The Knights Templar in Northu...

By HelenNicholson

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These are draft transcriptions of the custodians' accounts for the Templars' property in Northumberland and C... More

Northumberland and Co. Durham: January to November 1308
Northumberland and Co. Durham: 16 Nov. 1308 to 15 March 1310 (Latin text)
Debts owed to the Templars in Northumberland

Accounts for Temple Thornton 1308-10 (TNA: E 199/33/3) with translation

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By HelenNicholson

The Templars in Northumberland: summary of account transcribed by Dr Myra Bom and translated by Helen Nicholson

[Introduction: these accounts show the Templars receiving rents from Temple Thornton and the surrounding area, Healey, Corbridge and Threepwood, Newcastle upon Tyne and the surrounding area, and village on the Anglo-Scottish border. Some rents were paid in kind, such as payment in chickens at Christmas and eggs at Easter. They received income from commutation of labour services and payment for the right to brew beer and the right to collect peat or turf. A major source of income was the sale of wool and fleeces, but they also received income from the sale of grain.]

TNA: E 199/33/3 Northumberland 2–3 Edward II, 1308–10

Compot[us] GWuischardi de Charon' nup[er] vic[ecom'] \Com[itat[is]/ North[u]mbr[ensis] de exitib[us] t[er]rarum et ten' mag[ist]ri et fr[atru]m
The account of Guischard de Charon, recently sheriff of the County of Northumberland of the revenues from the lands and tenements of the master and brothers

milit[ie] templi in Angl[ia] in eod[e]m com[itate] Northumbr[ensis] a die d[om]inica p[ro]xi[m]a post festum s[an]c[t]i mar[tini] vid[elicet]
of the knighthood of the Temple in England in the same county of Northumberland from the Sunday next after the feast of St Martin, viz.

xvi. diem Novembr' Anno R[egni] R[egis] E[dwardi] fil[ii] R[egis] E[dwardi] s[e]c[un]do usq[ue] festum s[an]ct[i] Mich[ae]lis p[ro]x[imu]m sequens et ab
16 November, 2 Edw. II (1308), until the Michaelmas next following (29 September 1309) and from

eod[e]m festo sancti michaelis usque in diem d[omi]nicam p[ro]xi[m]am ante festum sancti cuthb[er]ti in martio q[u]o die
the same Michaelmas until the Sunday next before the feast of St Cuthbert (20 March: the previous Sunday was 15 March 1310), on which day

lib[er]avit t[er]ras et ten[entia] p[re]d[ic]ta Rica[rd]o de Horseley tu[n]c vic[ecom'] North[u]mbr[ensis] custod[is] q[ua]m diu reg[i] placuerit
he handed the aforesaid lands and tenements over to Richard of Horseley then sheriff of Northumberland for as long as it pleases the king

ad respondend' Reg[i] de exitibus inde et c[etera] p[er] br[e]ve Reg[i], et indentur[am] inter eos factam+ c[etera]
so that he should answer to the king for its revenues etc., according to the king's writ and the indenture made between them, etc..

\\Thornton/ Idem reddit co[m]pot[um] de lxiii.s.iiii.d. de redditu ass[is]' div[er]sorum ten[ementorum] div[er]sa ten[entia] de pred[ic]tis magistro
Thornton. Rents of Assise from Thornton. The same renders account for 63 s 4 d of rents of assise from various tenancies from various tenants of the aforesaid master

et fr[atr]ibus de man[er]io de Thornton' et div[er]sis villis adiacentibus sp[e]ctantis ad id[e]m man[er]iu[m] videlicet
and brothers of the manor of Thornton and various adjacent villages dependent on the same manor, viz:

Wotton', Morpath', Mitforth', Neubigg' et WerkeWorth' scil[icet] de t[er]mino Pasch', Anno etc secundo. Et
Wharlton? Morpath,Mitford, Newbiggin and Warkworth, that is from Easter, 2 Edw. II. and

de t[er]mino s[an]c[t]i mich[ael]is Anno tertio per unu[m] Annu[m] integrum. Et redd' compot[um] de .iiii.s recept[um]
from Michaelmas, 3 Edw. II through the whole of one year. And he renders account for 4 s.

\\Redd' Ass'/ de bracinag[io] de Thornton' per idem tempus. Et de .iii.s. iii.d. recept[um] de xiii gall[is] + de
for payment for the right to brew during the same period. And for 3 s 3 d received from 13 cockerels and from

xxvi. gallinis de redditu ad Natal' d[omi]ni vend'. Et de .xiii.d recept[um] de CC LX. ovis de redd' ad
26 hens rendered at Christmas and sold. And for 13 d received from 260 eggs from rents at

Pasch' vend' Et de .vi. \d/ rec[eptum] de t[r]ibus arur[is] vend' p[re]t[ium] cuil[ibet] arr[ure] -- ii.d. Et de iiii.s iiii.d rec[eptum]
Easter, sold. And for 6 d received for three plough -ervices sold, value of each ploughservice 2 d. And for 4 s 4 d received

de .Lii. op[er]ar' autu[m]pnal' vend' p[re]t[ium] cuil[ibet] op[er]ar[um] -- i.d. Et de .xiii.d rec[eptum] de .xiii. p[re]car[iarum] vend'
from 52 autumnal works sold, value of each work 1 d. And for 13 d received from 13 boon-works sold

p[re]t[ium] cuil[ibet] .i.d. Et de .iii.s. rec[eptum] de columbar[io] p[er] id[e]m temp[us]. Et de .c.s rec[eptum] de molend' p[er] id[e]m
value of each 1 d. And for 3 s received from the dovecote during the same period. And for 1000 s received from the mill during the same

temp[us]. Et de .iii.s. rec[eptum] hoc anno de turbar[ia] vend' -- Suma -- ix.Lj.iii.s.vii.d
period. And for 3 s received this year from the sale of turbary (the right to cut peat or turves). Total: £9, 3 s 7 d.

[scratched out line: Et de vj d de t[ri]b[us] appur' t[ri]u[m] tenent': and for 6 d. from three plough services from three tenants]

\\Heley/ Et idem reddit co[m]pot[us] de .iiii.L.vii.s.xi.d. ob' rec[eptum] de redd' ass' lib[er]e ten' et cust' aliorum ville
Healey And the same renders account for £4, 7 s 9½ d received from rents of assise from free and other customary tenants from the village

de Heley ad p[re]scriptos t[er][m]i[n]os. Et de .xvii.s. rec[eptum] de firma molend' de Heley p[er] id[e]m temp[us] Et de .vi.s.
of Healey at the afore-written dates. And for 17 s received from the lease of the mill of Healey during the same period. And for 6 s

rec[ept'] de bracinage' ibid[e]m Et de xx.d. rec[ept'] de xx gall' de redd' ad Natal' vend'. Et de x.d.
received for the right to brew there. And for 20 d received for 20 cockerels rendered at Christmas and sold. And for 10 d

rec[eptum] de .cc. ov' de redd' ad pasch' ibid[em] vend' Et de .vii.s. rec[eptum] de redd' ass' de Corbrug' per
received for 100 eggs rendered there at Easter, sold.  Corbridge  And for 7 s received from the rents of assise of Corbridge during

\\Corbrigg'/ id[e]m temp[u]s ad d[ic]tos terminos Et de lxv.s.ii.d rec[eptum] de redd' ass' ville de [word crossed out] \Threppewod/ per idem tempus
the same period at the said dates. Threepwood And for 65 s 2 d received from rents of assise from the village of Threepwood during the same period

\\Threpewod/ ad d[ic]tos terminos Suma – ix.L.vii.s.vii.d. ob'
at the same dates. Total: £ 9, 7 s 7½ d.

\\villa Novi Cast' cum vill[is]' adiac[entibus/ Id[e]m reddit co[m]pot' de .lxxiii.s.ix.d rec[eptum] de redd' ass' p[er] id[e]m tempus ad predictis t[er]minis de villa
The town of Newcastle and adjacent villages The same renders account for 73 s 9 d received from rents of assise during the same period at the same dates from the town of

Novi Cast' sup[er] Tynam et vill[is] adiacentibus vid[elicit] Fennum Kynton Resemuth et Redwod. Et
Newcastle upon Tyne and the adjacent villages, viz. Fenham, Kenton, Reedsmouth and Ratchwood. And

de .xl.s. receptum de div[er]cis terris de Fennum cum operar' ad firma[m] in certum part[em] per idem tempus ad
for 40 s received from various lands in Fenham with works leased out at farm during the same period at

predictos terminos. Et de .xii.d r[ecept'] ibidem de xii.gall' et gallinis de redd' ad Natal' Et de .vi.d
the aforesaid dates. And for 12 d received there from 12 cockerels and hens rendered at Christmas. And for 6 d

r[ecept'] ibidem de cxx. ov' vend de redd' ad pasch – S[u]ma – cxv.s.iii.d
received there from 120 eggs rendered at Easter, sold. Total 115 s 3 d.

{vill' in Glend'} Id[e]m r[edd'] co[m]pot[us] de .xlvii.s.ix.d ob' rec[eptum] de redd' ass. ad terminos pred[ic]tos In Ward' de Glend'
Villages in Glendale{1}. The same renders account for 47 s 9½ d received from rents of assise at the aforesaid dates in the Ward of Glendale

vid[elicet] in vill[is]' de Mindrom, Scotton, Heddon', Paxton, Kyllum, Langeton, Lilburne et Wllmure
viz., in the villages of Mindrum, Scotton, Heddon, Paston,{viii} Kilham, Lanton, Lilburn and Wooler

Et de .xii.s.iiii.d r[ecept'] de redd' ass' ad p[re]dictos terminos de Ville de Baumburg' et Alnewyke
And of 12 s 4 d received from rents of assise at the aforesaid dates from the towns of Bamburgh and Alnwick.

Suma lx.s.i.d [hole in parchment]
Total: 60 s 1 d.

Suma total' prescripti
Sum total: £27, 6 s 7 d.

{diversis blad'} Idem r[eddit] compot[us] de .xxiiii.Lj.xv.s. rec[eptum] a diversis blad' vend' per idem tempus ut patet p[er] part[iculis]
Various grains The same renders account for £ 24, 15 s received from the sale of various grains during the same period as it appears from the particulars of account.

{diversa animal' vend'} Et de .viii. Lj. r' de bob[us] vacc[is] taur' et bovett[is] et Iumenet[is] et stirc[is] vend' de diversis pretiis ut patet
Various animals sold. And for £8 received from the sale of oxen, cows, a bull and bullocks, mares and heifers{2} for various prices as appears

p[er] part[iculis]. Et de .x.L.iiii.s. de diversis bidenc[is] de diversis preciis vend' ut patet p[er] part[iculis] Et de
in the particulars. And for £10, 4 s for various sheep sold for various prices as appears in the particulars. And for

vi.s.viii.d. r[ecept'] de .viii. capr' vend' ut patet p[er] part[iculis]. Et de .xxviii.s. r[ecept'] de xxi. porcis
6 s 8 d received for 8 goats as appears in the particulars. And for 18 s received for 21 pigs

vend' ut patet p[er] part[iculis]. Et de xviii.d r[ecept'] de .vi. auc[is] vend'
sold as appears in the particulars. And for 18 d received for 6 geese sold.

S[u]m\a/ – xliiii.L.xiiii.s.viii.d.
Total: £44 14 s 8 d.

{pell'lan'} Idem r[eddit] co[m]pot[us] de .xlix.s.viii.d. rec[eptum] de pellibus lamicis vend' ut patet p[er] part[iculis]. Et de .xi.s
Woolfells (sheep skins with the fleece still attached). The same renders account for 49 s 8 d received for woolfell sold as appears in the particulars. Hides. And for 11 s

{Corr'} r[ecept'] de .iiii. corr[iis] bovum vend' ut patet p[er] part[iculis]. Et de .xiiii.d. r[ecept'] pro .ii. corr[iis] affr'{3} vend' ut patet
received for 4 oxhides sold, as appears in the particulars. And for 14 d received for 2 hides of affers, sold as appears

{lana} p[er] part[iculis]. Et de .iiii.L.v.s.v.d. r[ecept'] pro lana \ix\xx/ iiij arr[ur]' – veller'{4}/ vend' hoc anno ut patet p[er] part[iculis]
in the particulars. Wool. And for £ 4 5 s 5 d received for wool, sold: 184 fleeces sold this year as appears in the particulars.

S[u]m\a/ – vii.L.ii.s.iii.d.
Total: £7, 2 s 3 d.

{receptio[nem] den[ar']} Idem r[eddit] co[m]pot[us] de xliii .s. recept[um] de eodem Rob[er]to de Fandon' pro bidentis vend' ante advent[ione]'
Receipt of cash. The same renders account for 43 s received from the said Robert de Fandon for sheep sold before the arrival of

dic]ti G[uichard] ut patet per indentura[m] inter eos factam – S[u]m\a/ -- xliij.s.
the said Guischard, as appears in the indenture made between them. Total: 43 s.

{ utens[il'] domorum} et de utensilibus domor[um] rec[eptum] p[er] indent[uram] inter predictos R. et G. factam n[ihi]l, q[uia] tota[m] lib[er]at' Ric[ard]o
Domestic utensils. And for domestic utensils received by the indenture made between the aforesaid R. and G.: nothing, because everything has been handed over to Richard

{fen[um]} de horseley nunc vic' per indent[uram] p[re]t[er] .x. carr' feni
(hay) de Horseley now sheriff, by indenture, except for 10 cartloads of hay.

S[u]m\a/ total' istius anni – iiii\xx/
Total for the year: £81 6 s 6 d.

[End of membrane]


(in pencil): E 199/33/3


1 This area is right on the English-Scottish border. The idenfications of the villages is very uncertain – only Mindrum is definitely identified.

viii Paxton could be the village of Paston in Glendale. Alternatively there is a village of Paxton in the Scottish borders, north of the River Tweed, and a village named Paxton further south in Northumberland.

2 'Stirt' could also be steers or bullocks, but bullocks have already appeared in the list; so 'heifers' is more likely.

3 Afferus – a draught animal

4 'arr' has been struck through and 'veller' added.

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