set it off |mbj

By mochahontaz

326K 14.9K 8.5K

"You had the chance to get out of this lifestyle. Why didn't you take that chance?" "A dog always returns to... More

| S O U N D T R A C K
1 | S O L A N A
2 | R E A S O N I N G
3 | I N T O U C H
4 | B O S S L A D Y
5 | B A C K F I R E
6 | F L A S H B A C K
7 | S U P R I S E
8 | Q U E E N P I N
9 | P L A Y Y O U R S E L F
10 | F E A R
11 | T R U T H
12 | I N T O O D E E P
13 | B L E S S I N G
14 | V O W S & V E G A S
15 | R O O M 4 3 0
16 | R O N A N
17 | L A N A B A N A
18 | C . R . E . A . M
19 | S U G A R P A R E N T S
21 | T H E M A R K S
22 | T H E R A P Y
23 | B I R T H D A Y
24 | M E E T I N G S
25 | T R I C K S
26 | S O N D E R S O N
27 | C O N S U M E
Why Nothing Has Been Updated: Plagarism

20 | B A D G I R L S

8.1K 366 283
By mochahontaz

B A D   G I R L S

"I   D I D   T H I S   W I T H  
N O   C O M P L A I N I N G"


"Why didn't you tell me she was gonna be here?!" Savannah panicked, walking up and down my room while Lauryn laid flat on my bed messing with her phone. I sat on the edge and sighed, rolling my eyes at Savannah because once again— she was overreacting.

"Savannah... if you know that she works for me and I was calling literally everyone here; wouldn't you think she would also be here?" I squinted at her and cocked my head. "You and Lupe really need to get it together; it's been months."

We were having a meeting. Like a legit meeting; calling everyone to where I lived so that we could get some things taken care of. We were about to be dealing with everyone from the east and west coast, the midwest, the south, and the islands. They should be here in less than an hour since many of them booked their flights together. While Lauryn was chill and excited to have everyone back in the same place, Savannah was a shaking mess over having to be in the same room as one person. The men that worked for me were simply a bonus, but the women? They knew their shit.

"It's been months." Savannah mocked me before going off on her tangent and speaking Spanish to herself and clapping her hands. This was always the only time where she'd actually panic.

"You know... I think Lupe is probably past it." Lauryn shrugged, attempting to make light of the situation.

"That bitch isn't past it." Savannah rolled her eyes and sat on the bed, clicking her heel against the floor before she rubbed her hands over her bare face and sighed. "You know what? It's cool. It'll be fine. Yo puedo con esto." I can handle this. She managed a smile, but her nerves were still radiating from her body.

"You can? That's great. So you can go open the door cause it looks like their flight is here early and everyone's pulling up." Lauryn beamed, and Savanna's face fell again. "Just kidding."

"Hell is about to be nice and toasty for you." She grabbed my pillow and hit Lauryn over the head with it. The only thing Lauryn could do was laugh while Savannah walked out, mumbling something about needing a drink from the kitchen.

I turned and looked at Lauryn, shaking my head. "Now you know, you took that girl to a whole different level of crazy." I chuckled and shook my head before laying it on her stomach; looking at the ceiling.

"She'll get over it. I don't know why she thought that they wouldn't have to see each other again— we all deadass have the same boss. And speaking of my boss; when will you be making your appointment for your therapy session?"

"You and Isis can kiss my ass because I'm not doing it." I shook my head. "I don't need someone telling me what I already know and getting in my business."

"She's a private therapist that Isis found; you know she won't tell any of your business— hell, if she does Isis might have her ass dead. We just think it'll be nice for you to hear someone's opinion that's other than ours."

"Oh... so you're on her side?" I raised my eyebrow. "How much did she give you to agree with her? Cause you're normally on my team. I know her ass paid you off."

"She paid me off a decent ten grand; but that's not the point, hoe. The point is we wanna see you get the help that you deserve." Lauryn groaned and flicked my temple. "Can you at least promise me you'll think about it?"



"Fine. But me thinking about it doesn't mean that I'll do it." I hummed and heard the doorbell echo throughout the house. "They're here. Let's get moving." I pulled myself up and walked towards the door. My heels clicked down the hallway and I pushed my hair towards the opposite side of my face; checking my phone. Marcus sent me five texts messages about ideas for the youth program, I missed a call from Isis; even though she was probably on her way, and King tried to FaceTime me— but I ignored it.

Marcus was already so excited about everything that I had to tell him to spend some time focusing on himself also. I loved his enthusiasm; but I still wanted him to enjoy his life and not get overworked before even starting.

I got downstairs with Lauryn right behind me, to see Savannah with her arms crossed by the couch, frowning at the door. I just chuckled and opened it, to instantly get greeted by a group of women. Rizza's tattooed face was the first one I saw, and her smile instantly lightened the gloomy day that was outside. "You gonna let a bitch in?" She laughed.


Each and every one of them entered in and filled the room. Thankfully; they would be staying at a hotel close by so that I wouldn't have to worry about having this many women in this house. Everyone exchanged their hellos, gave hugs, and laughs while I watched Lauryn start to smirk from the island across from me. Looking in her direction, I knew exactly what she was looking at. I went to stand next to her while I let them all grab something to eat and drink before we start talking, looking directly at Savannah. "You think they're gonna say anything to each other?"

"They better or it's gonna be a long next few days." I chuckled and put my chin into my hands. Lupe stood on the other side of the room, giving Savannah the same look before sauntering over towards her. Savannah actually stood her ground and leaned against the wall.

"Vannah." Lupe looked at her and put her hands behind her back, giving a soft smile. "You still look beautiful I see. I missed you."

"So do you." Savannah pursed her lips and looked her up and down.


Lupe eyed her ex girlfriend and sighed, making her hands fall at her thighs. "Savannah, come on—"

"No... not right now." Savannah cut her off and shook her head. "This is definitely not the place to do this, and you know that."

Savannah and Lupe dated for an entire year before she found out that Lupe was seeing someone else who lived in the same state as her. Savannah had always been private about her sexuality; but those of us who knew her, were well aware that she was bisexual; compared to Lupe's lesbian. After all that happened, Savannah worked hard to avoid Lupe at all costs. It was to the point where I had to work my ass off to schedule meetings where one would be present and the other would be involved via video call, but I wasn't about to do that for this meeting. If they worked with me; they'd have to see each other.

Lupe lived in Seattle, but did most of the traveling to Vegas when we could get her there. She knew the ins and outs of how fast drugs traveled in Vegas since she was once a burlesque dancer in clubs. She was great at smuggling and delivering the drugs and money without problem. Then when she met Rizza, they worked well together— pairing them up was a must.

"Well when exactly would be the time and place? Cause I've tried to talk to you and call you—"

"This shit is gold." Lauryn mumbled to me and I pinched her side.

"Lupe... this just isn't the place for that conversation and I don't think it should be talked about for the time being." Savannah put her hand against her temple.

"Tomorrow. We'll talk tomorrow and it's not up for debate." Shaking her head, Lupe crossed her arms; letting all of the Cuban sass roll from her body. "¿Por favor?" Please?

"Multa." Fine. Savannah shrugged.

"Those bitches still can't even manage to be in the same place together?" A thick island accent came from the other side of Lauryn and I. We already knew it was Khaleesi. As always, her hair was different each time we saw her. It was shorter that what it normally would be, and the septum piercing that she had in her nose was still there, but the jewelry larger. "I told them before it started that it wasn't a good idea, but they never listen to me."


"They don't listen to anybody. How've you been?" I laughed and hugged her. Khaleesi was the hardest person to get to come to the states for business. Not just because of the fact that she was so busy; but also cause she hated the U.S.— I could only get her here on special occasions. She didn't like the weather and some of the people.

Khaleesi kept watch over every bit of international trade that was gonna happen, as well as reporting back to Isis and I about any potential dealers. She was great at her job; but was also great at the chemistry aspect of drugs. She was educated and petty; which was my favorite.

"I've been good, but you know damn well I ain't wanna meet here. One day you're gonna have to come to me or at least visit my country. This shit wack." She scoffed. "You know how many times I had to repeat myself cause everyone at the airport cause no one knew what I was talking about? I almost went to jail again, Lana."

"Nobody knows what the hell you say, Khaleesi. That's why it takes us all ten seconds to respond back." Lauryn joked and Khaleesi nudged her shoulder before kissing her cheek and hugging her. Lauryn was like everyone's little sister who always had a smartass comeback. That's what made us love her even more.

"Why are we here anyway? What's going on?"

"You'll see when I explain, girl. Relax." Laughing I put my hands on her shoulders and walked towards where the others where. And surely, I'm came Isis with her sunglasses on and red heels. "What took you so long?" She grabbed my other hand before waving at everyone.

"It took me a fucking hour to make it here because I had to deal with Bakari's bullshit. He's going crazy about his public business and a meeting that he's gonna have about expanding his shipping to other countries— then Bryson had me tied up about wanting a vow renewal—"

"Vow renewal? You don't seem to excited." I raised my eyebrow at her.

"I am... but remember that one aunt I was telling you about before? He was mentioning her coming and I had to mentally shut down so that I wouldn't say anything rude. He knows I don't like her." She wined. She hated his aunt specifically because of every sly comment that came out of her mouth. I remember their wedding reception, and it took everything in Isis to not send her to the hospital. Thankfully Bryson got his aunt in order before she'd have to. "And you know that if we were to have a vow renewal... who you'd have to walk down with."

I rolled my eyes and quickly changed the topic. "Ready to start the meeting?" Isis just laughed and put her hand on the small of my back, walking with me into the living room where the others where. She put her bag down on the table in the middle of the room before taking a seat and looking at everyone, watching the conversations dwindle down just by the presence of her. They all knew about Isis, but some of them never got the chance to actually breathe the same air as her, and she had the capability of being very intimidating at first glance.

"How are we all doing?" She smiled, pulling out a computer— different from the one that she used with Bakari. She always knew how to cover her ass along with everyone else's. While o sat next to her, Lauryn filled in the space next to me like she always did and gave me a reassuring smile.

All of the girls either responded with "good" or "great". Like they always did. Isis quickly ran down the rules of the meetings: phones off, everything said will be kept in file, if anyone says anything outside of these walls or outside of the circle, they would get handled... so on and so forth. "If everyone is here, I'm gonna turn this meeting over to Solana now so that she can discuss why she called you all here." Isis smiled, pushing her glasses up her nose slightly.

Clapping my hands together, I looked at everyone in the room before getting started. "First and foremost; I'd like to thank you all for coming— even those of you who live far. It's a meeting that needs to be had, and you all can benefit from it. For starters; I want everyone to welcome Tina. She'll be working with us from now on while we branch further towards the south." I smiled at the new girl while everyone said their hellos.


She was another girl that Isis found out about. She was smart just like any of the others, but I'd have to work with her to see what she could do. I could tell by the look on her face that she was one who could handle her own, by she had to understand what she was getting herself into. She waved and said a quick "hi" in the cutest southern accent.

Lauryn caught on to Savannah eyeing Tina and instantly shook her head. "That's way too much woman for you. You already got Lupe and a whole situation to deal with on Bakari's side. Tina looks like she will fuck your life up."

Savannah flicked the back of her ear and rolled her eyes. "Shut up, hoe—"

"Anyway, the reason why I called you all here was so we can discuss a ambush that happened in Vegas."

Rizza frowned at me and cocked her head. "Why didn't you tell me about this when you were there? We could've handled it as soon—"

"It's okay Rizz, we took care of it." I held up my hand and shook my head. "While we were in Vegas, a man named Ronan came to us saying that he wanted to make a deal. When we got there, he tried to ambush us and Bakari's men to kill us, and take the money and drugs."

"Well, what happened to him?" Khaleesi questioned, tapping her nails against the arm of the couch. "Is he dead or does it still need to be handled?"

"Bakari beat his damn head into a pile of cocaine until he pretty much reached the point of an overdose, and Lana shot his men. I'm sure by the time we left out, Ronan's system completely shut down." Savanna shrugged. "We did what we could and left with the money before things got even more crazy."

"I want to know everything about who we've been dealing with. Everyone who we have gave drugs to or know about us; because it shouldn't have happened." I shook my head. "And I refuse to let this happen again; I'm not putting anyone's life at risk; let alone my own."

"Well what do you want us to do?" Kinsley asked. Kinsley stayed back in Chicago and kept watch there. Although she wasn't hands on in the business; we still needed her. She was the doctor of all of the girls; and always found a way to get our medical files sent to any hospital that we ended up at— especially without us getting questioned by the law. She could prescribe anything; but I made sure that she didn't have the power to do that for the girls and their personal needs. She was more undercover about her help for us since her parents knew nothing about what we do.


"I want everyone to keep track of what they're doing, that's what." I bit my lip. "Someone is out here spilling all of my shit; and until I find out who it is, anyone who you don't deal to on a regular basis gets only half of the amount you'd regularly give them. Those who are regulars, you take all of their information down; send it to Lauryn, and Lauryn will send it to me. There shouldn't be any room for error here."

"I don't think things will get worse-" Kinsley started.

"It's not the point of things getting worse on my behalf. I can always handle my own and cover my tracks. My worry is everyone else in this room. Some of you have families, and if they think that they can get through to me, who is the first person that they're gonna try and take down to get just that? One of you. I'm not having blood from any of you spilled on my hands, and you all have too many people who care about you for that to happen."

"And you don't?" Isis interjected, raising her eyebrow. "Those exact same words that came from out of your mouth apply to you too. You didn't just build a business out of this shit, Lana. As cheesy as it sounds, you built a family with these girls. So you need to be careful to."

Lauryn looked up from the papers in her lap and nodded. "I agree with Isis. You've got a lot on the line too. So if this rule goes for us, it goes for you too. You can't fight the world and expect to not get a few scratches."

"So what do you plan on doing?" Lupe cocked her head.

"I'm assigning everyone a specific person to be with them on these tasks. Some of you will still keep watch, others will still help distribute. But, those who are distributing, I want you to keep one of the men with you for extra surveillance. As for me, I'll do the same. I'll travel with more men."


Bullets sounded off in one of the training rooms that was connected to my basement. Each and every stall was filled with women who were aiming at targets, and making direct chest or head shots. I stood by Tina and watched her as the gun shook in her hands a little. Calmly, I took her hand and turned her towards me. "Nervous?"

She smiled softly and shrugged. "I never actually had to do shit like this before."

"Shoot a gun?"

"Join a damn gang." She laughed, making me do the same.

"Don't think of it as a gang; I don't like to. Gangs don't really have a set motive like we do." I reloaded her gun. "Lauryn likes to call this whole thing a pussy mob. We have men who help; but the women really play a big role. And we don't simply kill to kill. We only do it when it's needed; and I try to tell them to keep it that way. But Rizza over there?" I pointed to her and how she was simply letting the gun in her hand ring bullets freely. "She's crazy with a gun. So are the other girls, but Rizza's father was in a gang once. He passed, so she found herself following in his footsteps at one point. You put a gun in her hands? She makes every bullet connect."

"Who taught you all about this?"

"Ex-boyfriend." I shook my head. "He's good at what he does, but I wanna be better than him on my own terms. He taught me how to shoot, how to load a gun, about the business... all that. He's trash though."

Tina just shook her head and smiled, looking at Isis.

"What about her?" Tina asked and pointed towards Isis who was doing the same. Little did a lot of people know, Isis knew how to handle a gun too; she just never wanted anything to get to that point.

"Isis... is one of the baddest bitches I've ever met." I grinned. "She helped me out of a lot of tough situations in my life; so I owe a lot to her. She's my lawyer. Is this a lifestyle that you think you'd want to get into? I need to know now before you get too into this shit."

"Hell yeah!" Tina nodded. "I just need to learn the ropes; this to do and things to not do. Especially if I'm gonna be in Texas and spread out from everyone else."

I looked around the room and saw the right person to help her: Naomi.


"I wanna pair you up with Naomi." We walked over to her, and I put my hands on her shoulders. Naomi quickly turned around and smiled. She was small, but damn sure knew her way around any and every gun. "Naomi, I want you to work with Tina when you both get back home; Naomi is from New Orleans, but she travels back and forth between southern states." I told Tina. Naomi's bright red hair was pinned into a bun with a few strands falling out while she put her gun back on the table in front of her.

"It's nice to meet you, Tina." Naomi smiled. "I don't mind helping you out; I need something to do anyway to keep me on my toes constantly. But, I have a proposition."

"I'm all ears." Tina shot back, crossing her arms playfully.

"If I help you, you gotta tell me how you got this thick, cause I can't be walking around here this same size, boo. I need to be like you." Naomi's squeal bounced off the walls as her and Tina give each other high-fives, and continued talking. I just walked away and gave them time to talk and get to know each other more. I have fifteen girls in my basement at the moment, and that number didn't even compare to the men that weren't here. If Bakari could have numbers working under him, so could I. The girls would argue on occasions; and probably fight, but at the end of the day, they'd be like sisters. Also knowing that they got paid well for their jobs made girl trips for them special.

"You look real content." Isis voice came from the other side of me, catching me off guard. "Happy with how things turned out?" She looked in the same direction as me, putting her hand around my waist.

"I am. I can't help but want more and better, but with what I have right now? I'm looking forward for what's to come. Thank you, for everything. I literally wouldn't have any of this if it wasn't for you."

"You don't owe me any thank you's. I told you, I take care of my family at any costs. But, I think I should let you know one thing before you both end up bumping into each other again..."

I looked at Isis and raised my eyebrow. "What happened?"

"Bryson found out about us not losing contact. He was oblivious to it for so long, but something clicked when he saw us together at your charity event. He promised not to tell; but he wasn't really happy about me keeping secrets." Isis smiled and shook her head. "He's just glad that you're okay; and he regrets not getting in contact with you over the years like he should've. Of course, when he's in front if Bakari, he doesn't say anything; but you know how you two were. You guys were just as much like siblings before I even fully came into the picture."

"Tell him that it's fine. It wasn't his job to check up on me; it was his partners job." I rolled my eyes and Isis nudged my shoulder. "I'll always have respect for Bryson; regardless the situation."

"Well... I'm glad you said that!" Isis laughed nervously, as soon as Lauryn came over. "Because I have a favor to ask you... well, not a favor; but... you get it."

"I'm not liking where this is going..." I glared at her and felt Lauryn wrap her arms around my waist and hug me.

"I want you to be my guest for a dinner that I'm throwing. Of course Bakari will be there-"

"Hell. No." I shook my head. "I don't wanna be in the same room as him; you know he threatened to kill Marcus right in front of me? I swear Isis, if I have to be in the same room as him, I'm shooting him again if he says something to me." I shook my head and leaned against the wall.

"Solana." She said my name like she was my mom; and it made me straighten up. "This is the only thing I'm asking of you-"

"Aside from going to see a therapist?"

Isis looked at Lauryn who was now hiding behind me.

"You peer pressured my Lauryn into joining your evil ass forces. Now I have to deal with you both on my ass."

"She's a trusted Therapist. I'm not letting just anyone come see you, Lana. Please. Just these two things, and after this; you ask me to do anything, and I'm there... like always." She started guilt tripping me, but it was always in the cutest way that would make me give in; and her being a lawyer didn't make it any better. She made her voice softer, and looked at me like I was someone promising her the worlds best treasure.

"Fine." I rolled my eyes. "But, I swear to God, if he tries ant stupid shit-"

"That you'll try and be on your best behavior and not let that nigga and his struggle beard get to you." Lauryn interrupted.

"I'm starting to think you hate him just as much as I do." I looked at her.

"You hate him, then I gotta hate him. Pussy code, sis."


All the girls ended up in their hotels for the night, thankfully. Isis was back at home, Savannah was at her place next door, finally having a much needed conversation with Lupe, while Lauryn was sleeping in my guest room. She had her own place next to me, but she loved staying over to simply hang out, and I didn't mind it. She was an only child like me, so our quality time was always spent with each other.

I laid in my bed with my hair pulled into the silk white bonnet on my head, looking down at my phone. I went through the contacts of every girl that came today; quickly sending them all their pay for coming out. I knew since they were in New York, that they'd end up spending it by the time they left tomorrow afternoon to go back home.

A text popped up on my phone with a text from Isis, reminding me that she ended up setting my appointment for the therapist tomorrow at 11AM. Mentally, I was cursing out myself, her, and Lauryn; but I was just gonna go along with it so that they'd give me a break. Soon enough, my phone started ringing, and as soon as I saw the caller ID; I wanted to throw my phone out the window.

"Hello." I put my hand over my eyes and sighed.

"You know, you never sound excited to hear from a nigga anymore."

"Because, King. I've had a long day of dealing with things; and you were the last person I was expecting to hear from." He had the simplest way of annoying me at this point. Every bit of me wanted to completely just cut him off and find someone new, but I knew he'd still be working for me anyway. Also, I wasn't petty enough to just kill him off because he wasn't satisfying me... no matter how many times it crossed my mind.

"You need me to come over?"

"I'm good." I said quickly, and he just chuckled. "I have Lauryn over her to keep me company, and I'm getting ready to go to sleep anyway." I could hear him sigh just at hearing Lauryn's name.

"Ight. I'll see you when you're ready to see a nigga then."

"I guess you will." I ended the call and threw my phone on the dresser. I had to deal with fifteen women in my house at the same time already. I wasn't about to deal with a man acting like a bitch.



"You need anything else?" Zeke, the tech guy asked me while we left the surveillance room. I shook my head no, and thanked him anyway; paying him a extra portion for staying later. After what happened in Vegas and how Solana easily slipped in, I tightened up every bit of security just in case.

"Nah, I'm good. You enjoy your night though." I patted his back before he walked out; shutting the door behind him.

"You know, sometimes I wonder how you even got into doing things like this." My mom came from around the corner, holding a cup of tea in her hand. My dad was visiting his sister, so she was staying with me until he got back. I didn't trust her flying back and forth especially with the state of her health. "But then, I don't wanna know. Sometimes the truth is scary." She chuckled.

I smiled and kissed her cheek, putting my hand on her back and walking her up towards her room that was next to mine. "One day; when I'm comfortable enough to tell you, I will."


"Getting involved in business like this ain't easy, ma. I seen some things that I should not have at a young age. It's nothing that you and pops did that made me, I just fell into it." I told her, and I wasn't lying. If I could go back and redo all the shit I did when I was younger, I would.

It wasn't easy keeping everyone safe at all times; even if you were the most feared man in the city. There were some people who didn't care about that, and pretty much had a death wish. At a young age, I had to realize that and all the things I was putting on the line.

Opening her bedroom door, I let her go in and helped her get seated on the bed, cutting on her TV to her favorite station: OWN. "Well baby, maybe it's not meant for me to know then. Some things I can handle, but others? I can't." She huffed and laid back in the bed while I sat on the edge. "I saw Solana on the TV again." She gave me a side eye and sipped her tea. I knew what was coming, so I just shook my head. "Do you know how she's been?"

"No, ma." I rubbed my hands together and looked at the TV.

"Lying ass." She grunted. "Whatever happened between you and her during her time away, I hope you fix it. That girl cared about you and this family in a way that you won't see often. And I've never seen you look at someone the way you'd look at her." She spoke, but I ignored her. I didn't wanna talk about that. So, I guess she caught on, and twisted the skin on my arm, making me hiss.


"You hear me talking to you, boy." She pointed and yawned.

"I'll see. But, I'm gonna let you get some sleep before you rip the damn skin off my arm-"

"Didn't I tell you, you not too grown to not get cussed out for cussing, Michael."

"I love you." I changed the subject and kissed her hand. "If you need me, I'm right down the hall. And I'm serious ma. Even ifI'm sleep, you need water, you let me know."

"I'm fine, I got two feet for a reason."

"Not in my house." I shook my head. "Like I said, you need anything; come get me."

I still didn't like her on her feet that much. The more rest she was able to get and peace, the more content I was. Hell, I was doing everything for her earlier today and almost drove her crazy. One thing I was always scared of, was her Lupus flaring again. The first time it happened, I wasn't there and that shit ate me up for two months because she ended up in the hospital. After that, I've been by her side even when she didn't need me to.

"Fine, boy. I love you too." She just smiled and shook her head. I turned off her light and kept her door cracked for her before going into mine and finally calling it quits for the day before having to start all this shit up again tomorrow.




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Should the next chapter be a flashback or present day?

Bakari's enemies are gonna start getting introduced.

Mama Jordan wants some respect on her name and Solana's.

I said I was updating this tonight, and I always forget that when I say 'tonight' I mean when it's still dark... so it's deadass 1:30AM right now and it's obviously not night-night.


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