The Shot Glass Story

By bellzyhemlock

198 18 16

A shot glass will start my love story. - Carlo Williams (A love story from a male point of view.) More

The Shot Glass Story

198 18 16
By bellzyhemlock


This story is co-written by @waterhemlock and @Bellzybubs .

Book cover is made by @waterhemlock

Fan this account and also our separate accounts if you like it! Don't forget to vote and comment too! Enjoy the story!


I remembered everything clearly.

The bright lights… even the glitters on the “Graduation Ball 2012” banner… The elegant venue… The shot glass souvenir… Her black fitted dress flawlessly flowing on her petite body… Her amber eyes… Her smile…

Why didn’t I notice her before? Why just now… when I would surely have fewer chances to see her again? I rolled in my bed, grabbed a pillow and slammed it into my head.

“Damn it! I can’t sleep!”

I rose from my bed and slipped on my slippers. Walking towards the window, I had thoughts of her juggling inside my head. I peeked from the curtains and looked at the vast sky. The stars glimmered as if they were teasing me.

I can’t take it anymore.

I reached for my cellphone and scrolled to her number. Should I call her? I took a deep breath and gathered all my courage.

This is it.

I pressed the call button.

“Hello?” She answered quickly.

“Hey, I was wondering if you have my shot glass, the souvenir from the ball.” I casually said.

“Huh? What are you talking about?” She sounded confused.

“Leila, I gave it to you last night.” I knew it was lame but that excuse was all I could think of.

“Leila? I’m sorry, this is Laurie.” She replied. I already knew it was her. Actually, I stared at her name and number for quite a while. However, I was too embarrassed to tell her that I called just to hear her voice.

“Oh, Laurie. I’m sorry, seems I dialed the wrong number.” I wished she bought my excuse. My hands trembled but my lips couldn’t stop smiling. “Did I bother you?”

She chuckled. It was a sweet music I wanted to play on repeat. She replied, “No, not really. It seems you’re not yourself today, sir.”

My heart jumped. My smile wanted to extend out of my face. Knowing that I had to keep this conversation going, I had to say something back. “Oh, that’s good. Sorry and goodnight.”

I suddenly couldn’t breathe. What did I just say?

“No problem. Goodnight, Carlo.” She hung up.

I screwed. I was a failure. I couldn’t even keep her talking to me.

The atmosphere became heavy as if it wanted to crush me. My feet couldn’t move as if it was glued on the floor. I stared at my phone again. Then, it echoed back. Goodnight, Carlo.

It sounded so nice… her voice… saying my name.

I called her again.

She answered, “Yes?”

“Can I drop by at your house tomorrow?” That wasn’t planned. I felt a slight current running through my spine. My body stiffened, my lips dried.

“Sure.” Without questions asked, she replied. It was Lady Luck helping me!

“Great! Goodnight, Laurie.” I hung up immediately, scared that she might change her mind. I wouldn’t let go of this opportunity.

I woke up early the next day then prepared my clothes excitedly: a collared button-down shirt and casual pants. I sang in the bath, shaved my face, combed and styled my messed up black hair, and even talked to myself in the mirror and told myself how handsome I am. Then I applied the finishing touch, after-shave.

After dressing up, I put on a perfume and checked my reflection for the last time in the mirror before I went to her house. My chest pounded heavily and my knees rattled, in a good way.

I hesitantly knocked on her door. A buff, scary-looking man, about 6’1” opened it and greeted me in a unusual manner. I assumed he was her father.

“What do you want?” He said in a slightly confused gruff voice.

“Carlo – Carlo Williams.” I stretched my hand out to shake hands, but he stared at it like it was a pair of his Granny’s knickers. I slowly dropped my hand, and pinned it to my side. I asked, slightly nervous, “I-I’m here to see Laurie… Is she here?”

“Yes, she’s inside.” He stared at me like I was a bit of a weirdo for still standing out by the front door. He gestured me to come inside the house. Well… that was awkward, but not as awkward as it could’ve been…

I stepped inside their well-furnished, modern house. There was a wooden vase on the table to my right with white roses on. The very clean cream-colored carpet made me hesitate on stepping on it, fearing that it might get ruined. I took off my old, ratty shoes and left them just inside the door, while gazing in awe at the nice surroundings.

“She’s in her room, Carlo Williams. I’ll ask her to come down.”


It was her father’s phone. I listened as he conversed, “Hello… Yes, yes… Right now? … No, my wife is in the book club… Okay, I’ll come immediately.”

He walked out of the house, forgetting to call Laurie downstairs. It seemed he also forgot the fact that he basically invited a stranger inside his house, who happened to be a guy, to see his daughter with no parental supervision. Not that I would do anything… I shrugged it off.

I walked towards the sofa, planning to take a seat. The spiral staircase at one corner took my attention. It had white, metal railings, and the steps were wooden – a dark, walnut kind of color. Feeding my curiosity, I went upstairs and found two rooms. One had a pink nameplate with “Laurie” written on it. I gently tapped on the door where it hung.

“Come in,” A soft voice answered.

I knew it was her; I could recognize that gentle voice anywhere. I turned the door knob… eager to see her, but nervous of what was to come. Would she reject me? Would she lock me up in an unknown dungeon buried underneath their house?

I opened the door slowly, excited and nervous at the same time. It was as if I would finally see heaven at the other side.

Then, I found her.

She was sitting on a black leather sofa with her legs to the side, looking as beautiful as ever with her hazelnut locks falling perfectly around her heart-shaped face.

“Oh, hi,” she simply said.

“Hey, um… What’s up?” I asked. My body was as stiff as concrete.

“Relax. You look like you’re made of stone!” She giggled. It sounded like wind-chimes to my ears. She walked over to me, placing her hands on my shoulders. I relaxed my tensed shoulders as I smiled at her.

“There, you go. Have a seat.” She shrugged, sitting back on the couch. I walked towards a cowhide beanbag that looked like something you could sink into, and never get out again…

That was exactly what happened.

“Shit… I sunk.” She laughed at me. Yep… I definitely need to bring a voice recorder next time I see her.

“Here, let me help you,” she offered, reaching out her hand towards mine. I took a hold of it. Tingles ran down my spine. With a warm smile, she tugged backwards. I got pulled forward up to my feet. We went over and sat on her bed, exchanging laughs.

“I have a cold… You might not want to get near me.” She said, wiping her nose with a silky handkerchief. To be honest, I couldn’t care less if she was all snotty and had a running nose. I just wanted to get closer to her more than ever, in more ways than one.

Suddenly, she accidentally dropped her hanky on to the carpeted floor. I wouldn’t be worried about it getting dirty. Everything was too clean to get infected. I automatically dropped to the floor on my knees at the same time as her, and we both tried to pick it up at the same time. My hand lightly touched hers on top, and I could feel the electricity running through my veins.

“Carlo,” she whispered. But she didn’t have time to say more. I pulled her head near my face and crushed my lips down onto hers. The feeling of her lips against mine gave me chills, and she slightly shuddered, obviously feeling it, too. She snaked her arms around my neck, pulling me closer to her. I moved backwards, never once taking my lips off hers, and stood up fully, holding her close to me. I wrapped my hands around her small waist as she flipped her silky hair to one side. I moved my kisses down to her neck, her collarbone, then back up to her lips.

But then… At an instant… She pushed my chest slightly away. I stopped kissing her but I still held onto her waist. “Carlo, I have a boyfriend… I can’t do this to him.”

I stopped. Of course, I knew that. How could I be so stupid?

“Um…” I said, scratching the back of my head which made her fall swiftly to the floor but landing with a graceful thud. I knew she felt slightly embarrassed. “You’re right, I shouldn’t have done that. It was wrong… I’m really sorry, Laurie.”

“Please don’t tell anyone about this, okay? I don’t want it spreading to Dylan.”

I won’t… Because I don’t have anyone to tell it to.

I swiftly walked out to the exit without looking back, and put on my shoes like there was no tomorrow. I wanted to get out of this perfect house soon. I walked out the front door, leaving my love behind as the door shut behind me.

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