A Certain Type of Saiyan; Veg...

By shereadsf1

641 26 2

As I write this description, I have about 8 different ideas for this bloody book. Let's hope the one that I'v... More

1; Meeting Princess Vegeta.
2; Questioning.
3; Aspirations.
5; Making Arrangements.

4; Emotions

65 4 0
By shereadsf1

Realisation has skipped (Y/N). She ha only been palace staff for 3 months, however she had been in the palace far longer, since she was a cadet, and had a crush on the prince then... only now did it come to fruition.

(Y/N) blushed deeply, not knowing how to respond. "Y-Y-Your hi-."

"Vegeta." He pointed once more, standing up, looking down slightly at (Y/N), staring into her opulent (E/C) eyes, getting lost in the sea of emotion they portrayed

"Vegeta... I.. don't know how to respond. I... I feel the same way, I feel like I'm finally with someone who matches me, in so many ways, and it's so wrong to feel like this, but it's also so right..." she sputtered out, resting the hand the prince kissed on his chest.

Vegeta covered the hand, holding it tight and pressing it against his chest firmly. "The heart of the Saiyans beat solely for war... but the only war I can feel as of this moment... is the one in my soul..." his gruff voice became deeper, and almost made (Y/N) lose her standing position. "As the days go by, and turn into weeks, my heart beats ever stronger and louder when you are near me."

"Vegeta..." (Y/N) whispered breathlessly, conflicted in what she should do. "I have only just discovered what my heart may desire... and it seems you are the same..."

"If we were to court, we would have to in secret, because you are from a lower class. My father would disapprove... and it would be scandal." Vegeta said, biting his lip and looking away. "But I would take whatever comes my way, if we could at least try..." he begged, slowly sinking to his knees.

'The prince is kneeling before me... he must be in my head...' (Y/N) thought, running a hand through his hair. "Okay," she said, taking a deep breath. "We can test the waters, but we are to tell nobody except my brothers, and the dead."

Vegeta grinned, slowly standing up. He then leaned over, pressing a kiss to the other saiyan's forehead. "There's no need to rush... I have very little emotional experience, as I have only just realised how I feel, and for your emotional comfort." He mumbled against his skin.

(Y/N) welled up, wrapping Vegeta in her arms. The prince stiffened, but soon relaxed into the touch, his arms wrapping around the back of his lover's head. "Thank you..." He muttered.

"What for?"

"For letting me be me, at long last..."

They pair smiled at one another, and spent some time together in a loving fashion until they decided it was time to leave. "Back to reality..." (Y/N) whined, making Vegeta smirk.

"Only until the end of the day, at which point I will escort you home, and we can say out goodnights..." he mused, softly squeezing her hand before letting go.

The pair walked out as if nothing happened.

She was his guard, and he was the prince.

No (Y/N) and Vegeta.

They walked side by side, no emotion, nothing more than mindless chatter, but it was more to them than to the outside world.

They soon reached the dance hall, (Y/N) bowing. "I'll leave you here, my prince," she said with a bombastic grin. "I don't think your tutor would like me there, once more."

"I fired her. She wasn't doing the job as I needed, I have a new one. Saladeu, or something. Apparently a male, so I wish you to stay." He commented, opening the door and gently grabbing her wrist before letting go.

"Greetings, Saladeu, was it?" Vegeta said, standing slightly in front of (Y/N).

Saladeu looked like Raditz and Vegeta mixed, finding the fact his face was his lover's and brother's. (Y/N) felt disturbed. 'Body is a 10. Face is my dad. I AM OUT.' (Y/N) thought, suddenly hearing Vegeta's voice.

'Good. Don't want you straying from me, do we now?' He passed on, telepathically.

'How are you talking to me?'

'Don't panic. It's a saiyan thing. I can explain later.'

Saladeu made his way to the pair. "Your highness, he bows before turning to (Y/N). "And you, mademoiselle. You are?"

"His babysitter and dance partner, against my free will and testament." She blankly replied, making the tutor recoil.

"Well then, we will start with the waltz!" He said, shaking off the energy he had felt prior. "Your highness, babysitter. Please make your way to the centre of the room."

The pair did as they were told, making their way to the centre of the ballroom.

"Your outfits are not decent enough for dancing. Your highness, take off the armour. Babysitter - Please go change." He pointed to two outfits hanging up. One was a massive puffy dress, another was a sleek dress made of satin.

"Thanks for the wide options. I guess I have no choice." She grumbled, grabbing the sleek dress, going behind a convenient screen.

Vegeta striped himself of his armour, leaving him in the battle leggings and a tight black t-shirt. (Y/N) came back out in the dress, the (f/c) fabric skimming over her figure. Vegeta almost started drooling at the site.

'Well, fuck me.' He thought to himself.

'Not just yet, thanks.' (Y/N) responded, giggling to herself, knowing Vegeta forgot.

"Stop dilly-dallying! Babysitter, rest your right hand on the prince's shoulder, and raise your left hand. Your highness, take her hand and rest your spare on her waist or hip, and pull her close."

Vegeta took no time to do that, pressing himself against her. "What a precarious position we seem to be in, (Y/N)."

"Oh indeed, my prince." She said with a giggle.

"Less flirting. More dancing!"

The music started playing from nowhere, Vegeta taking the lead, twirling (Y/N) around the room. Feet melded together as the lights began to swirl and fade into nothing. The only thing visible to (Y/N) was her partner.


And it was the same for Vegeta. Nothing mattered in that moment more than the girl— the woman in front of him.

His heart's desire was finally fulfilled, without even knowing it to be so.

He never wanted this dance to end. The way the world was just whisked away.

Nothing but.. her.

As the music slowed, so did their feet. When it had stopped, the pair's lips seemed to be only inches apart, Vegeta craving to taste them.

Not here.

Anywhere but here.

The public is here.

The scandalous rumours will swirl round, and cause them problems.

I can't do that to her.

So he didn't.

He stepped back from his partner, and looked at the tutor.

"Your highness, you show promise. As for Babysitter here, keep the dress. It works for you. Bring her more — you fit well." Saladeu bowed and left the ballroom as the lesson had ended.

"Well, that was close." Vegeta said, wiping his forehead.

(Y/N) was just going gaga staring at Vegeta in that shirt. "You're so hot... how are you dating me..." she mumbled to herself, making Vegeta laugh.

"(Y/N), my father wants to dine with us this evening. I would like it if you would take your father's place once more." Vegeta requested, feeling the saiyan female jump on him in a glomp-style.

"Yes! Of course! I get to sit in daddy's lap again!" A small titter sounded out, Vegeta's arms wrapping underneath (Y/N)'s legs.

"So, dear. Shall we head to dinner? So you can sit in Daddy's lap again?" He teased, making her turn read.

"Don't say it like that! Dirty bastard." (Y/N) scolded, feeling a soft peck on her cheek. It made her grin like Goku, and soon enough they split once more and walked to the dining room.

(Y/N) announced Vegeta, and followed, bowing to the lord and the king at the table, and subtly kissed the chair before taking a seat. The tablecloth hung well over the table, (Y/N)'s hand sneaking over to Vegeta's, his fingers intertwining with her.

"I must ask, Bardock's child..." asked one of the lord in disgusts. "Why on earth are you in that garment? It doesn't seem like a fit... for your personality."

(Y/N) suddenly remembered the dress. "I was assisting in the Prince's dance lessons. He no longer has a female tutor, therefore I stepped in as a partner, and forgot to change, as it was a thrill." She nonchalantly replied, making no big deal.

"She's a talented dancer. We should invite her the next time there is a ball. I think it would be fun." Vegeta commented, starting to eat.

"I can't see why not." The king replied, making the lords at the table gasp.

"She's not of a noble bloodline!"

"She's not worthy!"

"She's banned from coming, says the law!"

'I guess I'm not wanted. I'll fein illness and meet you at my brothers' room.' She told vegeta, him gently nodding.

"I do apologise gentlemen, but I don't feel that well. Do excuse me." She bowed, hiding the tears in her eyes until she had shut the door.

After the door shut, she slid down the wall, crying silently as not to raise any alarm. By a stroke of luck, Goku came along, noticing her. He picked her up and held her as she quietly sobbed, Goku taking her to his room.

"What's the matter?" Raditz asked as Goku walked in holding (Y/N), only to take her away from him and hold her. "It's not Vegeta, is it? If it is, I'll break his legs."

(Y/N) shook her head to indicate no, and opened her mouth. "The lords at the meal... I was invited to by the king... they said I'm... banned from all social events... because... because... because I'm not noble!" She said between sobs, ending the sentence with a loud wail.

"Those assholes..." Raditz said.

"Worst part is... Vegeta and I are... dating in secret... and we have to hide it!" She continued to cry in that manner as Goku and Raditz just stared into space.

"You— you're dating the prince?!" The said in unison loudly.

"Yes! But—But keep the noise down. The king might kill me if he finds out..."

The three siblings just sat and cuddled, Raditz wiping away all of the tears that spilled. "I'm happy you found someone, (Y/N)... if something were to happen to us... you wouldn't be alone." He said, holding her closer to his chest.

"I don't know how long for, which hurt so much... he's 24 and a royal... something will happen..." she mumbled, making herself feel worse.

"If so, we'll break his legs from the afterlife." Goku joked, kissing (Y/N) on the forehead.

After about an hour, they had once again settled and started to listen to music, a knock on the door came.

Goku got up and opened it, only to see an anxious Vegeta. "I need to see (Y/N). Please." Goku stood out the way and Vegeta legged it over to her, tackling her into a hug as he clutched on to her.

'I'm so glad your safe, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry...' He thought to her, her arms wrapping around him.

"It's okay, they know now. They had to." She muttered, burying herself into his chest.

"They're old, ways don't change until I take power, which doesn't seem likely for the next year or so..." He softy chuckled and looked down, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. "I'm sorry that I can't change anything." He soon let go and got up, Raditz giving him death glares.

"I'm glad you didn't hurt her. I'd have to break your legs." He blankly stated.

"Raditz! Do you remember what mum and dad said?!" Goku scolded, batting his around the back of the head. "Anyway, (Y/N/N), what are your sleeping plans? As much as I'd love for us to share two single bed shoved together, I don't think there will be much room."

"She'll stay with me for the night." Vegeta stayed, crossing his arms. "If comfort is needed with ample space, my room is the right place. There is a spare bed already, and I would be more relaxed if she was to stay with me, provided you agree." Vegeta then stood with his hands behind his back, and made his way to the door.

"Darling, you know where my room is. If you choose to come, sneak into my room." He said before leaving, trio left stunned.

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