Fresh Start (Team Flash x Fem...

By zarischarlie

3.3K 68 29

Reader is British, from the year 2041, and has the powers of telekinesis which you gained after being experim... More

Fresh Start | Part 1
Flash of Two Worlds | Part 2
The Fury of Firestorm | Part 4
The Darkness & The Light | Part 5
Fresh Start | Part 6

Family of Rogues | Part 3

377 6 2
By zarischarlie

A/N: This takes place around season 2 episode 3 and this story is mostly canon with a few things changed, including the fact that GoldenVibe was never a thing and let's imagine that you had met Lisa Snart at some point within the last couple of months. (You'll see why when you read the story.)
Warnings: Mentions of abuse. Swearing.
Word Count: 3919
y/n = Your name
Davis = Your Last Name

After Professor Stein had collapsed, Caitlin had ran some tests and discovered that his blood pressure was extremely high and that that was most likely the cause of him passing out. Caitlin had ordered him to bed rest so whilst Professor Stein was recuperating in the med bay, you and the rest of the team, including Jay, had discovered the breach in S.T.A.R Labs.

As you all discussed the breach, Professor Stein walked in, earning a stern telling off from Caitlin. Then after persuading you all to let him stay, Barry tried to run at the breach with superspeed before getting bounced back and Jay insisted that you'd consider the breach as a door and that if they stabilised it, Barry could jump through.

Then Professor Stein ushered you all out of the lab telling you to "cherish the gift of youth" so you all decided to meet up with Iris and go to Jitters.

You, Caitlin, Iris and Cisco were currently sitting at a table whilst Barry went to get you all coffee.

"Who's that talking to Barry?" Iris asked, nodding towards the woman besides Barry.

"Oh, that's Patty Spivot. The one that the Sand Demon kidnapped."                                     

"Dang, she's good looking."


"What? She is."

"Not the point."

Though she did look better in a suit than her uniform.

"Okay, guys, shush, he's coming over." Iris said quickly.

"Alright, five Flashes. Be careful. Apparently, they are super-caffeinated." Barry warned, placing the mugs down on the table. "First, I have a day named after me. Now, a drink."

"Yeah, I know. Not even y/n has a drink yet."

"Really, Cisco?"

"I'm just saying." He said, taking a sip from his mug.

"Hey, you guys think Professor Stein is okay, right? I mean, Clarissa would call if there was anything wrong." Caitlin asked, slight worry coming through her voice. You all reassured her but she insisted on calling him which led to Cisco doing an impression of the Professor.

"Young lady, these repeated intrusions are interrupting what should be a speedy recovery."

You started laughing at how uncanny his impression was when you accidentally knocked into the person behind you.

"Oh, I'm so sorry." You turned around and saw a very familiar face.

"Don't apologise. You can bump into me any day, y/n."

"Lisa Snart."

Though you had met Lisa Snart before, when you were still a cop, since joining Team Flash, you had encountered Lisa Snart a lot more, as well as her brother. She also seemed to take a shine to you, always taking the opportunity to flirt with you at any chance she got.

And it probably didn't help that you slept with her that one time.

But it wasn't your fault, you had had a really bad day and ended up getting completely and utterly smashed and Lisa just happened to be in the right place at the right time.

You didn't regret it but you weren't ashamed of it either, having had a few flings with both men and women back in the future. You just hoped that Lisa was too drunk to remember.

But with the way she was looking at you, probably not.

"You here to double-cross us again, or are you and your big bro holding up coffee shops now?" Cisco said, and you remembered Cisco mentioning the previous event to you when you first started working at S.T.A.R Labs.

"I need your help."                                           

Both you and Cisco laughed in disbelief.         

"In your dreams, Sister Cold."
"Yeah, you know we could call the Flash." "Yeah, he'd be here in like two seconds...probably one."

"Call him."

She called Cisco's bluff making you both look at her in shock and then at each other.

"Oh, okay. I'm gonna call him...You really want me to call the Flash?"

"I need his help too. My brother's been kidnapped."

You, Caitlin and Cisco had taken Lisa to S.T.A.R Labs where Barry met you there, but as the Flash. She was explaining how she, Leonard and their partner, Mick Rory, were committing a robbery before being interrupted by Caitlin.

"Does it physically pain your family not to rob people?"

To which she replied that she never finished the job, having seen 'Lenny' being thrown into a van before being knocked unconscious. Then she assured you all that it wasn't a trap and reminded the Flash that he owed Snart a favour for the latter saving his life.

"I do not like her." Caitlin said, even though Lisa was standing right in front of her.

"Yeah, but she makes a point." Cisco said, earning prying looks from both Caitlin and the Flash.

"He's right, we should at least hear her out. Right?" You asked, making Lisa smile gratefully at you.

"Even if I wanted to help, how are we supposed to find him?"

"I've got an idea."

You went to sit down at your computer as everyone watched you.

"Cisco wasn't able to place a tracker in the cold gun, right?"

"No, there wasn't enough time."

"Okay, so, how about we locate the gun a different way?"

"How do you mean?" Cisco asked.

You began hacking into the military's system so you could access their technology, whilst also making sure you left no digital footprint.

"What are you doing?" Caitlin asked.         

"Well, from what Cisco told me, the gun works the same way as thermal imaging does. So I've just borrowed the military's technology to scan for ultraviolet cold signatures."

"Instead of infrared heat signatures. Damn, girl, you're a genius." Cisco said, coming up behind you.

"Wait, 'borrowed'?" The Flash asked. You looked up at Barry and smirked.          

"Okay, the gun's UV thermal reading was last picked up at 5th and Hoyt eight minutes ago." Cisco said.

"You want me to tag along?" You asked but the Flash insisted that he'd be okay without Meson's help.

Lisa already knew your alter ego, having discovered it the first time she met you as a part of Team Flash. She had somehow recognised your eyes, as well as your body shape, and you didn't know whether to be offended or complimented.

As the Flash ran off, you pulled Lisa to the side and asked her how she was doing.

"I'm just worried about Lenny. I don't want anything bad to happen to him. He's the only family I have."

"Don't worry, we'll get Snart back, I promise."

"Thank you, y/n." She replied, squeezing your hand in comfort.

"Cisco! Snart hit me with his cold gun." Barry's voice came out through the comms.

You ran back to the desk and Cisco turned on the thermal threading in his suit to melt him out. "Flash?" You shouted through the comms. 

"I'm okay. It's working. But Snart's gone and Lisa has a lot of explaining to do."                  

You looked up at Lisa who seemed to be both confused and in shock.

Either she had a really good poker face or she had no idea what just happened.

The Flash ran back to S.T.A.R Labs and confronted Lisa.

"So your brother was not kidnapped. He was pulling a job with your father."

Lisa slightly flinched at the mention of her father, which you noticed, as she denied the Flash's accusation.

"What? No, Lenny would never do that."

"Oh, just like he would never try and kill the Flash with his cold gun." Caitlin said sarcastically.

Though you understood where Barry and Caitlin were coming from, you also seemed to believe Lisa.

"Are you sure it was my dad?"

Cisco pulled up Lewis Snart's arrest record for you all to see. "That's him."

"Lewis Snart. Convicted of larceny, armed robbery, aggravated assault, assault with a deadly weapon."

You looked back at Lisa and saw her jaw was clenched. Her expression was eerily similar to yours whenever someone mentioned your father.

"You have to believe me. Lenny would never work with him." Lisa looked directly at you. "He's a bad guy."

Wait, she couldn't possibly hoped you were wrong.

"You and your entire family are criminals. Why should we trust anything you say?"

Lisa looked at you and then back at Caitlin and the Flash. Pulling her t-shirt and jacket to the side, she revealed a scar going from her shoulder to her collarbone, one you had assumed she had gotten from a 'job'.                 

"I didn't get this scar being a criminal. I got it being a daughter."                                               

As you all stared in shock, Lisa stormed out of the cortex. Without saying a word, you ran after her.

You found her sitting in the lab which you were currently remodelling to be your training room.


She looked up at you then back at the ground.

"I see you found my hiding spot. Well, I guess it's not that well hidden."

You came and sat down beside her.

"I usually come here to train but a lot of the time, it's so I can get away from everything and just be alone, if only for a few minutes."

Lisa grabbed your hand and you simply held her hand in yours as you both sat in silence.

"First time my father came after me, I was seven. Second time, I was eight. That's when I learned that a bottle hurts worse than a fist."

You just listened as she continued, "He used to say he was trying to teach us lessons."

She looked up to meet your eyes again.

"I must have been a slow learner, because the lessons never stopped." She said, tears threatening to spill from her eyes, her voice breaking.

"I'm so sorry, Lisa. No one deserves to go through that, especially not you."

The next words she muttered had you wanting to hold her and hug her until everything was good again.

"Don't pity me."                         

"Hey, look at me. Look at me." You lifted her chin with your finger so she could meet your eyes. "No one here would ever pity you. Especially not me."

Her eyes narrowed, "You've been through this too, haven't you?"                                        

Usually you would have changed the subject but Lisa didn't deserve that.                            

You sighed, "No one else knows. I usually hide the scars with jackets or jumpers."

"Is he-"
"Dead? I sure hope so."
"I'm sorry, y/n."

"There's nothing for you to be sorry about. It's not your fault."

"Why haven't you told Caitlin or Cisco?"

"I don't know. I guess I just want to forget that part of my life."

"God, we're such a depressing pair." Lisa said, making you laugh.

Still holding your hand, Lisa lightly squeezed it, "Lenny practically raised me. If it weren't for him, I would have turned out a lot worse. And, look, he may be a jerk brother, but he's the only jerk brother I've got. He protected me. Now it's my turn. If he's with my dad, he is in serious trouble. Please. You've gotta find out what's going on." She pleaded.

"I promise, we will get Snart back."

You both stood up and held eye contact for a few beats of silence before she leaned in and gently kissed you on the lips which you reciprocated.

When you pulled away, you smiled at her, "Come on. Let's bring your jerk brother home."

***                                                               "WHAT?"

Barry had called both you and Cisco and after making sure Lisa wasn't in the cortex, Barry had told you that he had found traces of thermite at his crime scene leading to the conclusion that Lewis might be forcing Snart to do his bidding by threatening to blow Lisa's head off.

"What's wrong?" Lisa asked, having heard the shouts from the hallway.

Instead of answering, you used the intercom to talk to Caitlin, "Hey, Caitlin? We need you up here."

"Yeah, like, right now." Cisco demanded.

When Caitlin entered the cortex, Cisco quickly told Caitlin the situation whilst you set up the equipment you needed and asked Lisa to sit in a chair.

"Y/n, what's going on?"
"Hopefully, nothing."

As Cisco stood beside Lisa, you and Caitlin looked at the large screen which flashed "Thermite Detected"

"Oh, boy." "What is it?"

"Lisa, there are traces of thermite on your skin." Caitlin delicately explained.

"Thermite? Like an explosive?"

"Not like an explosive."    

"It's a bomb."

"Your dad must have injected you with it when you were knocked out." You said, Lisa was now looking at you scared out of her mind. "Lisa, we'll find a way to fix this, I swear."

After calling Barry and confirming his suspicions, he said he'd come back to S.T.A.R Labs with a powerful magnet to retrieve it.

Whilst you were waiting for Barry, you and Cisco decided to analyse the schematics of the bomb in the mini lab.

"Cisco, look at these concentration levels. They're way higher than those of a normal bomb." You explained confused.


"Barry's examining it with a magnet."          

Cisco caught your meaning and you both jumped out of your seats and ran to the cortex.

"Put the magnet down!" Cisco shouted. "This is a really concentrated bomb. It's gonna combust if it's exposed to magnetic friction and an oxidant."

"What's he talking about?" Lisa asked you.

"Air. The bomb will explode if it comes into contact with air." Her eyes widened.

"Don't worry, Lisa. We're gonna find another way to get it out. Scientific minds, can we confer?" Cisco called you all to the side.

As you all walked into the mini lab, Caitlin asked whether the Flash could speed extract it but you and Cisco warned her that it was too risky and that you just needed a little time to figure out how to safely extract it.

Barry then decided that since Lewis killed their tech guy, Barry would infiltrate their crew and pretend to help them.

"You're gonna be a criminal?" Caitlin asked.

"How hard can it be? Y/n technically used to be one."

"First of all, rude. Second of all, Barry, you're literally the embodiment of 'Mr Goody Two-Shoes', you'd be made the minute you walked in there."

"Y/n, what other choice do we have?"
He countered, before running off.

You looked at Caitlin and Cisco, "Oh, he's definitely gonna get shot."

As Barry infiltrated Snart's crew as 'Sam', the new tech guy, you and Cisco had come up with the idea of using a compressed air gun to remove the bomb.

So, now, you were currently holding it against Lisa's neck explaining that it would draw the micro-bomb out of her neck and into the barrel of the gun with one shot.

"There is one slight risk, though."

"Besides shooting a high-powered weapon directly against my neck?" She replied sarcastically.

"The gun does use compressed air." You warned but she looked into your eyes and said

"I trust you, y/n".

You smiled and as you got ready to connect the gun to her neck, you asked, "How do you feel?"

"Like we should've put down some plastic."

"That's not funny, Lisa." You said whilst smirking.

"Yeah, but I like it when you smile."

You blushed and exhaled a breath,
"You ready?" "Shoot me, y/n."

As you got ready to fire the gun, an incoming call had you all jumping.

"It's Flash!" Caitlin said, placing the call on speaker.                    

"Uh, guys, how are you doing with Lisa?"

"Y/n's kind of in the middle of it right now!" Cisco replied.

"Alright, we need that bomb out."

"Yeah, no kidding, Flash." You said.         

"Y/n, the heist is going down right now."        There was silence on his comms for a minute or so before he spoke again. "Do it, y/n."

Immediately, you fired and successfully extracted the bomb without it exploding, making you all sigh in relief.

"Y/n got the bomb out! Lisa's safe." Cisco shouted.

According to Barry, after you had extracted the bomb, Snart had blasted his father with the cold gun and he was now sitting in Iron Heights prison.

Lisa understood that the Flash had to put Snart in prison and surprisingly wasn't mad and now she was saying her goodbyes to you, Caitlin and Cisco in the cortex.

"We got off on the wrong foot but I want to thank you both for helping me get my brother back. Even if he's now sitting in jail."

"You're welcome, Lisa." Caitlin replied before sitting at her desk.

"Later, Golden Glider." Cisco said, before joining Caitlin.

Lisa turned to face you. "Thank you, y/n. Really."

"No problem."        

Then she looked at Caitlin and Cisco who were laughing at a joke Cisco had told. 

"I know it's not my place to say, but I think you should tell them about your dad. I can tell they love you and that they'd never pity you, no matter what."

You nodded, "I will. God, we really are quite a pair. Who would've thought that an ex-cop, now meta, would be helping a criminal get her brother back?"

"I know. I thought you'd still be mad at me for kissing you." She said, rather loudly.

Caitlin and Cisco's heads turned to face you as Caitlin jumped out of her chair.

"You kissed her?!"

You winced.


"Y/n, did you or did you not kiss Lisa?" Caitlin asked, as she and Cisco looked at each other in shock.


"We actually did a lot more than kiss."

Your eyes widened as Caitlin and Cisco's jaws dropped.

"Yeah, we-"

You covered Lisa's mouth with your hand.
"Not helping, Lisa."

You looked back at the still-shocked pair, "I'll explain everything in a minute. Let me just see Lisa out."

"I don't think I want to know." Caitlin said, not looking you in the eye.        

"You definitely do. Y/n is really go-"

You pushed Lisa out of the cortex, "Okay, you're leaving now."

As you and Lisa stepped outside and found her motorcycle, you started laughing.              "Thanks for that, Lisa. Now Caitlin's gonna have my head on a stick."

"It was worth it. But, in all seriousness, thank you, y/n."

"No need to thank me. I wouldn't have left a bomb in anyone, not even you."

"No, I mean thank you for our talk earlier. I hate feeling weak, and it's hard for me to be vulnerable, especially in front of other people. But with you, it was easier, because I trust you."

Then she leaned in and kissed you; the kiss was soft but also full of fire and laced with desire. When you both pulled away, she flashed a devilish grin before sitting on her bike.

"Till next time, y/n."

"See you later, Snart."
You replied as she sped off in her motorcycle.

After walking back into S.T.A.R Labs, you found the cortex empty and went in search for Caitlin and Cisco where you eventually found them, in your training room.

"Uh, guys. What are you doing?"

"TA DA" Caitlin said, showing you the newly refurbished room.

They had redecorated the room so a medical cabinet sat on the wall, which contained a medical kit that Caitlin insisted you have, a punching bag was hung up in the room beside the wooden sticks you usually trained with and mats covered a large section of the floor. In the corner, there was a tall glass cabinet that held the suit that you wore when fighting metas.

"Oh, guys, I love it. Thank you so much."
You exclaimed, hugging the two of them.

"Yeah, well, we figured that since you don't have a drink named after you, we can at least give you an amazing training room."

"Cisco!" Caitlin reprimanded. "That's not the reason. We just wanted to do something nice for you."

"Really, thank you guys so much. But how did you find the time to do this? I was only outside with Lisa for a few minutes."

"We had Barry help us." Caitlin explained.

"Speaking of Lisa..." Cisco started.                 "Can we not?" You said, embarrassed.          They both looked at you smirking.

"Fine. A while back, I got really drunk. Like super pissed. And Lisa was at the same bar as me, and one thing led to another and we ended up sleeping together."

"Nice." Cisco said, high-fiving you.

"Are you mad, Cait?"

"I could never be mad at you, y/n. I mean, did I wish you slept with someone other than a criminal? Yes. But you're one of my best friends, and I'll always love and support you, no matter what."                                                     

You smiled and then Lisa's words came to the forefront of your mind. "You're right. We are best friends. And that's why I need to tell you something."

"Did you sleep with another criminal too?" Cisco joked before earning a slap on the shoulder from Caitlin.

"No, Cisco. But there's something you should know." You let out a breath, turned around and then removed the oversized jumper you were wearing over your sports bra.

"Y/n, your back."
"Were these from the agency?' They asked, looking at the scars that covered almost the entirety of your back.

"A lot of them are, but not all."

"Where did the rest come from?" Caitlin asked. "Y/n?" Cisco asked when you didn't answer.

You put your shirt back on and turned around to face them. "Some came from operating as Renegade. But the others...they came from my father."

Cisco and Caitlin looked at you in horror.        "I'm so sorry, y/n. I can't believe your father did that." "Why didn't you tell us sooner?"

"I didn't know how to. It's not something you can just bring up mid-conversation. And to be honest, I just wanted to forget that part of my life."

They both hugged you and insisted that they loved you no matter what, which you were completely grateful for.

"Guys, can you all join me in the lab with the breach?" Jay's voice echoed in the training room.

"Come on, let's go. He must have stabilised the breach."

"Wait, are you sure you're okay?"

"Of course, Cait. I've got my family with me." You smiled as the three of you went to go find Jay.

You, Cisco and Caitlin met up with Professor Stein, Barry and Jay who explained that he was able to stabilise the breach using CFL Quark Matter. And after testing it, he said that he'd be leaving but was successfully convinced by Caitlin to stay and help with the other breaches and Zoom.

"So, Professor Stein, how are you feeling?"

"Well, uh, it appears that a little rest heals all maladies. I couldn't feel-" The Professor began stuttering.


"No, no, no, get back." He warned.

Almost instantaneously, his body went up like Firestorm, except the fire was blue, and then he collapsed on the floor.

"Professor Stein!"

All of you shouted as you rushed to his side.

"What happened to him? He went up like Firestorm, but the flame, why was it blue?"

"I don't know. This isn't good. We need to stabilise him fast."

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