Arranged Marriage

By by_one_degree

20.4K 1K 197

When you have to marry someone you don't love and left the one you love the most. Youngjae used to love Junho... More

The Im Family
Yi-En Tuan
Stress, Cat and Choi Youngjae
First simple date
nice but rude husband
His Past (edited)
He's.... so Pretty (SMUT)
do i like him?
He starts to like me (?)
Yugbam (Extra Chapter)
He likes me
the Gold Mine
He left me (for a while)
what happened before
The truth
The truth Pt 2
Do I love him?
I Love Him
Do you need Epilogue(?)
Epilogue Pt 1
Epilogue Pt 2
Epilogue Pt 3

Epilogue Pt. 4 : MIRACLE

450 27 3
By by_one_degree


They followed the nurse onto Dr. Sungjin room

First Dr. Sungjin checked the Hb

"After 2 days, it's raising but still under the normal by 1. it's seems like our therapy went very good. My target was you can reach the normal Hb in a week but i think you can make it around 3-4 days. Let's keep it up..." Dr. Sungjin said with a smile. And then he turned to JB

"You're always by his side that's the main reason why our therapy shows this impressive result. Thanks"

"No, bcs that's my job as a husband and i love him. I should be the one who say thanks for taking care of him" Jb replied

"So..  we always think that this baby is already death. There's no way he survived with that low heart rate and malnutrition also his mom condition... let's check his belly. Youngjae, are you ready? I know it'll hurt you if you saw the baby condition..."

"We... are ready..." Youngjae said

And then...

Dr. Sungjin start to 'rub' Youngjae's belly with a small tool on his hand and all of them watched the monitor that shows anything insied where the small tool placed....

"His head... his face.. more like you Mr.Im-- sorry forget that 2 Mr.Im in here I mean JB... his small hand... he's praying for his mom and his dad.... what a good son.. let's looking for his leg... what kind of position it is i couldn't see his leg... oh here it is.. his le--- WHAT!? DID YOU SEE THAT!?" Dr. Sungjin screamed

JB and Youngjae still couldn't believe what happened

Dr. Sungjin panickly put his stethoscope and place it on Youngjae's belly

"It's.... normal.... fuck!!" he rushed to the phone and made a call

"Prepare for the surgery. NOW!!! We're going to thanks our pharmacist, Mrs.Nat, after this"

"W-what?" JB asked

"I'll tell you later we need to prepare your wife. And don't worry. The Hb is low yes i know. But it still on the state 'not recomended but allow to do in emergency case' and this is emergency we need to save the baby now or the baby will be seriously left you. And Youngjae will gained his conscious 12-30 hours after surgery" he said as nurses came in

"Follow that nurse to get you sterile and dressed. You are going to the surgery room. We're going to make the miracle happen! Oh yeah, signed this paper firs-"

"STOP!! You haven't ask for my permission to give a birth to my son!! Bummie-hyung. I'm his mom. I know you want to save me if the option is me or him... but when you heard that you can save both of us, you want to save him too. But... what if.. what if he's like Joon?"

"The twin?? Hey jelly bean it's okay.. it's worth it to try. As you can see that physically our baby is normal so--"

"What if.. what if he needs our spinnal cords or whatever he needs and none of us match his!? What if he feels he live like hell when we make a birth of him!? What about his future? What ab--"

"Jelly bean listen..."

"Excuse me. Me and the nurse are going to wait you. We'll wait you to decide it. We're outside. Open the door when you done. But Mr.Im... Youngjae... i hope you did it. We did our best and still do our best for you and your son. And there's no miracle on medical dictionary, we can explain anything with theories and research. But... sometime we need to believe in miracle, tbh in this medical world there's still a lot of cases that couldn't be explain with theories and non-scientist people named it miracle" with that Dr. Sungjin smiled and left them along with the nurses

"Bummie hyung.. i... i know i'm the first one who want to save him. I know you are wonder why i don't give a try to save him now.. i don't want him to live hell like Joon. I don't know if our son as strong as Joon. Even the though kid like Joon once stressed out and about to kill himself luckily Hoon found out. What about our son's future? What if--"

"Sshh... hey.. trust me... He's strong. Just like you. You are his mom, Jae-ah... and you are strong. The strongest person i've ever know. You.. you hurt bcs of your feeling to that monster.. and you prove it.. you managed to survive live in hell with this monster. You are also the greatest person in this world... You can do a magic to turn a monster named Im Jaebum into a human. Your blood is inside him. And i believe in him, that he'll through all with us. I promise i'll supporting him no matter what. I may not the best father but i promise i'll try my best to be a good father to him. I'll love you and him with all of my life.. please.. believe in me and him, we can through all of it... Together youngjae. Together. As a family"

Youngjae couldn't help but cried

He didn't know what to do.

He wanted to just let his son go since he thought this is for the best. But at the other side... he wanted to share this world with his son and his husband

"I'm sorry bummie-hyung..."

JB couldn't believe what he heard at first

"I... it's okay if you won't to do this emergency surgery to save him and wait until your Hb normal.. let him death inside your body... it's okay.. it's on you not me. You are his mom. You are the one who take care of him all this time. All this time i just being stupid and won't admit it if he's our son. I don't deserve him.. well i don't deserve you too... it's okay don't worry about me... I--"

"I'm not finished yet Bummie hyung. Stop crying. You aren't like the Im Jaebum that i know. I wanted to say sorry to make you wait and about to asked you to bring that paper to me so i could sign it" Youngjae said with a bright smile and tears.

Jaebum couldn't help but burst in tears. He signed the paper then give it to Youngjae to signed the paper too

Then he opened the door and gave the paper to Dr.Sungjin

"He's our surgeon. Dr.Wonpil"

"I'm Wonpil. I'll assist our obstetrician Dr.Sungjin to do the surgery. Nice to meet you Mr Im Jaebum and Im Youngjae"

Dr. Sungjin look up to the big window at afloor above them first

A/N You know if you are a doctor and already did a surgery then you'll know in a big hospital with a lot of doctors, when a doctor did a surgery, the other doctors from diff departements will monitoring from the floor above to make sure it's going well. If there's complication, the doctor will have an image of what kind of complication.

There's the others watched them

Dr. Sungjin and Dr. Wonpil and 4 nurses bow at them. They also bowing back

"Let's start" Dr.Sungjin said then the digital timer and digital clock started to work

So, they were already inside the surgery room with unconscious youngjae

Jaebum saw all the process behind the curtain. Well he could only see a shadow of Dr. Wonpil and Sungjin did their job behin the curtain




But he could heard what they said clearly


He look at the baby... He didn't cry. He coughed.

The nurse imediately take his baby, put her hand on his head and his other hand on his back just like how you carry a baby, but then she carry his baby in upside down position, head on the bottom side and leg on the upper side, but she still hold the baby head. JB was so shocked. Jaw dropped and about to stab the nurse with anything he could reach

When Dr.Wonpil did the job, Dr.Sungjin notice what happened, gave a code to the other nurse, all of 3 nurses held JB

The nurse who take care of the baby, was kissing the baby on the lips?! What the heck Jb thought

Then that nurse put his little finger slowly to the baby mouth.. then kissed the baby once again untill the baby coughed


He was about to going mad but the other 3 nurses hold JB so Dr.Sungjin and Dr.Wonpil work all alone with unconscious Youngjae bcs 3 of his nurses hold JB

As the baby cried, the nurse positioned the baby in her arms very well, then he walked to Jb. Jb about to punched the nurse but the nurse have his baby what if he punch her and the baby fall to the floor?

"Congratulation. It's baby girl. She may not as big as normal baby. But she's normal. She wasn't breathing bcs when we did a surgery, Mr. Im Youngjae, Im Youngjae's water broke and accidently the baby drink a lot of it, make her couldn't breath. We always thought she is a boy. But she is a girl. We'll explain it to you after the surgery. Here, i give him to you... your hand like this and... okay hold his head carefully... that's it.. that's how to hold a baby. Congratulation Mr. Im" the nurse said. All the nurse smiled in happiness

JB was feeling so stupid to think that the nurse will kill his daughter. The nurse did the best to make his daughter breath. He saw the crying small baby girl on his hand

"Baby girl... you are so pretty... you look like me huh?? Sshh shhh dad is here..." and the baby's lips curled cutely and stop crying

"DEFRIBILLATOR!!" Dr.Wonpil shouted

"CALL THE PULMONOLOGIST!!" Dr. Sungjin added

Okay Dr. Sungjin and Dr.Wonpil work by himself bcs of the nurses was busy with Jaebum at first but since the baby already on his hand, the 3 nurses rushed to help the doctors, a nurse that 'save' the baby before take the baby again from Jaebum, put her on the baby box and asked Jaebum to wait, keep calm and do not do anything for the sake of the baby and Youngjae then the nurse joined her friends. Made it into a doctor and 4 nurses

Jaebum eyes placed on Youngjae like he can see through the curtain even if he couldn't....

"and Neurologist!!"


It seems like a lot of complication

Dr. Sungjin is just an obstertrician. He can only did a caesar surgery with a surgeon help

It was so hectic that a nurse prepare for defribillator, 1 nurses make a call to the other doctors, 2 nurse prepared a thing that they said as ventilator and tracheostomy just in case the pulmonologist need it.

Jb look up to see a doctor at the 2nd floor pick up the phone from the nurse inside, as he nodded he seems like pointing the other doctor. Then the doctor started to run one by one.

Jb wonder what the heck is going on

3 doctors which is neurologist, pulmonologist, cardiologist, and 2 nurses came in at once they're already sterile and dressed as well. They rushed Youngjae. The neurologist saw the things and he thought his body has a trauma

Jb heard that. He knew he's the cause. He hurted Youngjae when he drunks. He made Youngjae through the hard time. Morning sickness with baby inside him, so he couldn't eat anything, made him on the low Hb state and the baby malnutrition

The pulmonologist said Youngjae couldn't breath. He didn't know is there something on his lungs or it is bcs of the drop of his heart rate... the pulmonologist need the CT scan or MRI to know what happened to Youngjae...

Dr. Sungjin himself, he turned his eyes to the 2nd floor as the doctors above pointed at the baby box. He saw the baby box and he realised the baby wasn't crying anymore. That's good, isn't it? Yeah Jb thought at first it's good if the baby doesn't cry. But he realised that the just-born-baby should cry if the baby left alone and doesn't cry when the baby feel the touch. The baby instinct..

Dr. Sungjin ran to the baby. He put his hand inside the box. Seem like he did something to the baby that Jb could't see anything since he was a bit a far and Dr.Sungjin hand was in inside the box so the box blocked his view

He moved a back and he heard


He saw the monitor that Youngjae's heart was stop doing his job.

The cardiologist stay focus, gave a command to the surgeon when he should shocked Youngjae's heart

Jb started to blank

He didn't know what to do

It should be success and save if it's just a Hb problem. But the problem is, Youngjae's body. It has a lot of trauma that could lead into some complication bcs of the body produce and release some immunes and hormones that shouldn't be activated yet. The body produce it as a reflect of what the body used to get to

If drunk Jb hurt Youngjae, the body will release a lot of immune by itself so it won't turned into an infection. that's how it's work. And for this surgery case, somehow Youngjae's body has a rare reflect. And the body thought if Youngjae's in a danger. That someone hurt him. So how we said it.. autoimune? Yes it seems like his body immune found the harm on Youngjae's pulmo. So there's complication on it. The immune hurt his own cell on pulmo

JB kneeled on the corner of the surgery room with his head face the wall. He didn't want to see anything


It seems like Youngjae heart was beating again...

He smiled, but still on his position

He heard Dr.Sungjin ask Dr.Wonpil, the surgeon, to suct the water inside the belly and then sew the belly

He didn't dare to look at Youngjae. But then as everybody calm he heard..



"He's suddenly bleeding bcs of the heart rate fastened!! He lost a lot of blood!!" The other nurse said

But 2 sec later Dr. Wonpil just finished to closed the belly

"We already close it. He lost a lot of blood yes but his heart rate start to be normal. He may get his conscious back for 36-72 hours" the nursed said

"Doctor! He his heart rate is normal but he didn't breath. AGAIN" The nurse said

Another nurse ran and open up the blanket a little to see Youngjae's toes

"Doctor! It's blue!" The nurse said to the pulmonologist

"I knew it! Tracheostomy. Is it ready? We're going to used it. Dr.Sungjin, remind his husband to do CT scan on this man when he's on the good condition"

What is tracheostomy? Jb never heard of that things and he didn't dare to move or see Youngjae.

You know it shouldn't be turn like this

Actually the reason why doctor let Jb inside was so he can see his baby and Youngjae face properly. That's the procedure. Of course he couldn't see the operation since there were big white curtains that covering his view from Youngjae's thigh untill Youngjae's chest so he can only see Youngjae's head and the baby once the nurse take the baby

But it turned out he could hear anything that happen. What the nurse said. What the doctor said

Back to the tracheostomy. He wonder what it is. But whatever it is, that's the best for Youngjae

He turned around to see a big curtain covering Youngjae's head too. And he saw the shadow of a doctor was holding a scalpel near Youngjae's head? So Youngjae will get surgery near his head or what? Why they put the curtain. He could only see Youngjae's toes. It's blue.

He turned around to face the wall and cried bcs of worry.

Untill about an hour, maybe less maybe more, Dr. Sungjin tapped his shoulder

Jb turned to Dr.Sungjin

"Mr. Im Jaebum. Today. 6 March 2020.. 04.16 p.m--"


Jaebum thought If the doctor says the date and the time....

isn't that mean....

That's the time and the date when the patient is gone?

Is Youngjae death?

"--Your baby girl has born"

Jb look at the wall. Oh it's 5.27 p.m. So youngjae is all okay. He relieved

"He had a lot of complication idk what happen. His body has a kind of rare reflect which is good at some situation and bad at some situation, surgery is an example. And your wife is strong enough. He has a big desire to live that's why the doctors can save him. Now he's stable he breaths again after we put a kind of tube on his trachea. Congratulation. 2 miracles in a day happen in front of you"


I've been through a hard life lately. I have a lot of problem and suddenly i forgot if I have a wattpad account sorry to make you wait
And thanks for your votes and comments
Also i love happy ending. Sorry if you expecting a sad ending since I made a plot twist from Pt 3 when it seems like a sad ending but at this chapter, it's going to be happy ending....

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