Naruto: Reunion - Discontinued

By Yoshistar_Writes

11K 370 97

With Naruto successfully bringing Sasuke back to Konoha everything Seems promising at first for a new team 7... More

Before we begin...
2) Naruto...
3) ...Sasuke...
4) ...Sakura
5) Hokage
6) Instructor
7) Recovery
8) Training
9) Sudden change
10) Team 7
11) Introductions
12) Spy
13) Investigation
14) Intrusion
16) Calamity
17) Camp
18) Past Issue
19) Speech
20) Yamato...
21) ...Anko...
22) ...Tsunade
23) New Request
24) Darkening
25) Night sky
26) Spirit
27) Gaara...
28) ...Temari and Kankuro
29) Relate
30) Talk
31) Kazekage
32) Transition
This story will be discontinued...

1) Return

1.1K 24 1
By Yoshistar_Writes

As the violence cleared from the rain squelching noises were heard as Kakashi and Sasuke slowly retraced their steps back to Konoha, their village and home.

In the midst of the underlying guilt Kakashi was carrying the exhausted Naruto whilst trying to think of a way to lecture Sasuke. He could see his sad expression however so he decided to let it slide.

"Kakashi sensei...where is Sasuke?"

The sound was behind him and after it was heard the real Sasuke peered at Kakashi's back to see Naruto reckless and tired.

"Get some rest Naruto, I'm here and I'm sorry for getting everyone injured. I don't think I intend on leaving now thanks to what you've told me."

After being reassured Naruto closed his eyes back again and the walk again turned to silence. Kakashi finally however decided to master his strength in order to direct it at Sasuke.

"You do know there are consequences for doing what you have done right?"

"I'm prepared to accept it. I'll first however say sorry to all those that joined to get me back: Shikamaru, Choji, Neji, Kiba and Akamaru. I'm going to pay my visits."

"The sand village also helped as well however. They will be leaving soon so either say sorry to them first or do it when you next meet them..." He had to make sure Sasuke knew he was serious, "...that's an order!"

Sasuke nodded but Kakashi was not done yet however. It was also his job to explain what was to happen to him as soon as they arrived so he began his second lecture.

"Also, Ibiki will be taking you in for questioning. I think you should know that he was-"

"Our proctor from the chunin exams,I know."

"He is also said to be a master at torture and interrogation so I suggest you abide by what he says. His words are going to be law when we get to konoha and since I'm your supervisor I'm going to get an earful from that new hokage of ours."

The weight of all of the drama that ensued before had only just been realised by Sasuke and as they exited the forest into the rocky pavement they went to the direction towards konoha.


Konoha was one of the top villages in the shinobi world. Run by the chosen leader, the hokage, it stood tall and offered people the freedom of peace and coalition with the sand village as well. It was also known as the leaf village from time to time which was fitting for an area where forests resided near.

The sun had finally rested as the moon was in full sight when they arrived. The chilly air was not helping their arrival but the anbu corps took Naruto immediately from Kakashi as soon as they passed through the gates.

Beside the anbu however was an angry but tired hokage. Tsunade of the legendary sannin was only new to the job but already she was to start dealing with special S-rank missions.

"I've just healed you, why are you making us go through this?"

"I apologise greatly, I'm sorry."

"Stop talking formally. I'm not in much of a mood either but this is my final job before I get some rest so follow me."

Sasuke followed and they left Kakashi in the entrance of the village. In the dark everything seemed empty as shops were abandoned and houses were used for sleeping in. No sounds could be heard either but it was understandable. He could not imagine Naruto doing the work Tsunade was going through after he became hokage.

"I presume Kakashi already went through his lecture towards your way here so I'm leaving you out of my anger. But Sasuke, take it from me: Orochimaru is a beast who should not be tampered with and as such, you are no longer a member of team 7 as of now."

Sasuke quickly gasped in shock at what she said, "Why?"

"I've found you a suitable teacher to work with. Treat her with the respect she deserves and I think that it should work out well."

"What makes you say that?"

"You will find out in due time. However first we should get this out of the way."

A halt was made and Tsunade ushered Sasuke into a worn down building where right inside an empty room lay a table with two chairs opposite. One chair lay empty, it was fully polished in the musty air that the room brought whilst the other chair stood Morino Ibiki, a specialist in torture and interrogation.

Sasuke sat down the uninhabited chair and Tsunade left the room without saying goodbye. A yawn was heard from her seconds after, it was no puzzle that she was going home to rest.

Around the rectangular  room the door shut by itself and the ever growing silence resumed. Sasuke however finally spoke.

"What do you want to know and I'll tell you!"

"Tell me the location the original base you were heading towards and replay everything that had happened for you to find out. If you tell me everything then you can go home tonight."

A sigh was heard from Sasuke as he pushed his chair in the table and begun to speak. This was going to be a long and drawn out story but he had guessed that his punishments would be harsh when he arrived to Konoha. After a little bit of silence Sasuke remembered who he was and figured out where the start of the story was so he begun to talk, leaving no truths out in the process of speaking. It was his time to open up and whilst he was not used to it he figured that Ibiki would be more pleasant if he abided.

" all begun with the uchiha massacre..."



1. Kakashi the copy ninja
2. Naruto the knucklehead
3. Sasuke of the uchiha clan
4. Tsunade the new hokage
5. Ibiki the expert

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