back again, gazing up at Pan with a tilted head and sweet, mocking smile. Like a magnet, she drew the boy to her. He lowered himself to her, trailing his lips along the smooth slope of her neck and shoulder.

"That girl," Hook marveled softly, "She's like a seductress. Pan can do nothing to resist her wiles."

"Oh yes. Can't take yer eyes offa her, can you, Cap'n?" said Smee, squinting out over the beach with his hand over his brow.

Indeed, he could not. Hook's gazed was fixated on the girl as she wrapped her arms around Pan, her fingers digging into his shoulder blades. Through the spyglass, Hook saw her lips move silently, but he swore he could almost hear her murmuring the wretched boy's name.

"I want her," Hook muttered.

Glancing at the captain, Smee reached into his belt and pulled out the jagged weapon which he affectionately referred to as 'Johnny Corkscrew.' He climbed to his feet, but Hook quickly grabbed him and yanked him back down.

"What are you doing, fool?"

Confused, Smee gestured with Johnny Corkscrew in the direction of the teens. "I was gonna go get the girl, Cap'n. Just like ya' said."

"Not right now, you dunderhead," Hook hissed at his dimwitted bosun. "We have to make a plan first!"

His eyes swept out to the beach, lingering on Pan and the girl once more.

"I will have her... I just need to think of how to get her."

They watched the young lovers a while longer before Hook rose to his feet and stalked off in the opposite direction. He'd seen enough. Smee scrambled to his feet and quickly followed.

"What's wrong, Cap'n? Ain't we gonna wait around and-"

"No," said Hook. "We're not going to sit around on this ledge ogling that girl all day, Smee. We need a plan. We have to wait for the opportune moment to strike. But it is not Pan that I want. Oh yes, he'll come in time," he added at Smee's questioning glance. "But I want that girl. When the moment finally arises, when she and Pan are finally apart... we will have our prey."

As the pirates departed, another pair of eyes lingered on Peter and Mia from the opposite end of the beach. Just at the fringe, where the forest met the beach, Tinker Bell peered out from behind a leaf, high in the trees above. Her blue eyes narrowed in fury as she watched her precious Peter kissing the awful girl he'd brought from Cerenopia.

Fairies were so tiny, they often only had room for one emotion at a time. And right now, jealousy blazed like a wildfire inside the little pixie, so much that her body grew red-hot and she burned a hole right through the leaf behind which she was hidden. Consumed by this singular emotion, Tinker Bell's better sense of judgement slipped by the wayside, and already she was formulating a plan of her own to get rid of that no-good storyteller.


As the afternoon sun burned high overhead, Mia and Peter took shelter in the shade of a willow tree. Peter lay on the lush grass with a long green blade sticking out of the corner of his mouth, lightly dozing. Mia leaned against the trunk of the tree with her sketchbook and pencil. Every so often, she glanced up at her subject before looking back down at her paper and scratching away at it with a soft smile on her face. When she was finished, she cleared her throat and Peter opened his eyes.

"Finished already?" he asked, rising onto his elbows.

"What do you mean already? It took me an hour."

"Oh. I must have dozed off."

Never before would Mia have imagined Peter could remain so still in the middle of the day that he'd actually fall asleep. Normally, he was like a child on a constant sugar high. Perhaps he was slowly maturing in mind as well as body.

"Well, do you want to see it?"

Peter nodded, taking the sketchbook from her hand.

"Hey, who's this handsome devil?"

Mia rolled her eyes. "Someone who could afford to be humbler, that's for sure."

Grinning, Peter handed it back to her. "Who said I was complimenting myself? I may have been complimenting the drawing."

"Because I know you too well, Peter Pan."

Laughing, Peter lay back down, placing his head in Mia's lap. "It is a good drawing, Mia."


Peter closed his eyes and sighed contentedly. "I like this. Just relaxing and doing nothing, you know?"

"What about adventure?" she asked, her lips quirking.

"Adventure's always just around the corner," Peter replied, his eyes still closed. "It'll find me soon enough."

Smiling, Mia stroked his hair. "Look at you," she said. "You sure are spoiled."

Peter opened his eyes, gazing up at her with those beautiful seafoam greens that always took her breath away.

"Mmm... Spoil me more." He reached up, bringing his hand to the back of her neck and pulled her down to him, his lips laying claim to hers.

Mia placed her hands on his cheeks. His kisses were a little rougher now that he'd grown that five o'clock shadow, which, curiously, never seemed to grow beyond that. Perhaps it was through will alone that his facial hair wouldn't grow. After all, she couldn't imagine Peter taking the time to shave. But in her opinion, that sandpapery roughness was rather sexy.

Peter rolled Mia onto her back and planted her onto the grass beneath him. His eyes searched hers questioningly. Mia gazed up at him, confused and curious by the look he was giving her.

"What is it?" she asked.

"Mia, I-"

"Peter! Mia!"

The Lost Boys were running down a grassy hill in their direction.

Peter leapt to his feet, leaving Mia lying on the grass, gaping breathlessly up at him and feeling as though she'd been robbed of something wonderful.

"What?" he said. "What is it?"

"Hook's back!"


Peter, Mia, and the Lost Boys stood on a rocky outcropping of a cliff overlooking Mermaid Lagoon. In the distance, a couple kilometers southeast of the lagoon, sat the Jolly Roger, a square-rigged, two-masted brig with 18 carronades and two long guns. Its hull was of polished black oak with gold trim. The sails were so large, they could have passed for clouds against the blue horizon.

Peter stood with his hands on his hips and nodded resolutely. "Yep, it's Hook all right."

The Lost Boys all spoke at once in mixed tones of excitement and nervousness. Peter drew his sword.

"Whatdya' say we give the ol' codfish a proper welcome home?" he asked, flashing his teeth mischievously.

The Lost Boys gave a resounding cheer.

"How about it, Mia?" asked Peter, glancing over his shoulder. "Mia?"

Mia had backed up several paces and was gazing at the ship with a horrified expression.

"What's the matter, Mia? Are you scared? You don't have to come if you don't want to."

Mia shook her head. Suddenly, it was all coming back to her.

'It would be well for you to convince Peter to return you to Cerenopia before Hook returns... and before you forget.'

Tiger Lily was right. She had forgotten. And now... Hook had returned. Hook was one of the Dark Ones, and the Dark Ones were after her. They had once wanted her dead. That may or may not have changed, if the way Gaston had dealt with her was any indication. Either way, she was in grave danger. She had to return. She had to go back to Cerenopia, to her father, before it was too late.

"It's okay, Mia, really," said Peter, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "You don't have to come. I'll deal with Hook myself."

"N-No, wait!"

"What is it?"

"Peter, I... I want to tell you a story."

"Now?" he asked, bewildered.

"It's important," she insisted.

Peter glanced over his shoulder towards the ocean, gazing longingly at the ship. He was just itching to cross blades with Hook. With a sigh, he turned back to Mia and offered her a soft smile.

"Well, all right," he said. "Since it's important."

The Lost Boys cheered excitedly. A story and the chance to antagonize Hook? This was, in their estimation, a perfect day. Mia glanced at them apologetically, before turning her hazel eyes on Peter.

"Just you," she said.

The Lost Boys began to whine, but Peter quickly shushed them.

"You heard her, lads. This is a story just for me. Go down to the lagoon and wait for me there, but stay out of range of Hook's ship, all right?"

Grumbling, the boys descended the hill, looking none too happy about this turn of events. Tootles paused and gazed up at Mia.

"Will you tell us the story tonight, Mia?"

Mia forced herself to smile. It was difficult, for she had a feeling that what she said next might very well be a lie.

"I'll do my best," she said in a voice that was slightly tremulous.

Apparently, this was good enough for Tootles, who gave her a wide, toothy smile before hurrying after the other boys. Swallowing the lump of guilt which had risen in her throat, and threatened to choke her, Mia took Peter's arm and led him away from the edge of the cliff. She didn't want to be within sight of the Jolly Roger; she didn't want to take any chances. Mia would feel a lot better if she didn't have to look at the thing.

Peter followed without question. When Mia deemed them a safe distance from pirate eyes, she took a seat on a large rock beneath a twisted old tree. She gazed out across the expansive island which lay below her. They had quite the view from atop this ridge, but Mia's mind seemed to have gone elsewhere. The ocean breeze lifted her hair, blowing it gently around her face.

"Peter, I want to tell you a true story. It's about a girl with two names. One, Mia Baxter, and the other Miandra Mercurial."

"Am I in this story?"

Mia sighed. "Yes, a bit... towards the end. Anyway, just listen, okay?"

With her eyes out to sea, she told him her story; the story of the adopted Mia Baxter who was really Miandra Mercurial; of her life on Earth, which was suddenly disrupted by the arrival of Gaston and Maleficent's goons; of how she'd met her biological father, who was none other than The Dreamfinder, Blair Mercurial; and of her 'spark' and that she'd become a target of The Dark Ones. When she finished, she turned her gaze to Peter, her eyes shimmering with trepidation.

"Do you understand what I've told you, Peter?"

"I understand, Mia," he said with a gravity she'd previously not thought him capable of. "Of course I do. I could see it the moment I first laid eyes on you. Your spark is incredible."

Mia was blown away. Suddenly, he was so serious and straightforward. That wasn't like Peter at all. Furthermore, she was surprised by his assertion that he could see her spark.

"The Dreamfinder is a very noble man," he said. "If there's any grownups I actually respect, it's him and Yensid. I didn't realize you were the Dreamfinder's daughter. But I guess I should have. No one has ever had a spark like his... until I met you."

He stood up and turned his gaze out to sea in the direction of the lagoon, as though staring down Hook's ship with a silent challenge.

"I won't let them have you," he told her. "Not Hook... Not any of the Dark Ones."

Mia was speechless. This had to be the second most serious conversation she and Peter had ever held. Underneath his childish and whimsical ways, Peter did possess a higher intellect and a serious side. Moreover, his determination to protect her awakened the little girl inside of her, the one who'd grown up reading stories of pretty young maidens and the heroes who sought to protect them from the forces which threatened to harm them. In that moment, her affection for Peter grew, which only made what she had to say even harder. Shakily, Mia rose to her feet.

"Peter... I know you would do everything in your power to protect me, but think about it. Even if you could protect me from Hook-"

"But you're not as defenseless as you think either, Mia!" Peter quickly interjected, as though he knew and feared where she was going with this. "You're a dreamfinder! You can imagine stuff into being, just like your dad!"

"Uh, well, you see," she said rubbing the back of her neck and averting her gaze, "Blair - that is, my father - did say that one day I could do stuff like that, but I can't yet. I've never done anything like that before. I suspect it's going to take a lot of practice."

"What are you talking about? You can so do that! I've watched you do it!"

Mia gave him a look of utter bewilderment.

"Your dresses, Mia. You pop them into being while you sleep."

"What? N-No way. That can't be right. Are you... are you sure?"

Peter nodded.

"I didn't realize it was me," she said amazedly. "I thought maybe it was some weird Neverland magic or that you were somehow getting them for me."

"No, it was definitely you. I watched it happen the first night. Your spark began to shimmer and then there was a popping sound before... poof! The dress appeared. You did it, just like the Dreamfinder does. Though, Neverland probably helped you a little. After all, your spark is the reason Neverland immediately took a shine to you. Couldn't you feel it?"

Mia shook her head.

"It reacted to your spark!" Peter proclaimed, taking both her hands in his . "Neverland wants to be with you as much as I do! That's why flowers bloomed in the grove where we slept after we kissed. Didn't you know?"

"No," said Mia wonderingly. "I thought you put them there."

"I didn't," he said earnestly.

"Do you think I could do it again? The thing with the dresses, I mean."

"Why not?" said Peter. "You already did it a few times before. Of course, you could do it again! I know you can!"

Mia closed her eyes, imagining a simple but lovely dress, not so unlike the one she now wore, but a turquoise blue, like Neverland's sea. She even clenched her fists at her sides and took her bottom lip between her teeth, scrunching her face in effort. But when she opened her eyes, nothing had changed. She tried once more, but was again unsuccessful. With a sigh, she plopped down onto the rock and gazed forlornly up at Peter.

"I don't understand. If what you say is true, why can't I do it now? How come I can only do it in my sleep? And why wasn't I ever able to do it back in Cerenopia?"

"I don't know," said Peter. "Maybe you're not doing it right. I didn't even see anything in your spark. Try doing it the way you do it when you're asleep."

"Peter, that doesn't even make any sense! How can I possibly know how to do it if I only do it in my sleep? Look," she said with a sigh, "We're getting off topic. Or maybe not. Maybe this is a perfect demonstration of how vulnerable I am." She lifted her gaze to him, her expression grim. "Peter, I need to ask something of you. Something very important. And you're not going to like it."

"No!" he cried. "Please don't say it, Mia! Please!" There was a look of desperation on his face as he clutched at her hands and held them against his chest. "Please," he begged. "I don't want you to leave! I told you I'd protect you, didn't I? Don't you believe me? You're my... my... Well, you're mine, Mia!" he insisted, as though he didn't quite know the proper word. "And I'll be yours! Yours and only yours! I've never offered that to anyone before you!"

"I understand what you've offered me, and I want you, too," said Mia. "Really, I do. And I'm glad you want me. But think of my father, Peter. The Dreamfinder. You said you respected him. Think of how worried he must be!"


"And I'm in danger here, Peter!"

"No harm will befall you, Mia! I'm here to protect you! I won't let Hook-"

"But what about the other Dark Ones?"

"I'll protect you from them, too!"

"But can you, Peter? Can you really?"

"Of course I-"

Mia placed a finger to his lips, halting him in mid-speech.

"Please, Peter," she said softly. "I know you're a wonderful, magical, formidable boy. But please put aside all that childlike arrogance for one moment, just for one moment, and think really hard and answer honestly. If Hook were to find out who I was, and if he were to call for reinforcements, if the other Dark Ones came for me, if Maleficent came..." Peter visibly winced at the name. "Could you, in all honesty, say beyond a shadow of a doubt that you could protect me from them? All of them?"

Peter lowered his gaze. He was silent for a long time.

"No. I can't answer that with any certainty, Mia."

The voice with which he spoke was not a teenager's, but the ragged voice of a grown man, tired and plagued by memories of pain, violence, and loss.

Mia looked at him, half in relief and half in sorrow. "Thank you for being honest, Peter."

"But they might not come," he said, trying to convince himself as much as her. "If Hook doesn't find out who you really are, he can't tell the other Dark Ones, and they won't come!"

"Is that a chance you're willing to take, though?" asked Mia tremulously. "This could be a life or death situation for me. Do you really want to risk it?"

"No," he said finally. "Of course not. I don't want anything to happen to you. Not ever."

He turned away from her and gazed off into the distance, far beyond the blue horizon line.

"It's not fair," he murmured, the wind ruffling his hair. "I finally find someone who wants me. Someone who I feel so strongly about... And she's going to leave. Just like the others."

"No, Peter!"

Mia wrapped her arms around him from behind and rested her cheek on the back of his shoulder.

"Please," she begged, tears in her eyes. "Don't lump me in like that. I don't want to leave. You understand that, don't you? I mean, I do want to see my father and my friends on Cerenopia again, and I do think it's best that I return. But that doesn't mean I want to leave you. But I have to. There's a difference. Don't you see?" She squeezed him tighter and buried her face into his shoulder blade. "Oh, Peter... If only there was an easier way to find Neverland, I could come to visit you whenever Hook's off raiding and pillaging other islands, or I could come with my father now and again and stay for a little while and-"

"That's it!" Peter exclaimed, whirling around to face her.

"Wh-What's it?" she stammered.

In lieu of an answer, he lifted her into his arms and shot into the air, soaring over the rocky terrain and landing on the sand where the beach met the forest. Taking her by the hand, he pulled her into the forest, sprinting like a deer through the woods. Mia could hardly ask him what this was all about; it was all she could do just to keep up with him. When they finally arrived at the hideout, Peter tugged her down the slide made of bark and root, and they landed at the bottom.

Mia staggered to her feet, brushing off her dress. "Peter, what's going on? Are you going to tell me what this is all about?"

"Mia," he said seriously, taking her by the shoulders. "Listen, I'm going to take you home. I promise you. But there's something I gotta do first, okay?"

"Peter, I don't understand. I-"

"No time. Just please believe me when I say I will take you home. I've just got to do this one thing. I'll explain later. Trust me, okay? Please?" Those green eyes beseeched her.

"All right," she said. "I trust you."

Peter gave a resolute nod and strode to the corner of the hideout, taking his full-length sword from its resting place and attaching it to his hip. His dagger, he handed to Mia.

"Here," he said. "Keep this just in case."

"J-Just in case? Peter, you're scaring me. You're not going to confront Hook, are you?"

"No, Mia. Not right now."

And in her opinion, he'd never seemed more grown up.

"But now that I know what I know, I'm not taking any chances." He wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her towards him. His hand caressed her cheek. "Stay here until I get back. Don't leave. Don't come out for anything. Okay?"

"O-Okay," she stammered.

Peter's hand moved to the back of her head, his fingers tangling in her hair as he kissed her with an urgent sort of passion, like he feared it might be the very last time. Then, finally, as though it took every ounce of strength he possessed, he tore his lips from hers.

"Wait for me," he said.

"I-I will," Mia assured him breathlessly.

"I'll be back for you!" he called as he flew up through the hollow tree above and disappeared.


Peter flew over the lagoon and called down to the Lost Boys who were gathered there.

"Meet me at Tiger Lily's village!" he called.

"What about Hook?" they shouted back.

"Not now! Just do as I say!"

Peter soared over Neverland's mountains, flying so fast he tore holes through the clouds which hovered over the peaks. Time was of the essence. Depending on what he learned, he may have a long task ahead of him, and he mustn't keep Mia waiting, but he also mustn't let her leave until he found that which he sought. He flew to the northwestern-most point of the island and descended into the center of the native village.

"Tiger Lily!" he called desperately.

The native princess stepped out of the large teepee at the center of the village. Her deep brown eyes widened at the sight of the young man who stood before her. Her gaze swept him appraisingly. There was no doubt as to who this was, but the metamorphosis was extraordinary.


He took a step towards her.

"Lily, I need you to tell me everything you know about The Eye of Neverland."

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